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Your favorite battle strategy?


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Competitive or reborn strategies apply.

My personal favorite is using a Thunderus with Swagger, Shock wave, thunderbolt and agility. Can't hit me plus ragequits r funny.

Reborn wise, My favorite was fighting fire with fire against charlotte. Then realising what a horrible idea that was because I only had 2 decent fire pokes.

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I usually like playing bulky wallbreakers with a volt-turn core. Things like Choice band Azumarill, Mega Diancie, Mega Charizard Y, Choice Band Tyranitar... with things like Rotom-Wash, Landorus-T, Tornadus-T... for the volt-turn core.

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In reborn I usually like to plow though everyone with raw power. If that doesn't work I trow in some toxic spikes and then set up on a bulky sweeper that then kills everyone.

I do like using a stall team but they usually only show their worth in gym battles.

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I'm gonna get nerdy and say that I follow STAB rules to a T and decide which moves will provide the best outcome depending on stats. I rely heavily on abilities that boost Attack or Special Attack such as Justified or Competitive, or abuse the Magician ability on my Delphox to steal items from my opponents. The rest is sheer luck.

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I'm usually between two versions of hyper offense. The first one is direct attack, with a fast hard hitter that can OHKO most pokemons before they can hurt it, or in case I've nothing fast enough bulkier mons that can endure a hit and hit hard in return. The second one is set up. Bulk up Blaziken, Quiver Dance Volcarona (or even Butterfree) with some potions if necessary, then destroy the entire team of the opponent with a single pokemon.

I case that doesn't work (like in a hardcore mono dragon with only a Deino and Noibat to begin with), I tend to rely more on hax. Confusion mainly. Noibat's Supersonic saved me more than once

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My only Strategy is the same as in Hearthstone -> FACE IS THE PLACE! (Taunt is cheat, Healing is cheating!)

so, with that - strong attacks with good accuracy (screw you, High-Jump-Kick!) and hit weaknesses ... most of my mons get 4 attacking moves for coverage... only a select few get to set up something (but Reborn and Rejuvenation made me love Sturdy Golem with Stealth Rock^^)

most likely due to the fact that I don't play competetively :P

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Umbreon with Toxic, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Mean Look, that kind of annoying moves. :3

Unfortunately, during my first run in Pokémon Reborn, I forgot to do the Eevee quest, and when I realised that, I was so frustrated I started another run to get that Eevee. ._.

Edited by Shinki
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  On 9/2/2016 at 8:12 AM, Cepheus said:


My only Strategy is the same as in Hearthstone -> FACE IS THE PLACE! (Taunt is cheat, Healing is cheating!)

So you haven't actually played Hearthstone in a year now? No decks have arisen that can disregard board-control.

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  On 9/2/2016 at 11:57 AM, Tartar said:

So you haven't actually played Hearthstone in a year now? No decks have arisen that can disregard board-control.

Except Face Shaman which can just kill you like that.

To be fair even Face Hunter occasionally had to make some trades, like killing a Knife Juggler or Wild Pyromancer. But generally...yeah.

To stay on topic...well, I already said my strategy. To add to it, I try to make sure everyone has at least one non-mono move (Except Glaceon for whom I went with Frost Breath over Water Pulse, although Mirror Coat is still a thing), for the sake of coverage.

Edited by Anstane
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  On 9/2/2016 at 11:57 AM, Tartar said:

So you haven't actually played Hearthstone in a year now? No decks have arisen that can disregard board-control.

it was more like a joke, used as an analogy... but have you played Ladder recently? - AGGRO-SHAMAN EVERYWHERE!!

(and, yeah I don't play it much - most of the time only up to something above 20 for the cardback - and I have so much other stuff to play)

but this topic isn't about hearthstone - and don't take everything so seriously :P

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  On 9/2/2016 at 12:10 PM, Anstane said:

Except Face Shaman which can just kill you like that.

I disagree, Aggro Shaman is by it's very nature a Zoo Deck, that can only go face if the board is uncontested or the necessary combo pieces are in the hand which can give you lethal the next turn.

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