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[IC] The Pride of Sheep


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Debronee concealed a frown. Artemis’ interference had surely resulted in more problems that he’d be willing to admit, as the miniscule pieces of rubble descended harmlessly from the sky, nothing more weighty than sand. It was ironic, really; endangering herself actually caused such implications to him, to influence Wallace to act towards her safety and, possibly – for their own mutual benefit. She now stood on the far side of the arena as the inert Fowl was now closest to him.

Wary, I see. Debronee wouldn’t waste a golden opportunity if she made herself vulnerable again.

Ready to dodge the almost ascertained attack on him, however, Wallace had aimed for Tesla instead, a decision which enticed him as much as it surprised him, even if another attack, obviously showing not the slightest inclination of mercy or holding back was now directed at him.

Fear? Squishy boy, you’re a lot softer than I thought.

Of course, such trepidation was warranted; Tesla and Victoria were as much as, if not bigger, a threat to the martial boy in general. Perhaps he had planned to bring the battle even closer together, out of desperation. Noticing Tesla’s weakened form was another trump card another Debronee’s sleeve, however – it mattered not if he fell with the strike, be it on Artemis, and now, another choice in Tesla – his attention to her that of which he managed to conceal beneath the phlegmatic mask that ignited within – all he needed was to get close.

The fervency in him strengthened as he pondered on Wallace again. His opening would come in during Wallace’s attack – where his strongest was, under circumstance, also his weakest. Gritting his teeth knowing that things were already progressing near the end, he decided it was time to take a chance at things. Much like Tesla, one ample strike on his gear and it was pretty much game over for him – much like the spar that was resuming between Hari and Victoria, still, however, landing such a strike would prove difficult, especially if Wallace had been unknowingly smart enough to cut him off his plan, for the sole reason that Artemis had interfered.

I’ll bet on this.

Uplifting another barrage of chunks of stone from the uneven piece of earth where he had once made his massive projectile – a larger amount than the first attempt before courtesy of his temporarily enhanced strength, that of a more significant degree – one swing of his blade and several were sent flying at different trajectories, though all towards, the aloft Wallace, while a final, larger stone stood clutched in his hand, as he now ran in an altered path circling Wallace, this time closer to the wall-

His time to charge would come, whomever it may be at – there was no turning back now.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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  • 2 weeks later...

Harisha Tuuli

Harituuli had managed to outmaneuver her crafty opponent thus far using her superior speed and would continue to do so as this fight went on. Banking on her cardiovascular stamina and overall energy, Harituuli was hoping to exhaust her opponent and trick her into making hasty and overzealous moves. A strategy that thus far seemed to working for the beast girl as her "Runner's High" of sorts ran at full output. Ducking and weaving in strange, hard to read, and extremely quick movements was her current approach that would surely cause her slow opponent trouble and give Harituuli the opening she needed to get some "blood in the water". As she closed in on Victoria, Harituuli's movements increased in tempo with the hunger and thrill that comes with the hunt. Her excitement and levity was in such high levels that she had failed to account for the very thing she respected most about her Tech opponent: Victoria's guile and power.

It was already too late by the time Harituuli saw the direction Victoria's fists were headed and had not the mental swiftness to double back and avoid the coming attack. Victoria's fists made a mighty blow upon the ground in front of her, and subsequently the earth all around her in quite the outstanding radius; this, of course, included the very area where Harituuli had been moving. With the shuddering, thunderous cracking of the arena floor, Harituuli was once again placed at the whims of physics as she was thrust into the air by the upheaval of the terrain. Her balance completely lost, Harituuli quickly attempted to regain her bearings and make a decision on how to deal with this sudden shift in momentum between the two fighters. Victoria now had all the advantage she could need against her recently immobilized and dazed opponent!

Edited by GotWala
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Wally vs Deb- DUEL

The young wind caller might've smiled at the repeated tactic of his opponent, if he had ever truly learned how. The stones were quickly reduced to fine dust one by one as they each closed in, the writhing, savage spheres of air before him having only bundled themselves tighter and becoming ever more vorpal a force in the time the barrage had been prepared. He thought he was being clever, didn't he? Too bad the very nature of how Deb had gathered and launched his projectiles telegraphed it a mile away. Wallace rotated the chamber one last time, hammer springing back with ease.

The other boy was running... running like always. He was lucky, being so physically able...so hearty and hale. He held so easily in his grasp Wallace had only ever been able to watch just out of view like a carrot on a stick- strength, real, actual strength.

