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Playing Reborn With A Gamepad. [AntiMicro]


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After looking around the forum for a while, I surprisingly haven't found any sort of post detailing how to use a Gamepad with Reborn [Given the In-Game Option Doesn't Seem To Work]. Though, I have seen the subject show up more than on a seldom occasion. So, I decided to make one.

If you're like me, you're not much on playing Pokémon Games with a keyboard. To me, it's never really felt... Right. But, as you all know, there are obvious limitations; which could be linked to Pokémon Essentials and/or various other issues. I personally don't know, because I've never really messed around with it. What I do know, is the Menu for Gamepad Input more often than not allows for mapping but still does not work in RPGMaker games in many cases.

Most people are probably aware of the program XPadder [it's actually what I personally use given I paid for it ages ago], which allows you to map keyboard and mouse controls to a Gamepad with a simple button prompt. Problem, is for something so seemingly simple there's a surprisingly steep paywall [$10 usd]. Either that, or they're aware of Joy2Key which has a UI that feels like a complete mess; at least in my opinion. Not to mention given it's shareware, you'll be prompted continually to buy a license. Something, that really peeves me.

Well, I've found an Open Source application that functions essentially the same way as XPadder called
AntiMicro. The link should take you directly to the download/release page on Github.

AntiMicro is a really simple application with a very straight forward UI, and it seems to work with most brands of Gamepad [something I've had issues with while trying Joy2Key in the past]. I've tested it with my Wired Xbox 360 Controller, iBuffalo Classic Snes Gamepad, OLD/Clunky Logitech Controller, and for giggles tried an old joystick with like... Two buttons. I was able to map with zero issue for every gamepad. The application is good enough, that I wanted to share it with anyone interested.

Simply choose your preferred method of installation, I just used the .msi version; though mind you Windows might not like you using it and could potentially stop you from installing it; in most cases you'll just be prompted with a warning. After that, just start the application with your Gamepad of choice plugged in and you should be able to start immediately.

Now, this of course, due to the nature of the application; will work with any other game. From other RPG Maker games like Rejuvenation, Desolation, and Uranium to AAA releases.

Here's a short video demoing the Program for those who want an idea of how it works before downloading it, I am using my iBuffalo Classic SNES Controller for this particular one so the video is aimed at Gamepads of similar design. Though, all in all, you'll have a similar experience with any controller. I'll probably do an Xbox Controller video relatively soon as well, given I imagine many people here probably use one on their PC.

Do note, the SNES Gamepad Display is not part of the program. I just added an overlay of XPadder's display to show my controller inputs.

I actually like the application a great deal, and if not for me feeling obligated to use XPadder after having paid for it; it's what I would be using right now.

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