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The Journal of a Wonderlocke Challenge

Raviel the Phantom

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While I and everyone waits for the next two months to pass for Sun and Moon, I decided to store all my Pokemon in the bank, and start over my Omega Ruby to do a Wonderlocke Challenge. Figure I could share some of the details.

Day 1

-Traded a Mudkip for a Magikarp

-Traded a Seedot for a Wurmple

-Traded Poocheyana for a Scatterbug

-Wurmple dies while fighting a Tailow

-Scatterbug evolves into Spewpa

-Traded a Wurmple for an Amaura

-Traded a Poocheyana for a Vibrava

-Traded a Whismur for a Kagnashkan

-Beat Roxanne thanks to Amaura and Vibrava

-Spewpa evolves into Vivillion

-I continue to knock out every Pokemon from Rustboro to Dewford Town thanks to critical hits and misjudging my own teams power.

-Traded a Zubat for a Machop

-Beat Brawly thanks to Machop and Kangashkan, although I almost lost both

So the day ends with 2 badges, six Pokemon and one dead bug. I think that is a good day.

-Magikarp Lv 16

-Vivillion Lv 16

-Machop Lv 14

-Amaura Lv 15

-Kangaskhan Lv 15

-Vibrava Lv 36

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Day 2

-Traded a Voltorb for a Shinx

-Trade a Tailow for a Ralts

-Ralts dies to a Pursuit from a Grovyle (Damn you May!)

-Shinx evolves into Luxio

-Magikarp evolves into a Gyarados

-Traded a Marill for a Snowrunt (Lv 32)

A bloodbath ensues at the Mallville Gym

-Amaura dies from a Magnet Bomb

-Machop dies from a critical hit

-Snowrunt dies from its own stupidity and confusion

After a long and bloody battle, we emerge with the next badge

-Traded a caught Machop for a Oddish

End of day 2

-Gyarados Lv 23

-Luxio Lv 22

-Kangashkan Lv 20

-Oddish Lv 14

-Vivillion Lv 18

So at the end of the day we have three badges and five corpses in the grave box. Not a great way to start.

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Day 3

-Traded a Numel for a Gible (Sweetness :P )

-Traded another Numel for a Smeargle

-Traded a Spinda for a Torchic

-Oddish nearly dies (Trapinch Arena Traps him, 1 HP left)

-Oddish evolves into Gloom

-Traded a Swablu for a Charmander

Quick one since I went to a Pokemon Costume Birthday Party. (I dressed as Giovanni)

End of Day: 3 Badges. 5 Corpses. And 4 New Pokemon to Use/Watch Die.

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Day 4

-Charmander evolves into Charmeleon

-Gible evolves into Gabite

-Traded a Zubat for a Larvitar

-Traded a Machop for a Larvesta

-Fight Maxie at Mt. Chimney. Vivillion dies to a Fire Plume (Rest in Peace little butterfly)

-Luxio evolves into Luxray

-Gabite with dig crushes Flannery. One more gym badge earned

-Traded a Cacnea for a Sneasle

-Sneasle dies to a Arena Trap Trapinch (Dirty bastard!)

-Traded a Zigzagoon for a Sirskuit

-Turn Fossil into a Lilleep

-Accidentally traded Sirskuit for a Drought Vulpix (Will not use, but will keep)

-Trade Lilleep for a Makuhita (Modest >.<)

-Take down Norman pretty easily with Luxray, Gyrados, and Gabite

Long day with a lot happening. 5 Badges. 7 Pokemon Dead.

Current Team:

Gyrados Lv 31

Charmeleon Lv 32

Luxray Lv 31

Gloom Lv 30

Gabite Lv 33

Larvitar Lv 15

Edited by Raviel the Phantom
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Day 5

There is a lot of catching going on so bear with me.

-Traded a Tentacool for a Riolu

-Traded a Wingull for a Solosis (Called Solie Sol, the cutest nickname I've ever seen)

-Traded a Tentacool for a Shroomish

-Traded a Wingull for a Sentret

-Solie Sol evolves into a Duosion

-Hatched a Wynaut

-Traded Wynaut for a Stantler

-Charmeleon evolves into Charizard

-Latias Event

-Took off the Latiosite

-Traded Latios for a Pancham (Probably made someone quite surprised.)

Current Team:

-Charizard Lv 36

-Gabite Lv 34

-Gyrados Lv 33

-Solie Sol Lv 33

-Luxra Lv 35

-Riolu Lv 12

Edited by Raviel the Phantom
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Day 6

Okay so this one was a nail biter because there were three occasions where my elite team (Luxray, Gyrados, and Gabite) were brought down to 5 health points or less due to a critical hit.

-Traded a Linoone for a Combee

-Traded a Gloom for a Venipede

-Riolu evolved into a Lucario after a romp back to slate port for the soothe bell

-Took on the 6th gym. Rock Tomb helped clip her wings to earn a badge

-Traded a Gecleon for a Honedge

-Traded a Pelliper for a Charmander (I use the doubles rules re-trade)

-Traded a Charmander for a Chikorita

-Traded a Gloom for a Weedle

Now I am parked outside Mt. Pyre. I now have 6 badges, a full and diverse team, and no casualties although some came close.

-Lucario Lv 37 (Japanese)

-Duosion (Solie Sol) Lv 37

-Gyrados Lv 38

-Luxray Lv 38

-Gabite Lv 39

-Charizard Lv 40

Also I will explain the rules of my Nuzlocke. I do not purchase any healing items, only using those that I find on my adventure. I only go to a Pokemon Center once when I am passing through a town, so backtracking counts. I can only catch the first Pokemon I see and then wonder trade it, even event Pokemon. I do not do any Super Training either. The only items I can purchase are Pokeballs (Maybe TMs, haven't decided yet). Will probably allow Mega Evolutions, but since none of my current team is easy to obtain who knows.

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