He doubted whether the fool knew just how much he envied him, envied the ability to walk without having to fight to stay up, not having to constantly stay in a trance just to function outside of a bed or keep his mind and willpower dedicated to pushing forward for just another step, and another, and another. The other boy probably had no idea at all, more out of Wallace's own lack of ability to express or emote than anything else.

"So utterly typical though... I don't know why I should even care at this point." He thought, the winds whipping into even greater fervor around his form, the churning spheres of shredding aero beginning to revolve around him like lions defending a kill, unseen though their cry filled his ears and mind. He could feel it, the synergy, the rising tide of the mental wind flowing through him... the unseen hands of Tempest, prepared to lend him their strength, their ferocious howl calling to him "You're just like everyone else- I can never hope to match you blow for blow, no matter how hard I try...I'll always be the sick boy, the wimp, the mute, the one alone in the corner who you all dismiss as nothing...a trifling runt among giants. So long, I've watched from afar, admiring, envying. But at your base, you're nothing special, Debronee Damora... just the physical amalgamation of all I'll never be."

He felt the burn behind his eyes. They weren't tears, they were never tears, for one such as himself did not cry, no the feeling was far too intense to be mere physiological responses, far too familiar. Indeed, it was, as it washed over him, the winds acting as his muscle, responding in kind as he let himself be lulled by the howl of Tempest, that great wolf upon the winds.

This was the very definition of the Tranquil Tempest:

Tranquil Fury.

Pure, unbridled, and unrelenting. Yet silent as a subtle wind.

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It was not the undisturbed calm of a lake that kept him going, bearing what he must, no, it was his fury and contempt for those he'd never be able to match, for whatever invisible hands had sewn the hempen thread of his fate so short and thin. He refused to live and die a mere invalid, had refused every single day, let the determination push him further each and every waking moment, observing longer, meditating harder... years and years worth of work and study, neglecting all else because he was incapable of all else, until at long last, what little strength he had gained, his fury had become. The rest of them still owned this forsaken stage in the opera, but even if he could not step onto it's stained surface, he would serve as it's phantom instead.

"I'm going to make you regret this day... so very much..." And so it was the wind sprang into action, so thick it's presence was almost overwhelming as glacial light shined beneath the boys mask, visible to all despite his face not so. A churning torrent of shredding air hurtled for Deb with monstrous force and terrifying swiftness as one of Wallace's vorpal spheres broke off of defensive orbit and led the charge, it's vicious ferocity filling the entire arena with a savage howl befitting of only the most rabid beast, the same nigh ethereal glow emanating from beneath the boy's mask hanging off it's destructive currents...

"Go on, bird boy, come here and put me in my place, if you're so strong.... or I'll decimate you just like I did tesla. One opportunity, it's all I need, one cocky little maneuver thinking you're in the clear just because you dodged it, like it's so easy to escape my wrath..."

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And there it was, the chance Victoria needed. Harituuli sprawled through the air, apparently incapable of regaining her bearings. She jumped upwards, aiming so that her trajectory collided with Harituuli's. She snatched her foe from her fall and used her rockets to redirect them both straight downward. The helpless Harituuli found herself flung downward just ahead of Victoria, landing squarely on her back. Victoria landed directly on top of her, one fist next to Harituuli's face and the other poised to smash into it. Any other day and this would be where they would stop, the victor was clear now, there was no need to cause any more pain. But today was different, today Victoria was supposed to smash everything in her path. She was the strongest and today she was supposed to prove it. But this wasn't right, this didn't prove anything. Destroying someone she already knew stood no chance against her didn't show she was stronger, if anything it showed a different kind of weakness. Only the most depraved of people felt a need to bring down those who were lesser than them. What point was there to being strong if you couldn't help the weak? She had the strength to destroy anyone here, but couldn't that also mean she had the strength to build them up? And it was for this reason that she no longer knelt over her friend and instead walked calmly towards the wall of the arena. The people above her were yelling, but it was blocked out by the howl of the wind. She smiled inwardly, thanking whatever gods might exist in the empty void of the world for Wallace's impeccable timing. She now stood before the wall, a literal and figurative barrier between herself and freedom. Her fist raised of its own accord as she willed her body to find a way past it. But when it pushed forward to smash the wall, she found it devoid of all power, it was merely the fist of a small child colliding with solid stone. Victoria spun around in confusion and found that it wasn't just her, everyone was now mech-less. Murmurs of confusion made their way over the wall as the adults tried to sort out what had just happened

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In the blink of an eye, a man appeared from nothingness. He wore a pure white suit and carried himself as though he weren't even a part of the world. He walked towards Victoria with a blank expression on his face. "Hello little lord." He said in a soft voice, "Forgive my intrusion, but I don't think causing a wall to avalanche on top of you is the solution you're looking for. If you'll give me a moment of your time, I think I can provide a better one."

