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Put Pokemon Reborn in the TCG


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In a status post Pocky wondered:

"what if there were pokemon reborn pokemon cards?"

A few ideas came together... and now before that status vanishes in to the abyss, come show your Ideas for Reborn-themed Pokemon TCG Cards!

here are the ideas from the status:


Titania - "Discard 3 cards from xour opponent's deck."


Charlotte - "Both Players discard 2 Cards from their hand OR their Deck (chosen by the respective player)"

Julia - "Draw a Card. If it's an Electric-Energy - choose one: Draw another Card OR attach the Energy Card to a Pokemon immediately (additional to the 1 energy per turn)"

Florinia - "Discard an Energy-Card from your Hand. Search and draw a Card of your choice from your Deck. Shuffle your Deck afterwards."

Amaria - "Shuffle your Hand and the bottom 5 Cards of your Discard-pile into your Deck. Draw as many new Cards, equal to the amount of Cards you had in your hand, after playing this card."


Corey - "Every card on your opponent's bench is now poisoned and has 1 extra damage counter on it."


Tech Glasses (item) - "Shuffle this card in your deck. You can't play any energy cards until you draw it again. If you draw it, discard it and you can play as many energy as you want for the rest of the turn. You can have only 1 Tech Glasses in your deck"

G.Gardevoir (stage 2, evolves from Kirlia, psychic, 140HP):

Gossip Interview- for 2 psychic energies. Look your opponent's hand. Choose any attack from any pokemon he has and use it as this attack.
Hypotic Gaze- for 2 psychic and 2 collorless energies. 90 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the defending pokemon is now asleep.

Grand Hall (stadium) - "Each player can evolve a stage 2 to a stage 3 pokemon the same turn it evolved from the basic pokemon to the stage 2."

M3G4 T3RR4 (supporter card) - "Your opponent can't play any supporter cards for the next turn."


I totally mistook Pocky with Viri, as the one who opened the Status post, since viri had a status directly below and was the first to respond to it... sorry, Pocky I fixed it :P

Edited by Cepheus
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Time for some more :D

Charlotte's Typhlosion (stage 2, evolves from Quilava, fire, 120 HP):

Energy Ball- 1 grass and 1 colorless energy. 50 damage. Pokemon that are weak to grass takes double damage from this attack.

Death Erruption- 4 fire energies. Insta KO every pokemon the opponent has! (just kidding :P)

100 damage. Choose one benched pokemon the opponent has. This attack does 30 damage to that pokemon (don't apply weakness/resistances for benched pokemon)

Mirror Field (stadium): whenever a pokemon attacks flip a coin. If tails the attack does nothing and put 2 damage counters on the attacking pokemon.

Amethyst Crystal (item): search your deck for a psychic or fairy pokemon and a psychic or fairy energy. Show them to your opponent and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Blue Moon Ice Cream (item): choose a pokemon that has a water energy attached to it. Remove all damage counters on that pokemon.

Shade (supporter): choose one of your benched pokemon. Return it to you hand and all cards attched to it. (kind like the current AZ, but a bit different)

Kiki's Ghost (supporter): put a pokemon from your discard pile into your hand.

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We can't forget one of the most essential part for Reborn-Decks!


Attach this card to your currently active Pokemon to PULSE-Evolve it with a PULSE-Evolution from your Hand or your Deck.

If you play a PULSE-Evolution from your Deck, shuffle your Deck, afterwards.

PULSE-Evolutions can only be played by using this card.


Choose one:

Search your Deck for a "PULSE-Machine" and a PULSE-Evolution, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your Deck afterwards.


Search your Discard-pile for a "PULSE-Machine" and shuffle it into your deck.

Double PULSE-Energy

Energy-Card - This Card counts as 2 Energy of the Players choice!

Can only be attached to a PULSE-Evolution Pokemon.

PULSE-Muk (edit: stats are subject to change - due to my lack of card knowledge)

PULSE-Evolution of Muk

150 HP - Psychic

Pokemon-Power: Protean - Dettach and discard an energy card attached to this Pokemon. The next Attack of this Pokemon is treated as the type of the discarded Energy.

Toxic Torrent - 2 Psychic + 1 Colorless Energies - 70 Damage - Flip a Coin, if head, the opposing Pokemon is now poisoned and its retreatcost is increased by 1 Colorless Energy until your next turn.

Waste Disposal - 2 Psychic + 2 Cololess Energies - 60 Damage - Flip a Coin, if head, deal 20 Damage to each of your opponents benched Pokemon. (don't apply weakness/resistances for benched pokemon)

Edited by Cepheus
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  • Veterans

Can't forget about the signatures, y'know. How in the gen 4 tcg they had mons from specific trainers? Das right, the signature Pokemon, and what better way to start of with perhaps the most infamous of them all?

