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Your proudest Reborn battle moment(s)?


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It's minor compared to some of these, but...

At the very end of the battle against Noel it was between his Blissey and my Arcanine. I go for a hail mary with Flare Blitz and...boom! Critical hit! Then I have to watch Arcanine's HP go down...

6 HP. Arcanine survived with 6 HP. That was easily the closest battle I've won so far.

Well, technically the closest I've had was the double against Solaris and his Orderly companion where I needed Flo to carry me at the end, but that one I blame on Florinia leading with the one Poke on her team without a grass-move to take out the Whiscash.

I can top this. I just beat Aya. At the end, it was my Infernape against her Drapion and Venusaur, both of which were in their reds. I fully healed my Infernape, just to realize that a Power Whip and Aqua Tail later I had 1 HP left. While I already moved my finger towards F12, I took out Drapion, just to realize that a Power Whip missed. I had to suppress an urge to laugh and thankfully took out the Venusaur.

In the end, my Infernape had just 1 HP and I think this was the closest battle I ever had in my time playing Pokemon. Somehow I think that the battles to come won't be easier xD

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Every time I see someone crying tears of pain against a hardcore leader.

I suppose I could list a few such as Emolga the Ghost Slayer, Alakazam the AI hax lord (This was Episode 7 where the AI was apparently marginally better mmmkay), but one stands out above the rest in my original run of Reborn. Freaking defeating the Haxlord Serra after so many misses (and also why I kept break brick on scrafty thank the lord). I think that's the first and only time I really grinded in reborn.

The second run was probably Roserade the glass canon who saved my behind so many times such as the Aster and Eclipse final fight glitch where Aya kind of just disappeared off the face of the earth. That thing one shotted so many mons (Like 7) and saved my behind to get out of that mess. Charlotte (yes the Charlotte that everyone claims is the hardest fight ever) was cakewalk compared to that hell.

The hardcore runs there are just way too many of them to list though I played with the Randomizer run and catching that Garchomp is going to be fun times. Dragon Rage Garchomp = dead Julia.

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The final aster + eclipse double always enrages me due to how incredibly stupid Aya's AI is, so I quite like winning that thanks for reminding me commander.

Proudest moment goes to using legit tactics to win against solaris' garchomp on pyrous mountain. 6X intimidate, leech seed and then stall with the tankiest wall you have. No wonder chesnaught is so bloody well hidden and we don't have swampert yet, protect moves on good mons are just so incredible in this game.

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I have 2.

#1: vs. Corey. With a newly evolved Swalot and a lot of heal-stalling, that was the first Gym battle I won on the first try. This was, of course, when my team flat out sucked and Julia and Florinia each took at least 5 tries, if not more, to defeat.

#2: vs. Ditto-Arceus. This took 2 or 3 attempts and one of my Focus Sashes (I didn't want to waste one of my Ability Capsules to change my Magneton's ability to Sturdy back then, but I should have), but I got lucky with Focus Blast missing I think 4 of the 5 times it was used, getting lucky with paralysis, and if I remember correctly, having my Heracross take it out once Magneton fainted.

Honorable mentions: whenever I needed to fight Taka's stupid Chatot and the PULSE Tangrowth.

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Hmm I guess it's beating the Solochomp during my Eeveelutions run. I had a lot of fun coming up with a strategy to beat him - I refused to use healing items and I was restricted to only 7 pokemon speecies: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon and Sylveon. Ice and Moss Rocks are later in the game so I couldn't use a Glaceon or Leafeon. Well it would have been too easy with a Glaceon anyway.

The first strategy I tried was this:

- 3 lvl 1 Eevees with Baby-Doll Eyes - priority move to cut attack one stage.
- 1 lvl 1 Eevee with Baby-Doll Eyes and Charm - cuts attack by two stages but required the only one Focus Sash in the game to survive a hit.
- Together the Eevees were able to cut Solochomp's attack to -6 (which is the minimum).
- Sylveon was able to survive one hit and set up Misty Terrain changing the field.
- Vaporeon tried to kill Solochomp with Aurora Beam - it is Ice type so x4 effectiveness against Garchomp and Sylveons Misty Terrain removed the Super-heated field which would normally halve ice attacks.
- Result: Failed because Aurora Beam still was not able to do any serious damage to Solochomp (less than 1/4 of max HP part of which was healed by Leftovers).

