IntSys Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 "Alright." Bargus went to take off the trenchcoat and the fedora, and checked out at the counter. He then put on the clothes again.Now looking at the angels, he felt weird. These were the kind that pushed the demons all the way back to home territory. With his past enemies before him, he should be out for vengeance...We've been here before...when the conspirators sat down with him, boiling his bloodlust every sentence... Heh, I fought for peace, not for victory. He looked around the boutique, and found Karol sitting against the back of the wall. "I'm done. Now, it's your turn to lead the way." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 She thought she understood the beast, at least more than she had just moments earlier, as the fleeting scene flashed before her usually sightless eyes. Could it really be enough though; the mere deniance of the substance, the refusal to take another gulp? She'd been taught to never become what she sought to destroy, and yet... after all this time, was the real meaning of what the old master had told her that day... really this straightforward despite it's ambiguity? Was taking the high road really as easy as simply turning and walking away instead of treading deeper, refusing to advance any further beyond where one absolutely needed to be to see the end point? had to be. As overly simplified as it sounded. The Masters of Sanctuary before her had done just that, in hind sight, sought only enough strength to protect...nothing more, nothing less. Old Fox had even gone a thousand years in his own right, yet, he never tried to push his White Flame past what he needed it to be... he wanted only to burn the enemies at the gate, he had cared nothing for whether he was able to burn the entire long as the looming threats were gone, so long as his people were safe in the end... he had been satisfied. "Luna... are you the last one then?" She asked, actually using the being's chosen name for the first time, tentative and cautious as it came through "Or... do the rest of them just keep spawning again like you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 29, 2016 Author Share Posted August 29, 2016 Misara Misara walked around aimlessly for around half an hour. The city was bustling with movement, stores open, angels passing everywhere, and lights coming from the windows of the tal buildings indicating activity in the magic ateliers. Some human merchants had carts on the streets selling their wares as well, though those were few compared to any other big city. After some time, she started to notice some people looking in a weird way towards her - specially from city guards. Some angels had an high sensibility to demonic magic, being trained to recognize their presences from the times of war, and though she was only half-demon, it was a given a few of them would feel something off about her. Most were not that happy with demons coming into their home - Angels were the very last to enter the Alliance because of their lack of trust in that particular race. She was turning around a corner when something bumped on her legs and fell to the floor, letting out a startled scream. Looking down she saw a little girl, probably around ten years old from her looks, sitting on the floor with a face like she was about to cry - what she promptly did a second later. "Oooouchie! I hurt my tail!" she said revealing, much for the older girl´s surprise, a row of sharp and menacing teeth. Then she changed to an angry tone "Watch out were you´re going miss!" Raziel The young angel in glasses on the other side of the counter inspected the gold as if expecting it to be fake - or just making a scene to look serious, perhaps."Uhmn, I guess I could look around for you." he said, while putting the coin into his pocket. "I´ve heard that there´s someone from the upper ranks of the Alliance coming here under disguise. Couldn´t assert who it was, but given the last events around the world it is pretty likely." He then stopped talking and and raised an eyebrow to Raziel, as if expecting more payment. After a bit of silence in which it became clear his client wasn´t paying anything else, he sighed and kept going. "I´ve also heard from a Crafter that one of the students attending the meeting is supposed to be a magic monster with an absurd ammount of mana,even for angel standards. I know all those who were invited to attend are at least above average in magical studies, but whatever that one is, it´s on another level." Jesse Jesse didn´t have to walk much after leaving his ghost form before he bumped into someone again. Though it wasn´t as much bumping on as it was being bumped for - in this case, for an winged angel who suddenly descended almost over him. "Oh. Looks like I miscalculated my landing." The angel said, though it didn´t sound much like an apology. "You´re not from here right? Were are you from? What´s your magic type?" Jarvis "Yay matey, there´s this rumour going through the city that