Solaris' Garchomp EX. HP 150. Dragon type.

Ability: Relentless Assault. This Pokemon's attacks do +20 damage for every 2 energy cards on it.

Dragon Tail. 60 Damage. 1 Colourless Energy, 1 Fire Energy.

Switches your opponent's active Pokemon with one of their benched Pokemon.

Earthquake. 100 Damage. 3 Colourless Energy, and 1 Fighting Energy.

Oh yeah 8^)

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Here's my take, on PULSE Pokemon!

PULSE Tangrowth - HP: 240 25px-Grass-attack.png

Evolved from Tangrowth

Weakness: Fire
Resistance: Water

Ability: Ensnare - Prevents the opponent from playing any Supporter card as long as PULSE Tangrowth is in play.

25px-Grass-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.pngWrap - 80

The opponent's active Pokemon cannot retreat unless PULSE Tangrowth has been defeated.
25px-Grass-attack.png25px-Grass-attack.png25px-Grass-attack.png25px-Grass-attack.pngNature's Wrath - 150+

Flip a coin, if head, this attack applies 50 damage to all of the opponent's benched Pokemon.

PULSE Pokemon cannot retreat once they become active.

PULSE Swalot - HP: 200 20px-Psychic-attack.png

Evolved from Swalot

Weakness: Psychic

Resistance: Fighting

Ability: Pollution - If the opposing Pokemon is poisoned, it must put 5 damage counters instead of 1 every turn (50 damage instead of 10).

20px-Psychic-attack.png25px-Grass-attack.pngToxic - 70

The opponent's active Pokemon is now Poisoned.
20px-Psychic-attack.png20px-Psychic-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Water-attack.png Sludge Wave - 150

The opponent is now poisoned. Flip a coin, if head, remove all of the attacked Pokemon's attached Energy Cards.

PULSE Pokemon cannot retreat once they become active.

Reference of power: Mega Evolutions. Tinkered to be a bit stronger due to the complex method of evolution.

Edited by IntSys
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Ahhhhhhhh these are all great. I'm going to add 2 more to the set:

[stadium] Abandoned Power Plant - Once per each player's turn, they may search for an electric or steel pokemon from their deck and put it onto the top of their deck.

[supporter] Dr. Sigmund's Shock Therapy - Put 3 cards on your top deck to the bottom of your deck. Then draw three cards.

Edited by Pocky
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Ah, I remember making a Mr. Bigglesworth card once. Let's see if I can find it...

Mr. Bigglesworth - HP: 160 20px-Psychic-attack.png

Evolves from Garbodor

Pokebody.png Tight Hug: Prevents either of the player's Active Pokémon from retreating as long as Mr. Bigglesworth is the Active Pokémon.

20px-Psychic-attack.png20px-Psychic-attack.png Lovely Kiss - 70

Flip a coin; If heads. the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep. If tails, Mr. Bigglesworth is now asleep.

20px-Psychic-attack.png20px-Psychic-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png Gunk Shot

Discard all energy from Mr. Bigglesworth. The defending Pokémon is now Knocked Out.

Weakness: Psychic X2

Resistance: None

Retreat Cost: 20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png
By the way, there's a Pokémaker (I think it was called?) app for Ios with which you can make customPokémon cards, but it's a pretty old one... I think there are some sites for PC where you can do so as well.
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Orderly John's Secret Plan (supporter): discard all cards in your hand. Search your deck for any card and put in your hand as many as the cards you discarded. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

An OP supporter for such a powerful personality like John's :P

Also pocky, what's the reason to shuffle the deck after you put the cards on the bottom? Usualy you don't shuffle if you don't search the whole deck...

On a side note about PULSES. Since we are going to make them quite OP why we don't restrain them a little bit? How about only one PULSE pokemon at a time in play per player?

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Also pocky, what's the reason to shuffle the deck after you put the cards on the bottom? Usualy you don't shuffle if you don't search the whole deck...

You have a point. I'll edit that out. Was thinking of things that could similar to shock therapy but my brain short circuited bdum tss and couldn't think of anything.

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PULSE-Evolution of Avalugg

300 HP - Water

Pokebody/Ability (whatever): Indestructable - PULSE-Avalugg cannot take more 80 points of damage per attack, regardless of Attackpower or weaknesses.

2 Water + 2 Colorless Energies - Avalanche - 60+ Damage

Detach and discard any number of Water Energy from this Pokemon. This Attack deals +30 Damage per Water Energy detached.

4 Colorless Energies - Rest

Detach and discard 3 Energies of your choice. Heal this back to full HP and restore its status. This Pokemon is now asleep.

Weakness: Fire, Fighting

Resistance: Water

Retreat Cost: PULSE Pokemon cannot retreat once they become active


OP much? I mean... only 80 Damage per turn (plus eventual poison damage) with 300HP and REST! :P

(edit: I changed Indestructable from 70 to 80 Damage... so it wouldn't be able to live 4 hits...)