So I came up with a new strategy that required a brand new Vaporeon with a very carefully selected moveset. Training this Vaporeon was a pain in the ass because I had to level Eevee all the way to level 33 and then Common Candy it all the way back to level 25 to finally evolve it and train it to level 40. With this my second strategy was possible:

- 4 kamikaze Eevees to cut Solochomp's attack to -6 (same as the first strategy).
- After that it was time for the Vaporeon to shine.
- Use Acid Armor 3 times boosting defense by +6 (maximum).
- Use Aqua Ring for HP regeneration.
- Use Covet to steal Leftovers. (Yes, Covet was Vaporeon's only attacking move.)
- Baton Pass the Acid Armor and Aqua Ring to Sylveon.
- At this point it was all up to Sylveon.
- Use Misty Terrain to set up misty field boosting both Moonblast and Aqua Ring.
- Aqua Ring was boosted even further by Sylveon's Big Root - effectively healing any damage right away.
- Use the field-boosted super-effective STAB Moonblast to attack - each Moonblast inflicted damage equal to almost a half of Solochomp's max HP.
- Result: Succeeded after several tries - the weak point was that critical hit ignores stat changes so Solochomp could OHKO the Vaporeon or the Sylveon when lucky.
- Comment: The Big Root was not really necessary in the end, maybe not even the Aqua Ring. Instead if I gave Sylveon a Metronome it could probably finish it with two hits leavining Solaris no time to use his full restores.

My second proud moment was OHKOing Dittoceus with Sylveon's Pixilated Trump Card. :-P

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During my first run of Reborn, I swept Julia with a Mightyena with moxie and then Mightyena fainted after finishing off the last pokemon. Felt like such a dramatic way to go....luckily this wasn't a nuzlocke.

Ruining Ditto Arceus's accuracy with prankster Purrloin and then proceeding to utterly destroy it with my Scrafty during my mono dark run.

Setting Shelly's gym on fire with my shiny Growlithe and destroying her team as Growlithe gets stronger due to flash fire.

Like Shelly, Noel got swept by my Typhlosion after burning the field and then spamming Eruption while flash fire gives it a boost.

Beating Kiki on the first try with my mono dark team.

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  • 1 month later...

Beating Mewtwo.

​My first run through the game, I couldn't beat it. Mewtwo literally OHKO every pokemon on my team with a super-effective move. The only time I would survive one hit, would be if I switch in my pokemon, but then it would be a two-hit KO, and I couldn't outspeed. At the time, I had only seen three of it's moves, so to myself, I thought, He can sweep my entire team with just three moves, what pokemon could I bring that the fourth move wouldn't even hurt that badly? I had an assumption,BUT as I was stuck (thanks to the sleep pulse) I had to restart.

​I started a NEW game, and played through 70ish hours of the game but finally arrived at Mewtwo again with a very similar team, but one big change... I had a shedinja. Then I discovered that the last move was recover, and shedinja eventually went down to sruggle (which I think is stupid as heck Pokemon Co., that happened to me in old Pokemon Ruby with steven and his Aggron)

​So I started a new game just to beat a Mewtwo.... well, I also captured Absol and found more department store stickers, but it was fun to me to think that my pokemon battle strategy was to create an alternate universe to gain an advantage of a legendary pokemon. It seems very fitting.

That and beating Fern every time.

Edited by altimis
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For the hell of it, I went and battle Ciel for the first time to see what her team was like. The thing was, one of my members, a Luxray, was massively under leveled. Somehow, I managed to beat her team with either dumb luck or hidden skill, and eventually ended with my Sylveon becoming a dragon slayer and destroying her Mega.

I only wanted to see what her first few Pokemon were, and I beat her. That was a nice little ego boost.

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If there's one crowning achievement I'm proud of more than anything else, it was Round 2 against Shade in my 2nd playthrough, still on Episode 14, before his nerf in Ep 15. My first playthrough had me grinding for hours after countless failures, capturing a Duskull to evolve into a Dusclops(that later ended up on my final team), and more. 2nd playthrough, I was ready. Instead of Primeape like I had in the first go around, I had big baddy Hariyama, whom I had named Rufus after the Street Fighter IV character. Great bulk and a powerful Knock Off allowed me to take some sweet, SWEET revenge on the ghostly gadabout, and I don't think I've had a more satisfying revenge in the entirety of my playthroughs.

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Soloing' Luna with my own Bisharp (thanks for having a dumb Bisharp set of your own Luna) and Noel with my own Cinccino, both 1 v 6, the former of which I've done twice. Feels great to do both (mostly the former because I despise Luna and Bisharp is my bb)

The Solaris battles and Samson/Ciel were also very rewarding, but lacked the satisfaction of the first two in general.

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Wouldnt say proudest but the smartest moment was beating Mewtwo with a lvl 35 Shedninja... , Thief(to take his leftovers)+Struggle bug . Mewtwo had no moves that could hit my shedninja , so it was a walk on the park.


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