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Top 5 favourite songs from Pokémon Reborn!


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In fact, I'm not sure whether there was already a topic like this or not. ;w;

Anyway, here's my Top 5!

1. Route 1 / Entralink Remix

The first time I heard this remix was also the first time I entered Route 1, and I was just in awe. All the feelings and emotions flowing inside of me, as I made my first step outside the whole Reborn banlieue and the Chrysolia labyrinth... This freedom feeling was simply awesome.

2. Surfing Theme / Anistar City Remix

I love this remix because of the sensation of calm and peace it brings to me. I've always loved relaxing and ambient themes like this one.

3. VS Rival Theme / VS Iris Theme

What an epic and joyful theme to kick Fern's butt!

4. Ametrine Mountain / Pokéball Factory Remix

Nothing special to say here, I was already in love with the original soundtrack in X&Y. *-*

5. Iolia Valley / Mt. Coronet Remix II

Mt. Coronet was synonym for 'Mystery' when I was a kid, with Arceus, Giratina and everything, it's only natural that this song brings to me a strong nostalgia feeling.

Your turn! You're free to give explanations, details or not. ^-^ You can even make a top 50 if you have plenty of free time! (Though I'm not so sure whether there is 50 different songs in the game...)

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1. Route 2 // Viridian Forest remix

2. Jasper Ward theme

3. Wild Encounter // Aegis Cave remix

4. Meteor Admin Battle // N's Final Battle remix

5. ...Huh, I find it hard to even pick which to put here. The Deoxys Theme remix? Johto Ice Path? Mt. Coronet remix? Look, you can't just make me decide, that's unfair :c I'm inclined to pick Mt. Coronet, I guess?

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I agree with you in many ways, I love the Route 1 theme and it is also one of my favorites.

I love all the soundtracks in the game, but some of them I heard too much and they really lost their 'special feeling' for me, like the Trainer Battle and the Wild Battle.

Anyway, I'm gonna just throw up a few songs bc I'm too #undecided to put them in a particular order.

Atmosphere - Bright / Miror B. XD: Gale of Darkness Remix

Atmosphere - Kindling / X and Y Route 15 Remix

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1. Chrysolia Forest

Good lord, I love this music. After having spent time in a dirty city, we're finally entering a place with a forest and this music kicks in. It's so peaceful and different from the music that plays in the city.

2. Beryl Ward

It is beautiful and fitting. I really love how it fits the characters that live in there and what would happen to our dear poison gym leader. It sounds so ... haunting.

3. Apophyll Academy

Peaceful and fitting. Again, like with Beryl Ward, it fits the characters we meet and (sadly) depart with. I especially love how everything is silent when you meet Cal, and as he rambles about his past, this music kicks in. It has stuck with me since.

4. Ametrine City

Ahh, it sounds like winter! Snow, ice-skating, snowball war, skiing! Weeee!

Honestly, I really get nostalgic whenever I hear this song. I remember when I was a child and winter was my favorite season. I'd play outside for hours with my friends. Good times, good times.

5. Gym Leader Battles

I absolutly LOVE how serious it sounds. Whenever I hear this music, I just know that shit is getting real. It makes you get the feeling that this isn't just an obstacle you have to get pass (gym leaders), but actually a challenge you must figure out to earn the prize.

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1. Solaris Battle: hearing this while beating the shit out of that pretentious, irritating, arrogant, self-righteous prick was awesome. It really helps increase the atmosphere of your battles with him, and really shows that he means business.

2. Gym Leader Battle: Let's you know how fucked you are each time you go against a gym leader. Awesome remix of the GSC champion theme.

3. Meteor Admin Battle: Let's you know that you are about to fight a tense battle against a criminal who really, REALLY wants you out of the way.

4. Sigmund Battle: Fits his dark personality and really gets the pulse pounding,

5. 7th Street: Awesome remix of the Lapis ward theme. Fits the atmosphere of the area.

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Makes me think of winter one of my favorite parts of the year behind Fall


The eerie tone is intoxicating and gives off the vibe of mystery and the feeling you'll never reach the unknown secret of the universe

3.Atmosphere-New World

Again I like this one because it makes me think of winter but also but more along the winter musicals I enjoy that deal with the joy and wimsy that

we put behind the ideas of winter wonderlands

4.Atmosphere Triumph-

Don't know if it's just me but it kinda reminds me of kingdom hearts so it's definatly deserves a spot.


