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Hey all! I know there are a few unfinished and not completely updated guides out there, so this is my attempt at trying to do a fairly decent one. I will be taking some of the good ideas from the ones I've seen, so credit to @sparsyle-0, @Chubb, and @Despair Syndrome.

A small thanks goes out to @MirrorTrick and @Vil so far with their help in pointing out things I've missed! Much appreciated!

The guide will be an extensive walkthrough, so all item locations, main plot points, area trainers, etc. that are currently available in the game. Let me know what you might add/change and I’ll take it all into consideration because any help is appreciated! Until this guide is considered worthy of getting its own discussion thread, just message me personally. It'll save any build up clutter of notes from my mistakes.

I'll be trying to upload a new part every few days or so, but that may change depending on my schedule. Also, my complete piece of garbage computer only allows for a certain number of pictures to be posted at a time, so this will be broken up quite frequently. Now, to the guide!

From now on, I will add a small subsection at the end of each new part that will talk about changes I have made to previous sections (overlooking an item, forgetting a pokemon, adding clarification, etc). That way, you nice folk don't have to read through the whole post every single time I edit looking for the new differences!

A Space_Cowboy’s Guide to playing Pokémon Reborn (Part 1)!


Arrow Keys: Move
Z: (“A” button); Talk/Select
X: (“B” button); Open Menu
Space: Run
S: Toggle Walk/Run
Shift: Registered Item; Rotate Tile Puzzle
A: Mega-Evolve; Dismount Pokémon; Sort
D: Quick-save
F1: Program Options (mute sound/music)
F8: Take Screenshot
F12: Soft Reset
Alt + Enter: Full Screen


  1. This game is hard!!
    You will be challenged in both gym battles and even simple trainer battles. Hell, this game cheats and throws you up against some ridiculously high leveled Pokémon (I’m looking at you, Solaris…stupid Garchomp…). Sometimes you may even have to lose a few times before you can find the best way to win. Reborn relies heavily on diverse parties and type match-ups along with pretty advanced strategies for each new challenge. The game will not give you the best Pokémon and makes you strategize with the underused ones more often than not. Money is also hard to come by, so be savvy with your spending early on until you start winning more.

  2. You should talk to everyone/thing in the game!!
    Yeah, that means clicking on every rock or bush you can get your grubby little mitts on. This may sound trivial but a lot of good loot and different event Pokémon appear through dialogues with NPC’s or from accessing random places. Also, people say some funny things and actually produce laugh out loud moments.

  3. The Pokémon are awesome!!
    There are all six current generations available throughout the game and many of the Pokémon have their special dream world abilities. Plus, there is a higher chance of finding shiny Pokémon during the course of the game and some look awesome (Arbok’s shiny may or may not produce instant infatuation).


“Yo! Champ in making!”

Remember this guy?


Well screw him, because that’s geezer is old news.

You just got upgraded, because this lovely lady here is named Ame and she’s the manager of the Reborn League. She will be your general guide throughout the series. Her main purpose is to give valuable hints about gym leaders and their “special” stages, but she also has other unique roles later on.


**Side Note**
Ame (short for Amethyst) is the game creator, so show her some goddamn love and respect! We are not worthy of this silver hair goddess…

She will introduce a bit about the city, discussing it’s less than pleasant traits (you’ll see soon enough). Then you pick what kind of person you are, pick your name, and the game thus begins!

…and not in the way you might have imagined…



Oh damn, that was a bomb that just went off in the train and it looks like you and Ame were the only survivors… Yay! Your first trial to becoming a Pokémon master is now complete! That fool Ash Ketchum ain’t got nothing on you!


This woman down the road will even go so far as to hint that her fiancée having died in the explosion…well, I mean, at least it wasn’t you, right?


Anyways, after a fun "blame game" conversation with Ame and your newly acquainted trigger-happy, green-haired, demolition-chick friend named Julia


(aka the Electric Gym Leader), you now get to start actually doing something!


Before you do walk away though, look down at the rock below you to grab a Normal Gem.


Now get a move on to the east!


A little further down the road is another woman who hands out a free Potion! People are so nice in this game, aren’t they? (Spoiler: Some are real assholes...Fern...).


Since these two bridges are being blocked by these guys, it looks like you'll just have to get yourself a Pokémon to wreck them in a minute.


Walk yourself up these stairs in front of the Great Hall to meet with the ever so lovely Victoria.


She is somewhat of your rival/friend that every true Pokémon game has, just because that suave playboy Gary set the standard.


Speak inside the Great Hall with Ame and get signed up for the Reborn League.


You'd better say, "Yes, ma'am, no ma'am, or thank you ma'am" to Ame because she's about to hook you up with a free starter that can essentially make the next bit of the game fun or it can/will break your spirit.


Your choices include every single one from the current six generations. And no, don't try and take more than one, you greedy pig.

Grass: bulbasaur.pngchikorita.pngtreecko.pngturtwig.pngsnivy.pngchespin.png

Fire: charmander.pngcyndaquil.pngtorchic.pngchimchar.pngtepig.pngfennekin.png

Water: squirtle.pngtotodile.pngmudkip.pngpiplup.pngoshawott.pngfroakie.png

The beginning of the game tends to favor fire types the most, whereas water types tends to have a tougher time. Although, if you are able to strategize and plan each battle accordingly, any starter can be used throughout the game. Except Chikorita because screw Meganium (HeartGold/SoulSilver Meganium would make small children cry at how bad it was and so it shall never be forgiven).

The favorites tend to include Snivy, Charmander, Torchic, Mudkip, and Froakie for their later evolutions or abilities.

Now that Victoria goes to pick her starter, you get an introduction with Cain.


…and boy has he got a heavy libido. He is an interesting character to say the least and actually has a sad background which is explained later.

He is your #2 rival/friend combo character specializing in poison types. What better way to get to know him than to have a battle!


"Pretty Boy" Cain


nidoranm.pngNidoran-M (Lv. 5) : Scratch, Leer

Nidoran-M is not too tough, but if you run into trouble, use that Potion that you picked up from before.

After the battle, Cain brings you to the Pokémon Center Station in the Grand Hall. Whenever your Pokémon get low on health, bring ‘em on over to Nurse Joy free of charge.


Ohhh...Nurse Joy...

Ahem, back to the guide. After Victoria questions your sexuality


and Cain suggesting Ame should dabble in becoming a dominatrix, it’s time to battle Victoria!


Apprentice Victoria


tepig.pngTepig (Lv. 5) : Tackle, Tail Whip

Same strategy as before, just pound away and use the Potion if need be.

Head back up towards Ame with Victoria and receive your Pokedex, PokeGear, and brand-spankin’ new pair of Running Shoes!


Victoria tells you a little about her mentor, who turns out to be the Fighting Gym Leader Kiki. Remember that, it'll play a huge part later in the game. Oh why Kiki....


Victoria is then kind enough to lend you 5 PokeBalls for capturing some critters and says you should try battling the first gym in Peridot Ward. Best bet, you should head to Peridot Ward.


Some other things of note in the Grand Hall include the following:



    But really though, it will freeze your game.
  • The PokeMart Vendor.


    He will be selling Potions, Antidotes, and Poke Balls.

  • The Common Candy Vendor.


    These work in reverse fashion to the Rare Candy and actually level down your Pokémon. New players might think this is stupid and a waste of money, but the reality is over-leveling happens quite frequently due to the difficulty of the game. Having a couple on your person actually might come in handy at some point during the game.

  • The Fisherman.


    Before you get too set on leaving, talking to this guy by the entrance will give you a super-awesome legendary dragon Pokemon! …Just kidding, you got scammed. You will come across this thief later so it is worthwhile to spend the initial $500 for some battling later. The salesman mentions that the goon hangs out at the end of the Peridot Ward train tracks, so that would be a good place to check when you swing by there.

After a short cut scene involving some very legal and completely safe interrogation techniques,


head outside and begin to explore the surrounding area.

The nearby Pokemon include:

Day: bidoof.pngekans.pngmeowth.pngpatrat.pngpidgey.pngrattata.png

Night: ekans.pnghoothoot.pngmeowth.pngrattata.pngspinarak.png

Headbutting Trees: combee-female.pngpineco.pngspearow.png

Area Recommendations

None of these Pokemon are especially good, although a NPC later on requests a Bibarel for Munna trade, so picking up a Bidoof now wouldn’t be a bad idea. Ekans can be good since Arbok’s poison typing can be helpful later along with the ability Intimidate, but there are only a few good moves Arbok will learn early on. Spearow is probably the best flying type due to its early evolution and strong attack, but don't expect it to last late game. A Meowth with the ability Pickup could also be very helpful early on.

Area Trainers

Techie Jonathon: Patrat (Lv. 4), Rattata (Lv. 3)

Hotshot Eric: Bidoof (Lv. 5)
Posh Claudette: Meowth (Lv. 4), Glameow (Lv. 4)
Youngster Randy: Trubbish (Lv. 6)
Hotshot Jackson and Street Rat Mack: Lillipup (Lv. 6), Poochyena (Lv. 6)
Gentlemen Norman: Bunnelby (Lv. 5)
Street Rat Andreas: Aipom (Lv. 5)
Youngster Paul: Sentret (Lv. 3), Bellsprout (Lv. 4)

Just in front of you as you walk out the door is a trainer with her Snubbull. The Snubbull runs off and the trainer mentions how having no badges means the level cap is at Lv. 20. Remember this girl, since that Snubbull can be yours after two gym badges.


On your left, you can find a Green Shard in a statue.


Start making your way around the bridge from either direction, since it'll just end up being a loop.

In a rock past Posh Claudette, you can find an Antidote.


Further above, a trio of hooligans have some poor Pokemon cornered.


Beat the first one and then you can engage in a double battle with the two punks to win the little one's affection. This Pokemon will either be a Pachirisu or a Zigzagoon.


Pachirisupachirisu.png OR Zigzagoonzigzagoon.png

Continuing around the loop will bring you by an Awakening.


Finish going around the bridge and beating all the trainers, then heal up so you can head west towards the Lower Peridot Ward.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 2)!


Area Recommendations

I would strongly advise picking up the Espurr found in this section of the ward. Its psychic powers become invaluable mid-game and it just becomes a speed demon, but make sure it's female to get some extra options on movesets! Some other possible good pickups include: Grimer (just because Muk is Muk), Stunky (because Skuntank learns flamethrower later *hint hint advantage hint*), Tynamo (Eelektross has zero, count ‘em, zero weaknesses), or Blitzle (should its ability be Lightningrod or Motor Drive since that comes in handy for the first gym).

Area Trainers

Doxy Lindsey: Cleffa (Lv. 5), Panpour (Lv. 5)

Doxy Hera: Igglybuff (Lv. 5), Ducklett (Lv. 6)
Casanova Darin: Pansage (Lv. 7)
Casanova Andy: Purrloin (Lv. 8)
Doxy Marigold: Pichu (Lv. 5), Budew (Lv. 7)
Hotshot Seth: Stunky (Lv. 8), Poochyena (Lv. 8)
Punk Macy: Togepi (Lv. 7), Buneary (Lv. 7)

Take the first upward path you see to come across a Lazy Bum begging for some money.

If you give him $50 three times, he will move out of your way to take a nap…homeless people are just so needy, am I right?

Actually, you get something in return since you now have access to an Espurr which is a great psychic type for later in the game.


Right below the Lazy Bum is some rubble containing an Escape Rope.


In the house past your $150 investment lies the Espurr, which unfortunately needs some PokeSnax before it joins your party.



Fortunately for you, a PokeSnax resides in a man’s house, just to the west and south of where the Espurr house is located.


On clear days during the daytime, you can find a Teddiursa hanging around Lower Peridot.



When you begin talking to the Teddiursa, it will flee and you will have to search for it a few more times. Here are some of the other locations:


Just above Casanova Darin is a Common Candy in a box.


Right next to the Common Candy is a Gulpin in the dumpster.



Also found in the house by Casanova Darin is a Whismur that will attack if you have PokeSnax on your person. Make sure to pickup the Whismur now because after a certain point, it is gone for good.



The Pokemon Center can be located right in the center of the Lower Ward.


Right next to the Pokemon Center, you can find a Potion in a rock.


Further west, you can find the Name Rater's House.


Just below the Name Rater's house will be a Poison Gem lying on the ground.


South of the Name Rater's House, there is a trash can with a Red Shard in it.


In the house right next door to the Red Shard is a Fisherman who gives you an Old Rod.


Now in previous games, this rod usually sucks. But lo and behold, Pokemon Reborn says, “No more Old Rod sucking, we’re gonna give you some decent, non-Magikarp fishing abilities!”

You can now fish out of the polluted lake water to get:


With your newly discovered rod in tow, head over to this house and battle Fisherman Morey's Lvl 10 Goldeen in order to access the hidden aquarium in the back.


In the rehab spot, you can find:


Up north of the Name Rater's House you will find a Heart Scale in a trash can.


Across the street from the Heart Scale is a Purple Shard lying on the ground.


Back over and above the Pokemon Center, snag a Parlyz Heal from this box.


In this rock right below Doxy Marigold, you can find an Antidote.


Defeating Doxy Marigold and then speaking after battling her will yield you a Rose Incense.

