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[IC] Myriad AoW Chapter 1 - Rise from the Cinders


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Gabriel looked at the horse, and then back at Lucille with a complex expression. He was grateful for her assistance, of course, but he highly disliked anyone witnessing him feeding. It was. . .shameful, not to mention the practical implications most of the time. He turned himself resolutely toward the horse, took a deep breath, and rolled his shoulders a couple times - and suddenly the somber individual, refined and eternally young, was replaced with a predator. The aversion on his face flickered to an expression of something resembling glee and back as he shot toward the poor beast's throat, savagely tearing it out with one hand as Gabriel's face, contorted almost beyond recognition, latched onto the lower part. The still-sane part of him snapped the horse's neck as quickly as possible after this, in an effort to spare it the pain - though another part of him rebelled, wanting to revel in the pain it had inflicted. He continued to tear at the animal as he greedily absorbed the blood that hadn't by now splashed all over him and his clothing, making for quite the gruesome scene indeed.

The entire spectacle didn't take particularly long; it was less than thirty seconds before Gabriel stood over what remained, utter shame and revulsion written cleanly on his face as he looked down at what he had wrought.

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She didn't flinch at the sheer ferocity of the scene so much as the sudden buzzing along her spinal cord as the beast' life twas ended and their link instantly severed. In all honesty, despite all the gore, the boy's frenzy was still nothing compared to the carnage Bora inflicted when he was in a foul mood. There was once a time when families were lucky if they had gotten their sons home in more than just a few gnawed and mangled chunks, hell, sometimes they were lucky to get them back at all. And speaking of which...

"Get rid of the carcass." she ordered the mouse. "Last thing we need today is another run in because someone found something and alerted the guard. Once was enough." Desperaux was already preparing to do it himself though, having recalled the exact same spectacle of Jorgen scaling buildings and running like he stole something. Granted, by the time anyone would find this, they'd be long gone, but it was best to leave no trace.

Without a sound, the rodent's eyes took on their characteristic white glow and the Rune of Kenaz: that of torchlight and knowledge-a purifying flame to bring warmth and light, formed before him in the air, little more than what some mathematician would mistake for a "Lesser than" symbol. In no time at all, the air around the horse began to change and shimmer as a copy of the rune blossomed on the stones beneath the body, framed by a burning white circle as the carcass finally went up in flames, though Gabriel himself would feel nothing of their heat despite standing so close... almost as if the combustion had one authorized target, and one authorized target alone. The fires danced like mad men, becoming a swirling storm before finally cascading into naught but embers as the deed was done and the horse's entire corpse was gone, flames so efficient in their consumption that not even cinders were left. The glow in Des's eyes faded, as did the rune Kenaz before him, and so too did the sigil on the stones.

Lucille could smell the blood like the stuff was choking the air though. Des's sight showed just how much of a mess there had truly been... though Kenaz had purified the body and the blood from the stones, the boy was still practically drenched in the stuff. From the utter shame on his mug, and his little chastisement of more is more ruthless brethren earlier, she knew beyond doubt what it was now: He was soft. Softer than any vamp she'd met before, honestly...interesting to say the least. Though one of them would likely look at the boy and brush it off as pathetic.

"Lions shouldn't mourn over Gazelles." She offered simply. It wasn't much for comfort, but in all honesty, it was the best she had, "That's just how things are. For there to be life, there has to be death. If anything wants to eat, something else always has to die for that meal, somehow, somewhere along the way. What happened between that horse and you was no different, just a part of the cycle. Feeling remorse for his role as prey, or yours as the predator, is honestly just guilting yourself for things that in the end, are beyond anyone's control."

That smell though...the iron. It was almost overwhelming. She doubted there had been anymore than a few pints still left in the damn thing by the time Des had taken care of it... "The blood though...that's going to cause a bit of an issue... trying to get past the front lobby and all. And I think it might be a bit hard trying to pass it off as something else with that much on you...and especially with that strong a scent."

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"It's... I have experienced this before." He mumbled a short incantation, and the spatter seemed to seep out, as if someone had reversed what would happen if they had been steeped in the liquid. It flowed out of the cloth and into a sphere before the vampire, and he gazed at it for a moment before directing it into a nearby drain. He then turned to look back at Lucille.

