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Team changes need some help


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Hi guys im a bit new to Pokemon Reborn so bear with me...

I wanted to change my team up a bit because i have 2 water pokemons and always wanted the newer eeveelution.

Soo i wanted to switch 1 with sylveon but dont know wich one if you guys could help me out that would be great..

My team:

Magneton lvl 54

Arcanine lvl 55

Scrafty lvl 58

Meowstic lvl 51

Jellicent lvl 50

Feraligatr lvl 52

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You'll probably get more mileage out of Feraligatr as your designated Water-type. Even in my Ghost-type monorun, Jellicent isn't all that impressive. Feraligatr has overall better stats and doesn't have those additional weaknesses to account for like with Jellicent. Seriously, I never realized how many different Pokemon carry Dark-type moves until I kept getting pummeled with Crunch and Sucker Punch...

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Also a fair portion of the moves the make Jellicent good are TM/egg moves (scald, shadow ball, will-o-wisp, recover) but the water spout could be useful in some situations. I've had very good experiences with its fire counterpart, eruption, on several occasions. so I would agree with timber and swap Jellicent out for now, But don't discount it for training up later for a certain battle or two. also make sure you evolve your magneton before going through the gate into agate after gym 9 (Cain will get you to confirm when your ready). I didn't evolve mine (because I had no idea how) and while it was still useful, It could've been much better.

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With my first run using a feraligatr, mine didn't really pull any weight in the later part of the game. I really just favored a pangoro and golem, which dealt with most of the foes on their own; meanwhile, feraligatr got underleveled and OHKO'd most of the battles that I needed to send him in. I don't want to say that jellicent is a better water for your team, but I don't necessarily feel feraligatr will pull much weight for you, especially if the IV's aren't that great.

Have fun with Sylveon! If you definitely need to switch probably Jelli but also consider a second swap out for gatr maybe (breed eevees for vaporeon too?).

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Alright ty guys im thinking to swap jellicent for now because i really didnt use her that much anyway, and to get that magnezone somebody told me alrdy after im done with radomus where im at now imma get sexy magnezone. ty guys for replying

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