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What do You Do For a Living?


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So I know quite a few of us in this community are hard-working adults. Plenty of us are still in school, but I know quite a few are out their working our butts off as well. I was just curious, as a way to get to know everyone a bit better: what is it that you do for a living? Don't have to be overly specific since some companies discourage their employee's from naming them directly on things like this, but just in general terms.

For example:

During the day, I work in the office/warehouse of the head factory of a very popular ice cream manufacturer as a purchasing/receiving agent. And during the evenings, I work at my local grocery store in the meat department as a clean-up and closer.

That's about it! Curious to see what myriad of jobs you fine folks have!

Edited by CodeCass
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Right now, I'm a student and will going back to school in a few weeks. I recently got done with my part time job working at a laundry cleaning company, where I used a press to iron napkins. It was hell, but it payed the rent. Next summer, I'm planning on working as a language helper (don't have the word for it right now) in Japan.

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I do maths and stats and accounts. I'd ask to be killed now but one can't kill something that is not alive to begin with.

Joking aside, I'm doing two courses at once: A college course in economics and stats for a degree and a Chartered Accountancy course for further professional qualification. The latter entails me working with a firm as an articled student (for now, until I finish my final exam in two years) where I am part of an audit and tax assessment team. This is my living for now, as a student, though I am not dependent on the stipend I receive there.

Along with a childhood friend of mine, I also used to run a start-up that was in the poster and book business, and it was quite fairly profitable, but I retired my stake in it last year. (Probably for the better, since it made a loss this year, but sssh...)

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I sell propane and propane accessories

Okay but forreal. I don't necessarily "work", but I live out in the countryside where I take care of at least 24 animals, including two horses we intend to sell. When our trainer isn't here, I'm the one that has to lunge our Belgian and keep him in shape. Right now he's stalled due to an abscess in his hoof, which I've been keeping an eye on and just keeping clean. Basically I'm an on-hand handyman for my grandma for when she needs things done that she can't do herself.

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I'm still at school. It is my last year there, though. As for outside school: I don't work. I did, but I was fired for no reason.

I think that next year I will take a break from school to get some work experience, but I'm not sure yet.

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About me, well, I'm still in school. I'm currently on my senior year in high school and will be going to community college for two years and then transferring to a university to continue my studies there. I also do not have a part-time job or any of that.

I'm not sure what I want to do for a living, but in the future, I can see myself being a politician, writing books, traveling, and doing live streams and having my own channel.

I hope this is an answer for you.

Edited by Cool Girl
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Well, as some many others are, am still a student, and I'll be a senior in high school this year, but I do have a myriad of jobs I do. My main job is a paid internship with my school district doing sysadmin work and helping out with the IT department since they're understaffed and wanted some more help. On the side, I also do tech work for a few friend's businesses like maintaining their servers and upgrading their network equipment. I also clean some friends' boats and I captain charter boats and help prep them for cruises.

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I'm not sure what I want to do for a living, but in the future, I can see myself being a politician, writing books, traveling, and doing live streams and having my own channel.

We have a guy like that in my country. We don't like him.

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Well, I'm doing nothing at the moment. I failed a course and I have no clue what I'm going to do for the rest of this year, because I think I missed the deadline for repeating my leaving cert. I've found no actual information about deadlines(or even what places allow you to repeat) on the internet, but everyone I've asked said it might be too late.

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I may be finally "officially" able to start working on a fast-food restaurant by Monday unless some stupid shit happens again which would cause my employment further delay. I am planning to get a second job in a bake shop after working there for a month if my manager would allow me to since I've got plenty of free time which I just waste with staring at a laptop. Once I managed to pay my past-due rent and unpaid college tuition, I may finally be able to resume pursuing higher education as a working student.

Being a self-sustaining 18-year old that lives alone feels like f****** hell. I'm contented with this kind of hard-working lower-middle-class life though.

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I was working at a call center running QA for an automated voice system but had to quit due to stress. But, I have an interview for another call center on monday and hope that goes well for me.

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I'm studying in university atm, to become a primary school teacher, I want to go on further on my studies though. I used to work as a receptionist but I stopped because I didn't have time to study at all, so I had to choose my priorities. I won't work for a while because I want to learn a second foreign language and I have my practicals too.

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Pursuing master degree while doing research assistant works, which is as tiring as it sounds, I am not paid enough for the overtime I put in. I am hoping to be a scientist in academia and vie for professorship after PhD.

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  • Veterans

well i'm still a student but i'm following a study for game development, more specifically the visual arts direction, and hopefully will be able to make a living out of my artwork at some point!

i still try to make a bit of money sometime in between by doing commissions though, but it's not 100% necessary as I still live at home.

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