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Hooray for me?

Anyways, on September sixth, 2015, I joined Pokémon Reborn's online community. From there it's all been downhill.

No seriously though, I have to thank you guys right away. This community has been one of the friendliest, nicest, and least lice infested community I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of. My previous experiences with online communities has ranged form alright to shin-smashingly bad. The admins and moderators are kind, the majority of my fellow community members are accepting, and no ones made a thread dedicated to pointing out all of my flaws here. (Which has happened.)

When I first came here, I was a frail little puppy who could not figure out for the life of him how to beat Corey. So, after rage quitting for a few weeks, I came here and asked for help. Turns out, Noibat is NOT (it must be serious if I used that many effects) a good Pokémon to use, and maybe trying to use other Pokémon might help. After many, many painful attempts, I finally beat him. And it was all thanks to Nicholas Cag... I mean the community.

Unfortunately, I really haven't accomplished anything here. I mean, I've said "Happy Birthday" to a pretty large group of people, and I did talk about the one time I protested Bee Movie, and I posted some of my creative writing here... But I still don't have a Showdown Account that I'm proud of... Well, you know what Grandma always used to say... "Don't expect to accomplish anything via the internet, unless your a YouTuber!"

If this were my goodbye thread, I'd go through and list off the various people who've made my life here awesome, but instead of that, I'll just say Thank You. You know who you are, and thanks for being a friend. It means a lot, even though I don't even know what you look like.

Well, I should probably wrap this up. I'm not going to say this is an AMA, since I already have one of those from a few months back, but you can ask me questions if you want. Or you can just look at this thread, feel mildly entertained by some of my bad jokes and leave. That's what I'd probably do.

Also, if for any reason you're wondering if I'll ever update "The Tales of Agent," I plan on it. I've been working on some other things that have distracted me.

See you around!

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Congrats on the 1 year, CM!

What to say here? Well, I really really hope we can get closer, you're a good meme.


Don't be a stranger now, bye!

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You know who you are, and thanks for being a friend. It means a lot, even though I don't even know what you look like.

Aww, you made a whole thread to thank me? How kind of you, I didn't know you felt like that, especially considering we've never talked before.

But still, I accept your sincere and frank confession, and wish you a good year ahead.

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