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Personal Obsession with Pokemon


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I’ve been meaning to say this for a bit of a while, but only now did I finally build up the courage to make this post. Before anything else, I’d just like to say: While this might not interest you, it’s something that I just really feel like I need to say to try and take a weight off of my heart. You might get a weird opinion of me, that’s fine. I just want to share how I feel with others, regardless of what the reaction might be. With that said…

Recently (As in, roughly at the point where I joined the community here, at a similar time that I started playing Reborn) I’ve kind of become obsessed with Pokemon. Not to the extent where “Must watch, dress and play everything related to Pokemon”, but to the point where, whever I’m not distracted by other things, I’m basically thinking about the Pokemon franchise. I feel that this is a phase that will pass, but not for a while. This might sound…weird, but reasonable enough, I’m sure plenty of us have been there where we’ve been through a phase where we just obsessed over something. Well, for me at least this might go even beyond that. But more on that in a later paragraph.

This is actually the second time I’m going through a nobsession phase like this, the first one was with the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise several years ago, after I watched the Sonic X anime (And a bit before where I got Sonic Adventure DX). My thoughts were almost exclusively about the Sonic Franchise, more specifically, about slightly remaking and continuing the adventures in the anime, like “What happened after?”. This is kind of the crux of the thing: I might be too good at imagining adventures in franchises that I’ve been through. It happened then and it’s the same now (Oh, and fun fact: At the time I was so obsessed with Sonic Adventure that I probably beat the game like 20 times in ~15 days, resetting after the final story. No joke.)

So, now that I’ve started to get into the same mindset that I was when I was obsessed with Sonic, my thoughts are kind of similar: in my mind (And in 2 cases, my writings that I just felt like…writing) I started to imagine how the adventures would look like from a more realistic, closer perspective (As in, not just game data, but more anime like “Living, breathing creatures that trainers catch and befriend”. I don’t know about you, but I definitely enjoy the more personal perspective like this. The thing is, I have multiple adventures like this going on (Three, more specifically, even though I do one at a time and one of the three is on hiatus) and I’m trying to juggle them.

Specifically, I’ve created a semi-self insert character who would be kind of my avatar in my mind for the adventures. One who made it his goal to try and, instead of capturing and training Pokemon, befriending them like that, he would just…try and be true friends with his Pokemon, instead of capturing Pokemon, trying to help those in need and letting them choose to join him (Oh, and as an FYI, I’m operating under the “Pokemon understand human language” principle that the Anime seems to support), a desire for everyone to eventually have and raise Pokemon as friends, as equals rather then as partners, to the extent where he is willing to take attacks otherwise meant for his Pokemon, because he refuses to let them get harmed on his watch, and he’s willing to stand basically on the edge of the arena instead of above or away from it because he wants to feel the hits as his Pokemon do, as in “Share the pain, share the pleasure as equals”, as stupid as this might sound. (Though, not long after his adventure began, the Pokemon he did have convinced him to use the attitude – putting his trust in his Pokemon and standing with them – he has shown to take on the Leagues, which he agreed to pretty much because his team was willing to go with him. The trust, strong friendship bond he has with his team and their natural talents does give them success, though I admit I haven’t gotten that far yet (Specifically, at the moment I’m Hoenn, 5 badges). In fact, this kind of “Natural friendship” relationship is rubbing off of me gameplay-wise, where I much prefer playing “Pure”, no breeding for the “Perfect IV’s”, or no “harsh training for the sake of perfect EV’s”. Heck, I don’t even use the supposedly very valuable Pokemon Psychologist because, well, I’d rather my friends, my team be what they are normally rather then have someone force them to be something different (I’m the type of person who would be horrified at how a man could change the very nature of a Pokemon like that, especially one living in 7’th Street).

I have three adventures essentially going: The start of the adventure for Antares, the self-insert in question in Hoenn (Originally I planned Johto, but then I realized that because I never actually beat Gen II or it’s remakes yet beat Emerald like 4-5 times, I made a minor internal retcon and changed the starting region), the same characters adventures in the Reborn region (Which is on Hiatus right now because, for the most part, I progressed at a similar pace as I actually played the game; I’m sure I’ll continue the adventure once E16 comes out, but for now, hiatus after Ciel) and one extra adventure with different characters in the PMD-verse, the one I’m progressing through now and the reason why I’m starting to play PMD (at least the original one) again.

