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Stuck at Charlotte's gym


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I'm at Charlotte's gym but it seems like it would be impossible for my team to ever beat her. I start by having my Donphan use Earthquake to sacrifice my Graveler but take down Typhlosion and Darmanitan. After that, Volcarona and Rotom sweep my team and nothing I've tried has changed this. My current team is Donphan, Graveler, Rhyperior, Druddigon, Meowstic, and Delphox. I caught the first 4 specifically for this gym, because it seems you need to build a whole new team just for this one battle if you aren't doing a mono type rock or ground run. Reading the field effect, I saw that Scald would make this much easier. However, the only pokemon that can learn it are a legendary and the Simipour line. I wanted to get a Panpour but I remembered I can't because of the point of no return. Can anyone tell me how else this can be possible?

Also, are there any easier ways to get EXP than the wilds outside Calcenon? It's incredibly slow if your team hasn't been keeping up especially since the areas before have had so few trainer battles. I tried the circus rainbow challenge and got swept by an absurdly powerful Gliscor.

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rain helps alot also, you may wanna ev train if you're having that much of a difficult time. :) Try using fields effect to your advantage fields effect when you use them to boost your team are just godly.

Edited by Fredicash
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ty for the suggestions, but I actually do not have any flying types at any where close to a decent level. I could try teaching my Whimsicott Hurricane, but the accuracy, lack of STAB, the scarcity of Heart Scales at this point in the game, and Whimsicott's weakness to Fire tell me it might not be such a good idea.

Also, the only way I can see the field working to my advantage is with Scald. I could use my Delphox, my only fire type that's in this level range, but she does so little damage compared to Charlotte's own Delphox that either mine has vastly inferior IVs or I'm missing something.

I'm going to try EV training everything and will post results later.

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Your team should be able to do it.

(Movesets, EVs, IVs, levels etc would be helpful info tho)

I'd say just optimize your teams movesets, grind your IVs, EVs, and set them to all 1 level under the level cap.

The rainbow clown is the best way to grind. Use dat EXP share.. Spin the wheel until u get a type advantage. Rinse, Repeat, Get rekt.

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Give Delphox Trick Room and Spam Earthquake and Stone-edge with Rhyperior or Donphan to wipe her out.

Leave the levitating Rotom alive and it should burn itself out trying to hit you

That's pretty much what I did anyway except I had Mismagius with Levitate as a Trick Room setter

And I wrecked her with it

Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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For Charlotte I usually fight fire with fire. In my experience it's hard to keep the field effect dampened since Charlotte keeps burning it, so I just take advantage of the field boosts with one or two good Fire-types and wreck her. I suggest letting Delphox be the main attacker and have a second mon be a meat shield to keep Delphox healthy. Just beware that some of Charlotte's mons have Fighting-type moves (I know Darmanitan does, but I can't remember the rest), but when they're out of the way it'll be safer to bring in one of your Rock-types.

If you're having trouble leveling on the clown, what I do is just soft reset until I get a team that I can handle. It's a little tedious, but those fights can be really tough if you're underleveled or don't have a proper team. Even for Charlotte I'm sure you don't need to bring in a team of Rock-types specifically to counter her, but I don't know what other mons you have waiting in the wings.

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If you're starting with donphan and graveler. First, evolve that graveler. Second, go to agate and buy air baloons, if they both focus on one the other will still be levitating that turn :D

That's how I did it, donphan and golem, both air baloons and earthquake her to oblivion.

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I tried teaching Trick Room to both Delphox and Whimsicott and I won! The original plan was to start with Delphox and Rhyperior and have Rhyperior get Typhlosion to waste a turn charging Solar Beam while and Darmanitan did something not-dangerous so that Delphox could survive the first turn to set up Trick Room. Instead, Rhyperior actually OHKO'd Darmanitan with Stone Edge and on the second turn OHKO'd Volcarona with Stone Edge before being fainted by Typhlosion's Solar Beam. I sent out Donphan and spammed EQ from there,taking out Typhlosion, and Ninetails. Delphox came out after Trick Room ended so I had Scrafty take care of it and used Whimsicott to set Trick Room back up. After that, all that was left was Rotom with like -6 Sp. Atk because of Overheat spam so I just had Donphan spam Strength until I won. Thanks for the advice, everyone!

About evolving Graveler, are there Link Stones after Agate Circus?

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