Victoria looked at him in surprise, "Did you do that?" Was all she could muster.

"I assume you mean disabling the usage of your queer little mech system? Yes, I did that." He said.

Victoria wasn't given time to respond again as Mr. Jeff ran out to confront the newcomer. "You! What are you doing here?" He demanded.

"Well, I was merely observing." The white man answered without turning around, "But I saw a need to intervene."

"No one asked for your intervention. In fact you were told specifically not to mess with our way of life."

"Well, to put it frankly, your way of life is screwed up."

"That's not for an outsider like you to decide."

"I'm hardly an outsider. If anything, you are the outsiders."

"Yeah, like anyone would believe that nonsense you were spouting."

"You don't have to believe it, but it remains true." the white man now turned to face Mr. Jeff, "If you insist, then I can provide a demonstration."

Victoria let the white man and Mr. Jeff fade out of her focus for a moment as she looked to see what the others were doing. Tesla was down, Artemis and Fowl seemed to be recovering from something, probably fighting Tesla if Victoria had to guess. Wallace was on the ground, he probably fell when his mech suddenly disappeared from under him. Victoria hoped he was alright. Harituuli was still where Victoria left her and Deb had gone from grasping a large sword to holding nothing but a small rock in his hand.

(OOC: Cue reactions. I'll follow up with Artemis and Fowl and then jump back to Mr. Jeff and the fella in white after)

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Tumbling. Tumbling through air, like all the worthless weight his mortal coil was, his mech gone without any warning as the winds vanished just as suddenly. He could only gaze up at empty sky, as he fell "How...who I...I was so close...I thought-" He stopped, catching a glimpse of the man in white just before he hit the cold stone face first, the rest of him following soon after and sprawling on the ground.

He didn't stay there for long though, the tranquil fury that was Tempest still flowing flow his mind, a savage, howling wind that seemed to drown out everything else. No other trances he had experienced compared to it, what he felt now. Even outside of the Mech, the winds of the world still backed him, one way or another... especially when his fury had been so closely aligned with theirs. That fall should've done far worse than it did, luckily he hadn't gone too high during the battle... or perhaps his subconscious had noticed some subtle change just before and compensated at the last possible minute; either way, he felt no injury... aside from the pain of stone slapping flesh.

He reached out and planted both arms under himself, none of the usual shaking or hesitation to build force that he usually knew, just the determination to get off the ground and see the one who had the gall to cut short his one opportunity to actually prove something, to slay a giant, give his life meaning, however fleeting...

By the time he stood upright again, his face had been etched with what was perhaps the only emotion any of his peers had ever seen from him; mouth curled into a snarl, corners barely visible behind his collar, eyes still holding a fleeting glint of indignation, though nowhere near what they had been. His legs held none of their usual shake, his body holding steady as his contempt burned like a silent star. He might've relished it, this fleeting sensation, this... stability under the full potential of his trance, the most efficient harnessing of his spite he'd ever managed before. But he had no time to focus on any euphoria, despite knowing it could only last so long.

He was far too busy silently staring daggers at the fucker in white, this man here, this being who must work for fate; for what other bitch would be so cruel as to seize such an opportunity as the one he'd almost had in his had in his hands, right out from under him? He should've known it would all turn right back to shit, that he was just being taunted...and he'd fallen for it, like a dog.


It still hurt, when she finally came too. For the first moments, all she could do was try to recollect herself... and then the memories came flooding back. Wallace pulling that scumbag attack, his little girlfriend rushing in to finish it... yeah, that's right... Wallace.

And after she'd held back against the sack of crap little wimp too... and against the girl and her twin. Should've blasted them all... that much was clear. She should've listened to David's advice from the beginning; all of this had only happened because she was too soft, too afraid to go all out. She could've easily destroyed just about any of em except vicky, and that was because... well, vicky was simply the best.

But Wallace. Wallace kept coming into focus...in fact, she wasn't seeing double. She wasn't suffering concussion. The boy was standing right over there. Mechless...all of them were, actually, now that she thought about. But yet... he was looking nowhere as frail as he usually did, none of the body shakes, none of the swaying, his eyes even seemed to be explicitly focused and alert...

