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Sylphyn's Super-Amazing and Fun FireRed Nuzlocke Adventure


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Hello everybody!! It is I, TACHIBANANA SYLPHYNFORD! I have decided to go on a super-amazing and fun adventure into the world of Pokemon. I am going to grace you all with the tale of my glorious journey to become a master

(OOC: There'll be a doc here at some point. In the meantime enjoy reading... whatever this insanity is) (OOC: PokeDoc)

Update 1: Making Lots of Friends \o/

This update I made lots of friends, that's why the title is about making friends

I woke up and was so excited I rushed out the door. I didn't find Professor Oak in his lab so I decided to go to Viridian to go shopping like I usually do. But then Professor Oak showed up out of nowhere and stopped me! It was weird because I thought I saw him coming out of my house, but my mom hadn't mentioned him visiting. He seemed to be in a rush so I followed him back to his lab and he said I could have a Pokemon. I picked the green dinosaur because it looked super cute and named her Tulip. Then my long-time rival, Baka-kun, challenged me to a battle. It was a hard fight, but of course I, the amazing TACHIBANA SYLPHYNFORD, won. Unfortunately, Baka-kun didn't want to become friends even after I beat him and he ran out of the room

Now that I was done with Professor Oak, I decided to finally go on my shopping expedition. I took a walk up to Viridian, Pokemon jumped out at me like usual, but I was able to fend them off with Tulip. I got to the PokeMart where I wanted to buy some Pokeballs, now that Professor Oak trusted me with a Pokemon then I had to be responsible enough to not put balls in my mouth anymore. But before I could show them Tulip they gave me a package and told me to take it to Oak. :c

I took the package back to Professor Oak, who was very worried that I might have looked inside for some reason. I don't know why he was worried, it was open when I got to it and just had some weird fashion magazines in it. Then Baka-kun showed up again. I was surprised to see him back after how mad he seemed after losing earlier. He looked like he was really mad still though. Professor Oak then said he had something for us. He went over to his desk and got some red book things. He handed both me and Baka-kun one and told us they were called Pokedexes. Then he asked us to go catch Pokemon and fill them up with souls so we could open the gateway to Gehenna. I didn't know what that meant but I was happy to help. Then he gave me five Pokeballs and sent me out into the world

I immediately ran into some knee-high grass so that birds could jump out and surprise me. I very quickly found a female Pidgey and caught her easily, naming her Ebina after my friend. (OOC: Too bad it wasn't male so I could name it Haru, would have given a great chance to perform a rare double reference) Then I went to the path towards Victory Road and caught a male Spearow; the voice in my head told me to name him Thug Seme, and I always listen to the voice in my head. I especially listen when I don't understand what it's saying

And that's how I met all my new friends today desuwa!

See you later,


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I can respect bulbasaur. best starter 2k16. like ever.

now that Professor Oak trusted me with a Pokemon then I had to be responsible enough to not put balls in my mouth anymore


birbs everywhere. ive often heard that people like using fearow more in lockes than pidgeot, but I prefer the extra bulk that pidgeot can provide me (and fearow cant). though if you wanna use them both that can work too.

lets hope the demon bird doesnt strike this time!

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Baka-kun didn't want to become friends even after I beat him and he ran out of the room


now that Professor Oak trusted me with a Pokemon then I had to be responsible enough to not put balls in my mouth anymore.

Have some decency, young lady!

I don't know why he was worried, it was open when I got to it and just had some weird fashion magazines in it.

eehhhhhhhh, better not even touch those.

c590a3f1fef7435082e9711394ac58f6.png And this is false. I am the Gaurdian of Memes.

Edited by HYCROX
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  • 4 weeks later...


So, uh, I figure I ought to explain why this died. TL;DR my DS fell off my end table and my save went poof. Combined with skewl I just sort of haven't felt up to repairing things. Eventually I'll probs play back to where I was (in non-nuzlocke format so I can mimic it as closely as possible) but I don't have the time or energy RN

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