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Rejuvenation Resources.


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Second post in a week? That may be a new record for me. (I think. Who keeps track of these things anyway?)...


So, I've been getting quite a few emails and PMs lately asking if it's okay to use resources from Rejuvenation. Whether it be for personal purposes, or wanting to use a tileset for their own game, yada yada.

I'm just going to use this post as an official statement.

Yes, you may use resources from Rejuvenation. All resources are up for grabs.

However, I have one small personal request. That you would refrain from using sprites/resources of main characters.

I'm not going to go after you if you do end up using them (I don't even have the energy to do so if I wanted to, lol.), but I would prefer if you would leave those characters alone. ^^

Thank you for reading!


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