Good. That meant she wouldn't have to hold back for what she was about to do.

And so it was... that a fight broke out...

The only warning the boy had was the wordless cry of outrage as the girl charged him. Even stable as his mortal coil was, he still lacked the athletic skill to move or get out of the way in time, do anything to stop her as Tesla tackled him with her full body weight, pinning him to the ground and grabbing a long swath of his collar with a fist raised high, dishing out what was even then only be a fraction of the pain she'd felt from his assault, colliding into his cheek with a satisfying smack, a bit of blood dripping from his lip as she wound up another one...

But then there was his voice, calling out over the stands. "GIRL IF YOU DON'T GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM LIKE THAT, I SWEAR I'LL LEAVE SULLY RIGHT HERE IN THE CARRIER AND COME GET YOU MYSELF!!" David... of course. She hadn't taken into account David, the moorish-skinned man glaring at her from up in the stands, hands braced against the lower edge and eyes blazing like a storm amber flames. Tesla's gaze couldn't help but gaze up to Wallace's parents, a man with hair just a verdant and disheveled rising from his seat and about to leap over the wall as a chestnut blonde tried to hold him back, the obvious intent of murder clear in his eyes at the mere sight of his son being assualted.



She lowered her fist. Wallace glared at her as she got off his chest, his breathing far more haggard than usual. more than just his lip had been bloodied, now that she actually looked. She'd caught a fair bit of his nose in the impact too. She stood there, looking down... only to stumble as she was roughly shoved out of the way, the boy's father having leapt down and now cradling him on the ground, dabbing away the blood with a handkerchief, whispering something to him... and then turning to glare at her.

"Damn Walker..." He snarled beneath his breath, Wallace seeming to get control of his breathing again in the meantime. "should've perished out in the gray..."

She looked back up at David... then at the boy's father. And turned and walked away. There was no point trying to apologize. It would do nothing here, she knew it already. And she didn't really want to say sorry either.

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Harisha Tuuli

The entire exchange between her and Victoria had happened in a flash; so much so that Harituuli took some time to realize that she had been brought down to earth and was almost finished off. She saw that look in Victoria's eyes as she was spared from a finishing blow. That look was what reminded Harituuli that this battle had a purpose beyond that of a friendly bout. A purpose that involved proving something for... Well, she could never really understand what it was all for. However, Harituuli did understand that in a battle for dominance and superiority, victory had to be absolute. And yet, Victoria had gone against the destined outcome of this tourney and spared her. There was a vast mix of emotions going through Hairtuuli's mind but one thing remained clear to her: Victoria was still her friend!

Harituuli had begun getting up off the ground as her Mech faded from her body. It was during this process that her movements felt more sluggish and her feral sharpness and instinct started to fade. No longer consumed by high of adrenaline as it all melted away with her Mech, Harituuli tried to focus all of her physical and mental energy in order to make it to her recent opponent. She barely recognized the argument between one of the teachers and the strange man in white as she made her way to Victoria with bleary-eyed vision. Barely managing not to stumble all over herself, Harituuli made it to Victoria and proceeded to give her friend the best hug she could muster.

"V-v-vic *hic* ky..." Whimpered the little beast girl as she gripped her friend tight with no intention of letting go. "Y-you *hic* still..."

She didn't care if crying was embarrassing or if her loss would have consequences. Right now, all Harituuli cared about was being close to her playmate again.

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  • 2 weeks later...


No longer did his sword, his symbol of strength, stay wielded within his fingers; nor did Debronee feel the same furor and power that once surged through his limbs, that of which gave him life, that of which made him feel strong and worthy. As his mech slowly faded and revealed the exterior behind that burning mask, he gritted his teeth in annoyance of the sudden interference of the being in white as his eyes scanned the arena. He remembered himself about to confront with Wallace, the bundle of wind nearing his way when....someone had interfered. He'd paid little heed to the brief moment of events following that. All he knew was that his mech was gone, only a stone in his hand, instead of a blade and shining armor.

We were to fight, only for it to stop all of a sudden? He thought. Did someone decide to spare either the twins, Tesla, or that squishy insect out of pity when he was well within his reach to crush him already?

But it wasn’t just him – Harituuli's, Victoria’s, even that of that frail little insect that everyone’s mechs had been disabled.

What the hell.

