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Eloquent Liar

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"Are you a boy, or are you a girl?"



Hello, everybody, I'm El- and yes, I promise I came up with the pseudonym before it was associated with a psychotic Arceus cultist. It's short for Eloquent Liar, of which I am.

(Either that, or just somebody who spends too much time playing video games.)

Specifically for Reborn, I've been playing for a few months now, but just recently did I decide to buckle down and actually play, with competitive strategies and all. I'm doing two runs right now, one regular run (I was stuck on Charlotte, which is disheartening since apparently she was nerfed after chapter 14, so I backtracked to Obsidia to do some proper EV training using the department store berries) and one mono-color yellow run. I'm also tempted to try a monogen Nuzlocke, but I have neither the patience nor ability for that.

Elsewhere inside the realm of Pokemon, I'm keeping track of the most recent Sun and Moon info, and I have one copy of each preordered; Sun is probably going to be my main default game, while I'll attempt a blind Nuzlocke on Moon. I also have a slowly yet surely growing collection of Pokemon fangames on my desktop in a folder called, well, "Pokemon Fangames". I'll probably be trawling through the fangame expose sub for more, too, and I'm also planning one of my own. It's still in its bare bones stages, though, so don't expect anything for a long time.

Outside of Pokemon, I'm a sucker for JRPGs, otome games and anime, with a good mix of action and romance right up my alley. My favorite anime character is Edgar Allan Poe, and sometimes I wish I was lying. I draw sometimes, and write more often, both fanfiction and original works. Who knows, I might become published someday.

Other than that, if you have anything to say, then I'm always open to questions, comments, and death threats of any kind, and I hope to have a great time here on the forums.

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