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Doc and Mash are mods now. Just forgot to mention that to everyone. kthxbai

Wait, no, not bye. That's not the point of this post. The point is that you are now free to have signatures as long as you want. Make it go on for miles if you so wish.

...So long as you use a Scroll Tag. Miss Kitty and members from WoA will remember this.

[code][scroll]Content! For ever and ever and images and such and everything you could ever hope to pack into one tiny little signature oh my goodness we could even fit every single trainer card for the league in here and it wouldn't be obstructive in the least![/scroll][/code]
It comes out as such:


If you have more than one trainer card or otherwise a ton of junk in your sig, I ask that you contain it such.
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[quote name='mashew' post='4804' date='Sep 21 2010, 02:00 AM']Oh gee thanks for the big entrance evryone else got >.> anyways smart idea[/quote]

Because just about the entire population of Reborn knows this already, Mash. Being a mod is kind of impossible to miss, what with the kicking and the + and the italics and the bolding and the ability to make tournies.
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  • Administrators
There seems to be no error when functioning in signatures, but it is possible that I failed to account for a horizontal overflow.
That doesn't seem to be so. Having tested this, it appears that the scroll tag is fully functional in signatures. Bullet, if you're still having trouble, I can attempt to insert it into yours manually.
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