In Antares’ adventures, there’s one Pokemon that he seems to adore more then any other. He still adores all his Pokemon, just that one is moreso then the others. If you read my CW, and even if you didn’t, if you knew my favorite Pokemon, well…yeah, maybe the word “Love” that I used in a status update a few days ago was a bit strong, but even in real life right now I just got a very strong adoration for Glaceon, even more then before, especially the one that Antares has. It probably sounds incredibly silly, but I’ve just come to absolutely adore the Eeveelution. I mean the Eeveelutions are easily my favorite Pokemon already, but Glaceon is just on another level even above that. This is probably the crux of my problem outside my mind: I’ve almost reached the point where I couldn’t stand to see bad stuff happen to the Eeveelutions which is stupid, silly I know but my Heart is just in this weird spot and argh!

While I do admit that I’ve imagined adventures even before this recent phase, they were mostly just…well, there, I didn’t obsess over them or anything. They came and they went like that, though they stayed in my subconscious. This phase just seemed to push my Pokemon-oriented imagination and thoughts into overdrive, whenever I don’t have something else distracting me (Like other video games like Starbound or Sonic).

I would just like to say that I don’t know if I should consider this phase a problem due to the obsession or a blessing to let my thoughts and imagination bloom.

That’s about everything I wanted to say, I just wanted to explain some of my comments about “How I want to focus on something” or all my comments on imagination. This is why all those comments, because I’m going through this phase.

To anyone who has read all the way to here, I thank you for the time. You don’t necessarily need to comment or anything, for me, just being able to share how I feel with you is enough for me. Of course, if you DO have anything to say, then please, feel free to do so. I don’t know what you might think of me because of this, but, to be honest, I’m fine with whatever your opinion of me might be.

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Ah, I guess a certain obsession with something is alright. But if you start thinking about "dirty", "dark" or.. "other things." (You get what I'm trying to reference.) Then that's a bit too far in my book. It's the point where you should attempt to distract yourself; do something else. Keep it healthy, you know?

But in the end, no one has the right to judge you for your obsessions or how you live with them. You shared your story, I gave my input. That's all. You shouldn't be afraid to speak your mind.

Although, I do share your obsession for Pokémon. ;) At least from a gameplay perspective, since it's very addictive.

Edited by Lagspike
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I can understand that. I was also obsessed at this point by a few other things in the past, and Pokémon wasn't an exception. Even at the moment, it's been almost 4 years since I've drown in a true obsession with a traditional board game called Japanese Mahjong. You'll probably know the Mahjong Solitaire where you have to make pairs of identical tiles in a defined amount of time, but the true Mahjong game is way more complex, and I do love complex things.

That's why I love girls haha

Anyway, I'm probably the kind of guy that would spent his whole life and sacrifice everything for something / someone he really loves, so my overall opinion about these obsessional passions is probably controversial. Here it is anyway: you really don't have to worry about it. I mean, why would you worry about creating or surrounding yourself with a universe you love? You'll probably have a better time doing what you want instead of forcing yourself into things you don't really care about. As long as you're enjoying your life the way you want, it's all good I guess!

Just don't forget to eat and drink properly, and take a shower at least once every 2-3 days. lol

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  • 1 month later...

Well, after just over 2 months I figured I should give an update on how I feel right now...I hope that's alright, it's at least a good update. But first, I guess I should (finally) respond to the comments here.

Ah, I guess a certain obsession with something is alright. But if you start thinking about "dirty", "dark" or.. "other things." (You get what I'm trying to reference.) Then that's a bit too far in my book. It's the point where you should attempt to distract yourself; do something else. Keep it healthy, you know?

But in the end, no one has the right to judge you for your obsessions or how you live with them. You shared your story, I gave my input. That's all. You shouldn't be afraid to speak your mind.

Although, I do share your obsession for Pokémon. ;) At least from a gameplay perspective, since it's very addictive.

I definitely don't go THAT far. Like, some things that leave the characters needing recovery (Of the physical kind, so, like, a trainer getting tail whipped into a tree by a Gyarados and fading out only to reawaken in a medical ward recovering or a Pokemon in the PMD-verse getting zapped by an extremely powerful bolt of lightning but managing to save it in time, somethings that ultimately have happy recoveries, something I personally enjoy, even if the events that the recoveries are needed to do from...don't.) I am a bit fine with, I admit, but truly gruesome things like torture or...yeah, those other things, I stay far, FAR away from those.

This is something that I need to truly understand: Here, especially in a place where Pokemon basically reign supreme, an obsession like this? A story like that? I shouldn't feel tense, scared to share it, yet I am, and it's a mental barrier I constantly struggle to overcome.

My obsession, while I like the gameplay, I LOVE the concept of traveling with a group of friends, experiencing epic events, fighting, experiencing pleasure, victory, as well as suffering in pain and defeat, together. That's why I take my direction, my OC trainer as a "Anything my Pokemon feel, I want to feel as well. We are in this together, if they suffer, I want to suffer with them", to the point where he directs his 'mon's actions directly from the arena, willing to take any attacks that happen to fly in his direction.