"You say that, and it is indeed true; there is no real point in being ashamed of doing what I must to survive - or, at least, stave off madness. It does not shame a person to eat what a butcher prepares, or a wolf to eat a deer. But this is not the same. Imagine, to continue this sort of example, a wolf that feeds only on its living brethren. It is unnatural, a perversion of nature. I sate myself on animals, yes, but there is a part of me that not only feels. . . glee in it, but a longing for something more. I could not tell you what it is, but the lifeblood of an animal is not the same as that of a thinking person, and there is a part of me that craves that, always. Nearly every waking moment that I am near others, I must repress the urge to feed on them. As you may have sorted out, this is why I found work as an assassin.

That, what you just saw attack that animal, is not Gabriel Ardelean. And I refuse to listen to any that would tell me otherwise." He sighed, starting to walk toward the hotel they'd been moving toward.

Eager for a change of subject, he asked, "I take it this is the location the group has chosen for rendezvous?"

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"Yup, they'd definitely call him pathetic. Shun him even, maybe even take him down themselves...he sure as hell didn't fight for the monsters, not with that attitude. Probably the damn humans then, if he's got such a bleeding heart for them. Go figure..." "Aye, it is." She said as she started off again, "Jorgen actually came looking for me earlier to try and find the rest of you, though I guess somehow, they all managed to keep focus enough to set accomodations up for everyone. I have to say I'm a bit impressed, after how he told me just about everyone besides you two ran off for leisure almost the instant they got here. Maybe this whole affair won't be like herding cats after all" well, technically she of all people could herd cats no problem if she really wanted to. But that was besides the point.

Her voice definitely sounded anything but impressed though, as she continued in stride, stopping not too far from the front entrance. There was no doubt she wasn't a fan of the place, as she scowled at the interior lobby visible beyond the twin glass doors. The decrepit basement pit in the thousand had been one thing, even with Luna's presence choking the air. This was something else entirely.

Desperaux squeaked from her shoulder, tugging on their link in an effort to calm her down, get it done with already, Lucille swatted him away in her mind. "Shut up, I know...but You're not exactly helping me..." "Might as well get used to it," she sighed, as if to trying to talk herself into the idea "It probably won't be the first time I have to go in... damn gilded cage..."

Despite her words though, she stayed fixed where she was, staring up at the building... all that glass and concrete... just another confining, stifling space that would greatly dampen the breadth of how far she could sense ahead...restrict her like a caged animal doomed to captivity, remove her from the safety of an open sky. Even despite Des's reassurance he'd be right there the entire time for her, that he'd never let anything like back then happen again, She could already feel the air begin to thicken just by thinking about it, chest begin to tighten in turn. Gabriel could doubtlessly notice the slight change in her breathing by this point...the tremble in her fingers...

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Rhaeza & Jarvis

The man gave Rhaeza a surprised look as he saw the badge and seemed to drop the guard. "Representative Vermillio himself? Well, I guess that´s why I haven´t heard of your task force. I´m sorry for the trouble." The man said while scratching the back of his head. "My name is Marcus by the way. About information, I´ve been told that there was a group of suspects composed by... well, you two, plus a cyborg, a demon, a half demon, two angels, two kids, and a blind girl with a huge bear. Would that be your unit?"


Cana seemed immersed in thought for a moment and then seemed to decide. "I wanna play dodgeball! It´s my favourite!" Saying that, a rubber ball appeared out of nowhere in her hand - she didn´t even use a sigil for the summoning - as she looked at Jesse expectantly with her big eyes.


"No, no, sorry. It´s dangerous to stay here while we´re hanging stuff on the ceilling. Something might fall on you. Please hold your curiosity for when it´s ready." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing towards the exit.

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Gabriel looked at Lucille curiously. Anxious about the building? I certainly have my own misgivings about such a place, but why does she seem to be so fearful? Perhaps it's a result of her empathetic links; a beast's nervousness about being confined to a building. He opened the door, holding it open for the woman. His impression was decidedly more positive; he felt quite comfortable in such opulent spaces, having grown up nobility. It was almost enough to stop his irritation at choosing such a painfully obvious location to gather. There are almost certainly informants listening, and even if there are not dedicated spies, a few coins slipped to the right servant in exchange for their recollections of what they've heard and silence to anyone else that asks. . .

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Hm, certainly some interesting things to tell the rest of the group. “Well, I’ll make sure to show up then.” Karol expected the killer to come here. Brume and Caspiel must be high ranking targets for them. Whether or not something does happen, it was worth keeping an eye on the place.