It came to pass that the fighting had been stopped, albeit momentarily; what came subsequently, Harituuli was now crying as she held Victoria in a touching, loving embrace; Victoria, much like Tesla before her to the twins, had spared her from a finishing attack, leaving Debronee in a mix of scorn and abhorrence of the deja vu. Wallace and Tesla subsequently entered something of a feud as their respective guardians went at each other’s mouths each with threats toward the other. Between the bestial girl's sobs to the exchange of shouts and screams between David and Wallace's parents, the arena was no longer a venue for blood, glory and battle, but a serving of split emotions of their own individuality. Things that should have had no place here.

Friendship? Love? Protection and standing up towards those who care for one another? The display of emotions presented itself before Debronee like a spider in a salad, every voice irritating him, every gesture contemptuous to his being.

Sentiments and mush yet again….disgust and contempt plagued his every thought, every bone in his body, every ounce of what remained of his consciousness after that fight. The mix of disappointment of being unable to do anything within this match along with the disdainful events that occurred before him left him with no words to describe his mix of disdain and anger, burning with a blaze that could almost dwarf the fire that currently burned on Wallace's exterior. Debronee tossed the stone in his hand in his irritation and grunted exasperatedly, before disinterestedly walking back to his own Enclave.

(OOC: Oh dear god I'm so tired so please spare this if this is badly written, business + work is killing me)

Edited by Noir
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Victoria hugged Harituuli back. There wasn't much else to do. Tesla and Wallace's fighting was, disconcerting, but she had no power to stop them. Right now the one with all the power in the arena was the man in the white suit. Whatever strange device he had used to cancel out their mechs meant that nobody could reliably take him on. Mr. Jeff was best outfit to fight him directly right now, being the most experienced in combat--both in and outside of mechs--of everyone in the arena, until he attacked, Victoria would hold position. She made sure, however, to toss a hand signal in his direction to indicate that she was ready if he needed her. Probably, she was bad at hand signals.


(OOC: Start playing that Last Occultism arrange in my last post again, it helps with the mood)

The man known as the Watcher stayed true to his name as a fight broke out. Such foolishness only further displayed why the practices of Pride were broken. Jefferson started to move to intervene, but Watcher shook his head. "It's best to leave them for now." He said.

"Oh so now you want to stay out of things?" Jefferson replied, "Tell you what, I'll take you up on that demonstration. Prove that you're really this 'Watcher' fellow who was the first to arrive in the Planes. As if anyone would believe such a moronic claim."

"I confess I cannot prove my age, as only I have witnessed myself, but I can further demonstrate my power." Watcher replied.

An orb of white flashed past Jefferson, screeching from nowhere into the air. It flew through Deb and halted itself on the other side of him. Giving the retreating boy no chance to react, it formed into the shape of a hand and grabbed him, somehow turning solid. It effortlessly lifted him into the air and brought him to where Watcher and Jefferson were.

"Sorry, but I don't think you should leave." Watcher said calmly.

"How? What even is that?" Jefferson asked, dumbfounded at the glowing white hand that now held Deb afloat beside him.

"It is a small exertion of power."

"But, you aren't even using a mech."

"Not as you would think, no, your kind is too simple to realize the applications of the power you so selfishly hold to yourselves." Watcher let Deb down gently before continuing, "This 'Favor' you utilize is so much more than you know. In the short period of time you have had to study it you've barely even scratched the surface. Neither those who train their bodies, those who train their minds, nor even the pragmatists who use the power of technology have any idea of what they're fooling around with. But it is not my job to stop that, I simply observe and occasionally offer advice."

"And yet here you are trying to stop things."

"I couldn't let someone as important as the little lord over there bury herself alive."

With that he turned around once more, returning his attention to Victoria, completely ignoring Jefferson and Deb again. He knelt down in front of her so that his eyes were level with hers. She gave him a confused look as she clung to the sobbing child that she had spared.

"What do you want?" She demanded suspiciously.

"Victoria McKay, where I am from those of great power are given a special name, such as how they call me Watcher. You are the most powerful child I have ever seen in my many years of observation, and you are on the path to become even stronger."

"Well, I am strong." Victoria mumbled.

"In honor of this strength I would like to give you a name like mine, would that be alright?"

"Um, yes? I think so."

"Good," Watcher smiled, "Then from now on you should introduce yourself as Lord, because you are the strongest of us all."

"Lord, huh?" the newly christened Lord tested the feeling of her name, "I like it."

"I'm glad to hear it. Now then, Lord, shall we be going?"

"Um, where?"

"Wherever you like, you're the one in charge here."

"Well... I have kind of always wanted to see the other Planes. I once read that one of them is always on fire!"

