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I defeated Solaris' Level 75 Garchomp!


Garchomp Beatdown  

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Solaris' Level 75 Garchomp... The hardest battle since your Pokémon can be Level 45 Maximum, the battle you are supposed to lose, but there are ways to win!

Here's how I won:

Turn 1: The opposing Garchomp used Earthquake!

Foongus hung on using its focus sash!

Foongus used Toxic!

The opposing Garchomp was badly poisoned!

The opposing Garchomp was hurt by Poison!

Turn 2: The opposing Garchomp used Earthquake!

Foongus fainted!

The opposing Garchomp restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Garchomp was hurt by Poison!

---Two turns of stalling later---

Turn 5: The opposing Garchomp used Earthquake!

[sawk's Sturdy]

Sawk endured the hit!

Sawk used Counter!

[Garchomp's Rough Skin]

Sawk was hurt!

Sawk fainted!

The opposing Garchomp fainted!

My first plan was Baton Passing evasion from My Double Team Emolga to an Ice type Pokémon which did not work. Then I decided to Baton Pass the evasion boosts to my Bulk Up Throh and use Storm Throw. Finally, I decided to use a Sturdy Sawk that knew Counter. However, no matter how many Max Revives I had, Solaris had a vast supply of Full Restores. Thus I used the Toxic stall + Counter method and succeded.

Thank you very much for reading this post.

Edited by TrollzFace
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Oh yeah, Sturdy Sawk is awesome. I'm using it to help grind up little baby Pokemon in the Grand Hall.

I was thinking about taking Solaris' Garchomp down too, but I was too lazy :c

If you don't even try, you will never take out the Garchomp. You can do it! My method is at the top of the page and anyone is free to utilize it.

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Tbh Dewgong with focus sash and perish song does it ezpz.

Seriously though, if Ame plans to put in some more epic battles, she should put them in a field effect that erases Cheeky Bond and Cheese Song as viable options. Literally any single boss battle can be cheesed with perish song + focus sash

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I've beaten it many diffeernt ways.. my most recent time I switched to an intimidate pokemon a bunch of times before switching to a Chesnaught, then used leech seed, tanked 1 attack and then alternated between spiky shield + substitute until it died. No focus sash used and I didn't level any pokemon I wasn't already using beforehand.

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i didnt have perish song or destiny bond or toxic... i just used leech seed on it, and then kept switching 2 pokemon with intimidate in and out until he hit like a little girl ... and then slowly it went down

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I have taken down Garchomp many times by abusing the AI's tendency to use EQ first and air balloon being available by using this i have Maganged to toxic stall him,igglybuff perish song.burned him and then stalled him out several times over and by far the most fun way used stunfisks static to paralyze him and then drop his accuracy to zero with purloin prankster sand attk after that setup with blaziken to +6 bulk up and speed boost and killed him

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Well, I've used charm meowstic combined with toxic garbodor and destiny bond focus sash banett.

Tbh Dewgong with focus sash and perish song does it ezpz.

Seriously though, if Ame plans to put in some more epic battles, she should put them in a field effect that erases Cheeky Bond and Cheese Song as viable options. Literally any single boss battle can be cheesed with perish song + focus sash

We might as well block endeavor, leech seed, toxic, ... .

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I did it the ole fashion way.

With Love.

Spamming ice moves and trying 30 different pokemon until 29 attempts later I finally did it. Only to learn you don't HAVE to beat it.... (I soft reset after I lost bcuz I assumed u had to win) Twas not fun.

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I spammed glitches and oversights >.>

Heatmore @ Air Baloon spamming Heat Wave for burn, then using Guard Specs every fifth turn to make the burn and field hurt without allowing Chomp to waste Earthquake PP, while whittling it down with other moves on the between turns. This eventually ran out Solaris' Full Restore stock, and alongside some crits (and a lot of immediate 10% burns), actually managed to take it out with losing any pokemon (aka DBond, FEAR). Only took a few soft-resets for a good Heatmor, and a few more for a good fight.


Also've done it the Geodude/Leech Seed way, but using the mystery egg Prankster Cottonee, instead.

Edited by Cobalt996
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The Leech Seed strategy can work either with Mystery Egg Cottonee, Chesnaught who can tank EQ and Stone Edge, Sashed pokemon and then switch into a lvl1 Geodude or Pineco with Sturdy holding an Aspear Berry just in case Fire Fang managed to burn you. Since you already have turns to waste, teach Pineco that lovely TM, Struggle Bug, Shelly gave you, and use it to attack without making contact.

Another method I've used is Curse Cofagrigus which can also tank a hit. If you wish to toxic it down, make sure you have a user of Heal Block or Embargo to stop those nasty Full Restores.

The first time I battled that thing, I cursed it and then tried to predict every single move by switching around with Houndoom, Swoobat, Granbull and Chesnaught (to tank the Stone Edges). The second time I had a stall-fest with Jumpluff leech seeding it (luckily it missed so I kept my Sash) and Pineco using Struggle bug till it died, along with 2 ethers for pp recovery.

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Funnily enough, I never manage to beat Garchomp on normal playthroughs but usually manage to do it on monotype/themed challenges, when I don't expect to.

My bird-themed run was sort of a fluke in the AI. I equipped an Aromatisse with an Air Balloon and Garchomp kept spamming Earthquake while Aromatisse just hammered it with Moonblast. I could tell it was a fluke because when I did the same Air Balloon trick in my Ghost-type monorun with Cofagrigus, Garchomp went straight for Stone Edge. I don't know if there's something in the AI that makes it act differently against Fairy-types, but hey, I still won.

In my Ghost-type monorun, Cofagrigus did the Air Balloon thing again, and the fight involved Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Leech Seed, Power Split, and surviving long enough for Solaris to use up three Full Restores. That was a long fight.

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My strategy was pretty much:

Lead with Growlithe, get an Intimidate
Switch to Mightyena, get an Intimidate
(Garchomp KOs Mightyena)
Send out Growlithe again, get an Intimidate
Switch to something else, Garchomp (probably) KOs it

Send out Growlithe again, get an Intimidate
(Garchomp KOs Growlithe)
Send out Cofagrigus, survive a -4 attack, use Will-O-Wisp

Survive another -4 attack, use Curse (Cofagrigus probably goes down here)

Send out something with decent Defense
Tank hits until Garchomp goes down to burn + Curse

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I remember beating him on my first playthrough... Don't remember how exactly.

I know that I used toxic though and tanked the hell out of it and that it took a bit...

Well that's all :D

Anyways as for possible strategies I think it's nice to make it's accuracy go down and paralyze it.

Makes it a lot easier to beat it :)

Edited by KisuoX
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