Looking to her side, Karol noticed the lack of a certain Cambion. “Darn it, I should’ve known she’d run off. I should put a leash on that girl, maybe.” Turning towards Hesediel, Karol shrugged her shoulders. “Siblings, man. They aggravate you sometimes, but you gotta love them.” Not that Karol had much love for her. It was more just acknowledgement of presence. Though, she at least tried to be civil around her. “I’d better go looking for her. Hopefully she didn’t wander off to far.” Karol nearly walked off, already facing away from the kind tour guide. Looking over her shoulder, she asked Hesediel a quick question.

“Hey, if you don’t mind.” The man was certainly nice. Perhaps he’d be useful later on. “Do you happen to have any way I could contact you? Like a phone or something?” He was certainly a good tour guide. Maybe his wife’s nice, too.

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Already feeling the apprehension in her rise like the sun, Desperaux settled to again trying to coax his partner forward as the boy held the door open, this time actually putting a bit more force behind it. Lucille gave a sigh of defeat as she actually felt one foot forcibly place itself before the other, then stop... clear indication of the choice before her. Either do it herself, or let the mouse do it for her, which honestly, he really didn't feel like expending the energy to do.

She hesitated a bit longer, staring up at the glass facade still. Despereaux sighed and projected a memory through the connection, letting the scene of a night sky alive with starlight years ago flood through her mind...the sensation of open air, of the myriad of ambient noises... the things that freedom felt like, and the steady calm he maintained for the both of them. And almost immediately, as the feelings rolled over her like a wave, the girl felt the weight in her chest lift like it was nothing. She took another cautious step, and another as Des guided her path.

"Just...just think about the sky... you can do this, one step at a time" Good. The mouse reinforced those thoughts as he heard them. All she had to do was walk, he'd take care of the rest as it was needed. He was there for her, just as he asserted earlier, and just as he'd promised then, there was no way in hell he'd let a repeat of that day come about.

"Damn whichever one of them chose this place," She muttered as she headed past Gabriel and into the lobby, "I might just wring their neck after this is all over..."

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Raziel, Bargus

"When you're done eating, come over to my table. I'll take you to a more appropriate location for catching up and dealing with our...guest over there."

"It's fine." Raziel responded. "I can eat while I question him, since I'd...prefer...not to waste any more time. I need to start research, and soon. Whose your guy?" he asked. If it was another prisoner, he decided he was leaving it to the others. This one was trouble enough.

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She is actually afraid of the building and not just uncomfortable. Interesting. This may present issues down the line; I hope her fear does not cripple her should this come to open battle. He simply headed into the building after her, heading up to the receptionist. He asked the person using his standard child act about the rest of the party members, giving broad descriptions of a couple members of the group in the hopes that he could be directed to them.

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"No, no, sorry. It´s dangerous to stay here while we´re hanging stuff on the ceilling. Something might fall on you. Please hold your curiosity for when it´s ready." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing towards the exit.

Misara shrugs and leaves the room. This is weird. They are angels, surely they would've sensed that I'm a Cambion and would be a bit more suspicious than that. Misara thought. Oh well, I guess I'll just explore more the city to find info. And with that, Misara leaves.

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Rhaeza, Jarvis, and Alliance Operative

The werewolf smirked at the description of his unit. "Yes, that would be them. But this is very disturbing news, I was suspicious from the start that this may have been an inside job, or the terrorists at least had Alliance intel... But this confirmed my suspicion. There is a traitor in the Alliance." 'It couldn't be Vermillio could it? It doesn't seem likely, but I'm not ruling out any possibilities until we catch the traitor.' He thought, unsure of what to trust at this point.

"Regardless, we now have an advantage... This traitor doesn't know that we know of him yet, and we could potentially use this to our advantage if you're willing to help us Marcus. With what exactly, I couldn't say yet though. Is there anything else that you know that could be useful. Even small things, details matter in a situation like this."

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"My, the number of oddities you pull keeps stacking up and you're like what? seven or something?" Jesse said a bit surprised as he looks at Cana. Not a moment after, He breaks away from her stare and remembers not to prolong his eye contact with her for too long, seeing this spell-enchanted child can do crazy things with those big round eyes. "Fine, if that's what you want," The angel shrugs and reluctantly grants Cana's request. To be honest, Jesse wasn't expecting a game like this, but hey, he has to do whatever it's necessary to keep this girl contain inside her room while the others get back. Hmm.. I wonder what the others are doing while I'm stuck here babysitting for the night. He mentally asks himself and sighed, positioning himself at the other side of the room.