Getting the Rose Incense will trigger a Budew event in the next section. So if you're feeling like having a Roserade later, be sure to pick it up.


Also next to the Doxy is a Revive.


In an apartment to the far left of the Lower Ward will be a man who challenges you in order to see if you are worth entering his garden.

Battle against Elder Seacrest and his team of Caterpie (Lv. 8) & Wurmple (Lv. 8) to then gain access.


The garden contains the following Pokemon:

Morning: caterpie.pngcherubi.pngledyba.pngwurmple.png

Day: caterpie.pngcherubi.pngwurmple.png

Night: caterpie.pnghoothoot.pngspinarak.pngstunky.pngtrubbish.pngwurmple.png

Headbutting Trees: burmy.pngpineco.png

Area Recommendations

If you want to annoy the crap out of NPCs, Burmy is your best stalling bet. Stunky, as mentioned at the beginning of the area, can be very helpful later so I would strongly advise grabbing him if you're looking for a poison type. If you’re looking for a grass type to counter the first gym, pass up on Cherubi for now as a better option appears soon.

Also in the garden, you can find this Grass Gem sitting in a bush.


Close to the garden, on the corner of Spitrail Street and 2nd Street, inside the house you can find a Potion.


Beating Hotshot Seth north and east of the Pokemon Center will grant access to an alleyway.


In said alleyway, you can find a Dark Gem on the ground, a Potion in a box, and Super Potion.


This alleyway also contains the following Pokemon:


On rainy/thunderstorm days, you can find a Tynamo up on this antenna.



Continuing to the building to the right of the alley way will bring you to a trainer with a sad Kricketot and where you meet the Reborn’s Bug Gym Leader, Shelly.


Shelly thinks you should take the Kricketot because you’re just that much better than the original trainer, so go ahead and relieve said person.



Leave the house and keep continuing right until you re-enter Opal Ward and proceeding to go under the bridge.



Area Trainers

Street Rat Bob: Hoppip (Lv. 5), Bidoof (Lv. 5)

You will enter under the bridge and immediately above you will be a Cheri Berry.


During rainstorms you can also find a Pansear taking refuge behind boxes.



Also in a box, you can find a Purple Shard.


That’s quite literally all of note in this section, so keep continuing right until you reach the Underground Railnet.


Area Recommendations

This area has a couple of good pickups in the forms Noibat and Woobat. The reason I don’t recommend Noibat is due to the level 48 evolution so Noibat won’t be good for a very long time. Woobat is also a good investment, but falls victim to the first gym’s electric typing.

Area Pokemon


Dark Patches:woobat.png

Go ahead and pick up the Guard Spec. from a stone while you're there.


If you need a spot to grind some weaker pickups, this is the place to do it. Grind away or leave at your convenience and return to the gym (aka big yellow building) passed over earlier.


Feeling ready for the gym now? Well too bad. Turns out the door are locked and there is a note saying that the gym leader went to West Peridot to meet up with somone.

So time to turn around and head further north into the ward.


The last noteworthy piece for this section comes from the Blitzle that can be found right outside the gym during thunderstorms



Continue now to Peridot Ward in order to further advance the story.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 3)!


Area Recommendations

The good Pokemon in this area would definitely be Budew (since it has a resistance to the electric type gym and because Roserade is a pretty solid grass type), Munna (due to it's high HP and decent SP ATK), Igglybuff (because Wigglytuff is tanky), and Teddiursa (if you can track it down to all the locations, it's a lot of running).

Area Trainers

Youngster Sid: Hoothoot (Lv. 8)

Street Rat Murphy: Ledyba (Lv. 10)
Youngster Tony: Kricketot (Lv. 7), Ekans (Lv. 8)
Hotshot Roger: Sandshrew (Lv. 8), Diglett (Lv. 9)
Street Rat Reginald: Scatterbug (Lv. 7), Nidoran-F (Lv. 9)
Street Rat Erick: Weedle (Lv. 9), Venonat (Lv. 9)
Street Rat Craig: Noibat (Lv. 8)
Youngster Jimmy: Patrat (Lv. 10)
Youngster Jackie: Zigzagoon (Lv. 10)
Doxy Shawna: Oddish (Lv. 10)
Street Rat Charlie: Zubat (Lv. 10)
Youngster Marshall: Surskit (Lv. 9), Finneon (Lv. 10)
Punk Trill: Spinarak (Lv. 9), Rattata (Lv. 9)

Head towards the factory on the left upon entering the area to pick up an Ability Capsule. Make sure to grab this now rather than later since it will soon become unavailable.


Across from Youngster Sid and the factory is a Burn Heal hidden on the ground.


Underneath the gang members in a trash can is a Red Shard.


The man over in a house to the right will be looking for a “Bro-barel”, so now is your chance to level up a Bidoof and trade it for a Munna.


In the alley by Hotshot Roger, you can find:


This would be your best spot to train for the upcoming gym.

In the bag on the left, you can pick up a Repel.


Past Street Rat Reginald & Erick, you can find both a Green Shard and a Heart Scale.


Up the street from the alleyway, before the Street Rat, you can find a Parlyz Heal.


By the fountain further north, there is a Calcium in the trashcan by the dumpster.


When it rains, this fountain will contain a Surskit.



On sunny or clear days, a poor lost Budew will be walking along the wall. Stand in the spot shown and spam the Spacebar until Budew jumps into your arms. Awww, so adorable!


Remember that you'll need the Rose Incense from earlier to get the event to trigger.


Above the fountain, you can find a Red Shard in some rubble and a Potion in a upper right rock.


Speak to the lady in the house by the fountain and she complains about some thieves coming to steal her precious Pokemon.


If you go down to this house by the Hotshot, some strange people will be talking about a Pokemon heist and then scram. You might want to go check on that lady again.


Turns out these two are wannabe Team Rocket Jessie and James, they even talk the same way!


Their actual names are Meteor Grunts Geoff & Audrey and they have a team of Koffing (Lv. 11) and Grimer (Lv. 11).

Beat them and in return, you can get an Igglybuff.



Above the Igglybuff house will be a small shack that has the man who stole your super rare Pokemon at the beginning of the game. Turns out, the Fisherman was in on it too! Shocking plot twist!!

It turns out that you pay an extra $500 for the two to reveal their scheme.


Beat up on Street Rat Arnie & Fisherman Milhouse's Fletchling (Lv. 11) and Clauncher (Lv. 11) and then watch them run off with your cash. Turns out they got Poke-jacked too...idiots.

They do mention that the Pokemon you bought is now probably in Obsidia Ward.

Now, if you continue left of the earlier alleyway, you can come across a Pokemon freaking out in an apartment building.

Feed it a PokeSnax and it will battle you. This Pokemon will be a Panpour or Wingull.


Panpourpanpour.png OR Wingullwingull.png

In the next apartment over, you can find a Common Candy.


Across from Youngster Marshall, hidden in this box will be a Potion.


In the house by the Potion, you can find a Protein.


Under Punk Trill, this rock will contain a Purple Shard.


It is important to note that during clear weather days, a vendor will be outside selling PokeSnax.


Now that we have all that item hunting and battling complete, you should head over to the far left and talk to the green haired kid standing in front of the factory.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is “Swag Jockey” Fern. I kid you not, "Swag Jockey".


He is one of the most repulsive and annoying characters throughout the series, just a pain in all honesty. So with that, let's battle him!


"Swag Jockey" Fern


lotad.pngLotad (Lv. 10): Growl, Absorb, Astonish, Bubble

snivy.pngSnivy (Lv. 12): Wrap, Tackle, Leer, Vine Whip

budew.pngBudew (Lv. 13): Stun Spore, Water Sport, Growth, Mega Drain

General strategy is to beat him until he can't move. Forget the Pokemon and go straight for the body shot, fisticuffs style. For real though, you would thank me later.

Swiftly kick his pompous ass and he will talk about another factory meetup. Time for a party crashing.

Before doing so, snag a Common Candy and Blue Shard from each end of this dumpster. Then head back over to the gym.


At the gym, you will bump into Julia who will then tell you to meet everyone at the Mosswater Factory.

Why won't you just let me battle you already?!


Go there and meet up with Julia, a new character named Florinia aka Flobot, and Fern and proceed into the makeshift hideout.


The real Flo though...


She be lurkin'...

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 4)!


Area Recommendations

Make sure you are rotating your Pokemon out at regular intervals since you currently have a level cap of 20 right now. Also, any items in here must be picked up on the first run through since there will not be a second chance to find any missed ones. The only hard battle may be at the end against Aster & Eclipse.

Area Trainers

Meteor Grunts Ray & Bruno: Rattata (Lv. 12), Poochyena (Lv. 12)

Meteor Grunts Coleman & Mary: Aron (Lv. 13), Roggenrola (Lv. 13)
Meteor Grunts Ricardo & Hilda: Zubat (Lv. 13), Aron (Lv. 13)
Meteor Grunts Sanchez & Devin: Geodude (Lv. 12), Geodude (Lv. 12)
Meteor Grunts Simon & Tara: Grimer (Lv. 13), Zubat (Lv. 12)
Meteor Grunts Demian & Antoine: Venonat (Lv. 12), Poochyena (Lv. 12)
Meteor Grunts Billiard & Michaela: Roggenrola (Lv. 12), Stunky (Lv. 12)
Meteor Grunts Grant & Janis: Aron (Lv. 13), Roggenrola (Lv. 13)
Meteor Grunts Rod & Ringo: Solrock (Lv. 13), Lunatone (Lv. 13)

As you walk in, you will see some incredibly polluted water and Julia will say to team up with Fern.

The only benefit to teaming up with the “Swag Jockey” is that Fern will heal your Pokemon after each battle, so that you don’t have to.


Head to the left and face off against the first Team Meteor pair.

Be warned that the environment will give an advantage to electric types and has a variety of wild effects. Visit the appropriate page on the Pokemon Reborn website to see more.

Take the initial left path and come across a Super Potion.


Further up the left path, go past the two Meteor Grunts and hit the First Computer Switch to unlock the right path.


Now on the right path, take the left branch in order to get a Parlyz Heal.


Continue right and battle the two pairs of Grunts in order to head up the stairs.

Battle more Grunts as you snake through the complex, making sure to hit the guarded Second Computer Switch and then continually following the path.


When you come across a locked door, Florinia will attempt to hack the system while Julia and Fern agree to find some Expolsives.


Follow the south path and battle some more Grunt pairs in order to reach the Explosives.

In the explosives room, you can find an Electric Gem hidden in this wall.


Following the very straight forward path leads you to the Explosives.


Return the Explosives to Julia, but Florinia will be able to hack the door anyways.


Before you follow the two through, the right path now leads to a room containing a Rare Candy.


Inside the room, you will see what seems to be Team Meteor's Leader.

People will be angry, Julia gives an eloquent speech...


...and then eventually you will be challenged by Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse.

Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse


magby.pngMagby (Lv. 16): Ember, Smokescreen, Faint Attack, Fire Spin

elekid.pngElekid (Lv. 16): Thundershock, Low Kick, Swift, Shock Wave

These two can be pretty tough since Elekid uses the environment to it's advantage, while Magby can lower accuracy and trap opponents in a Fire Spin. K.O. one at a time to make things much easier.

The Mystery Man named ??? is able to escape and so Julia decides to blow the place up for the hell of it.


Everyone starts leaving, Fern makes everyone hate him more with more stupid comments and then Julia asks you to come challenge her at her gym!



In case you forgot what it looks like:


Area Recommendations

This gym puzzle is rather straight forward. Battle the trainers, then select the Voltorb, have it follow you, then click on the door to blow it up.

Area Trainers

Techie Johnson: Voltorb (Lv. 11), Voltorb (Lv. 11)

Techie Bill: Mareep (Lv. 14)
Hotshot Lennon: Shinx (Lv. 12), Electrike (Lv. 12)
Techie Yan: Tynamo (Lv. 14)

Let's get ready to rumbbbbblllllleeee!


Cheer Captain Julia


helioptile.pngHelioptile (Lv. 12): Thundershock, Glare, Charge Beam, Mud Slap

voltorb.pngVoltorb (Lv. 12): Sonicboom, Spark, Charge Beam, Explosion

voltorb.pngVoltorb (Lv. 12): Sonicboom, Spark, Charge Beam, Explosion

emolga.pngEmolga (Lv. 13): Acrobatics, Charge Beam, Quick Attack, Tail Whip

blitzle.pngBlitzle (Lv. 12): Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Flame Charge, Charge Beam

electrode.pngElectrode (Lv. 15): Spark, Charge Beam, Rollout, Explosion

Julia is no easy fight and so most of your team should be higher leveled than hers. Have someone punch the Helioptile and Blitzle hard due to low DEF, some speed demons or sacrifices for the exploding Voltorbs / Electrode, and a rock, electric, or ice type to shoot down the flying squirrel. That should be about it.

After you beat her, you will get the Volt Badge and TM 57 Charge Beam. This badge gives you the ability to use Cut outside of battle and Pokemon up to level 25 will obey you.



Outside of the gym, Victoria will challenge you to a battle!


...just kidding, that would be cruel.

