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f8 screenshots not working?


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Ok, so, I'm going to start this off by saying electronics and I have a strenuous relationship at best, so if anyone is offended by technological ignorance, my bad. I'm a biologist, Jim, not an engineer.

The directions say F8 for screenshots, but that's not working for me (or alt+f8, or ctrl+f8, or even shift+f8). The other f# controls are also wonky; soft restart is ctrl+f12, and f1 refuses to work as well. I'm wondering if it's because of the laptop I'm using - it's one of the newer HPs, and the f# keys have those double uses (f8 is volume up, f12 toggles airplane mode). Or I suppose it's just as likely this is the result of my family's tech-curse, but I'm really hoping it's not.

So, anyone have any ideas? Please?

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If your laptop has double uses assigned to its function keys, then there should be a key in the bottom left that says "Fn" or something similar. If you hold that button down while you press F8, then that should work.
(Assuming that your focus is on the Pokémon Reborn window, of course)

If that doesn't work, then there should be a "PrtSc" (Print Screen) key right above your Backspace key, which takes a screenshot of your, well, screen.
If you go into MS Paint or something, you can paste this image there and then crop it and save it as an image file.

(This latter method is how I create my Reborn screencaps)

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Thank you! f1 is working now, and I'd like to assume f8 is as well (I shall continue my search for where the screenshots might actually be on my computer).

I knew about the print screen method, but I'd really like to save that for a last resort. I'm debating doing a screenshot nuzlocke run, see, and I'm a biiiit too impatient to constantly stop play like that. But thank you for your help!

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