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The first step is admitting you have a Pokemon problem


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I've been lurking for a little while now, and as Pokemon Reborn has officially dominated the past week of my life, I finally decided to join in on the forums.

A bit about me! I make too much food, petting kitties is one of my seven superpowers, as a kid my friends and I would play pretend Pokemon and I was always Vulpix. I once did the kessel run in under twelve parsecs. I look like the love child of Miley Cyrus and Pink if they went to outer space and used space alien technology to conceive said child and then shat out a fully grown adult that is somewhere in-between the ages of either of them. (Oh well... naysayers gonna naysay.) I'm not blonde, I'm Super Saiyan!


I put quite a few hours into Reborn and couldn't get past the second gym (clock in the game says 8 hours but that doesn't take into account all the times I soft reset) so I ragequit and start over lol. Decided to pick a different starter, and go shiny hunting :)

I've been putting a lot of effort into making trainer and shiny sprite recolors, as well as a few other thingies, for personal use in my game of Reborn. I've recolored every Neither Left trainer sprite so it looks like me, even down to the little head on the map! I also made a custom title screen to include Absol, and made new bag, Pokemon, and Pokedex screens based off a fan edit for a different game. I know the creators of Reborn work REALLY hard on this and I'm not trying to undermine them by any means, so I don't intend on sharing the files. But I am really proud of my work and would like feedback on it, so my question is this: where exactly would I post a thread with images of my work? And how do I add the spoiler cuts so I don't clog up the thread with a ton of images?


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Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here!

To add in spoilers just type [*spoiler][*/spoiler] and remove the asterisks. I believe you'd post them in the Creative Works under Etcetera.

Here's a Vulpix!


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Welcome to Reborn!

Drop your insanity at the door since this is where it goes to die and don't drink from the red lake... it's uh... well a secret.

I always tell people to come check out the Showdown server. It's a great place to chat and battle with other members; it's really the heart and soul of the community. I promise, it's a party and we don't bite much

Enjoy your stay!

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What is the Showdown server? :o

Oh damn. I forgot to mention that there's a link in the top left of the page: http://reborn.psim.us/. Basically it's a place to battle other people and to chat; there's the main chat room which usually has 50 or so people in it. Shoot me a PM if you have any questions about it, I'd be happy to help out.

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