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The Sombra ARG (Overwatch)

Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

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So I wanted to ask who else is keeping up with this? It's being so fucking awesome.

For who doesn't know you can catch up with this video

It's a huge ARG that is being solved with back and forth puzzles, a ton of hidden content that is making some of video game's smartest people go nuts.

Character wise we know that Sombra is a hacker, more than likely a stealth hero probably able to make others stealth as well, and she is Mexican.

So thoughts Reborn?

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I've participated in numerous ARGs in the past, notably the Binding of Isaac one, so I actually really really like it. I think any time a game does an ARG that results in a big reward for everyone in the community is genius and a great way for rewarding all who participated with content. It also really shows how it can bring everybody in the community together just to work on something big like this. So overall opinion? Pretty great. Though, I haven't really participated at all in this ARG, so i think i'll just be watching this time around.

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