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Pokemon Chronicles.


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Big sidenote: this is not my game, saying this now for confusion reasons. Also not a Romhack.

http://pokemonchronicles.forumportugues.com.pt/ <--- The fansite with game downloads etc.

Sooo I came across this fan game a few weeks ago.

There isn't a topic for it, so I'd figure, why not share it with reborn. (And my expiernece with it)

This is a BIG game (4 reigions ish) It's up to Hoenn. (1.41 GigaByte Download.) But the creator broke it down into 3 parts for easier downloads.

It's not complete (currently at 16.3) But you can play through 2 regions, Pokeleagues, Champions, The whole shabang.

There's over 150+ Hours of gameplay (I'm only about 30 in)

Now for the dame itself. http://pokemonchronicles.forumportugues.com.pt/t144-pokemon-chronicles-demo-version-16-3 <---The current version, Read it's descrpition for all the details.

TDLR Version.

All 721 Pokemon, 4 regions (2-3 Complete)

Legendaries, Megas, Primals evoloutions. etc.

You name it has it, Bug Catching contests, Banking system, Customizable controls too.

You can have battling partners, (Even the champion Lance) You can choose them and they will stay with you for however long you wish.

Your pokemon follow you, Who doesn't love this feature?

The Characters: Well....Look no further than the anime for the characters (Ash, Gary, Misty, brock etc.) Plus a whoooole lot more.

Time for the negatives: I'll say the most obvious one, The grammar issues, The developer's first language is portuguese and that shows in this game, But it's not that bad.

The LOADING SCREEN (This is a one timeoccurrencee and it's been fixed by 70%) But you used to have to wait 10 minutes for the game to load the first time.

The FIle Size, I already said this but it's still a big game (Though for 4 regions it's quite small)

That's about it, I got bored and decided to rant about this game while I download the new version so.... HAVE FUN if anyone else ever plays it.

Edited by PokeFailure
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