has put everyone ´bit on the edge." the barkeep answered "It ain´t anything secret though. People just added two and two with those last jobs at The Thousand and Shadowveil and concluded we´d be next in line. Some are sayin´ it´s a spirit from other world who is killin´ the leaders to conquer the world - bullshit if ya ask me - but most think it´s a power fight between the big bosses of the Alliance." the man placed a big wooden mug of ale on the counter and sent it sliding over it to another client. "The city guards are stopping almost every outsider they don´t like the look of - which is practically everyone who doesn´t have an halo and fancy feathered wings - and some people were even arrested for some time, but nothing conclusive." Rhaeza Rhaeza caught the mug that came sliding a bit too fast towards him. Luckily his reflexes where top game. He had been hearing the conversation for a bit, but only now he realized it was Jarvis talking to the barkeep. Bargus & Karol [in wait, because lunchtimeandi´mgonnabelate) Jorgen & Gabriel Jorgen and Gabriel looked around and eventually found signals guiding them to the event´s reception. Jorgen´s large metallic form attracted quite a lot of attention and scared looks, but seeing Gabriel eased most people enough to get them out of trouble. After waiting in a line for some time, they managed to get to the counter were an old woman with an halo over her head was handling the sign up forms. "Are you here to register for the meeting?" She asked, looking at the duo with a plain, neutral expression. "I need your names, and the name of the boy´s magic school, as well as his area of expertise." Luna & Lucille [in wait, because lunchtimeandi´mgonnabelate) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 "I'm Gabriel Ardelean, and my dad is Jorgen!" He spoke with a cheery and, well, childlike voice, which may have been deeply jarring to Jorgen given Gabriel's normally even, almost somber tone. "We came all the way from Avalon Academy, and I was studying healing!" He put on a wide grin, but it was fairly quickly obscured as his hand drifted up over it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 29, 2016 Support Squad Share Posted August 29, 2016 Jorgen tried not to let his surprise seep into his voice. "He was damn good at it too, let me tell you. Good thing too, for a lot of people!" Jorgen grinned foolishly at Gabriel. He had done the same thing a thousand times with his brother and he drew on those memories now. This might not be too difficult, even though Jorgen didn't consider himself much of an actor. Of course the grin might seem off-putting to the woman, with half the smile melding into a set of metallic teeth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
krim Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 Raziel cast a slightly annoyed look at the clerk when he inspected the gold. "I know I'm not that recognizable, but even being mistrustful of other angels? Hmm. Maybe the killings have people on edge." he thought before tossing over another coin when the angel was finished. It never hurt to be in those types favor. Then he flew back through the trapdoor and onto the roof so he could think. "The upper ranks of the alliance...the founders? No. Doubtful at least. Demons are also unlikely...could it be one of the angel sages?" he wondered. "The idea of a very powerful magical monster sounds incredibly interesting...yet also dangerous. Maybe it's time I cashed in on an artifact or two. There is an office right here in the city. Hopefully I won't need to use them just yet, but I have time to look." Getting up from his perch on the roof, he began to hop his way over to the building on the rooftops. Flying would be faster, but it would be beneficial to know the locations of his allies and maybe hear more rumors being closer to the ground. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 "There are still many I have yet to send to the afterlife. They can die... it involves the involuntary release of magic when a soul exits the physical body. When I end their physical container's life... I carve this rune into their flesh." quickly the dog struck out at a near by barrel with her claws and she carved into it. It was a flash, and the moment over. She had to be quick to catch the soul as it exited the body, so that the runes's magic would activate. She couldn't will the mana to it herself, she needed theirs. The rune was the shape of an S, though it was slightly different. "This is the rune Sowilo. The rune of the sun...the one that opposes the forces of which I seek to destroy. It is the cleansing fire and so far the only thing I found that truly destroys the Primordial Ones. All the others... fell to the corruption of Magic. I never have and still have no idea how to manipulate mana myself. However, those that cast magic when their soul exits their body, the mana held within inadvertently bursts worth with it. So, My rune absorbs the mana source and that powers the magic it's meant to perform. Their own magic fuels their end. Poetic I think. So, I'm not the last. I aim to change that. If they refuse to leave this world to it's inheritance... I will wrest it back and give it to it's rightful owners. Sadly... I know that once I must leave this world myself, that the method I've devised will not work for me unless someone else fuels it. i have no ability to manipulate mana... and therefore even if my body gave way, there'd be nothing to power the rune. I'd still be stuck in this plane." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 "...I see." The air had grown palpably solemn, in the last few moments of their whole conversation. None of this had particularly turned out how she thought it might, but well... she had asked for it. At times, ignorance really was bliss... she had been warned, fair and square. Though, to be honest, she hadn't been expecting all sunshine to begin with "Even when you finally do finish, you'll still need someone else's help to end it." She turned her attention to the carved sigil, though it was only through Despereaux's aid she saw anything of the symbol. It might have been Sound-based, but Fox had taught her well from his own vast wealth of knowledge... She had never liked runes or sigils or... any of that crap used by traditional mages, for obvious reasons. But he had still made her study their basic operation regardless of whether she relished it or not; she knew enough to activate one... not that she had ever had much desire to do so before, especially in this of all context. "Is killing you after it's over really the only though?" she asked, sounding a bit more like a plea than mere curiosity... "Nothing else, no other possibility at all? it... it doesn't seem Just... I mean, you're the one who's making them all pay, aren't you? So to just destroy you like you're no different than them; as if you've committed the same wrongs, like you don't care about atoning or trying to make things right..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 "I... don't know." Luna said. She... really didn't know but she did know one thing... "I've been too long for this world. I don't have a place in it anymore. My true duty ended when I neglected it. I don't think that it is any longer my choice. I gave up that right when I choose not to act all those years ago. So... I'll right that wrong... before I pass into the oblivion that the rest of the Primordial should have long ago. The world isn't a place I can exist anymore and not feel the pain of my transgressions...even if I make right for what I've done, those choices will forever effect the universe... they will always be there, regardless of what I do. I grow weary... and the curse of immortality bears heavily on my soul. I... don't think there's any other possibility for me." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M_Cowher Posted August 29, 2016 Share Posted August 29, 2016 (edited) Rhaeza - The Tattered Wing (Tavern) Rhaeza quietly listened to the exchange between Jarvis and the Barkeep, who did raise quite a few valid points. 'It is possible that this is all an orchestrated power struggle within the "big bosses" of the Alliance. It is possible, but obviously no evidence.' Rhaeza was interrupted from his train of thought when the barkeep rocketed another mug of ale to him, which wasn't difficult to intercept in theory. That is if you weren't wearing a wristbow under your sleeve, which Rhaeza was within a fraction of an inch of overextending the trigger mechanism on his wrist and sending a high powered bolt straight at the unsuspecting barkeep. He also caught a good glance at the two, and confirmed his suspicion that the one was in fact one of his 'squad members', and he was clearly the human spy from the briefing that he skimmed through judging from his attire. "The city guards are stopping almost every outsider they don´t like the look of - which is practically everyone who doesn´t have an halo and fancy feathered wings - and some people were even arrested for some time, but nothing conclusive." Rhaeza overheard from the barkeep. 'Great, as if I wasn't concerned about my suspicion level before. Note to self, avoid eye contact as much as possible while in the streets.' Edited August 29, 2016 by M_Cowher Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 (OOC: So I'm apparently supposed to hop on Jesse now. #yolo?) Reveal hidden contents I'm P much just giving Lisa the entire Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai soundtrack as her theme owo She could sense it, the injustices of the world. They had found her, at long last. She had thought she had hidden her presence well, utilizing the powers of light to mask herself among the marble columns. But it seemed one could not so easily escape the watch of the Organization. How foolish she was, how foolish indeed. Sure it looked like a simple accident, a mere pedestrian bump, but she knew better. It was no mere bump, nay, it was so much more. It took much coordination to bump into someone