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Is my team still good to continue?


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Haven't played Reborn in a long while and I would like to know if my team is still viable!

I believe I finished the cult part (I spawned inside the wall near the plaque entrance and the 7th street entrance, sorry if I'm wrong).

Sun Tzu (Vaporeon) lv60


Quiet / Hydration

Aqua Ring : Aurora Beam

Wish : Hydro Pump

Basically, Vaporeon is there to tank hits and support/last longer as well as hit back with a Hydro Pump or Aurora Beam.

Socrates (Male Meowstic) lv59

Light Clay

Adamant / Prankster

Light Screen : Reflect

Misty Terrain : Psychic

Meant to set up dual screens and Misty Terrain for the others. Psychic is so he can defend himself.

Lt. Blue (Arcanine) lv61


Docile / Flash Fire

Morning Sun : Crunch

Heatwave : Extreme Speed

Basic RK9 setup. Heatwave only there because the nature was +SpA. Morning Sun is so she can tank a hit or two.

Haku (Greninja) lv61


Hardy / Protean

Extrasensory : Strength

Hydro Pump : Smack Down

Diverse moves to take advantage of his ability. Pretty much a fast attacker.

Hoodlum (Scrafty) lv59

Wide Lens

Hardy / Intimidate

High Jump Kick : Crunch

Rock Climb : Ice Punch

A Physical attacker w/ diverse moves and lens for his HJK.

Hinagiku (Gardevoir) lv61


Docile / Telepathy

Psychic : Draining Kiss

Calm Mind : Future Sight

Special attacker with a setup,

Sorry for the bland descriptions, just was tired and forgot what I was doing >.< All help appreciated! ;)

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