She stops you to mention some weird plants in Obsidia Ward attacking people. Before you go check that out, there are a couple of loose ends to tie up in Lower Peridot.

On rainy/thunderstorm days, a Numel will appear outside the ruined train station if you have PokeSnax.



Also, if you go back and forth between the nearby hiker and the empty house, the hiker will eventually move in. For your trouble, he will give you an Onix.



On your way to Obsidia Ward, go around the bridge of trainers in Opal Ward in order to see a couple of new additions.

Area Trainers

Hotshot Zane: Nincada (Lv. 12), Blitzle (Lv. 13), Slakoth (Lv. 12)
Doxy Elena: Skitty (Lv. 14), Venipede (Lv. 15)
Casanova Brett: Whismur (Lv. 14), Sewaddle (Lv. 15)

Talk with Florinia and she will grant you access to the Obsidia Ward.


If you are trying to get a feel for decent teams, mine as of this point consisted of the following:

numel.pngMt.St.Helens (Lv. 16)

teddiursa.pngBaloo (Lv. 17)

espurr.pngKiiitty!! (Lv. 17)

frogadier.pngDat Boi (Lv. 18)

roselia.pngCasanova (Lv. 18)

meowth.png2Coinz (Lv. 5)

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 5)!


Area Recommendations

Since the upcoming gym is grass-heavy, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider picking up the Vanillite found in the candy shop. Also, if you picked up a Budew earlier, the salon/parlor will raise the happiness of your Pokemon and will help you towards getting a Roselia.

Area Trainers

Street Rat Franklin: Plusle (Lv. 13), Minun (Lv. 13)
Hotshot Davinson: Drowzee (Lv. 16)
Street Rat Wayne: Pidgey (Lv. 15), Pidove (Lv. 15)

Upon walking into Obsidia Ward, the entire place is overrun with plant life and people are grouped up complaining about the current situation.

Some citizens will even be missing family members, which will play into later little side quests.

The first building you can enter is the Central Obsidia Salon to check happiness and boost happiness by paying $1500 for massages.


If you have a Pokemon that is happy with you already, this woman will give you a Soothe Bell.


The next building over is Critical Capture and they sell specialty Poke Balls, which might be worth taking a look at.

Since regular Poke Balls start losing their effectiveness soon, you can invest now in some better suited for later in the game.


They sell: Heavy, Moon, Fast, Love, Nest, Net, Dive, Timer, and Friend Balls.

Across the street is the Devon Corp. and they sell Potions, Repels, and Poke Balls.


One more building over will be the "Sweet Kiss" Candy Shop.


From the candy shop, you can get:

Common Candy, Whipped Dream (Allows for Swirlix evolution during trades), Peppermint (Cures poisoning), Chewing Gum (Cures paralysis). Pop Rocks (Wakes pokemon), Salt-water Taffy (Cures burn), Red-Hots (Thaws pokemon), Cotton Candy (Revives pokemon), Rare Candy.

Also in the candy shop, you can get a Swirlix for completing this puzzle:



In one corner of the candy shop, if you give this kid an ice cream cone, he can get you access to a Vanillite.


Ice cream cones can be bought from a vendor on sunny days in front of the Great Hall.


After giving the kid an ice cream, you can then select to buy a vanilla ice cream to then have a Vanillite pop out of the machine instead.



Going north will bring you to this house where a girl will trade you a Castform for a Furret. Sentrets can be found soon in one of the next areas, so keep this spot in mind.



A little further north will yield a Steel Gem from this rock.


Further right, there is a Red Shard in this rock.


In this apartment, a man has an unruly Lillipup that will run away. You will find this Lillipup later on in the game and eventually get to take it as your own.


Some other locations for Lillipup are as follows:


Continuing down the street will take you toward the slums, but before you get too far, Victoria will challenge you to a battle to make sure you are prepared for what lies ahead.


Apprentice Victoria


ralts.pngRalts (Lv. 15): Lucky Chant, Double Team, Disarming Voice, Confusion

makuhita.pngMakuhita (Lv. 15): Arm Thrust, Force Palm, Sand-Attack, Fake Out

pignite.pngPignite (Lv. 17): Arm Thrust, Flame Charge, Defense Curl, Odor Sleuth

If you have a solid psychic type, this battle is rather easy. Otherwise, the Pignite will be the toughest to grind away at and you might want to consider using water or flying.

On windy days, this area has Hoppip floating around with the breeze.



Also, there is a hidden Blue Shard just right by where the Hoppips fly around.


Just before you enter the Obsidia Slums, you can pick up a Green Shard from this box.



Area Recommendations

A pretty good idea would be to pick up a fighting type in here for the abundance of dark types throughout the game. A Pancham can be pretty beastly but slow, whereas Mankey will be fast but frail. Make sure you have an open slot in your party to for an egg, otherwise you can’t pick this up.

Area Trainers

Street Rat Omar: Mankey (Lv. 14), Chingling (Lv. 15)

Street Rat Rafe: Pansear (Lv. 14), Mime Jr. (Lv. 15)
Street Rat Gregory: Patrat (Lv. 14), Pancham (Lv. 15)
Street Rat Ulf: Dunsparce (Lv. 16)
Street Rat Brody: Espurr (Lv. 18)
Techie Neville: Magnemite (Lv. 14), Joltik (Lv. 15)
Youngster Kai: Shellder (Lv. 18), Drillbur (Lv. 19), Swinub (Lv. 18)
Street Rat Mason: Cascoon (Lv. 15), Lvl 15 Paras (Lv. 15)
Street Rat Dax: Silcoon (Lv. 15), Seedot (Lv. 15)

In this area you can find:


When you first enter the Slums, this guy will tell you about Light Shards.

They basically act as a one-time Pokemon Center visit. Using this will make it disappear, so be wise about when to use them.


Head through the doorway into two jumping puzzles. These are not too hard to figure out, but just remember that depth perception can be a little tricky sometimes.


From the direction shown, use the following steps: Down 2, Left 1, Down 1, Right 1, Up 1, Left 2


From the direction shown, use the following steps: Down 1, Left 1, Up 1, Left 1, Down 2

As you proceed through, this box will start moving.


Welp, we’ve got ourselves a Solid Snake up in here. Let’s follow it since it’s obviously cool!


Solve the next jumping puzzle to grab yourself a Moon Stone.

ial2SOI.jpg B8XQZe3.jpg

Go right two steps from the shown location.

There’s that box again…keep following it!


Go past the hole in the wall to get a Great Ball.


Go into the hole in the wall and go up the stairs to the left in order to get TM60 Quash.


To get into the next hole in the wall, just select the light box and push it to the left or right in order to pass.


After an elaborate jumping puzzle...


Proceed with the following steps from the shown location: Up 1, Right 1, Down 1, Right 4, Up 2, Right 2, Down 1, Right 2, Up 1, Right 5, Down 2, Left 2, Up 1, Right 1, Down 2

...you can find an Egg. This egg will either be a Drowzee or a Ducklett.


Drowzeedrowzee.png OR Ducklettducklett.png

Going back through the first hole in the wall and taking the stairs upward this time will bring you across a second Light Shard on the roof.


Across the hall, you see the true reason for the box’s movement…


This next jumping puzzle can be solved by the following steps:


Down 2, Right 1, Down 2

Keep on going through and in the 3x3 grid area of the Slums, you can find a kid who furthers the super-rare, pokemon-kidnapping, money-stealing hunt that’s been going on since the beginning of the game.


Unfortunately, he sold it to someone in North Obsidia Ward, so it looks like we will just have to wait some more.

It’s our friend, the box!


Go through the door to grab a Zinc from a rock and then continue down the stairs.


Another Light Shard can be found before this doorway, almost straight up telling you that there is a boss battle of sorts coming up through here. Heal up and head through to find…


It’s a gang bang battle!


Pokemon Gang


scraggy.pngScraggy (Lv. 14): Sand Attack, Feint Attack, Headbutt

scraggy.pngScraggy (Lv. 15): Sand Attack, Feint Attack, Headbutt

scraggy.pngScraggy (Lv. 16): Sand Attack, Feint Attack, Headbutt, Swagger

scrafty.pngScrafty (Lv. 18): Sand Attack, Feint Attack, Headbutt, Swagger

Defeating the gang opens the door into the eastern part of Obsidia Ward.

Since the police are blocking the road, the only way now is through Coral Ward.


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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 6)!


Area Recommendations

There is not really much to do here besides pick up a few items and advance the story with a battle. If Ludicolo is your thing, there is a Lotad that hangs out by the docks during rainy days.

Area Trainers

Fisherman Wade: Magikarp (Lv. 15), Grimer (Lv. 14), Grimer (Lv. 14), Grimer (Lv. 14)

Right when you walk in, this rock has a Potion.


To the right, this rock has an Ultra Potion.


Just next to the Pokemon Center is a Repel.


In one of the houses, a little girl is tending to an injured Skitty and the grandmother asks for an Ultra Potion.


Good thing you just picked one up, right? Hand it over and in return, you get yourself a Skitty.

Also, you may find out Grandma wasn't too happy about the house cat...



In this box in the south part of Coral Ward is some Chewing Gum.


By the warehouse making weird thumping noises, you can find an Aspear Berry.


Now that all the items have been collected, make sure your party is healed and head on over to ­Amaria, the Water Type Gym Leader.


Watch as Cain saves an Oshawott.


Oshawott joins Cain, then Cain challenges you to a battle!


Pretty Boy Cain


grimer.pngGrimer (Lv.16): Sludge, Mud-Slap, Disable, Harden

venonat.pngVenonat (Lv. 16): Confusion, Supersonic, Poison Powder, Foresight

nidorino.pngNidorino (Lv. 20): Poison Sting, Focus Energy, Fury Attack, Double Kick

oshawott.pngOshawott (Lv. 15): Focus Energy, Water Sport, Water Gun, Tail Whip

He's got a full arsenal of poison types, with the exception of Oshawott so a psychic or ground type will wreck in this fight. Lead with those and switch to whatever for Oshawott since it isn't very strong yet.

After winning, Cain heads back to the Wasteland to meet his sister, Amaria mentions that you should head back to the park in Obsidia.

But before you do, pick up the Lotad that hangs out on the pier during rainy days if you have PokeSnax.




Area Recommendations

If you don’t yet have a grass type, both Bellsprout and Oddish can be found in this area. Other good choices include Koffing, for the tank that it becomes once evolving into Weezing, and Buneary for it’s fast and decently strong Lopunny evolution.

Area Trainers

Street Rat Carter: Barboach (Lv. 16), Spinda (Lv. 16)
Hotshot Vinny: Minccino (Lv. 17), Trapinch (Lv. 18)
Youngster Terrance: Squirtle (Lv. 13), Tirtouga (Lv. 13), Turtwig (Lv. 13), Torkoal (Lv. 13)
Punk Sally: Spritzee (Lv. 16), Gothita (Lv. 16)
Punk Brittnay: Solosis (Lv. 16), Gothita (Lv. 16)
Arcade Star Eilee: Happiny (Lv. 17), Sandile (Lv. 17)

Since the policemen are no longer blocking the road, head on up north.

A lady in this salon is in dire need to know why her company is not doing as well as her competitors so she sends you over for some spying action.


Just run over to the first salon in Obsidia Ward, talk to the people, then come back and she will give you a Glameow.



On clear days only, up the street you can find a Spoink.


It will run away from you, but if you go back into Coral Ward in this building, you can find it in one of the boxes throughout the room.



Continuing on, you will find the park completely overrun by vines and trees. Talking to Amaria and Florinia in front of the park will get you TMX1 Cut.


Cutting down the tree to the park entrance will have Amaria and Florinia attacked...so guess who has to rescue them...that would be you!


Before you battle, a Light Shard can be found behind this tree to heal your team.


Here you meet ZEL. ZEL is an interesting character due to the split personality disorder.

The Z-part is called Zero and is prone to anger and rage. The E-part is called Eve and has highly intelligent capabilities. Finally the L-part is called Lumi and is very sensitive towards the needs of Pokemon.

You will know which one is talking as the letter will be capitalized in the name. Zel is Zero, zEl is Eve, and zeL is Lumi.


Inside, you will also find a Tangrowth hooked up to some kind of ability amplifying machine and ZEL is controlling it to create the vines. Hmm, only one thing to do...let's beat it!


Meteor Admin ZEL


tangrowth.pngPulse!Tangrowth (Lv. 22): Mega Drain, Acid Spray, Vine Whip, Growth

This Tangrowth is no joke since it is augmented with the Pulse Machine. Try and take it down with fire, flying, or psychic as quickly as possible. Status conditions also greatly help during this battle, so inflict them early if possible.

After the battle, ZEL will give an ominous warning, Amaria goes to report what she's found to Ame, and Florinia goes back to her gym in Onix Ward to await your challenge.


After beating the Tangrowth, you can freely traverse Obisdia Ward, vine free! This opens up a bunch of other areas, so get ready to explore some more.