who had mere moments before been completely nonexistent. The flying one must have been tailing her, it was an information drop of some kind. She had to stop them before they could reveal her whereabouts to the Organization's leaders. This basically amounted to Lisa being suspicious of the guy that appeared out of thin air nearby while she was sneaking around. If someone else was sneaking too, they probably had a reason for it. She waltzed forward to confront him, carrying herself with confidence. "Foul agent of the Organization!" She called out, "There is no more need for hiding, I shall face you here and now! Though your masters may be powerful, they shall soon learn the might of the just!" She waved one hand across her face, dramatically covering an eye. The other hand reached out to point accusingly towards the agent. "You shall now witness the true power of what is right!" She continued, "The powers of justice grant me the strength to destroy both light and dark, you stand no chance against me, the one who brings true justice to both light and darkness, Twilight Avenger!" (OOC: I was gonna have her monologue longer, but I need to go, so that's all) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 (edited) What the? is that angel gonna flatten me? Yup, I think he does, and by the looks of it, he's coming in fast too...Well, Shit. Jesse thought to himself as he looks at the sky not a moment too soon before the collision. By all means, The wingless angel can easily dodge the collision being a trained acrobat and all, but that would be a dead giveaway posing as a common civilian.Jesse tumbles and took the hit from the angel as minimal contact as he could. Jesse hits the ground and looks up at the angel who tackled him from the sky. "Oh. Looks like I miscalculated my landing.You´re not from here right? Were are you from? What´s your magic type?" "You sure know who to make an entrance just to ask me that," Jesse said to the angel that nearly trample him from above. "And may i ask why are you asking me these questions? you can't just drop into people like tthat and interrogate them." Jesse said to the Angel, there's no way he'll give his information to a random stranger angel not where there's a killer on this city. Just before Jesse was about to pick himself up, he heard a voice and saw a human girl approaching the scene and shamelessly introduce herself. "Foul agent of the Organization! There is no more need for hiding, I shall face you here and now! Though your masters may be powerful, they shall soon learn the might of the just!You shall now witness the true power of what is right!The powers of justice grant me the strength to destroy both light and dark, you stand no chance against me, the one who brings true justice to both light and darkness, Twilight Avenger!" What are you talking about!? foul agent? power of justice? twilight wut! Oh, it's just the city's local loony, every city has one I supposed. Marblegate is no exception.Jesse thought to himself. "Is this part of a street prank? Ok, Marblegate you got me, where are the hidden cameras?" The angel said, forcing a laugh. "I think i've wasted enough time here, now if you'll excuse me I got important matters to attend to, mrs.bringer of justice and Mr. Angel. hehe" Jesse mocks the two and walks past them, ignoring them and continues to walk into the city streets. Edited August 30, 2016 by Ragnar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 Lucille & Co., Luna, Somber Alley Way "...." Still, she hesitated at the prospect. She couldn't but think an anomaly like Luna should be kept around as example, proof that, one way or another, resistance was possible... but ironically it was for her very anomalous nature and the events surrounding it that the Primordial wanted nothing more than death at the end of it. A conflict of interest if ever there was one...but if from Luna's perspective, immortality had been nothing but a curse all this time, a contributing cause of so much guilt and suffering over the ages, could one blame her for wanting to cast it aside? "Do you think you'll remember that rune...Sowilo?" It was to despereaux, and despereaux alone. The mouse nodded his head, stroking his whiskers in scholarly fashion. He'd already memorized the glyph. Good... because she never could be bothered committing their ilk to memory when they came across them, there was no point when she couldn't even employ them without his help; it was honestly better to just let him handle everything related to them... that and the fact that with this division of labor, the mouse had access to at least one line of defense, if it ever came to it, aside from merely chomping someone's finger off and scurrying away. Reveal hidden contents Felt it fitting, given the context... once now when something's promised, again when it's finally delivered... "Well, luna..." She took a breath, still not believing what she was about to propose "...I guess I'm probably the only one you've told any of this to in a long time, aren't I? If...if this is what you really want, in the end...I...I guess I can be the one to cast it for you, if I'm even still alive by the time you finish the rest of them..