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Man I can't keep thinking of making these cards! I think I am addicted!!!

7th Street's Salesman (trainer): discard 2 cards from your hand. Search your deck for a pokemon card, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards (that's actualy what Ultra Ball does, but this is not an item thus can be used under item lock)

Flower Charm (pokemon tool): attach this card to a pokemon that doesn't have another pokemon tool attached to it. The pokemon this card is attached to can't be affected by any effect by your opponent's attacks or cards.

Team Meteor's Hellicopter (trainer): ignore any effect that restricts the retreat of your active pokemon for this turn.

Big Top Arena (stadium): flip coins used for attacks are all treated as heads. Flip coins that require tails to stop are not affected.

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I'm actually not well versed in the TCG - but things that I feel should be carded.

  • "Rare candy"
  • the Grand Hall
  • PokeSnax
  • Victoria (opponent throws all energy cards in your hand into the discard pile - becuase Victoria is bad news.)
  • Solaris' Garchomp
  • Street Rat Andreas
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Since expansion sets usually have pre-megas if they have megas in them, we might as well have EXs of the pulses:

Tangrowth-EX: 190 HP (Grass) Retreat Cost: 3 Energy, Weakness: 2x Fire, Resistance: -30 Electric

Ability - Moss Body: Any damage done to this pokemon is reduced by 30. Additionally, Tangrowth-EX heals 10 HP every turn.

Leeching Infestation (2 Grass Energy, 1 Colorless) 60 Damage - The other pokemon cannot retreat on their next turn. Heals 20 HP.

Avalugg-EX: 210 HP (Water) Retreat Cost: 4 Energy, Weakness: 2x Steel, Resistance: None

Ability - Reflective: Apply 40 damage countrrs if if any direct damage by the opponent's active Pokemon is done onto this pokemon.

Frost Crash (3 Water Energy): 80 Damage

Also, maybe pokemon belonging to important characters like Solaris' Garchomp also be an EX? or should the EX be separate?

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"Rare Candy" (Supporter): Prevents the opponent from using any Supporter card next turn.
PokeSnax (Item): Only usable on your active Pokemon. Lets you decide what the next coin flip will be when the Pokemon attacks once.

Amethyst's Interrogation (Supporter): Reveal your opponent's hand, then shuffles it into their deck, and draw the same amount of cards they had in their hand.

Cult of Arceus (Supporter): Knock out your active Pokemon and give the opponent a Prize Card, then you may look for either Arceus or Energy Cards in your deck. You can choose to either put Arceus into your hand or attach the Energy Cards to any of your Pokemon in any order you wish (You can choose to not attach the energy cards as well). Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Solaris' Garchomp 30px-Pok%C3%A9mon_EX.png - 160 HP 25px-Dragon-attack.png

Weakness: Fairy
Resistance: None

Retreat Cost: None

Ability - Pursuit: If this card has 1 or more energy attached to it, when the opponent retreats, you may choose to sacrifice one attached energy to apply 50 damage to the retreating Pokemon.

20px-Darkness-attack.png20px-Fighting-attack.pngSerrated Strike - 70
Remove one of the target's attached energy cards of your choice, put it into their deck, and shuffle it afterwards.
20px-Darkness-attack.png20px-Darkness-attack.png20px-Fighting-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.pngDragon Rush - 120+

Flip a coin, if head, this attack does 50 extra damage.

Taka's Chatot 30px-Pok%C3%A9mon_EX.png- 120 HP 25px-Colorless-attack.png

Basic Pokemon

Weakness: Electric

Resistance: Fighting

Retreat Cost: 20px-Colorless-attack.png

Ability - Rescue: Any active Pokemon you have can retreat without any energy cost if Chatot were to replace them. This cannot be used if there are other factors other than energy cost preventing you from retreating.

20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.pngChatter - 40

The opponent's active Pokemon is now confused.

20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.png20px-Colorless-attack.pngBoomburst - 80+
Flip a coin, if head, this attack damages all of the opponent's benched Pokemon by 20 damage, if tail, this attack deals 40 extra damage to the opponent's active Pokemon.

Edited by IntSys
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Quick notes: Avalugg as an ice type has weakness to Steel types not Fighting. Also there is no percentages in the TCG, so the 1/4 damage from its ability can't be applied. Make it flat out damage, usualy effects like this do 20-30 damage.

EX pokemon are basic pokemon, so Solari's Garchomp shouldn't evolve from Gabite. Also Chatot has way too low HP for an EX. The lowest HP for EX I think is Pikachu with 90 and after that they are some legendaries like Mew, Shaymin etc. with 110-120 HP.