The new Pokemon in the park area include:

Morning: bellsprout.pngbuneary.pngoddish.pngsentret.pngsunflora.png

Day: bellsprout.pngbonsly.pngbuneary.pngoddish.pngsentret.pngvenonat.png

Night: bellsprout.pngbonsly.pnghoothoot.pngoddish.pngvenonat.png

Headbuttable Trees: pineco.pngslakoth.png

In the Pokemon Center, you can find this woman who will be looking for her kid and will give you an Ability Capsule should you talk to the young kid on the other side of the crack in Obsidia.


Now that the Daycare is open next to the Pokemon Center, head there for an interesting experience.


Inside will be the “Daycare Couple” but after speaking to them over and over, they turn out to be Team Meteor! Not only Team Meteor, but it’s another wannabe Rocket duo…


Meteor Grunt Grant & Janis: Venonat (Lv. 18), Venonat (Lv. 18), Aron (Lv. 19), Roggenrola (Lv. 19)

Beating them will reveal that the real Daycare Couple are being somewhere else.


Go to the house above where the Tangrowth was and you can find the Warehouse Key.


The Warehouse Key will unlock this warehouse, which leads to the real Daycare Couple.


The Warehouse Key will also unlock this house, in which you can find a Happiny.



Back in Obsidia Ward, this alleyway has opened up since the vines have gone.


In here, you can find:


Inside the alleyway, you can find a Potion in the first rock you come by.


Behind Punk Sally, either Plusle or Minun will be hidden by these boxes if you have PokeSnax.


Plusleplusle.png OR Minunminun.png

In this box, you can find a Green Shard.


In the back corner, you can start a hunt quest for a Litleo.


Follow it over to this house and it will be inside.


Then follow it down the stairs to battle a Klinklang (Lv. 35) in order to obtain Litleo.



Back in the park, you can pick up an X Special from this rock and a Heart Scale from a bush.


On sunny days, you can find a Petilil towards the left side if you have a PokeSnax.



In the Obsidia Department Store above the park, you can obtain a Membership Card.


1st floor: Poke Ball, Escape Rope, Common Candy, Repel, PokeSnax
Potion, Antidote, Awakening, Burn Heal, Parlyz Heal, Ice Heal

2nd floor: Oran, Cheri, Pecha, Rawst, Chesto, Aspear, Persim Berry
X Attack, X Defend, X Special, X Speed, X Sp. Def, Guard Spec., Dire Hit

Over by Silph Co., you can find a Genius Wing, Purple Shard, and a Red Shard.


Now that Obsidia Ward has been explored, it’s time to move on to Onix Ward.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 7)!


Area Recommendations

Picking up either Nidoran-M or Shinx from the game corner can be great choices for later in the game, Nidoran-M especially for its ground typing and Shinx since it is an electric type that can tank later on. Also, you can pick up a Porygon from the trainer’s school once you find the Computer Chip later in the game. After the gym, Electrike and Snubbull are both great pickups.

Area Trainers

Youngster Baxter: Psyduck (Lv. 17), Shinx (Lv. 17)
Arcade Star Jacee: Chikorita (Lv. 16), Ponyta (Lv. 16)
Punk Ginelle: Azurill (Lv. 18)
Arcade Star Tammy: Poliwag (Lv. 17)
Hotshot Blane: Wingull (Lv. 17), Taillow (Lv. 17), Totodile (Lv. 17)
Hotshot Joel: Mantyke (Lv. 17), Klink (Lv. 17)

Upon first entering the area, you will find the Game Corner.


In here, you can pick up a couple of great Pokemon and items for later in the game. Unfortunately, you can’t get the Coin Case until you visit the trainer’s school.

Pokemon to be purchased:

slugma.pngSlugma: 1,000 Coins
nidoranm.pngNidoran-M: 3,000 Coins
shinx.pngShinx: 5,000 Coins

At the desk, you can check your lottery ticket for the day.


1 Match = Full Restore

2 Matches = Max Revive

3 Matches = PP Up

4 Matches = Exp. Share

5 Matches = Master Ball

The best way to collect coins from the Game Corner is to use the Voltorb Flip game and you can use the online resource, Voltorbflip.com, to speed up the process.

You can go left out of the Game Corner to this apartment and if you saved the Daycare Couple, you will be gifted either a Seel Egg or a Cacnea Egg.


Seelseel.png OR Cacneacacnea.png

Once finding the Lillipup in the few different locations, you can find it and its owner in this spot. Talk to the man and he will give you the Lillipup.



In the rock by Lillipup's owner, you can find a PokeSnax.


If you keep travelling to the left, you will eventually come across a Carbos hidden in a rock.


Walk into the trainer school on the far left and you’ll see Fern. He’s going to lock the door like the dick he is…fine.


Go to the other door to be let in and start making your rounds.



Area Trainers

Arcade Star Tristy: Cherubi (Lv. 17), Buizel (Lv. 18)
Youngster Jojo: Lillipup (Lv. 17), Herdier (Lv. 17)
Elder Landon: Wooper (Lv. 18), Shuppet (Lv. 18)
Hotshot Terry: Starly (Lv. 18), Pachirisu (Lv. 18)
Arcade Star Susan: Combee (Lv. 18), Burmy (Lv. 18)
Youngster Trey: Rattata (Lv. 17), Shellos (Lv. 18), Tympole (Lv. 19), Darumaka (Lv. 17)
Arcade Star Lithi: Natu (Lv. 17), Torchic (Lv. 18), Porygon (Lv. 17)
Youngster Destry: Growlithe (Lv. 17), Cyndaquil (Lv. 17), Larvitar (Lv. 17)
Hotshot Skye: Eevee (Lv. 19), Phanpy (Lv. 20), Timburr (Lv. 19)

Enter the school and go right up the stairs to this room.


Inside, a kid will give you the Coin Case for the Game Corner.


In this room, you can find a glitchy computer. Once you get the Computer Chip later in the game, you can bring it to the computer in order to get a Porygon.


Next, you will come to a room with computers. To advance further, you must access each computer and provide the correct answer.

Questions and answers:

  • What level does Starmie learn Rapid Spin?
    ​​A: 000
  • What number is Huntail in the National Dex?
    A: 367
  • True or False: areas have field effects that can increase or change the power, accuracy, and type of some attacks.
    A: True
  • What is Corsola’s base stat total?
    A: 380
  • True or False: field effects can have special characteristics that may dramatically alter a battle.
    A: True
  • At what level does Cubchoo evolve?
    A: 037
  • How many Pokemon can learn the attack Lava Plume?
    A: 015
  • True or False: field effects can be destroyed or transformed by certain attacks.
    A: True

Once all the gates have been unlocked, travel inward to face off against Fern.


Swag Jockey Fern


lombre.pngLotad (Lv. 23): Nature Power, Absorb, Water Sport, Fake Out

servine.pngServine (Lv. 24): Growth, Leaf Tornado, Mega Drain, Leech Seed

roselia.pngRoselia (Lv. 25): Stun Spore, Poison Sting, Mega Drain, Leech Seed

Fern isn’t too much of a problem should you have a fire, flying, or psychic type on your team. Finish him off quickly to face off against Florinia.

After beating Fern, this guy will show up to offer Super Potions for sale.



Time to battle the Flobot!


Head Instructor Florinia


maractus.pngMaractus (Lv. 22): Pin Missle, Needle Arm, Cotton Spore, Mega Drain

ferroseed.pngFerroseed (Lv. 22): Pin Missle, Nature Power, Sandstorm, Leech Seed

cottonee.pngCottonee (Lv. 22): Nature Power, Protect, Leech Seed, Poisonpowder

cacnea.pngCacnea (Lv. 23): Nature Power, Sand Attack, Pin Missle, Needle Arm

breloom.pngBreloom (Lv. 23): Mega Drain, Headbutt, Leech Seed, Stun Spore

cradily.pngCradily (Lv. 24): Smack Down, Sandstorm, Stockpile, Recover

Florinia is no piece of cake and her Cradily is a monster. Lead with fire or flying types and save some fighting types too for the Cacnea or Cradily. Be careful not to over level for this fight.

Once you win, you will receive the Canopy Badge and you can now train your Pokemon up to level 35. You will also get TM96 Nature Power.


Now that you have the new badge, you will have some new areas and events unlocked for you nearby. In addition, you now have access to Jasper Ward.


Go back to this apartment and you will now have access to the rooftop garden.


The new Pokemon in this area include:


On clear days in the rooftop garden, you can find a Pichu hidden behind the tree if you have PokeSnax.



Also, in the alley way where the Litleo and Plusle/Minun events began, at night you can now find an Electrike being bullied by two Mightyena (Lv. 25). Battle the two Mightyena and Electrike will join your party.


Now that all these have been completed, it’s time to go to Jasper Ward.

On your way to Jasper, don’t forget to check the bridge surrounding the Great Hall for an additional trainer.

Area Trainers

Youngster Bart: Lvl 19 Kakuna, Lvl 20 Beedrill

Last, but not least, don’t forget to check this apartment for the Snubbull from earlier in the game.



The entrance to Jasper Ward is over in north Peridot by the PokeSnax vendor.


At this point in the game, my team consisted of:

electrike.pngS.S. BoomMan (Lv. 20) – props to anyone who understands the Avatar reference

frogadier.pngDat Boi (Lv. 23)

espurr.pngKiiitty!! (Lv. 24)

herdier.pngSnoopDogg (Lv. 24)

nidoking.pngYour Majesty (Lv. 25)

numel.pngMt.St.Helens (Lv. 26)

Remember, this is just a reference team. You don't actually have to have the exact same team. So don't do it, just don't. Seriously.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 8)!


Area Recommendations

This area is great to train your team up until their mid-twenties for the upcoming boss fight. If you are still lacking a good electric type, it might be worth picking up Emolga and Mareep.

Area Trainers

Meteor Grunt Simon: Carnivine (Lv. 19), Grimer (Lv. 21)
Hotshot Ross: Spewpa (Lv. 19), Metapod (Lv. 19)
Street Rat Morrison: Kricketune (Lv. 22)
Meteor Grunt Tara: Venipede (Lv. 20), Golbat (Lv. 21)
Meteor Grunt Ray: Raticate (Lv. 22)
Police Officer Joe: Growlithe (Lv. 23), Growlithe (Lv. 23) - Only at Night

The Pokemon that can be found by walking through the street:


In the entrance way to Jasper Ward, you can pick up a Genius Wing from this rock by the Police Officer.


Go into the Police Station and you will receive a task from the Police Chief. You are assigned to find 5 Police Officers throughout Jasper Ward and Beryl Ward.


Proceed through the only open apartment by heading straight north to reach the Pokemon Center in the upper part of the ward.

You will be most likely visiting this often, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the map layout.


On clear/sunny days, you can find an Emolga sleeping behind this tree just below the Pokemon Center.



Next to the Emolga will be an Antidote hidden in this box and behind will be a TinyMushroom.


To the right of the Pokemon Center, you can find an Ether in this rock.


Since vines block your path to the right, head back to the building you passed through earlier to get to the Pokemon Center. This time, go left in the apartment to reach a side alley.

Right as you come into the alley, this rock will contain a Pecha Berry.


Continue through the next apartment and then enter the forest.


Area Recommendations

Grind as much as you can in this area for the upcoming boss fight. It is not an easy one, so the more levels you have, the better off you will be.

Area Trainers

Meteor Grunt Regina: Venonat (Lv. 21), Zubat (Lv. 21)
Meteor Grunt Ringo: Venipede (Lv. 21), Lunatone (Lv. 22)
Meteor Grunt Gretchen: Skitty (Lv. 20), Geodude (Lv. 20), Flaaffy (Lv. 21)
Meteor Grunt Rod: Beedrill (Lv. 21), Solrock (Lv. 22)

In the forest, you can find:

Morning: beedrill.pngledyba.pngpansage.pngpidgey.pngscatterbug.pngsewaddle.png
Day: beedrill.pngcarnivine.pngbellsprout.pngoddish.pngpansage.pngpidgey.pngscatterbug.pngsewaddle.png
Night: carnivine.pnghoothoot.pngpansage.pngparas.pngscatterbug.pngspinarak.png

Just to the west and south of the forest entrance, you can find an X Speed.


In this bush north of the entrance, there is a Purple Shard.


Going north and east of the forest entrance, you will find an exit back to Jasper Ward.

In the first apartment is the First Police Officer you need to save to satisfy the Police Chiefs request.


Continuing back in to the forest and going north and west of the entrance, this rock contains a Revive.


Further in, you can find a Light Shard on the ground. Be careful when you use this since the Pokemon Center is a long trek away.


Hop down this ledge to get a Big Root and an Escape Rope.


Continuing back around and past the ledge you jumped, there is a second Light Shard by another ledge.

You should definitely use this before jumping down since there is a boss fight past the ledge.


Here, you get to meet Taka. He is nice and kind at first, but then attacks since he is a part of Team Meteor!


Meteor Admin Taka


lileep.pngLileep (Lv. 24): Ingrain, Confuse Ray, Constrict, Acid

chatot.pngChatot (Lv. 25): Chatter, Nasty Plot, Sing, Taunt

tangrowth.pngPulse!Tangrowth (Lv. 24): Mega Drain, Growth, Acid Spray, Vine Whip

Be sure to get the Chatot out of the way quickly, since its Chatter attack will confuse every time it hits. Tangrowth is also no pushover since it is a PULSE! Pokemon. One strategy would be to try and set the forest background ablaze with moves like Flame Burst or Lava Plume.