This one gives off the vibes of the aftermath of catastrophic events and Idea of rebuilding the world in the shape that we wish to make it.

If anyone can confirm can you tell me if triumph has kingdom heart music in it?

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  1. The Peridot Ward theme was very well placed, because it conveys the fact that Reborn is not your (100%) happy, dreamlike adventure. That single track carries tension, and in hindsight, foreshadows what to expect from the game.

Beryl's theme is good, and again fits extremely well to the section to which it was assigned to. Considering the events that took place in Beryl both before and after the player arrives, the somber melody and the haunting sound of the organ are successful at creating a dark, desolate atmosphere.

Catch my Dreams sounds epic and got me hyped for the game. Nuff Said.

Summit, the Snowbelle City remix, sounds great, epic, chilly and for some reason, reminds of Okami. Again, nuff said.

It doesn't matter the game or circumstance in which it is played. Be it a funeral, Christmas, a bar mitzvah, Independence Day or your Grandmom's birthday you can never go wrong with Mirror B's theme, because that song is as powerful as it is fabulous.

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5. Gym Leader Battles

I absolutly LOVE how serious it sounds. Whenever I hear this music, I just know that shit is getting real. It makes you get the feeling that this isn't just an obstacle you have to get pass (gym leaders), but actually a challenge you must figure out to earn the prize.

honestly it reminds me of dark souls, with that choir to give just that perfect taste of "this is the part where you die"

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1.) Atmosphere - Dark Crystal

This is probably my favorite track in the game. It might be the reason I spent so much time in Iolia Valley, just listening to the music. I adore the bass in this song, as well as the piano. This is the kind of music that plays when you are rising to meet a challenge, and to surpass it.

2.) Atmosphere - Crystal

I like this track for similar reasons as Dark Crystal. Atmosphere - Crystal is a much more foreboding song in my opinion, where Dark Crystal has you rising to meet a challenge, this song represents the challenge itself. With an alarm-like riff coupled with the chimes, it really set how "off" the area beneath the Stairwell was.

3.) Atmosphere - Explore

I believe that this is the Route 2 music that plays outside the Circus. Its a very melodic and peacful piece, which helped calm me down while doing the rather infuriating Crustle puzzle. At the same time, it has a nice driving backbeat that gives the song a lot of energy.

4.) Battle - Meteor Admin

Admins of any team are no joke, and Meteor is no exception. This theme hammers home how intense the fights are and how critical it is that you win them.

5.) Atmosphere - Ride

I don't know if this song is in the game yet, but I found it while browsing the BGM folder of the game a while back. Its another melodic piece with an awesome guitar and violin duet, accompanied with a good beat from the drums.

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1. Battle with Meteor Leader Solaris.

Words cannot describe the sheer power this theme has. It fits the atmosphere both times he's battled in perfectly. The first time, you the player who's basically tossed all other roadblocks aside climb up Pyrous Mountain, towering over the soon to be destroyed Apophyll Island if you don't do something about the PULSE at it's peak. Along the way you toss aside Meteor Member after Meteor Member until you reach the summit. It's here you come face to face with Team Meteor's Leader once again. Last time you saw him, he would've killed you if not for Amaria's intervention and injured her quite a bit with his Tyranitar. This time, it'd be just you, Victoria, Cain and Cal. Surely the four of you could take him? You see Cain on the ground, having been defeated by Solaris as Taka and Cal stood by. You hear him speak about the PULSE and how futile trying to stop it was, but Victoria didn't seem to care as she walked in front of Cain holding a Poke Ball, you following suit. Solaris orders Taka to deal with Victoria, saying he'll deal with you himself, Taka replies by calling him father. No wonder the seemingly nice guy was part of Team Meteor, his father was the leader of the entire organisation. Solaris takes out a Poke Ball before saying he'll only need that one Pokemon to delete you before sending out his Garchomp. One by one, you send your Pokemon into battle, only for that thing to swat them aside and knock them out in a single attack. No matter what you tried, no matter how hard your fought, nothing was stopping that thing as it tore through your team single handedly Soon after, that very Garchomp killed Kiki, after she was betrayed by Cal, and her prized Medicham, tossed into the Volcano.

The feeling of intimidation and the aura it exudes is perfect for such a moment. In the second battle, while it holds the same feeling of intimidation, somehow, it has hope in it. You're fighting alongside a Gym Leader this time, and you're actually managing to hold your own against the admittedly, much more experienced foe. You slowly but surely manage to beat down every single one of his and the orderly's Pokemon, until it was just the Garchomp. The very same opponent that effortlessly destroyed you last time. And even it, fell in defeat in the end.