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Quick notes: Avalugg as an ice type has weakness to Steel types not Fighting. Also there is no percentages in the TCG, so the 1/4 damage from its ability can't be applied. Make it flat out damage, usualy effects like this do 20-30 damage.

but... but Fighting makes way more sense... since Fighting includes: Fighting, Rock [and Ground] - Steel is just Steel.

ugh stupid TCG and it's ignorance towards the Type-chart...


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Meteor Duo Aster & Eclipse

Put your currently Active Pokemon in the discard pile and put a benched Pokemon as a new active Pokemon.

All Energy-Cards attached to the discarded Pokemon are now attached to the new active Pokemon.

The new active Pokemon cannot retreat or switched out otherwise.

Your Opponent draws 2 prizes when defeating this Pokemon.

(I wanted to do something with 2 prizes for those two, since they always come in double. The passing on of the energy-cards is to represent their partnership ... bla bla bla...^^)

Grassy Field (Stadium)

Active Pokemon restore 20HP at the end of their respective players turn.

If a Fire-Type Pokemon uses an attack while this Stadium is active:

That Attack deals +20 Damage

The instead of healing 20HP each turn, Pokemon will now suffer 20HP damage at the end of the players turn - Fire-Type Pokemon do NOT take this damage

This stadium is destroyed after 3 turns.

(just like the ingame counter part - it grants healing support, but can easily be destroyed and turned against you! - hopefully you are not facing a Fire-Type deck, when playing it... or you are playing a Fire-Type deck or want to punish your enemy!)

Corrupted Pokeball

Choose one:

Your opponents currently active Pokemon is replaced by a benched Pokemon.

Your Opponent cannot put the Pokemon, that was benched by this Card, into play until that Pokemons retreat-costs are payed.


Discard this Card to free a Pokemon under the effect of another "Corrupted Pokeball" Card.

(A good way to get rid of an annoying Pokemon of your opponent, but if your opponent also plays Corrupted Pokeball, he has easier means to get it back into play.)

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Team Meteor's Helicopter Strike - Supporter

Removes any active Stadium card and apply three damage counters (30 HP) on the opponent's active Pokemon for every energy card attached to the Pokemon, shuffle three cards of your choice from your hand into your deck afterwards. Cannot be used if you have less than three cards.

Taka's Resolve - Supporter

Give your opponent a Prize Card, draw 6 cards from your deck afterwards.

Ice Cream Stand - Supporter

Remove all damage counters from all active Pokemon on the playing field.

Abandoned Railnet - Stadium

When this card is in play, all cards that would normally be discarded must be put back into their player's decks respectively, instead of the discard pile. Discard this card into the Discard Pile if another Stadium Card comes into play.

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Solaris' Backstab

Look at your opponents hand and then flip a coin. If heads, they discard their entire hand, if tails you discard 1 card.

Flip a coin and win the game, sounds nice. :P

I'd probably change it so they get to draw 3 cards from their deck in compensation, and you have to discard 3 cards instead of 1 if it ends up being a tail.

Edited by IntSys
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  • Veterans

Flip a coin and win the game, sounds nice. :P

I'd probably change it so they get to draw 3 cards from their deck in compensation, and you have to discard 3 cards instead of 1 if it ends up being a tail.

It's kinda broken lmao.

Solaris' Betrayal

Look at your opponents hand and then flip a coin. If heads, they discard their entire hand and draw 3 cards, if tails you discard 3 cards.

Lin's Visage.

Check your deck for any Dragon Type Pokemon or a Team Meteor card.

Sapphire Bracelet

Check your deck for any evolved Water Type Pokemon or a Water Type EX Pokemon and put them into your hand.

Emerald Brooch.

Check your deck for any evolved Grass Type Pokemon or a Grass Type EX Pokemon and put them into your hand.

Ruby Ring.

Check your deck for any evolved Fire Type Pokemon or a Fire Type EX Pokemon and put them into your hand.

Amethyst Pendant.

Check your deck for any evolved Psychic Type Pokemon or a Psychic Type EX Pokemon and put them into your hand.

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Water Treatment Center

Discard 2 of Cards from your hand and flip a coin.

If heads - put 2 Water or Psychic Energy Cards from your Discard pile into your hand.

If tails - put 1 Water or Psychic Energy Card from your Discard pile into your hand.

(Psychic Energy, since it's also used for poison-types)

Agate Circus

Flip 3 Coins and resolve this card according to the number of heads:

0x heads - Nothing Happens

1x heads - Draw a Card from your Deck

2x heads - Schuffle one Card from your Discard pile into your Deck and Draw a Card

3x heads - Draw a Prize Card

(What would a Circus be without the games? - BORING!)

Department Store Sticker

Discard a Card from your hand.

Swap this Card with one of your Prize Cards

(You 'buy' yourself a Prize Card! - and since you know where you put it, you know which prize to pick last)

Edited by Cepheus
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