"Very well then." Watcher raised himself to his full height and prepared to hide the three of them so they could escape.

"Oh, and bring Wally too, I don't want Tesla to beat him up again while I'm gone."

There was a flash of light and then Lord, Harituuli, and Wallace all disappeared, leaving everyone else is the arena lost as to what had just happened

Mr. Jeff

Jeff would have loved to stop Watcher, he really would have, but he didn't know what could be done against someone who could conjure giant glowing hands out of nothingness with only a tiny fraction of their power. Nobody he knew of could do that with all of their power. So he just watched helplessly as Watcher took away the three children. What made it worse was that he was thoroughly convinced that they were safer with that madman than they were with the ones in here who almost all simply watched everything unfold without saying a word. But such a fiasco wouldn't simply be overlooked, he feared for those left behind, particularly Tesla who now would have to deal further with the rage of David. He walked in that direction, hoping to intercede before things got ugly.

(OOC: I'll reappear the disappeared guys after Tesla and the twins get posts. I'll post for the twins as soon as I get the opportunity)

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She...didn't even know what to do at that point. So much was going on... the suited man's magic tricks, the disappearance of Vicky and the very boy she'd almost pummeled, Wally's father just staring blankly into space, jaw agape, like he almost couldn't believe what he had just witnessed... only for David to finally come down, shaking him back to reality.

"He took him, David..." Ingraham muttered, still on his knees. The crimson swath of fabric was still clutched in his hand. "Took them... just like that... and none of us did anything. Nothing at all...what is that man? I... never before... I thought psychokinesis was a myth, at least outside of the mech, but yet the hand...the abduction...how?"

"...you're asking the wrong mechanic." with that said, he took his hand off the other mans shoulder as his wife came down beside him, taking the moorish man's place as he marched towards Tesla, eyes still alight. She looked back up to the stands...wow. He...hadn't been kidding... he really had left Sully right there...

Yes...indeed. There was no way out of this. She braced herself, not quite sure what to expect... but knowing with the shit she'd done, it wouldn't be pleasant.

"I don't what in pride's name you were thinking... I should take my belt and whip your ass right here and now... beating some boy who can't even defend himself. Only thing worse than what I just saw you do..." He cast a finger towards the direction of Sully's carrier, gaze completely ornery as he leaned in, voice a harsh whisper. "is if you were to beat him like you did wallace. What the fuck have I told you girl? The battlefield, is not a place for being soft. You do not fuck around, you do not play nice. You do what needs to be done, so you're the one walking away in the end. So don't you go whining, and getting miffed about how he saw and opportunity and did what he needed to do...just because you messed up again out there. You should've blasted him and those girls when you had the chance...but you didn't. And it cost you in the end."

He noticed Jeff's aproach just as he was about to say more. He leaned out again, letting his hand fall to his side as he looked at her still. "We aren't done talking about this. You might not get whipped, but you ain't getting away scott free either. No go sit in the stands with Sully... you're lucky we've got far more pressing things to deal with right now, girl."

She didn't argue. Just turned her eyes to the ground and started walking... slowly. She'd rather not face his stare, so the amazing view of the stone floor was better than anything at this point

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  • 2 weeks later...


Gone, poof. One instant their friends were there, they next they were stolen in a literal flash. Artemis had no clue how to react, and she couldn't seem to contact Fowl from afar. While the two were sometimes at odds, Artemis couldn't deny that Fowl was generally the more composed of the pair. And right now, composed would really help. A whirlwind of emotions engulfed her, she desperately clawed at her Dream Space, trying to reach her mech but failing repeatedly before it finally returned to her. "Fowl, are you back?" She called desperately.

"Yeah, I'm here, I thought our mechs weren't working though?" Fowl answered.

"They weren't, but I guess they had to come back sometime."

"I'm going to assume this means the man in the white suit has left the area, there's not much point in chasing him."


"We're kids, and even the adults couldn't do much to him." Fowl didn't sound very defeated, and Artemis quickly heard why, "But if we could stir up everyone we might be able to get them to do something."

Commotion, Artemis knew how to do that. She ran out into the center of the arena so everyone could see clearly that she was back in her mech. "HEY EVERYBODY." She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Uh, I didn't mean now." Fowl said, trying to stop her.


And then Artemis did the most stirring thing she could manage: She let everyone see how she felt. She cried.

"...Oh. I'm sorry Artemis, I didn't realize."