"Okay, show me what you got" Jesse said with a cocky smirk as he stands behind a wall, inviting Cana to throw the ball at him.
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Jesse, Aquila Senpai

The bird flew off of the angel's shoulders and perched herself on the table the moment the ball was conjured. There was no way in hell she was going to let that brat throw rubber spheres at her... the sniper could get his ass handed to him all he wanted, but drawing her into it was out of the question. She turned and watched the two as she cleaned some of her feathers, a bit of radiant sheen coming off as golden plumes caught the light. Honestly, the eagle couldn't help but hope the first shot the child fired would nail the fool square in the face...

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I can eat while I question him, since I'd...prefer...not to waste any more time. I need to start research, and soon. Whose your guy?"

"A new ally, that's what I'd call him. His name's Haze, and he's the bodyguard of a seemingly important girl, and he seems to bear some authority over the city guards." Bargus answered. "I've been chatting with him to see if I can get some useful information."

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Raziel, Bargus.

Taking a quick once over on Haze, Raziel realized that he didn't know him. "Strange. I know I haven't been here in a while, but usually the authorities aren't hard to recognize..." he thought. "Hmm. Having the guards on our side would be quite advantageous. Anything good come from questioning him? I've heard rumors of an extremely powerful mage that will be visiting for the meetings soon." he said. Then looking at the prisoner and back, asked "What's the room number? This shouldn't take too long if he cooperates. If not..." he glared and made a breaking movement above his leg towards the angel.

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Bargus, Raziel

"Extremely powerful girl, eh? Haze said the girl's here to attend some student meeting. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl turns out to be some prodigious mage. So far I haven't gotten much information from him, but I did get him quite interested." Bargus said. "Ah yes, the room number. 708. Seventh floor."

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Raziel, Bargus.

"Oh? I'd like to meet this girl at some point. I was planning on visiting the meetings myself after finishing the research so maybe I could go with them." "And keeping an eye on him wouldn't be a bad idea either." "Try to convince them for me, if you would. I don't have time now. In any case, I really need to get this done." Raziel said. He then ordered food up to the room from one of the waiters standing nearby. "Ill be there for at least an hour or two, if I am needed. Ill be at the Alliance headquarters afterwards. Probably all night if it goes as expected." he said with a sigh before pushing his captive over to an elevator and boarding it.

Once in the room, he pushed the angel down onto a couch and fixed him with an expectant glare. "This shouldn't be too bad for you if you do what you're told. Now....you said you knew rune magic, correct? What runes were used on this glove of yours? Show me how to draw them and the order."

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"That's settled, then." Bargus returned to his table. "Alright, he's gonna be busy interrogating." He said, "Anyways, you said Cana's here for a student meeting, right? I'd imagine her having some special qualities for thugs to lay their eyes on her."

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Gabriel & Lucille

The attendant quickly recognized who Gabriel was speaking of and indicated the room number to him and Lucille, as well as the fact that Bargus was having dinner. If he was disturbed by Lucille´s feral appearance, he hid it perfectly (any other thing would be unprofessional, after all).


"The little miss is a magic student, and a talented one. The people who take care of her decided it would be good for her to learn more and make new friends at this meeting but... Well, she is a bit of a troublemaker at times. So I came along to take care of her and ensure she won´t cause any problems here." Haze then smiled "She is indeed quite the piece of work. She´s incredibly energic, and can be wild at times, but deep down she´s a sweet child.


Cana gave Jesse a wicked smile as she held the ball tightly in her little hand "Ok then mister angel. Here I go!"
The ball suddenly gleamed in an intense white light, sparks flying from it as Cana assumed a throwing instance. Then the girl´s eyes started glowing too, and she threw the ball at Jesse in high speed.


"What runes were used on this glove of yours? Show me how to draw them and the order."

"I don´t know... I can´t know. The runes for the stealing spell itself were drawn in the inside of the glove. The guy who gave it to me wouldn´t be careless enough to leave them in the open. The ones on the outside were..." the captive paused with a pained expression. "For self combustion, in case of removal or capture. I knew it all along, but thought no one would be able to catch me with that power."


"Just tap in the card and say my name, that should do the trick. Just a neat little spell I cast to it." Hesediel said, smiling. "Unfortunately I´m not any good with technology, so I use that instead of a phone. Good luck finding your sister!"