Just the sheer amount of power and emotion this song alone exudes is absolutely amazing.

I'll add more to this list soon.

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To Lesser Depths(shade's gym): the dark, gutteral sound is so perfect for the gym's atmosphere. It sounds oppresive, bleak, and chilling, like you're just on step away from death. Supposedly it's just the gym theme reversed with some additional changes but it works so effectively.

Atmosphere: mild(Viridian Forest remix): regarded as the most frustrating route in the game(I like it though minus the lag lol), this music certainly eases the nerves and is one of GC's best route remixes IMO. It's very soothing but without being slow and gives focus to all the right instruments.

Battle: A strong enemy(Deoxys Remix): Not the actual name(it's simply called battle misc. which is lame) but this battle theme has a great build up that let's you know from the start that you're about to get your butt kicked(or hopefully kick some butt instead). First time I fought Cal and this came on, I was like, "oh crap boss battle!"

Atmosphere: Light Realm(Dark Cave Remix): Really memorable for the point of the game where it plays. Also dark cave is my favorite GSC tune, so it's nice to have a nice remix of it.

Reverse Gym(Shade's theme): Really intense sounding and fitting for who could be considered Reborn's Disc 1 Final Boss. It's a clever use of medium(by reversing the standard gym theme) and tops off one of the most memorable gyms in the game.

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The rest of these will be in no specific order, but I'll number them just cause I like to.

2. Battle with Legendary Pokemon / Battle with Elite Four, EL.

The intro is all I have to say about this. The intro ALONE makes this song into one of my favourite tracks in the game. It's slow, suspenseful and builds up an absolutely gruelling fight. You're facing an ELITE FOUR MEMBER who's Ditto transformed into a copy of GOD. There's no other track as fitting for this battle as this one. The intro has you coming to terms with the fact that this is happening before you're tossed right into the heat of the fight with a fake idol of a God.

3. Atmosphere: Tourmaline.

Mt Pyre remix. Give. GIVE. GIIIIIVE. Aside from my blatant fanboying over this one track, it's honestly a masterpiece and fits the expansive and dreaded Tourmaline Desert fairly well, despite the fact that we can only hear it in jukebox in the Pokegear, but it has me pumped to go there and see what awaits us. Give Corey's Crobat pls.

4. Battle - Countdown. Sigmund's overworld track.

The track that plays when you encounter Sigmund for the first time and honestly, it sets the scene down perfectly. It's ominous, dark and full of all kinds of foreboding feelings. It feels like something isn't right, and honestly, there isn't. There's something fishy about him, and you soon find out what it is. It's a slowed down version of his battle theme, which if you choose to fight him in Yureyu, fits him and the situation PERFECTLY. You're fighting in an abandoned building, full of old electrical appliances against an expert of the electric type. Glorious. It's also a remix of Colress' theme and Colress is epic.

5. Reverse Gym / Battle with Entity Shade.

I like this track.

I like this track a LOT.

Where to start. It's ominous, starts off eerily, fitting for a gym leader of the spookiest type. It carries some of the electrical feeling you get from the track that plays in the factory, but amplifies it, now it sounds fitting, where before it was shockingly out of place. Something that's rather weird for an abandoned Power Plant. You'd imagine it'd be more like the FRLG Power Plant but it isn't. Instead it's quiet, ominous and you feel like something VERY bad is about to happen at all times. Not only that, but when you realize that the track is the reverse of the actual Gym Leader track it sounds all the more ominous. Like Mono, I find Shade to be the Disc 1 Final Boss of Reborn.

Just a jumbled up grouping of all my thought in a semi-coherent list, I guess.

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My 5 are probably (not in order):

Atmosphere - Dramatic

Atmosphere - Mild (Viridian Forest Remix)

That flute...

Battle - Dramatic (Champion Cynthia Battle Remix)

Just the beginning gave me chills when I battled ghost Kiki.

Atmosphere - Splash (Johto Olivine Lighthouse Remix)

I Love evil sounding music, and fortunately this game has a lot of them. It was hard deciding which evil one to put here... Just want to say Giga arena and Flux are also really good

Atmosphere - Kindling (X and Y Route 15 Remix)

Just Awesome!

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