After you win, he hints that you should head to Beryl Ward to find further problems.

As you leave, you'll meet a strange girl who yells at you for saving what is left of Jasper Ward....umm ok? Then she flies off on a friggin' Salamence!

This chick's got a case of the pink hair crazies if you ask me, but apparently she's super strong too so don't be messing with her just yet.


Now that the vines have cleared, you now be able to access some new areas.


In this apartment you couldn't access before, you can now free a girl who then says to come visit her in Peridot ward. Go there and you’ll get a Department Store Sticker.


The new floor of the Department Store has:

3rd Floor: Sticky Barb, Lagging Tail, Iron Ball, Binding Band, Float Stone, Eject Button, Red Card, Ring Target, Metronome
Heat Rock, Icy Rock, Smooth Rock, Damp Rock, Grip Claw, Light Clay, Everstone

This rock from before is now open and contains a PokeSnax.


You can now save the Second Police Officer from the previously vine-blocked spot.


Opposite the police officer is a Parlyz Heal.


In this somewhat hidden rock in the eastern part of Jasper, you can grab a Super Potion.


In this house, you can get a Mareep by giving it a PokeSnax.


Right before you leave Jasper Ward, there is a Green Shard in this rock by the exit to Beryl Ward.


Now it is time to proceed into Beryl Ward and see if you can finish off these PULSE machines!

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 9)!


Area Recommendations

Grind, grind, grind. The next boss fight sucks and can will be very hard. Fire types are also you best friends, so train ‘em if ya got ‘em.

In the streets, you can catch:


If you initially head right upon entering Beryl, you can pick up an X Speed from this rock on Beryl Bridge.


To the far right, behind the old gym sign, you can find a PokeSnax.


On windy days in front of the Abandoned Power Plant, this poor young kiddo is scared by a Drifloon.

Literally....a balloon with eyes....wow, this kid is going places. Engage the Drifloon for a chance to get it yourself.



After defeating or capturing the Drifloon, this boy will feel safe to leave and say he's going back to Lapis Ward where you can get a reward!

Don't worry, you'll see him before then in an even worse predicament.


Since you can’t go into the Abandoned Power Plant, head back across the bridge to the left.

There will be vines blocking most of your path, but head further left and this rock will have a Red Shard.


In this house, you can find an X Attack.


Past the tree you need to cut down, there is a Poke Ball in the rubble.


Now it's time to get some Jungle Fever!


Area Recommendations

In case you missed it before…grind your heart out!!

Area Trainers

Meteor Grunt Kenneth: Mothim (Lv. 24)
Meteor Grunt Brenna: Roggenrola (Lv. 23), Carnivine (Lv. 23)
Meteor Grunt Coleman: Zubat (Lv. 22), Aron (Lv. 24)
Meteor Grunt Bruno: Mightyena (Lv. 23), Growlithe (Lv. 22)
Meteor Grunt Mary: Grimer (Lv. 23), Boldore (Lv. 23)

Pokemon found in this area include:

Morning: ledyba.pngledian.pngpansage.pngscatterbug.pngspewpa.pngspearow.png
Day: bellsprout.pngoddish.pngpansage.pngscatterbug.pngspewpa.pngspearow.pngtangela.png
Night: hoothoot.pngparas.pngspinarak.pngtangela.png

Right before this suspicious looking leaf pit, you can find a Green Shard.


Unfortunately, my amazing foresight and predictions are usually correct…it was a leaf pit.


A bunch of Nuzleaf will take you further into the forest and trap you in a cage.


Don’t worry! Help is on the way…in the form of Fern…well damn.

He will laugh at you and then tell you to beg and he will let you out. DO NOT choose to beg to that THING, wait a little while instead and a Chatot will open the cage for you.

I wonder who owns that Chatot…


In this open grass patch just down the set of stairs, by your cage of imprisonment, lies a Red Shard.


If you attempt to go further up, you will be blocked by a set of spikes. These can be lowered by switches found throughout the area.


You will come across two caves as you head south.

In the caves, you can find the following:

Walking: bunnelby.pngnoibat.pngscatterbug.png

Dark spots: noibat.pngwoobat.png

In the left cave, you can rescue the Third Police Officer.


Also in the Police Officer’s cave, a Repel can be found in this rock.


The adjacent cave east and south of the first one will have an Ether in this rock.


Further in the second cave is a Guard Spec. in this rubble pile.


At the back of the second cave is the First Switch. It is one of three you must find in order to access the next area.


Going south of the caves, travelling across the wooden bridge, and hopping down the first ledge can net you an Ultra Ball from this bush.


Following the path back toward the spikes, heading south and going to the left can net a Great Ball on the ground behind the tree.


Cross the other wooden bridge by the Great Ball and flip the Second Switch.


Now it is time to leave the forest for a bit and heal up. Head through the exit here to continue onward.


By the Meteor Grunt in the next area, you can find a Super Potion.


On the other side of the Grunt is a PP Up.


In this mansion is a man that will heal your Pokemon! Very convenient, much handy.


In a backroom of the mansion, you can find the descriptions of all the area/background effects that can influence battles. This is extremely helpful for setting up strategies so study up!


In this back room, there is both an Ill-fated Doll and a Growlithe staring into a pit.


Speak to the Growlithe twice to look into the hole and find…


The Clown from It!!!


Just kidding, it’s the Fourth Police Officer dead in the hole…Growlithe will run back to the police station to report.


Since that is all you can do for now, pass through the apartment building next to the Grunt outside the mansion and then hit the Third Switch.

You can now pass by the spikes, so do that to reach the next area.


Beating the Meteor Grunt in this apartment will get you access the Fifth Police Officer.


Now you can report back to headquarters for a special Growlithe.



Don't forget to pick up your plastic police badge that says, "Greatest Kiddo!" on the way out.


The guy in the corner actually had his Growlithe stolen and you took his replacement…jerk.


However, if your Growlithe is female and you put it in the Day Care and grab an egg from there, you can take the egg back to the officer and the officer will give you a Mystery Egg in exchange. The Mystery Egg can have any of the following Pokemon: Axew, Azurill, Cottonee, Drilbur, Elekid, Frillish, Larvesta, Pawniard, Phantump, Rhyhorn, Shroomish, Sneasel, Starly, Staryu, Tentacool, Togepi, Vullaby, or Vulpix.

By the last Grunt, you can find a Light Shard. Heal up before the boss fight.


You have now found another PULSE Machine…you know what that means…boss fight!! And this time, it’s a tag team.


Meteor Admin Taka & ZEL


glaceon.pngGlaceon (Lv. 25): Bite, Ice Fang, Ice Shard, Quick Attack

lileep.pngLileep (Lv. 24): Constrict, Confuse Ray, Ingrain, Acid

espeon.pngEspeon (Lv. 25): Future Sight, Psybeam, Swift, Quick Attack

tangrowth.pngPulse!Tangrowth (Lv. 25): Growth, Acid Spray, Vine Whip, Mega Drain

umbreon.pngUmbreon (Lv. 25): Feint Attack, Confuse Ray, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

chatot.pngChatot (Lv. 26): Chatter, Nasty Plot, Sing, Taunt

This fight is tough…it will take more than just levels to beat these two. Strategy will be key and fire types your BFFs. Make sure to strategize your team carefully for each double pair.

Mystery hooded man runs off and Heather, aka the Salamence girl, chases him only to find out that the man is...


...her dad and a gym leader!! Double whammy right there…


When the ambush fails, Corey says to come find him at his gym, so let’s do that exact thing!

Past the ambush spot, you can find an Escape Rope.


On sunny days, this apartment by the Escape Rope will have a Helioptile bathing in the sunlight on the rooftop. Give it a PokeSnax to have it join your team.



Down in this spot will be a PokeSnax Vendor. Might want to pick up a couple **hint hint**.


Next part, we will talk about Corey and his gym! But before going there, you should check out the cemetery to the west of his gym for some other hidden goodies.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 10)!


Area Recommendations

Picking up a Phanpy or a Bunnelby in this area would be a pretty good idea since their evolutions have access to some nice ground type moves that are very helpful for the upcoming poison gym.

Also, Shuppet and Pumpkaboo show up after the gym battle and may be useful for some of the later gyms (ghost and fighting to be specific).

In this area, you can find:

Morning: fearow.pngspearow.pngekans.pngarbok.pngphanpy.pngdoduo.pngbunnelby.png

Day: doduo.pngspearow.pngfearow.pngekans.pngarbok.pngphanpy.pngbunnelby.png

Night: meowth.pnghoothoot.pngnoctowl.pngekans.pngarbok.png

Headbutting Trees: pineco.pngburmy.pngaipom.png

Just to the left of the gym entrance, you can find a Red Shard.


In this dead spot, you can find a HP Up.


By the cross, you can find a PokeSnax.


In this mini-pumpkin, you can find a Poke Ball.


At this grave in the nighttime (before 12 a.m.), you can be attacked by a Shuppet.



Now that everything in the graveyard has been picked up, it's gym time!


Area Trainers

Police Officer Jameson: Growlithe (Lv. 28)
Police Officer Blackwell: Flaaffy (Lv. 27), Growlithe (Lv. 28)
Police Officer Lambert: Herdier (Lv. 27), Growlithe (Lv. 27)

Turns out the police force had a little more than they bargained for in the gym and now all the officers are being controlled by Corey!


Battle everyone and turn all the canisters blue.

The best way to do this is to just spam the left three containers until they are blue and then hit the center front one until it locks the right three containers.

This will unlock a door to the right that leads to Corey's room.


Go into the room to find Corey. After a bit of a monologue, he will return to the area which is exactly where you go to fight. Convenient, right?


Going to the area nets you yet another monologue (fyi: Corey's piiissed at you) and a little bit of the "blame game" being thrown your way.

Deflect it with your character's always cold, calculating stare and then engage in a ninja showdown worthy of an anime!



Agent Corey


skrelp.pngSkrelp (Lv. 26) w/ Focus Sash: Smokescreen, Water Pulse, Acid, Poison Tail

croagunk.pngCroagunk (Lv. 28): Swagger, Revenge, Faint Attack, Sucker Punch

grimer.pngGrimer (Lv. 27): Disable, Acid Spray, Acid Armor, Sludge

nidorina.pngNidorina (Lv. 28): Double Kick, Bite, Disable, Poison Sting

skuntank.pngSkuntank (Lv. 28): Acid Spray, Incinerate, Toxic, Slash

crobat.pngCrobat (Lv. 30): Venoshock, Venom Drench, Poison Fang, Air Cutter

This dude is tough! That Crobat though, OP like no one's business. Skrelp can give a little trouble since it's holding on to the Focus Sash so no one shots, but usually Corey will use his one Super Potion on it and not have it for later in the duel. Ground or psychic will get you through the match no problem, but watch out for Crobat's STAB environment-boosted Venoshock, because an annoyingly fast flying purple people eater just wasn't enough to reckon with in the first place...

After you win, Corey doesn't give you the badge! Or even your well-deserved TM for that matter.

Instead, he’s got an ominous plan and invites you out to Beryl Bridge…well ok Corey...


It's also nice to know the police force will be helping you...oh no wait, they won't do jack squat because half of them are hopped up on some psychedelic gas. Thanks, Chief!


Suddenly, Absol! Ohhhhhh, I want it.....



Well, turns out Corey is a spoil-sport and takes losing hard. Way to take the fun out of winning, Corey.


No Corey, you fool! Not Crobat, Crobat is OP!


Well, if you're not going to give me a badge, at least give me the Poke Balls...


I'll take that as a no then.

After a heart-breaking, sad story that may induce a tear or two, Corey asks you to protect his daughter. That Ruby Ring is verrrry important though, remember it well.


...................................................................................................................and he jumps. Wow...there is some real stuff that goes down in this game. This ain't kids play no more...


Fern! You're really a piece of work, aren't you? [Confirmed] Fern’s an ass.


Before you can throw him off the bridge, there is an explosion and Fern mentions that it comes from North Obsidia Ward. Sounds like our story line is progressing.



Go back to Corey’s room (too soon?) to steal pick up one Silver Ring. Congrats, you're now in the Thieves Guild!


Back at the mansion in the Rhodochrine Jungle, there is a Gothitelle that wants you to pick up trash…Cool!

Basically, just run around and press the "A Button" on any paper or books. Don't forget the ones that sit on top of the bookcases!


It’s good for the OCD in you.

While you play garbage man, this back room now gives you access to a TwistedSpoon.


Return to Gothitelle when you’ve finished and you get a Soul Candle, as well as pick up one of the roaming Gothitas.



Now, going back to the graveyard with the soul candle at night, you can get a Pumpkaboo by interacting with any pumpkin.



As you go back through Beryl and Jasper connection points, these guys will be selling Repels.


On your way to North Obsidia, Jasper Ward has Drifloon kid now being trapped by two Venipedes and a Scolipede. Time for some rescue work again!


Scolipede Gang


venipede.pngVenipede (Lv. 29): Pursuit, Poison Tail, Bug Bite, Venoshock

venipede.pngVenipede (Lv. 29): Pursuit, Poison Tail, Bug Bite, Venoshock

scolipede.pngScolipede (Lv. 36): Bug Bite, Poison Tail, Venoshock, Agility

Back in Opal Ward by the Great Hall, there are a couple more trainers.

