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Thought way to long about the perfect title so decided to give up an just get on with the actual introduction. Hi btw.


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Hello good peoples of the forum,

I finished ep15 about a year back and wanted to find out how ep16 was coming along. Stumbled upon Commander's hardcore version of reborn and have been really enjoying the extra grinding challenge. Then decided that I should join the forum instead of lurking all the time.

So about me.

I go by the name of Pietvergiet on the internet.
I started playing Pokemon with Gold which led to Heart Gold/Soul Silver being my favorites of the series.
Quit playing Pokemon for a while when Black and White came out, but regained my interest after learning about EVs and IVs.
Soon after I began to breed for the perfect mons, but never really got into competitive battling (though random battles on Showdown are always fun to pass time with).
Favorite starter is Totodile because Feraligatr.
Favorite Pokemon are: Scyther, Vaporeon, Sandslash, Ampharos and Pidgeot.

I'm also a big fan of the Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros. (PM in particular), RPGs and platformers.
Some of the bands I listen to are: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz, Caravan Palace, Streetlight Manifesto and the occasional Alestorm.
I really enjoy playing Tennis.
Oh and I study Computer Science.

And that is about it.
Nice meeting you all.

P.S.: Here have an awkward Ampharos that I found somewhere.

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Hey!! I started with Pokemon Gold too! :D

Glad to have you on board :)

I love this community, it is home of many fan projects, and people who just love Pokemon and want the best for the series! I also study Computer Science :) I'm glad you are studying that, it's a really awesome and fun degree, although it is very tricky at first!

Who is your main in Smash Bros? I like to play as either Villager, Corrin, or Palutena ;)

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Thanks for the welcome!

My Smash Bros PM (a brawl mod in case you were wondering) main is Roy and I also use Ike and Zero suit Samus a lot. As for Smash 4 I don't really play it that much but when I do I usually go with Wii fit trainer or Lucina.

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Oh a guest? It's been a while since we've had one of those.

Welcomes are in order I suppose?

Not that you're here, we'll never let you leave ^_^

We'll love you forever, and if you dare to betray us, we'll quite end your existence.

Not that you would ever do such a thing, right?

Every single one of us is a yandere, but you knew that already... It was in the terms of service after all.

Now for a small gift to our delicious guest, a riddle!

So uhm... hmm... okay!

So there's this cake. It's a third of a whole cake, and then there's a quarter of a cake, and a fifth of a cake all on a plate!

It takes 30 minutes to eat one whole cake, so how much is left on the plate when you've finished eating?

I expect a perfect solution to be presented before the next full moon arrives!

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Now for a small gift to our delicious guest, a riddle!

So uhm... hmm... okay!

So there's this cake. It's a third of a whole cake, and then there's a quarter of a cake, and a fifth of a cake all on a plate!

It takes 30 minutes to eat one whole cake, so how much is left on the plate when you've finished eating?

I expect a perfect solution to be presented before the next full moon arrives!

Ooh, a cake riddle! Seeing as you have given me about three and a half weeks to come up with answer could imply that this riddle is not going to be a piece of said cake.

My last attempt at eating a whole cake wasn't exactly a cakewalk. After 20 minutes I couldn't stuff anymore in my pie hole. Therefore, answering that there would be none left when I'm finished eating 47/60th of a cake would make it a lie.

Now assuming that eating a certain amount of cake would take equally long for both cakes. This would mean that under normal circumstances I could eat your cake for about 20 minutes before getting full. This means that I would have finished two thirds of that cake. Thus my answer is that after I've finished eating there would 7/60 of the cake left on the plate.

Now please tell me if this is a perfect solution or if my cake is dough. Or perhaps I'm as nutty a cake of the fruity variety for even trying to solve this riddle.

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I commend you and your ability for eat sweets, as a fellow connoisseur and patron of the art of eating sweets, I couldn't eat more than a few slices of cake before feeling full, let alone two thirds of one.

May your prodigious willpower and love of sweets help you in life and on these forums.

Perfection is relative, and the point of the question was to find out more about the new member of our humble forums, and for that your insightful commentary provided a perfect answer.

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