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Happy Birthday to the birthday boys!


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Guess what guys!? We have two birthdays today! More cake for everyone... oh wait... I guess we don't have any. Sorry.

Dobby is turning 18 today, and he's been such a great friend and member, I think it's time to set him free:


And Simon is turning 19! He's such a great mod... I don't think he deserves to be dirty any more:


Happy birthday guys! Hope it's a great one.

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  • Veterans

Happy birthday Dobby, you're a great guy. at times

It's also senor Simon's birthday soooo.

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I tried.



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I thought it was made clear that the reason why auth are said to smell was cause of Jeri :c

Thank you for the birthday wishes frens, Glad to be part of this community for 2+ years now. Also, happy birthday to you Dobby. Being 18 is supposed to be a big moment so I hope your bday goes well for ya man. Even though it wasn't a big moment for me lol.

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Happy Birthday Dobby (and Simon but I dealt with Simon in the other thread).

I don't really know you that well, but I like you quite a bit. The few times we've talked, I've gained a fair bit of respect for you.

Have a great day! You deserve it!

Insert picture of a sock here.

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  • Support Squad

Sock jokes are quite inevitable aren't they. Ah vell, they're meant in good jest.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Being an adult feels remarkably similar to being a young adult. I wonder why. Ces't la vie, as I learned from my 3 years of french during secondary school. I also learned how to cook a guinea pig BUT that's not my point.

Happy birthday Simon boyo. It's really cool I share a birthday with someone here, hopefully there's more to come!

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