Area Trainers

Psychic Inuki: Porygon2 (Lv. 26)

Arcade Star Miku: Swablu (Lv. 25), Kirlia (Lv. 26)

For a reference, my team at this point consisted of:

frogadier.pngDat Boi (Lv. 28)

nidoking.pngYour Majesty (Lv. 28)

growlithe.pngLAPDs Finest (Lv. 29)

manectric.pngS.S. BoomMan (Lv. 29)

meowstic-female.pngKiiitty!! (Lv. 30)

herdier.pngSnoopDogg (Lv. 29)


There was a previously missed Blue Shard just outside the entrance to the Obsidia Slums.


Also, there is a TinyMushroom right behind where the Emolga was in Jasper Ward.


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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 11)!


Area Recommendations

In this part of the game, you encounter both Team Aqua and Team Magma. Joining Team Aqua will initially yield you a Ponyta then a Carvanha, while joining Team Magma will give a Buizel and then a Houndour.

You will be able to get both Carvanha/Houndour later in the game, but joining the respective team will have you get it as a guaranteed gift.

Area Trainers

Street Rat Waldon: Shroomish (Lv. 25), Hippopotas (Lv. 25), Skorupi (Lv. 25)
Arcade Star Akemi: Snubbull (Lv. 25), Granbull (Lv. 25)

Begin by heading to the right past the crowd of people to find a Purple Shard in this rock.


Just below the Street Rat, a rock will contain an Ability Capsule.


Over in this corner, you can find the hideout of Team Magma.


Walking around the hideout, you can find:


To learn a little more about the history of Reborn, check out this apartment.


The geography club is just down the street a bit and functions in the same way the history club does, providing a bit more background to the game.


Over by the Reborn Nightclub, you can find a Great Ball.


The Reborn Nightclub is something you won't be able to access for a long time. You need to defeat the Elite Four in order to get in, so you won't have to worry about it for a while.

In this rubble on the Grand Staircase, you can find a Rock Gem.


Further to the left, you can find the Move Deleter in this house.


In this rock, there will be a Super Potion.


In this apartment, a gentleman is looking to get a Sunkern for a Mime Jr. trade. Breeding a Sunflora from the Obsidia Park is the only way to get a Sunkern to trade.


Mime Jr.mime-jr.png

The last thing left now is to head up the stairs to the left and proceed into Lapis Ward.



Area Recommendations

My personal thought about deciding on joining Team Aqua or Magma is to go ahead with Aqua. You'll get access to Ponyta, Carvanha, and Houndour faster than if you joined Team Magma. Although, if you're sorely lacking a water type, Buizel can be OK when evolving to Floatzel in the respect that it'll be a glass cannon.

Area Trainers

Lady Lenore: Luvdisc (Lv. 26), Murkrow (Lv. 26)
Hotshot Cole: Quilava (Lv. 25), Skiddo (Lv. 26)
Casanova Wiley: Staravia (Lv. 26)
Lady Anastasia: Mudkip (Lv. 25), Marshtomp (Lv. 25), Wailmer (Lv. 26)
Gentlemen Murray: Sunkern (Lv. 25), Marill (Lv. 25), Azumarill (Lv. 26)

By the bike shop, you can find a Poke Ball in a rock.


If for some reason you've got $100,000,000 to blow (which is over the money cap in the game), you can have a bike from the bike shop.

0/10 deal, would not recommend.


The rock by the Poke Center will have a Salt-water Taffy.


Talking to the strange pink/purple-haired girl by the orphanage reveals some scheming going on.


To the right of the orphanage, the Team Aqua hideout lies in the corner.


In this hideout, you can find the following:


Over to the left is the “Sweet Scent” Flower Shop.


Three things of note in the flower shop include obtaining a Wailmer Pail...


...solving a puzzle to get Spritzee...


...and purchasing two Floral Charms from the main vendor for events later in the game.


In the back left corner of Lapis Ward, you can get a Blue Shard from a rock.


This back apartment will have the Water, Grass, Fire Pledge move tutor and is highly recommended if you have enough shards.

These are strong moves at this point in the game and are great for your starters. Plus, it only costs 3 shards of corresponding color.


Right next to the PokeMart is the Drifloon kid’s house.

Inside, his mom will give you a Department Store Sticker, which now unlocks the fourth floor.


4th Floor: Air Balloon, White Herb, Mental Herb, Power Herb, Absorb Bulb, Snowball, Cell Battery
Smoke Ball, Destiny Knot, Power Weight, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Anklet, Power Lens, Power Band, TM48 Round


It's time for some gang initiation, so pick a squad by talking to the guard door members twice and then don your colors because it's about to go down.

If you choose Team Aqua, you will fight Aqua Gang Mannie & Razzy: Clamperl (Lv. 31), Remoraid (Lv. 31), Totodile (Lv. 31), Froakie (Lv. 31), Carvanha (Lv. 32), Carvanha (Lv. 32)

If you choose Team Magma, you will fight Magma Gang Nihil & Kriz: Vulpix (Lv. 31), Numel (Lv. 31), Slugma (Lv. 31), Houndour (Lv. 32), Houndour (Lv. 32), Fennekin (Lv. 31)

After speaking with the respective boss, either Aqua's Archer or Magma's Maxwell, you will be told about a heist that is happening that night.

Go to the abandoned house at 4th and Hydrangea to get further details.


After getting all the information, head to mean Ms. Craudburry's house for the Poke-napping about to take place.


Inside, you'll have to fight two other members of the gang.

Magma Gang Darm: Darumaka (Lv. 32), Houndour (Lv. 33), Darumaka (Lv. 33)

Magma Gang Break: Houndour (Lv. 32), Litleo (Lv. 33), Lampent (Lv. 33)


Aqua Gang Pierce: Carvanha (Lv. 32), Clauncher (Lv. 33), Azumarill (Lv. 33)
Aqua Gang DeFacto: Slowpoke (Lv. 32), Carvanha (Lv. 33), Staryu (Lv. 33)

Once you beat both, pick up a Water Stone and either a Ponyta (Team Aqua) or Buizel (Team Magma).

The members will then all scram and you can get a congratulations if you go back to the hideout.


Ponytaponyta.pngOR Buizelbuizel.png

After the first heist, on windy nights in the Aqua Hideout, you can find a Murkrow.

Don't worry those of you who joined Team Magma, in a later section you will be able to access Team Aqua's hideout to get the Murkrow.



Also, back in North Obsidia Ward or North Lapis, a member of the opposite gang will battle you and further the story on the super-awesome, ultimate legendary, dragon-esque Pokemon! Be warned that the Pokemon the gang member has will be in their upper 30s.

txBmNmb.jpgOR HCy7fyg.jpg

If you now head back to Craudburry’s house, she will accuse you of the theft, but the police officer will say she’s crazy.


On your way out, the police officer will give you a Bike Voucher! …for all the wrong reasons…


Redeem the Voucher for a new set of wheels! Make sure to Shift Register the bike since it speeds things up considerably.


Now it’s time to go find Corey's body from earlier…

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 12)!


Looks like Shelly and Victoria have reached the body for you and Shelly takes it a little hard since she used to know him well.


Aster and Eclipse come on to the scene and make a report about Corey's body being found.


After a bit of insight into the most recent bombing, a new foe has appeared!


Just kidding, it's only Shade to take away the body.


Victoria and Shelly head back inside, so you should probably follow them.


Inside and upstairs, you find Victoria trying to comfort Shelly and put the different events together in her mind.


Victoria then runs off to the Grand Stairway and asks you to come leaving poor Shelly alone with her thoughts.



Area Recommendations

There are finally a variety of ground types in this area. Sandshrew is always a personal favorite with a quick evolution and Swords Dance/Earthquake combo. If you want to pick up a Geodude or Graveler, you can evolve it into a Golem just after the gym. Dunsparce and Unown are great for training since both can get as high as level 45 and yield a decent bit of experience.

In this area, you can find:

B1F: sandshrew.pnggeodude.pnggraveler.pngdiglett.pngchingling.pngnoibat.pngdunsparce.png

B2F: sandshrew.pnggeodude.pnggraveler.pngdiglett.pngchingling.pngdunsparce.pngunown.png

B3F: unown.png

The entrance to the underground section is located in the middle of the staircase.


As soon as you go down, you'll find Victoria captured by Aster and Eclipse...like, come on Victoria, really?

Aster and Eclipse run off and it looks like you'll have to chase them!


Before giving chase, there is a Green Shard in the rock.


Once you head down the ladder into B1F, you can find a Ghost Gem in a rock nearby.


Since both the left and right are blocked by rock smash rocks, head south and take the next ladder down.

To the right in B2F, you can find a Dire Hit.


Head south from the Dire Hit, and at this junction, the path splits four ways: far left, middle left, middle right, and far right.

Middle right is the correct path but to pick up items and such, we will save that one for last.


Far Left:

Jump down the ledges and take the ladder up to find a Ground Gem in this rock and a Super Repel in this rock.


This will bring you back to the B1F level, so just take the ladder back down to B2F and go back down to the jumping ledges.

Middle Left:

On the way down, pick up a Green Shard from this rock.


When the path forks, take the left branch first to get some more goodies.


Behind a large boulder, you can find TM63 Embargo.


Up by the Black Belt, you can grab a Blue Shard from this rock.

Also, by talking to the Black Belt, you can get TMX7 Rock Smash! This will be handy and unlock a whole bunch of new places after the next gym.


Now, taking the right branch can get you a Great Ball in this rock.


Further up, hidden In this spot you can find an X Speed.


Finally, before you jump the small ledge to go back to the jumping ledges, pick up a hidden PokeSnax behind the structure here.


This path ends back at the four way split, so 2 down, 2 to go!

Far Right:

As you jump down the ledges, there is a Focus Sash in a rock.


This rock down below will yield a Guard Spec.


Take the ladder down to B3F and grab a Star Piece from this rock.


Just up the ladder in B2F, you can find either a Lunatone or a Solrock.

Unfortunately, we will need to come back later to get it since you need the TM for Rock Smash.


On the bright side, you can pick up a Heart Scale from this rock.


Go up the stairs to B1F and you can find an Ability Capsule.


Right before the ledge, you can pick up a Red-Hots from this rock.


You will then wind up back at the beginning of B1F, so go back to the jumping ledges for the last path!

Middle Right:

After the ledges and before you go down the ladder, you can find an X Special.


Just as you come down the stairs, there will be a Light Shard.

Maybe there could be a battle soon?


In this ominous cave by a sealed door, meet a mystery man.


Time to learn some history, kiddos!

I wonder if this will have to do with that Ruby Ring from earlier?


After a pretty obvious question...


...you find that our girl Vicky is just ahead!


It also seems like he doesn't like Team Meteor too much.


And now, here’s the whole crew. So, time for a battle of course!

You also get to team up with Victoria so this battle won't be too bad.


Team Meteor Grunts Aster & Eclipse


solrock.pngSolrock (Lv. 30): Rock Polish, Psywave, Fire Spin, Rock Slide

lunatone.pngLunatone (Lv. 30): Rock Polish, Psywave, Hypnosis, Rock Slide

magmar.pngMagmar (Lv. 32): Feint Attack, Confuse Ray, Flame Burst, Fire Spin

electabuzz.pngElectabuzz (Lv. 32): Swift, Shock Wave, Light Screen, Low Kick

Hit both Lunatone/Solrock with water/grass/dark types to do the most damage, while being wary about typing once Magmar and Electabuzz switch in. A ground type will wreck havoc with the last two and possibly getting a bonus from the environment depending on the move.

After winning, you'll learn that the mystery man was apparently their boss! That's a M. Night Shyamalan twist right there.


Your team will now be magically healed and Victoria goes back to check on Shelly since she left that poor girl alone...

Best bet, you should head back there too.


Back in Shelly's room, turns out Shelly knew Heather's dad well and she's taking it hard. Poor girl is only 12 too, rough life kiddo.


Victoria recommends going to get the psychiatrist in town by the name of Dr. Connol, so get moving to the orphanage.


Just when you’re about to enter, this girl bumps into you.

Apparently, she is Laura. Does this have to do with the weird girl you saw earlier? One may never know.


Meet Anna and everyone else hanging around the orphanage. There is Nostra the Jirachi Doll, Noel the twin brother, Noel’s Cleffa Doll named Nomos, and Charlotte the badass whose sister was the girl who walked out and is also an Elite Four Member! Apparently, Charlotte and Noel are also gym leaders…geez, this place oozes strength...


Also, the “Good Doctor” apparently uses his electric type Pokemon for shock therapy…

This dude is a PokeNazi for sure.


Time to meet the creep and he straight up looks like a James Bond villain.

KZuO1PA.jpgdgdZgVa.jpgIsn't that right, Mr. Snuffles?

Challenge the orderly to cover for the lie Anna just told about you being here for a gym battle, not to look for help.

Orderly John: Magnemite (Lv. 30), Slowpoke (Lv. 31), Eelekrik (Lv. 31), Magneton (Lv. 32)


Unfortunately, Dr. Connol won’t let the children leave for any reason, claiming emotional instability.


