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I need a willing volunteer

Miss Kitty

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Hey Rebornians,

As you may or may not know, I started school this week. I'm in this class and I'm not entirely sure how well I'll actually do, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

To start giving my best shot, I need assistance for my first assignment. It is an interview between you and I on Skype. You must fall under these two criteria:

- English must be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or so on language

- Must have visited/lived in the United States * UPDATE: You do not have to have visited or lived in the US, you just have to have the first criteria.

Additionally, you will also have to verbally consent to the interview, which will be done on Skype with me, where I will record your voice using Audacity. **

The interview overall will not be long, maybe 20 minutes tops. The questions I will ask are of the following:

I will ask you for your age, sex/gender identity, your time in the US, other languages you may have learned in addition to these six questions:

1. What do you consider to be your first/native language(s)?

2. Why did you learn English?

3. When did you learn English?

4. How did you learn English?

5. Can you tell me about challenges or negative experiences you had/have had because of your English skills?

6. How do you feel about being bi/multilingual?

According to how the answers fare, I may or may not ask more questions that relate to this topic.

For privacy concerns, your name will not be included in the interview, rather, I will give you (and others you may talk about) a pseudonym if push comes to shove.

* (I may also ask my instructor if I could have some leeway if you have visited another primarily English speaking country (UK, Canada) rather than the US, but I feel that it is culture relatedness that he is looking for)

** (Your consent may not actually be used within the assignment, but I think this is for legal purposes and I must have this if instructor asks for proof of interview)

I will check this thread frequently to figure out a time and date for those who are interested in helping an ol' cat. I would prefer to conduct the interview before next weekend: 9/2. You can PM me in the forums or in chat.

Thank you in advance for your help. It is greatly appreciated!

Edited by Miss Kitty
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Hah, well, I've never been to the United States since I have an immense fear of planes, ships and everything else that might possibly involve crashing into stuff and/or death.

Though, if you need other assistance, I might be able to help you. Just say the word. My English is not the best, but I think it should be enough.

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Hello all,

Just an update, my instructor did say that you did not have to have visited or lived in the United States. You just have to be able to answer all of the questions with the exception of the US mentions. I will edit the original post.

Again, thank you for your support. It is much appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you are still looking: I'm from the netherlands and am willing to help :) (have never been in the US though, but I have visited England and Ireland)

Ayyyy a fellow Dutchie \o/

But sorry this other Dutchie already was too fast for you c:

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