(Of course, the character might also be a bit of a Gary Stu as, after a particularly traumatic event involving saving Arceus from a group of power and greed-obsessed poachers and losing his team in the process (Though in the end the Pokegod revives them), he grants the trainer the ability to mentally communicate with Pokemon that he truly has an unbreakable bond with (So, in gameplay terms, any Pokemon he has maxed friendship with, he can basically understand what the Pokemon are saying. Yeah, I know, that's pretty Gary Stu'ish, but at least it's only for the Pokemon that 100% are friends with, trust and believe in the trainer.)).

Then again, I also believe that, after a certain point, the Pokemon don't NEED specific guidance and the trainer can just say "Play defensively" or "Don't hold back" and the Mons, who are on the field and thus have a better idea of what's going on directly, will know what they need to do, although they are accepting of specific directions should an unorthodox plan present itself.

I can understand that. I was also obsessed at this point by a few other things in the past, and Pokémon wasn't an exception. Even at the moment, it's been almost 4 years since I've drown in a true obsession with a traditional board game called Japanese Mahjong. You'll probably know the Mahjong Solitaire where you have to make pairs of identical tiles in a defined amount of time, but the true Mahjong game is way more complex, and I do love complex things.

That's why I love girls haha

Anyway, I'm probably the kind of guy that would spent his whole life and sacrifice everything for something / someone he really loves, so my overall opinion about these obsessional passions is probably controversial. Here it is anyway: you really don't have to worry about it. I mean, why would you worry about creating or surrounding yourself with a universe you love? You'll probably have a better time doing what you want instead of forcing yourself into things you don't really care about. As long as you're enjoying your life the way you want, it's all good I guess!

Just don't forget to eat and drink properly, and take a shower at least once every 2-3 days. lol

I know I should not worry about it, but, especially when I'm in a real-world environment that actually kind of shuns things like this, it's hard to not think "Maybe what I am doing is silly, stupid...". But yeah, I try to put myself into a world that I can enjoy, rather then trying to twist things I don't.

And don't worry, I'm not THAT obsessed that I'm blinded to my body's general needs.

And now, just a general update:

...not much has changed. I'm still in a Poké-high, though maybe slightly less so, as I've stopped constantly obsessing and only dreaming about Pokemon, but I still have very fond thoughts and adventures in both the main-game regions and the PMD-verse. Now that I've played through Reborn (twice, planning on a third run, an Ice-mono (My favorite type by far)) I can say that my love only grew (Even if a few of the battles...didn't, hello ZEL, Corey). In fact, Reborn just made me appreciate the Pokemon themselves a lot more, especially my favorites (Glaceon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Swampert, Emolga, even brought back fond memories of Breloom from my first ever Pokemon playthrough). It's just that...in a region like Reborn, you come to rely on your Pokemon that much more them anywhere else, you come to truly care for them and it hurts all the more when you see them suffering or otherwise in a bad position. That is what I feel.

As far as my dreams are concerned, as I said, I've had a bit of a hiatus, though I'm probably going to try and continue my adventures as much as I feasibly can. I've put my Reborn adventure on hold simply because, well, I've made it as far as I can for now, which allowed me to focus on the OC trainer's (Antares') start of adventure as well as 3-man Team Unity's adventures through the PMD-verse. Well, mostly the latter, the former is in a good cut-off point for now.

Granted, it's come at a slight cost: I have created, in my mind, such an idealized world that now I kind of dread playing other Pokemon games simply because they don't quite fit that ideal model in my mind, which might sound silly, and in hindsight it is, but again, I have a problem of projecting mental barriers like that.

Well, and that is all I can say right now. If anyone has anything to add, I promise this time I won't wait this long to try and respond.

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Being obsessed and passionate about something isn't a problem until it starts getting in the way of you doing what you need to do. From what I can see this isn't the case with you, you just really enjoy something, which isn't a problem.

If you're forgetting to do whatever work you need to do, to eat, to sleep or anything like that, you might need to tome it down a bit, but given that that doesn't seem to be the case you don't have an issue. Having an imagination is healthy and therefore putting yourself into situations with stories and franchises you enjoy is to be expected.

So pretty much, don't worry. You're fine. There are plenty of worse things to be addicted to than pokemon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I happened to run into this post, but I sorta have the same thing happen to me. When it does I usually start to write the stories down and share them with my good friend. They usually tell me I should DM for them afterwards since they like D&D but that is besides the point. I find that I only do it when my mind has nothing better to focus on, like when I a bored or before bed. As long as it doesn't interrupt your day to day I think it is fine and should just be considered a distraction like daydreaming.

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