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A Curious Question for all Collectors


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So, I have a very important (not really) question for all the players of Reborn who call themselves collectors.

Has there been, in your personal experience, one particular Pokemon that you just could NOT FREAKING CATCH? Like something that you went through waaaay too many balls to catch, or had just a hell of a time finding, even though you know exactly where it is HOLY CHRIST THAT FUCKING SLAKOTH TOOK FOREVER SOMEBODY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IMPROVE HEADBUTT Wait what

Anyways! Feel free to rant as much as you may like :P You all certainly deserve to.

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Hmmm... let me see.... Some pokemon cost me hours just to find the shiny version. beldum cost a lot of ultra balls. But most work of all was spiritomb... I've spend hours mining and soft resetting to get the keystone and then again hours to find it shiny. Most painfull was that just a little while ago, I got the keystone 3 soft resets in a row while looking for a sunstone... Don't we all just love this game? :D

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yeah, mining for fossils can cost hours... I soft resettet for like 2 days of 8hours just to find a Helix-Fossil for that Helix-Cult quest.

other than that, Eevee could be available earlier and easier (that stupid labyrinth-cave...) :D

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Karrabast. According to on the hunt, its in that forest and tanzan cove. Ive tried day/night/morning in both locations with at least a hundred encounters. No karrablast so far.


Try taking a look at this http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18129

Karrablast is on Route 1 at night, with a 10% chance

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Its on 7th street, but you need a helix fossil to get in I thing :)

I actually got a Helix fossil with me and even tried it with Amonitas himself. How do you start the quest? :o

Back to the topic:

Easiest catch in my life - Shiny Solrock (2 Pokeballs, i kind of freaked out) PS: That was right after i actually killed my shiny Geodude instead.

Hardest catch so far: Shiny Feebas (For those who wonder how to get a Feebas: Get through some Waterareas in the mountaincomplex, then dive in the massive diving area and just make your way up. After 5 times fishing, it appeared.)

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I actually got a Helix fossil with me and even tried it with Amonitas himself. How do you start the quest? :o

Normally when you have a Helix-Fossil with you, one of them will ask you if you are willing hand it over.

I think (I haven't played in a while, and it's long ago since I did it) no matter what you answer, if you say 'no' he will be like "understandable, I wouldn't part with the allmighty either."

they will give you a quest to bring them another Pokemon from their Religion, and in exchange they give you other Fossils, like Jaw-Fossil for Tyrantrum.

and It was repeatable if I recall correctly.

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in reborn no, but in rejuvenation ... i spent hours for a dreaded Cryogonal ... not only were they rare, but every single one of them was breaking out of all my balls so i had to reset the game to not go back to buy more..

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Yeah, Beldum was a lil punk

I'd evolve at level 40 based on Season. Usually a Normal/Fairy-type, I can become:

Spring: Normal/Water

Summer: Fire/Fairy

Autumn: Normal/Ghost

Winter: Ice/Fairy

Not sure what this has to do with the topic at hand but okay

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he prolly thought he was posting in a different thread.

every time I play reborn I try and grab that klink in the obsidia railnet but I can never remember if its in the random encounters or the shadow swoopy things and either way it just never shows up

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