Anna gives some words of warning before pushing you out the door.


Back at Shelly's, it seems like she has snapped out of her trance after you deliver the message from Anna.

She will then go back to her gym spot and prepare for your challenge!


Uh oh, Victoria is holding you up.

She thinks Shelly is still a bit emotional after what happened and tries to stop you from battling her.


Apprentice Victoria


scraggy.pngScraggy (Lv. 30): Brick Break, Payback, Chip Away, Hi Jump Kick

kirlia.pngKirlia (Lv. 31): Double Team, Psychic, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind

hariyama.pngHariyama (Lv. 32): Knock Off, Smelling Salts, Belly Drum, Force Palm

pignite.pngPignite (Lv. 34): Arm Thrust, Rollout, Take Down, Heat Crash

This fight can be pretty tough, especially if Hariyama gets off a Belly Drum. Scraggy has Hi Jump Kick which can also be pretty damaging. Pignite will also be a tough one since it's at a pretty decent level.

Now that Victoria has been beaten, Shelly and her gym are next on the menu!


Back in Peridot, you can find a Revive by the Doxy who gives you the Rose Incense and a Poison Gem just to the left of the Pokemon Center on the ground.


Also, there is a Dark Gem in the alley where Tynamo is found.


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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 13)!


Area Recommendations

The gym puzzle is super confusing. Just follow the steps or be prepared for a lot of misery. Also, getting rid of the forest environment will make the gym battle significantly easier.

Area Trainers

Techie Eugene: Burmy (Lv. 29), Mothim (Lv. 30), Wormadam (Lv. 30)

Lady Eve: Illumise (Lv. 32)
Techie Charlie: Beautifly (Lv. 31), Anorith (Lv. 31)
Lady Lily: Whirlipede (Lv. 31), Swadloon (Lv. 31)

For the gym, be sure to follow the next steps in order to solve the computer/bookshelf puzzle.

1)LSSR6i4.jpg 2)MWS3N2x.jpg

3)5vpePGv.jpg 4)OyXLdvG.jpg

5)ZOzayr4.jpg 6)jglwxze.jpg

7)xOWPw72.jpg 8)280QqBM.jpg

9)uhz4fEg.jpg 10)5XIkg1M.jpg

Now that all these steps have been followed, go up through Shelly's room and his this last computer to cross the newly formed bridge.


Before going to Shelly, if you go south of where she is, you can pick up a Leaf Stone.


Now go talk to Shelly to start the battle!


Bookworm Shelly


illumise.pngIllumise (Lv. 32): Rain Dance, Struggle Bug, Dazzling Gleam, Confuse Ray

masquerain.pngMasquerain (Lv. 31): Struggle Bug, Icy Wind, Bubblebeam, Energy Ball

anorith.pngAnorith (Lv. 32): Aqua Jet, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Rock Slide

wormadam.pngWormadam (Lv. 32): Struggle Bug, Mirror Shot, Psybeam, Giga Drain

yanmega.pngHeather the Yanmega (Lv. 33): Struggle Bug, Giga Drain, Air Cutter, Ancient Power

volbeat.pngBugsy the Volbeat (Lv. 35): Tail Glow, Moonlight, Struggle Bug, Dazzling Gleam

This fight is pretty straightforward, just stick with fire, electric, or flying types and you should be set. If you want an extra advantage, you can use moves such as Flame Burst to set the forest on fire and do extra damage to the bug types.

After you win, you can now train Pokemon to level 40 before they disobey.

You will also receive the Cocoon Badge and TM76 Struggle Bug.


Shelly will tell you that you need to go find the Reserve Poison Gym Leader since Corey's dead and suggests you go to see Ame to find out more.



Area Trainers

North Obsidia Trainers

Elder Robin: Duskull (Lv. 31), Spheal (Lv. 32)
Casanova Allen: Petilil (Lv. 31), Pumpkaboo (Lv. 32), Cottonee (Lv. 31)

Opal Ward Trainer
Psychic Michael: Inkay (Lv. 32), Misdreavus (Lv. 32)

North Obsidia

There will be a man selling Link Stones for $10,000.

They act as if you traded a Pokemon and will evolve the Pokemon. If you don’t need one right away, there are more found throughout the game.


More Gang Action

Back with your gang, you’ll get instructions to raid the opposing base at night. Be warned as the battle will be difficult.


At the opposing team's hideout, you will be challenged at the door by two of the members.

Magma Gang Nihil & Kriz: Numel (Lv. 31), Vulpix (Lv. 31), Houndour (Lv. 32), Fennekin (Lv. 31), Slugma (Lv. 31), Houndour (Lv. 32)

Aqua Gang ................. Need more information.

In the Magma hideout, you can find Red-Hots in a box.


You can also challenge the leader of the opposing team and they are very difficult.

You might want to consider saving this part for later when your team is stronger.

Magma Kingpin Maxwell: Vulpix (Lv. 41), Charmeleon (Lv. 42), Houndoom (Lv. 45)

Aqua Archer: Remoraid.........Sharpedo (Lv. 45)

After winning, your leader will congratulate you and tell you to return to your hideout.


Also in the Magma Hideout, you can find an X Attack and a Houndour behind where Maxwell stood.

If you joined Team Magma, you will now have access to the pool behind where Archer stood and fishing with the Old Rod will net you Barboach.


Houndourhoundour.png OR Barboachbarboach.png

Head back to your team's hideout and you can get yourself either a Carvanha (Team Aqua) or a Houndour (Team Magma).


Carvanhacarvanha.png OR Houndourhoundour.png

Search and Find Pokemon

At night, you can randomly find Zangoose digging through trash in these locations.

When you encounter it enough, Zangoose will attack at level 40.





You can also now find a Zorua masquerading as a Murkrow, a Zangoose, a Starly, a Litleo, and a Teddiursa.

Zorua will be level 30 when you battle it.




Beneath the Grand Stairway

There is a rock smash rock to the north in B1F that leads to a new room.


Before you get to the new room, there is a Green Shard in this rock.


In the back room, you can find a PP Up on the ground in this spot.


Back in here, this Hiker will give you a Mining Kit!

Mining rocks is very similar to the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum method, where you get a hammer that smashes large areas (but causes the rock wall to collapse faster) or the pickaxe for smaller areas (and creates smaller cracks in the rock wall).

To use the kit, just click on the rock to enter the mining mode.

Your z button will be the mining button, the x button will exit the mining process, and the space bar switches between pickaxe and hammer.


With the Mining Kit, you can get the following items:

Red, Blue, Green, and Purple Shards

Light Clays, Heat Rocks, Damp Rocks, Smooth Rocks, and Icy Rocks

Heart Scales, Everstones, Hard Stones, Iron Balls, and Oval Stones

Star Pieces, Rare Bones, Odd Keystones, Revives, and Max Revives

Water, Thunder, Fire, Leaf, Moon, and Sun Stones

Draco, Dread, Earth, Fist, Flame, Icicle, Insect, Iron, Meadow, Mind, Sky, Splash, Spooky, Stone, Toxic, and Zap Plates

Helix, Dome, Root, Claw, Skull, and Armor Fossils

Now that you have the Mining Kit, this room has Mining Rocks in the next few locations.


Back out in B1F, head left and smash the rock to take a new ladder down.


In the small area, you can pick up a Red Shard and a Mining Rock.


Going down to B2F, the jumping ledge system before has some new hidden gems.

Head down the middle left path and smash a rock to get access to a Rare Candy.


By the Black Belt that gave you the Rock Smash TM, there is a Mining Rock.


The far right section of the jumping ledges also has a Mining Rock.


Going down the ladder at the end of the far right path, you can find a rock surrounded by rock smash rocks. Break them down to get a Rare Candy.

A little further down the path will also have you find another Mining Rock.


Up the ladder in B3F will be that Lunatone/Solrock mentioned earlier.


Lunatonelunatone.png OR Solrocksolrock.png

Beryl Cave

There is a mountain cave that you can access from Beryl Cemetery by smashing the rocks over where the pumpkin patch starts.


Straight north from the entrance and by hugging the right wall, you can find a Burn Heal in the rubble.


Going further north and continually hugging the right wall, you will come upon a Mining Rock by a small jumping ledge.


By heading initally to left and later down from the Mining Rock, there will be a ladder to take for the next floor down.

Now in B1F, once again hug the right wall until you come upon this rock that contains a Green Shard.


Take a couple steps left and you will find the stairs to continue on.

Past the locked cage, going along the south wall will bring you to rubble with a Great Ball contained within.


Going slightly north and east of the rubble, you will find an open cage with a lever.

Pull the lever and head back to the locked cage to now find a Nidorina, a rock with a Link Stone, and a Mining Rock ripe for the pickings.

The Nidorina is actually Corey's Nidorina and will join you if you have his Silver Ring.



To the left of the lever cage is the ladder for the next floor down.

In B2F of the cave, there will be a rock with a Blue Shard against the right wall just south of the ladder.


Behind the ledge across from the Blue Shard location is a hidden Green Shard on the ground.


Just before the exit to the next area, there is a Purple Shard in the rock to the right.


Rhodochrine Jungle Glade

Making it through the cave on a windy day will yield this strange Nuzleaf area where you get challenged by a Pokemon Tribe!


Pokemon Tribe


nuzleaf.pngNuzleaf (Lv. 20), (Lv. 25), (Lv. 25), (Lv. 30), (Lv. 30)

shiftry.pngShiftry (Lv. 55)

The best way to take these guys down is with a fire type that can set the Forest Field on fire.

One way to cheese the Shiftry is to take a Pokemon that knows Destiny Bond or Perish Song and either have the ability Prankster or give it a Focus Sash. Shiftry may take out a couple Pokemon in the process of Perish Song, but it will succumb to the move eventually.

After that is all done, you can now pick up the remaining handful of Nuzleaf to have as your own!

If you're a shiny hunter, I would recommend saving before picking any up and then soft-resetting until you get one.



You can also pick up a Blue Shard behind the totem pole, a Big Mushroom in the bush beside the mound, and TM20 Safeguard in the south-west corner.


If you still have the Ill-Fated Doll from earlier, activate the Totem Pole to be challenged by either Golett, Baltoy, Elgyem, or Natu.

There will be a vendor later in the game from which you can buy more Ill-Fated Dolls to get the other three Pokemon.


Golettgolett.png OR Baltoybaltoy.pngOR Elgyemelgyem.pngOR Natunatu.png

Coming back to the glade on a sunny day will have you find a Tropius basking in the sunlight.

Give it a PokeSnax to challenge or capture it.



Now that most everything has been completed in these areas, the next section awaits!

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 14)!


Area Recommendations

There are two good pickups in this area, one being Croagunk and the other being Smoochum. Croagunk can evolve to Toxicroak and has a glass cannon style, while Smoochum goes to Jynx and becomes a fast special attacker. Jynx's psychic typing helps quite a bit in some up coming areas.

In this area, you can find the following:


To access the Citrine Mountain, smash the rock over in this area.


Going right from the first split initially gets you an Ability Capsule from this rock.


Go back to the first split and now at the second split, going right will get you a Super Potion.


You are now blocked by a Strength Rock, so go back to the second split and head down.


Once you get to this third split, head south first.


Continue the path down and to the right until you get to this fourth split.
Head south first to pick up an item and a Pokemon.


In this rock, you can find a Burn Heal.


Just to the left of the Burn Heal is another one of Corey’s Pokemon, in the form of a Croagunk.



Going north on the fourth split will have you wind up by the Strength Rock again, so head back to the third split and go north.


Going north up the third split will bring you by a Mining Rock.


Even further left is another Mining Rock.


Just down from the Mining Rock is a Shoal Salt in the rock.


Keep going further south to get a Hyper Potion and a Mining Rock right below that.


At the fifth split, head south first.


Just below the fifth split is a Hyper Potion.


Left of the Hyper Potion is a Shoal Salt in a rock.


Going back to the fifth split and heading right will get you a Shoal Salt from this rock.


When reaching the open area at the bottom of the mountain, go left to get a Blue Shard and a Mining Rock.


Right of the Mining Rock is a Shoal Salt.


North of the Shoal Salt is a Max Repel.


In the back room, you can find a Beartic cornering a Smoochum, a Red Shard, a NeverMeltIce, and two Mining Rocks.


Fight the Beartic (Lv. 57) to get Smoochum.

If you have trouble with this fight, don't forget about the Perish Song/Destiny Bond technique discussed earlier.




Area Recommendations

Skorupi can evolve into a very powerful attack-based Drapion with quite the variety of moves. Mawile would be amazing if it's mega was available soon, but alas, that is not the case. Klink and Klang are pretty decent and can be useful against the upcoming poison gym.

In this area, you can find:

Walking: geodude.pnggraveler.pngklink.pngklang.pngmawile.pngnoibat.pngskorupi.png

Dark Patches: woobat.png

To access the new area, break the rocks here.


In the rock just to the right of the entrance, there is a Carbos.


Up by the computer with the inaccessible door, you can find a Red Shard.


There’s another Red Shard just a little to the right of the previous one.


To the right of both shards and partial train, there is an Escape Rope in some rubble.