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InnocentSerenity Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 "What, already tired of leading the way?" Karol gave a smirk as she looked up at the Demon. Karol stood up, "Fine then. Why don't we look around at the outdoor stands?" Karol headed off, making her way to see the outdoor shops.Karol strolled around, stopping at a few stands. Shops for food, knickknacks, and so much more. As much as she wanted to maybe take a snack of some kind, Karol decided to wait a bit before eating. After a bit of looking, one particular stand caught Karol's attention. Never expected to find these around here.The outdoor shop was selling Weapon Spirit Housings, weapon parts used to contain the consciousness of someone like Karol. "Of course Angels would have these around." Karol spoke out loud, not realizing Bargus could possibly hear her words. "A good amount of magic is necessary to make good use out of these." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 Lucille & Co., Luna, The most unlikely place to have a heart to heart to the point I'm not really sure why one earth you'd have it here, but on goes the show I suppose! "Of course, I don't know why I told you either. Perhaps, it just got too cumbersome to shoulder all of it's weight myself. Or, maybe it was because you were the first person to ever ask me who I was. Who I really was." the first... a despondent truth if there ever was such a tragedy. Sadly, it did exist within her life. Not even those she had once considering family, blood... asked who she really was. It felt, depressingly awful to admit such a fate. But, such was hers. Not even her sister, Fate knew who she really was. She had never thought to ask. Perhpas was the nature of one who could see the strings of others. Seeing that, they thought they could fully understand a person. But, her manipulation of fate itself... destroyed the image. She never considered the actions they took. She couldn't even foresee her own demise. She knew Luna's plan, and yet still failed. She knew that Luna had carved a rune into her chest that would activate on the casting of her fate magic. One that would stop time for the world for a few seconds. However, the rune was fake and didn't work. She never knew. Because she had fallen for Luna's trap. She tried to warp her own fate at the last second. However... fate magic couldn't manipulate one's own fate, because it was as Luna knew. You had to forge your own fate, and write it yourself. Magic couldn't even manipulate it. At least, not that which came from you. She only realized after all that time, Luna was correct... as the fangs of the Nightmare Beast severed the silver threads of fate from herself. In the end... she never knew her own sister and, thus, in the end, it was why she fell. Countless other times, this morose happening, was the downfall of the Primordials, time and time again. They thought incorrectly, about the one they called Bomoriel. They counted her out thinking her abilities were of the weakest amoungst the Primordial Ones. They were gravely... gravely mistaken. Though, Luna... couldn't say that she was committed to said fate. She wanted to watch Humans grow... thrive. She wanted to see partially what they became... and in other parts, what they would do free of the influence of the Primordial Ones. She wasn't just willing to give up on that. If she could find some reason... something to move past this, she would. But, if she couldn't she would accept her fate. "However, it'll be a long time until that day Feral Child. So...let us not be so melancholy. If I find a way that it needn't be... it shall not be. No promises.I'm ready to accept my fate as it is once time comes,but until then... there's time to find some other way." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IntSys Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 Truth to be told, Bargus was fresh out of ideas. He followed Karol to the outdoor stands. The stands were your standard stuffs, the variety of items sold were amazing. We're very far from the sea level, guess magic really makes transportation convenient. Karol eventually stopped at a peculiar stand. The stand was selling various weapon parts, dubbed Weapon Spirit Housings by the clerk. What a load of ripoff, the axe doesn't even seem that good, how could it even sell for- "Of course Angels would have these around." "A good amount of magic is necessary to make good use out of these." "You know about these?!