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Hi. Well, I guess that's what you're supposed to say while introducing yourself. Eh ? Originality ?


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Welp, time to type.

(Nick)Name's TatsujinMendix. Tatsu for the short. I'm a 18 years old guy who lives in France. I do like a lot of things such as Video games of course (tactical RPGs being my favourite kind) but not only. I watch anime from time to time..I love to draw even if my talent is limited. Starting College this year, I will begin to study english, maybe working with translations thingies. I also love Kiwis. Do not judge me because of that, they are so tatsy and go- ..Anyway. Besides all of that, I'm not sure about what to say, just ask if you want, I'll try to answer..I kinda like talking, even if it's about nothing .w.

Following the pokemon series since Blue and red (my dad bought me thoses when I was around 4 or else), I played every single generation..truly falling in love with the Mystery dugeon series and with the 5th one and all the strategy stuff. I'm bad at it. I know that. But I do enjoy it as well. I mean..Prankster Sableye. My favourite pokemon is Gliscor. I don't really know why. It's overall looks and sounds good to me...even if my favourite type is the electric one.

I discovered Pokemon Reborn by a friend on discord..Then gave the idea of making a nuzlocke pokerace on that game. Only lost two pokemon so far but...I'm scared with taking on the third gym..eh.

I really don't know what to say anymore eheh. I guess I said what was "important"...Hmm, have a nice day I guess ? And thanks for reading this. ^^

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Welcome, fellow newbie.

Hope your stay at the Reborn forums is enjoyable(I just joined a month ago, and its been great!).

You've got serious guts to be even attempting a Nuzlocke of Reborn, and I hope it works out for you.

As far as the RNG is concerned, be prepared. There are numerous crits coming, and most of those will be your enemies'.

Anyway, may the Lord Arceus/Helix/Magikarp watch over your endeavours.

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