In the very bottom right-hand corner of the map is the Dull Key.

Take the dull Key over to the Obsidia Slums to activate an event.



Area Recommendations

The Pokemon in this area are not too special and could already have been picked up from the Obsidia Slums earlier. The hard part about this area is the three Pangoros, two being level 45 and one being level 50! The level 50 one will probably be too tough to beat at your current state unless you use the cheesing method mentioned a couple times earlier.

In this area, you can find:


In this room, use the Dull Key on the door and enter through the next area.


Enter the back room to find a group of Pangoro’s have cornered some Scraggy and take them away!


A Super Repel can be found just above where you enter.


After going through the next doorway, a new jumping puzzle needs to be solved.
Starting at the far left, from the direction shown, follow these steps:


Up 2, Left 1, Up 2, Right 1, Up 2

Head straight up to face off against the First Pangoro (Lvl. 45).


Scraggy gives you a hint about some device it wants you to touch.
Press it to open one of the doors in the center of the area.


Now go to the fourth path from the left and solve it by doing the following from the direction shown:


Up 4, Right 2, Down 1, Left 1, Up 3

If you go right and down the stairs after the puzzle, you can get a Black Belt.


Go up now and face off against the Second Pangoro (Lv. 45).


The second Scraggy points just as emphatically as the first so go hit the second button to open up the center area.


To get to the center area, go back through the first path puzzle and then go through the following spots.



Now face off against the Head Pangoro (Lv. 50)!


Just when it looks like you’ve reached your end…


...the Scrafty from earlier comes to the rescue!


Then you can get a Scraggy.



For a reference, my team at this point consists of:

manectric.pngS.S. BoomMan (Lv. 35)

meowstic-female.pngKiiitty!! (Lv. 35)

nidoking.pngYour Majesty (Lv. 35)

greninja.pngDat Boi (Lv. 36)

stoutland.pngSnoopDogg (Lv. 36)

growlithe.pngLAPDs Finest (Lv. 37)

Continued on Next Page!!

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 15)!


Now that all the new areas and missions are explored and complete, go back to the Great Hall just to find that Fern beat you there.


After chatting, it looks like the new poison type leader is south of the city and Fern has the key, but won’t give it to you.
Fight him to have him tell you where the key is.



Swag Jockey Fern


ferroseed.pngFerroseed (Lv. 32): Pin Missle, Curse, Gyro Ball, Ingrain

ludicolo.pngLudicolo (Lv. 33): Water Gun, Mega Drain, Nature Power, Zen Headbutt

roserade.pngRoserade (Lv. 35) w/ Leftovers: Giga Drain, Hidden Power, Sleep Powder, Extrasensory

servine.pngServine (Lv. 35): Glare, Leech Seed, Mean Look, Leaf Tornado

The key for Fern is to abuse your flying and fire types. Poison can also be helpful against Ludicolo and Servine. Then once you beat him, rub it in his face until he cries. Just a general strategy, although skipping straight to the second part works best I've found.

Turns out Fern got the key from a fruity lookin’ guy decked out in purple. Best bet, that’s probably Cain.
Fern says that he was headed up to Beryl Cemetery, so that’s where you should head!



Up in the cemetery, you can find Cain in this spot staring at the new cross.

He talks a little about trying to find Heather since he understands the pain of being alone…#deep.


The topic of the key to the wasteland gets brought up. Beat him to get the key!



Pretty Boy Cain


dewott.pngDewott (Lv. 32): Revenge, Fury Cutter, Night Slash, Razor Shell

venomoth.pngVenomoth (Lv. 33): Gust, Sleep Powder, Psybeam, Silver Wind

grimer.pngGrimer (Lv. 35): Minimize, Disable, Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb

nidoking.pngNidoking (Lv. 36): Poison Tail, Double Kick, Thrash, Chip Away

A strong psychic type will wreck this team, in addition to an electric or grass type for Dewott. If you can beat Fern, you will have no problem with Cain.

Suddenly, a wild Heather appears and she is angry!


Cain suggests that she go and see Shelly.

Heather agrees and flies off on her Salamence towards Lapis Ward.


Cain also doesn’t give you the key…all that for nothing. Well, off to Lapis Ward!


Back in Shelly’s room, Heather is still pissed. Surprise, surprise…
Shelly takes Cain’s side, Heather gets pissed once more, and storms out.


Follow everyone out and watch as more drama goes down.


Go straight south of the gym to find our favorite PokeNazi, Dr. Sigmund.

He corners Heather and as Shelly explains Heather’s parents are dead, Sigmund pulls some legal BS and abducts Heather.
Added bonus, he may surpass Fern’s ultimate douche level.


Shelly breaks down and runs back to her gym, where Cain tries to cheer her up.


Heather appears to go through a rousing electric shock therapy and screams. Torture? Cruel and unusual punishment? Probably not...


Back in Shelly’s room, Cain hears the scream.
Cain says to go to the Orphanage and Shelly joins him to break out Heather.



Area Trainers

Orderly Timothy: Klink (Lv. 32), Slowpoke (Lv. 32), Elgyem (Lv. 33)

Orderly Hans & Steven: Magnemite (Lv. 33), Elgyem (Lv. 33), Venomoth (Lv. 33), Tynamo (Lv. 34), Kadabra (Lv. 33), Slowpoke (Lv. 33)

Orderly Bishop & Roth: Clefairy (Lv. 34), Klink (Lv. 34), Golett (Lv. 34), Blitzle (Lv. 34), Golett (Lv. 34), Klang (Lv. 34)

Orderly Landon & Calvin: Aron (Lv. 33), Drowzee (Lv. 33), Magnemite (Lv. 34), Elgyem (Lv. 34), Hypno (Lv. 34).

Orderly Ramsey & Daniel: Voltorb (Lv. 33), Piplup (Lv. 33), Magnemite (Lv. 34), Klink (Lv. 33), Prinplup (Lv. 33), Golett (Lv. 34)

Orderly John and David: Magnemite (Lv. 33), Kadabra (Lv. 33), Yanma (Lv. 33), Venomoth (Lv. 34), Magneton (Lv. 35), Elgyem (Lv. 34), Eelektrik (Lv. 33), Slowpoke (Lv. 34)

Orderly Matt & Christopher: Klink (Lv. 33), Elgyem (Lv. 33), Eelektrik (Lv. 34), Klang (Lv. 33), Magnemite (Lv. 33), Drowzee (Lv. 33)

When you go to the Orphanage, the door is locked but a noise can be heard from inside.
It's a good thing that you somehow made friends with Anna earlier, because she lets you in.


Anna behaves strangely and says that you glow and have an aura.

Ominous and possibly foreshadowing...


Cain talks about the plan and the other kids join you.


Charlotte leads by creating a diversion by calling the orderlies assholes and demanding cigarettes.

The orderlies then take Charlotte to the Circuit for her bad behavior.


Now you have to fight the three orderlies with the help of Cain and Shelly.


Cain takes the doorway to funnel most of the orderlies, but some come through the other door and snatch Noel.

Team up with Shelly and go up the stairs after the orderlies.


After beating the second set of orderlies, one locks the door and won’t let you past.


Go back to the main lobby and speak with Anna and she mentions an override program in the lab.


Go into the first room here to fight two orderlies.


The room next door is locked though, so head out to the south hallway.

Fight two more orderlies to get to the next spot.

Just past the two orderlies is the Data Chip. You can use this to get the Porygon from the Onix Trainer’s School.



Activate this computer next to the Data Chip to unlock the previously shut-in-your-face door.


Head out and back up the many sets of stairs until you battle another set of orderlies.

After beating the two orderlies, activate the computer to unlock all the cells.


Go over to this cell and the desk will have a Great Ball.


Speak with Noel and head downstairs to discuss the situation with Anna.


Before you go all the way down the stairs, there is a Parlyz Heal in the formerly locked cell.


Once you go to the lobby, head through the door Cain was guarding before.


Activate the computer to free Charlotte from her cell.


After some banter, head past Charlotte to unlock this cell.

Talk to the kid twice and he will give you a Rare Candy!


Charlotte grabs all the stuff from the room and tells you to unlock the door upstairs from the library.

You can get to the library from this side entrance in the room you previously beat the orderlies.


Go back up all the stairs and find that the door is now unlocked.


Walk up the steps to find a Mexican standoff!


Badass Charlotte time!


Everyone flees from the cops and proceed to the Underground Railnet in order to hide.

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A Space_Cowboy's Guide to playing Pokemon Reborn (Part 16)!


Anna will spot you and tell you to follow her.


Charlotte greets you with the rest of the group and lays out the plan.

She then asks you to break the rocks to allow the group to advance.


A cutscene appears with Dr. Sigmund and an orderly observing the progress of the group.

Suddenly, a mystery man appears and offers to help the doctor.


Charlotte is having trouble trying to open the door to the basement of the former Yureyu Building.


A little background is given on the building and the group mentions Ame’s hand in restoring the city.

Apparently, the building may still be hooked up to the old power plant, so that’s why the doors are shut.

The group suggests going up there and asking “Mr. Shadow” (aka Shade) to turn the power back on for the door.


Anna says she will have Nostra (her doll, remember?) tell Shade to unlock the place after you beat him.


Head up to Beryl Ward and to the Abandoned Power Plant!


Area Recommendations

If you want a new ghost type for the upcoming gym, Duskull or Yamask can be found in the gym and will have small amounts of leveling to evolve.

When you get up to the power plant, that Absol from before appears!

Why would it show up again in front of Shade’s gym…


As you walk in, the gym is almost pitch black and you’ll have to use the random flashes of light to make your way through.

In this area, you can find the following:

Wings: duskull.pngklink.pngklang.pngmagnemite.pngvoltorb.pngyamask.png

Generator Room: duskull.pngklink.pngklang.pngmagnemite.pngvoltorb.pngelectrode.pngyamask.png

Head left first and go up the first path you see to find a computer.

Activate the computer and watch the scene.

It’s a red-haired girl pushing Amaria off of some unseen ledge…interesting.


Head back down and further left to the next computer.

Same thing as before, activate to watch the scene.

Some unknown woman is then killed by a Garchomp…this place is creepy…


Head back to the main lobby and go right this time.

In the same mirrored spot of the first computer, activate the third one.

Here you see Corey fall off the bridge…so are these vision things of the past?


Finally, in the top area, hit the last computer to watch what happens.

There seems to be some kind of explosion? And the person is dismembered?

There’s some kind of story here, but we may be too early in the game to understand.


Anyways, go and heal up then come back to battle Shade!


Entity Shade


gengar.pngCorey the Gengar (Lv. 35): Thunderbolt, Shadow Claw, Hypnosis, ???

banette.pngBanette (Lv. 36): Shadow Sneak, Knock Off, Shadow Claw, ???

doublade.pngDoublade (Lv. 35): Swords Dance, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, ???

trevenant.pngTrevenant (Lv. 34): Shadow Claw, Horn Leech, ???, ???

rotom.pngRotom (Lv. 37): Pain Split, Shadow Ball, Discharge, Confuse Ray

chandelure.pngChandelure (Lv. 38) w/ Sitrus Berry: Flame Burst, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Hidden Power

The key for this battle is to out speed both "Corey", Banette, and Rotom because the rest of his team is much more manageable after that. It also helps if you have a Pokemon that knows a move like Discharge to get rid of the darkness. That way, ghost types no longer get the added advantage from the environment.

After you win, you will get the Omen Badge, Pokemon up to level 45 will obey you, you can now use the move Flash outside of battle, and you get TM65 Shadow Claw.


He is now kind enough to turn on the power, but ominously tell you to watch his screen.


Back at the locked door, everyone gets a little more than they bargained for.


Back at Shade’s place, he provides a warning.


Go back to the Underground Railnet to find Victoria pacing around.


She mentions you’ll need Strength to access the room and needing the badge from the new poison gym leader Aya, who is Cain’s sister.

Victoria also mentions that Cain is now in Coral Ward so time to head there!



On the way there, check out the new trainers on Opal Ward's bridge.

Area Trainers

Techie Caleb: Klink (Lv. 34), Voltorb (Lv. 34), Porygon (Lv. 34)
Psychic Damon: Gastly (Lv. 35), Litwick (Lv. 35)
Psychic Rin: Spoink (Lv. 34), Deino (Lv. 34), Liepard (Lv. 34)


Go to the pier and talk to Cain. He regrets his actions in the tunnel and wants to make things right.

In order to do this, he hops on his Muk and heads across the polluted water.


As you turn around to leave, Amaria pops out of the warehouse.


She asks you to come to the Blacksteam Factory in Peridot so that she can stop the pollution in Azurine for good.


Head to Peridot Ward and find Amaria here.

Talk to her and she will have her Lapris make an ice bridge to the roof.


Enter here to join Amaria in the factory!


At this point, my team consisted of the following:

stoutland.pngSnoopDogg (Lv. 38)

nidoking.pngYour Majesty (Lv. 38)

manectric.pngS.S. BoomMan (Lv. 39)

meowstic-female.pngKiiitty!! (Lv. 39)

arcanine.pngLAPDs Finest (Lv. 39)

greninja.pngDat Boi (Lv. 39)

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