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 30, 2016 Share Posted August 30, 2016 Lucille and Co., Luna, for reals though ngl making new friends in random alleyways ain't as bad as it sounds the rest of ya should try it too Well, there was some relief in that, she guessed...not much, but a little. Surprised as she was to be feeling anything towards any of her assembled allies besides an obligatory cooperation, she didn't much mind it in this case. As is stood, Luna easily seemed the sole one among them she'd likely have any real understanding between, simply because everything Lucille was and had been raised as, the Primordial one had literally been the original cipher for. "Alright then..." she said, glad at least that had passed. The alleys of Marblegate smelled noticebly less offensive compared to the Thousand, perhaps a sign of the increased concern for cleanliness of the cities occupants, but still... any alley was still an alley. She hadn't retreated to this place because she enjoyed it, only because it was the most readily available option for solitude that didn't involve entering into some artificial place. "I think it's about time we get out of here though. The crowd's going to pick up even more eventually, as things get closer. And while the others waste their time searching for rumors and gossip, I'd like to figure out the basic layout of this place before things get too... personal in the streets." It helped to have a map, regardless of whether it was scrawled in ink on parchment or constructed of sound and the vision of a mouse and bear. Chasing someone down like a predator after panicking prey is always easier when you know exactly where you're going and where the pursuit is taking you, after all... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 30, 2016 Author Share Posted August 30, 2016 Jorgen & Gabriel "Yes, yes, good child" the woman said in her bored tone. She then activated a rune carved on the table and a screen of blueish light appeared in front of her, registering the names they have given her. "The first lectures begin the day after tomorrow, but until then there are some meetings between students going on around the city. Here´s the schedule and the locations." She handed them a folder with a list of the "student meetings". Most of them were parties organized by one or other magic prodigies, and the rest was for academic talk between mages. Karol & Bargus ((I´ll let you finish your dialogue on Weapon Spirits. Signal when you´re done so I can post)) Jesse & Lisa The angel seemed confused by Lisa´s arrival for a moment, but then apparently decided to ignore her. He went after Jesse and grabbed his shoulder. "Not so fast there. I saw you appear out of nowhere a while ago. That´s no ordinary illusion magic. I want it. And you´ll tell me were did you learn it." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Support Squad Felicity Posted August 30, 2016 Support Squad Share Posted August 30, 2016 Jorgen and Gabriel walked away from the woman, smiling and thanking her as they went. Jorgen then turned to Gabriel. "Well son, seems like a bunch of parties and then some academic conversation. What do you think we should do? If you want to go to the parties, I can't follow as your dad. You'd be laughed out of the place. I might be able to pass at the seminars, with the risk of looking like a dumbass." Jorgen almost flushed at the notion of babbling in front of a bunch of professors with flat stares. Steel didn't really blush though. "It's up to you if we split up, stay together or do something else entirely." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 (edited) "Not so fast there. I saw you appear out of nowhere a while ago. That´s no ordinary illusion magic. I want it. And you´ll tell me were did you learn it." He saw me? way to keep a low profile, Jesse. The angel thought to himself and sighed. Other than that, why would an angel want stealth and intangibility so badly? there are many interesting magic to learn other than this art but why chose this? this magic is design for stealth and silent killing, perhaps I'll humor this guy after all, to see where this is going. Jesse glared suspiciously at he angel before speaking. "Look,buddy.. as you can tell, I'm not from this city, I'm just here for a vacation. As for my ability, it's called density shifting, it allows the user to walk through solid objects. It's a pretty advanced skill and I'm still new to it" Jesse explains tidbits of his many traits and pretends he's a beginner in using his ghost form. "I wish I can teach this art really but I can't. that's why i'm here in Marblegate to learn more about it." He said lying to this angel once more. "Now, who are you and what are your intention if you manage to learn this ability?" Jesse asked. "Oh, and by the way, is that odd girl with you?" Edited August 31, 2016 by Ragnar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 "Hm. A difficult question, to be sure. If we split, I could likely dissemble and evade enough for people to dismiss your presence, or rather your lack thereof." He tapped his chin pensively. "Yes, that's probably.the best plan. You could set about locating a place to stay or-" he sighed and placed his fingertips on his forehead before continuing "-establish contact with the others, as they seemed all too eager to completely