Artemis's only answer were her sobs. Mr. Jeff changed course from trying to intercept the situation with Tesla to comforting Artemis, but his efforts were fruitless. His soothing words did nothing to end the river of tears. Fowl worked her way over to join them, still a little weak from the fight. Artemis's tears, however, were not in vain. Although most of the crowd stayed in the stands, a single young boy lowered himself down. His movements were surprisingly gentle considering his bulk. He walked not to Artemis, but over to the men in the arena. Artemis didn't know what he meant to do, but something about him made her feel calm and safe.


Tobias strode calmly over to the two men who had entered the arena. While most were loathe to enter into a place of battle, as it was tradition to stay out of it, Tobias was smart enough to realize that the battle was long over and that tradition could go to the backburner. It was a surprise to see David come down, the man was known for not exactly being the most honorable of tradition, but he also had his son to take care of. Outside Wallace's father, none of the other parents had come down. Deb's father was far too stuck in tradition to even think about checking on his son. Victoria's mother wasn't even here. He wasn't even sure Harituuli had parents. Artemis and Fowl's father was already present in the arena from the beginning.

"'Scuse me David sir." He said casually, "But I think I have an idea for finding the disappearing act if you'll loan me Tesla for a while. Since Victoria was directing the Watcher fellow, I think I may be able to sort out where she went with the help of these four youngsters."

The boy swayed oddly as he spoke, as though he were near fainting. In reality it was a practiced method of keeping his body at a specific rhythm at all times.


Not even the three children Watcher took with him knew how he got them out, they simply found themselves in another place. Just as Lord had been told, this place was a land of fire. But it wasn't really fire, it was just a strange reddish-orange glow spread across the entire land. It came from a ball of light just at the end of the horizon. It was breathtaking, she'd never seen anything like it. The ambient greyness of her home Plane sprung to mind. She wondered if any of the other Planes had such a wonderful light to them. "What is that?" She asked in awe.

"That is a cluster of atomic reactions off in distant space." Watcher explained, "It's similar to a Spherian object known as Sol, but the odd way the planes work has it permanently on the horizon regardless of the time or location. I theorized that the Plane of Wrath is the only Plane close enough to actually see it. However this has dangers associated with it, the land is often set alight by bursts of stellar fire--and once again the oddity of a fixed location results in these fires starting universally across the plane--and the radiation can cause illness if one strays to far from Anchors. To that end I have made certain to place us near an inn in which we may stay."

Lord didn't understand most of what Watcher told her, although she did gather that this place was dangerous. "Will Wallace be alright?" She asked, now cncerned that she had put him in needless danger.

"He should be, however the warning-less displacement may have him slightly shocked." Watcher explained, "Wallace, are you alright?"

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He mulled it over for a few moments, as the robust boy swayed. A glance at Ingrham still on his knees and Myra trying to comfort him, One of the twins crying with Jeff by her side, the Deb kid still pouting and shit. Didn't they all look like a pitiful bunch... hell, David didn't even know where to begin sorting this mess out, not by a long shot. He was a mechanic afterall, not a miracle worker, and like it or not, the man in white had wielded power far beyond anything they could match...somehow.

He didn't quite know the boy well, had only seen and heard of him in passing really, but he knew was smart... a lot more smart than he looked. And probably a lot smarter than most of them. "Fine... screw it..." he sighed, before tossing his head back and calling over his shoulder "TESLA! change of plans, you're gonna make things right by helping to get Wallace and the others back, girl!"


Needless to say, Tesla was more than a bit surprised at his sudden change of heart...but she didn't bother to question it, giving a glance to Solomon as he giggled and cooed in his carrier. The little tyke grabbed for her with those chubby little mitts, but all she could do was play with them a bit as she leaned down to eye level. "Later, okay? there's...stuff going on sully..." With that she turned and headed back down towards the mechanic, her younger brother just staring at her, curiosity on his cherub like face, a mess of black curls topping his head...

Good she thought He didn't start crying "...yeah?" She asked, once she again stood where she'd been before.

"He's got a plan..." David said, nodding towards Tobias. "You and the other's are gonna help out however he needs you to. I've got jack on what to do here, and I'm pretty sure none of the others do either from the state of things...whatever he's got in mind, it's the best bet we have right now."

She looked up into those burnt amber eyes, about to say something before they again glinted, having not forgotten nor forgiven what she'd done, and she nigh immediately recalled why she'd avoided them before, instead turning to the older boy. "W-what's your idea then...how can I help?"

Wallace (oh my god he can talk...)