Misara wandered a bit before anything happened, but at some point she took the wrong turn and soon couldn´t recognize the path she had walked before with Hesediel.

Just as the angel said, the place was enourmous. The main tunnels got wider and wider as she walked, to the point many angels passing by were able to fly inside them without any concern. Eventually the tunnel she was walking in ended up in a big plaza - which she imediatelly recognized, even though they hadn´t gone that way before.
It was a place with a huge concentration of people, with light crystals and benches arranged neatly in concentric circles around what looked like a huge curtain of light. That was what made the place so easily recognizable - it was Marblegate´s Portal, one of the three permanent ones in all of Myriad and the very reason why it existed.


Chance wasn´t as kind to Jorgen as the metal man would want. He walked quite a bit and still hadn´t found any of his team mates. Eventually though, he ended up in the Portal Room.

Perma Portals where always quite a sight to behold. They looked like the Northern Lights of some worlds, but each had it´s own shade of colour. Marblegate´s, as most of the city lights, was blue - the light dripping from above like a curtain of rain glittering at the moonlight. It took Jarvis a moment before he identified someone standing at the other side of it: Misara, also looking at the grandiosity of the door of the worlds.

Rhaeza & Jarvis

Marcus seemed taken aback by the information. "A traitor? Damn, I was hoping that wasn´t the case but... It makes perfect sense." His face contorted with anger. "The last unit I worked on was also trying to track the killers but... we got wiped out. I went to deliver a message to our superiors and, when I got back to base, everyone was dead. I´m the last that remained. No one outside the Alliance was supposed to know about us, but I still refused to believe that we´d been betrayed. How naive of me."

Marcus stood silent for a moment, with his fists tightly closed before relaxing again.

"Ok, I´ll work with you. The target of this attack is most likely Lord Caspiel, the Archangel. His influence alone is what ended up convincing the angels to join the alliance, and if something were to happen with him they´d most likely exit in response. He´ll be present for the opening and the closing ceremonies of the Student Meeting, and if the attacker wants to make things public then that´s when they´ll strike."

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Tsk, she's a troublemaker, and an energetic one?! With these traits, she's not gonna sit tight and wait for Haze to return! Urgh...hope nothing goes wrong.

The waiter returned with Haze's appetizer and water, and left again. Bargus took a glance at the appetizer. He wasn't the kind that would order appetizers, as they're often served in molecular proportions. If anything, they'd kill his appetite more than helping it.

"Do you know where the meeting's going to be?" He asked.

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Yikes! If I know any better, I say that ball is enchanted by her magic, talk about taking this game to the extreme. Jesse quickly scans the fast pitch ball in mid-air with his otherworldly vision the very second Cana hurls the glowing orb at him. He winced and has to think fast or else that ball is gonna nail him flat on his face. The angel reacted upon instinct and did a fancy somersault to the side, to avoid the orb towards him. The ball almost hit Jesse, but with some luck and grace, the sniper barely escapes the impact and landed on his feet, unscathed and gives a Cana an arrogant smirk like he was proud to dodge that incoming orb.

"Usually, I don't like being the target, but not bad for your first try." The sniper said to the child, silently panting for air and was forced to do some actual effort, even tho they were just playing.

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Just as the angel said, the place was enourmous. The main tunnels got wider and wider as she walked, to the point many angels passing by were able to fly inside them without any concern. Eventually the tunnel she was walking in ended up in a big plaza - which she imediatelly recognized, even though they hadn´t gone that way before.

It was a place with a huge concentration of people, with light crystals and benches arranged neatly in concentric circles around what looked like a huge curtain of light. That was what made the place so easily recognizable - it was Marblegate´s Portal, one of the three permanent ones in all of Myriad and the very reason why it existed.

Woah, this place is huge. I gotta say, I'm impressed. Misara thought

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Jorgen & Misara

[[shit, sorry for making you drag Jorgen into things Notus]]

I think i recognise her... Jorgen thought, squinting at the figure ahead of him. He'd only met here maybe twice but Misara was quite distinctive. She also wasn't an angel, which kiiiind of helped to differentiate her from the city residents. He was looking at her through what was pretty much the aurora borealis though. That made it a little hard to tell. He started waving to get her attention, the big cyborg couldn't have been hard to see from size alone but, because he could, he started to yell too.

"Oooooi, Miiisaaaraaaaaa!"

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