abandon any sense of cooperation. For that matter, should we split up, we should arrange a meeting location. As for what I'll be doing, I will likely be attending the seminars." He almost started to explain that it was a personal preference, but stopped himself - it was irrelevant, and Jorgen likely did not care regardless. He idly flipped through the folder as he spoke, most of his attention devoted to scanning the crowd to ensure no one happened to be suspicious of the pair - beyond the usual staring at the metal man, of course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 31, 2016 Author Share Posted August 31, 2016 Jesse & Lisa "Very interesting ability. But that won´t do." the angel said, putting a weird looking metallic glove on his left hand. It had an intrincate pattern of runes on it, which indicated a magic item."If you won´t teach me, then I´ll just take it from you." he said, quickly stretching his arm to try and touch Jesse´s chest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 (edited) "Technology!?" Jesse asked himself as the shady angel puts on his metal glove and tries reach for Jesse's chest. Jesse evaded the grab(or did he?) with a backflip and reached for his rifle during that tumble as he tries to defend himself, there's no point in hiding now. Ok, Jesse. Remember we need this guy alive. The angel thought to himself and aims at the man. "Nice try, but I don't think you're responsible enough to handle this kind of ability being you sinister and all." Jesse said his obligatory heroic retort. "get out of the way, girl!" The young angel yelled at odd girl(Lisa) and fires his sniping riifle at the so-called-angel and tries to maim his legs. A thunderous gunshot was heard miles away from where Jesse is located. Edited August 31, 2016 by Ragnar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 Lucille and Co., Luna, alleyway... cause yea still here. "A sentiment I highly agree with. Knowing the layout of one's surroundings... very helpful. Considering that was the task I was doing before, well running into you, getting back to it shouldn't be too difficult." Those rumors and gossip did have their place, it wasn't for Luna to search. People skills... weren't exactly one of her best qualities. She was rather skilled at it, except from the perspective of deflecting and keeping much about herself unknown while getting information. Other forms of it she was rather awful at... and she hated having to deal with a lot of people for a long amount of time. So, best that others take the wild goose chase while she did something productive. "Here, let me give you the sections I already traced so we don't need to backtrack. We'll save time that way." She fired the memories of the alleys up to this point over the link. Hopefully they were usable to Lucy as much as the ones from her animal companions. It'd be a different level of view since it was from that of a dog, but it should still be usable hopefully. "Should we split up to cover more ground? Or stick together? It's easy for me to stick with you of all people seeing as you've already got quite the herd following you so I doubt people would notice me much more than they would if I was on my own to be frank. It's up to you really. I can handle myself if I get into any trouble and I'm more than sure you can as well. However, having a hidden ally such as myself can be a rather huge boon. Most here won't be sensitive to my aura, and even if they were they'd have no idea it was from me. They'd be more likely to think they are just having a shitty day and that's why they feel weird." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted August 31, 2016 Share Posted August 31, 2016 "I think splitting up would be for the best" Her response only came after a brief pause, a mild disturbance on the outer edge of the Sonic Landscaping catching her attention. With the bustle and ambient noise of the urban environment, Desperaux and Bora and perhaps even Luna too had probably been able to hear it... but simply paid no attention when it was just one noise mixed into the cacophony of so many others. But she had felt this very sound too many times before, back against the humans...the thunderous disharmony it caused through it's sheer volume alone was always enough to send tell-tale ripples through the stream, ripples that the ears alone could disregard, but one who's entire perspective was through sound couldn't. She turned herself to face the wall Jesse had vanished through several minutes before. "Like you said, we can cover more ground that way... and even if people notice you, to them it's just another stray dog going about it's way, not like some massive dire wolf or something is roaming the streets..." She barely left much room for confirmation, already beginning to walk out of the place towards the shot... only two sneaking suspicions in her mind about who she might find responsible for it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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