He lay there, the same position his father had cradled him, though his head now lying on the rather warm ground instead of the flush white of the man's labcoat. The air felt different here... so much to breath, so saturated with oxygen... it felt like home in his mind, not his home, but the place the winds would call their own... they place they could thrive and prosper. Even the sky was different, as he stared straight up... the slight orange glow of the ball of nuclear reactions in the distance bleeding into an otherwise bland atmosphere. He recognized that glow... had seen it several times before; on a display monitor only perhaps, but it was unmistakable... so too were the voices he heard near by... They were...familiar ones...

"It's similar to a Spherian object known as Sol, but the odd way the planes work has it permanently on the horizon regardless of the time or location... Wrath is the only Plane close enough to actually see it... the land is often set alight by bursts of stellar fire...and the radiation can cause illness if one strays to far from Anchors. To that end I have made certain to place us near an inn in which we may stay."
The fucker in white.
"Will Wallace be alright?"
"He should be, however the warning-less displacement may have him slightly shocked. Wallace, are you alright?"
The white fucker again...

"N....ooooo...." He managed to exhale, talking for what had probably been the first time in a very long time, his voice not but a thin wisp of a thing as he tried to center himself, focus the winds in mind, though he apparently couldn't call his mech, not even the fucker in white could take something so basic from him. And the winds came to him like hounds to a master, feeling his connection strengthen by the second, fueled by the rage he still felt boiling just under the surface of his heart, like a small ethereal heat, a star like the one in the distance, it's magnitude knowable only to him... yes, this place indeed felt like home to the winds. And the abundance of breathable material made it all the better for his feeble form.

"But...will...liiiive..." His voice was still a raspy whisper, but he began to pick himself up off the ground. He wobbled a bit, as he got to his knees, almost falling before his balance seemed to correct quite swiftly, almost as if he'd been caught by something at his back... He relished the feeling. It was the exact same one Tesla had so brutally cut off with her little act of assault in the arena. For once, he felt as though he was whole.

He panned his view back and forth between victory and watcher, the displeasure in his eyes clear enough as a fair amount of blood stained his collar and shirt... that little bitch Tesla may not look like much, but she'd certainly done quite a bit with her fists...then again, not like it was exactly hard to wail on someone like him... Regardless, soon enough he turned his view to the source of the ambient light, and saw...it.

"Vic...why....here...?" His gaze again returned to Watcher...and Wallace didn't know what irritated him more about the man. The fact that he so obviously wielded power the likes of which only further made a worm like a weak and feeble child like him even more insignificant and tiny in the world, that he'd technically set into motion the events to led to him getting his ass kicked by the same girl he had decimated just minutes before in a mech, or that he'd removed the one equalizer Wallace had available to him, like it was nothing... "Who is... he...?What....is...he...?"

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(OOC: Against my smarter judgement, Ima go ahead and Watcher post)


Watcher mulled over how much he wanted to say. He might have seemed aloof, but he really was worried for the boy. Tesla had done a number on him, and Watcher possessed no manner of healing others.

"Yeah, Watcher, can you please explain exactly who you are?" Lord asked.

"Well, I suppose if you're going to insist, I can't exactly say no." He answered, "As I've stated already, I am known as Watcher. A long time ago I was known as many things, the name most attached to my person was Cameron Argyle. I had many titles, too many to list. I am a scientist, to be specific an astrophysicist. Not that such a term means much anymore, the Planes are far removed from the physics I once knew. I was also called a mage, one who manipulates the substance you now call Favor. I am now truly one with my name, it has been multiple centuries since I interfered. And yes, I am several centuries old, I have found a "fountain of youth" as it were. For now my mind hasn't started overwriting itself or anything morbid like that, although I'm not sure it will, I have a theory that an overflow of memories would simply fill into the infinity of my soul, or rather internal dimension as planar science would call it."

"Um, that's all neat, but can you say it for kids?" Lord interjected.

"Oh, yeah. I doubt even most adults would get that." Watcher admitted, "To put it simply, I'm super old and can use magic."

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"M...agi...c..." He hardly believed it even as the words choked out of his mouth... yeah, sure, bloody likely...that's what he would've thought at least, before... well the man's earlier demonstrations had proven that one way or another, he'd found someway to control Favor no one else had. If his father was here, the man would probably be a non stop torrent of questions and scientific inquiries about just what Watcher did. And as much as he wasn't fond of the stranger, he was nothing if not his father's son "Favor...what...is it...really...then? How...are you...using it...like... that...? Our...mechs...the hand...here..."

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