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[OOC / Sign Ups Closed] Lightgivers - Volume 1: A Feeling


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  On 10/17/2016 at 5:42 PM, K_H said:

Jev's sustained only a minor dent or two and a bit of a burn from being tossed around using electricity and magnetism due to being made of metal; he's just recovering from pain. He's still able to fight.

Remember what we were talking about how Electricity fucks up your nerves by causing them to all fire at once, and that turning yourself to metal makes it worse? It was a pretty big discussion, you got that shit hammering you down right now too...

but to answer Hiss' question, more or less, yes. Now, since Shiri apparently wants us to keep going though... Rame can serve as the catalyst for the fight to continue; if she gets pissed off enough she'll go ham all over again like she was about to on Rafael... but see, thing is, I need something to piss her off before I can have her do that...

hey, Murdoc, remember our talk about lasers and burning clothes on the server a while back?

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Hmmmm.... provoke you say...hold on, how does he take insults? I can easily turn that assumption that the fight is over into bloodlust competitive prodding, but I can never be too sure with characters like Haruki, they tend to be... pretty damn weird about when and why they get angry, if ever.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 1:02 AM, Sutoratosu said:

"Shit..." She gritted her teeth as the boy moved at the very last second, managing to save himself from the brunt of her flaming lunge. The flares died down around her as she passed him by, sending Rame stumbling from her brief flight and landing in the dirt as her leg again buckled beneath her weight. Even as she tried to push herself back up again, the incantation began all over again, this wasn't over just because she missed... the fucker who'd put her into a damn hobble would pay for it...unlike earlier though, some part of it was actually audible...

"Zadade se oblåk témen

Otkum gora, ot Bålkana
Eh, moy dyado, tejko vre-"
"Well, that's another thing that's been ruined in the last few minutes. Hope you don't mind if I just call it quits. I'd rather nothing else get burnt or melted..."
Of course you'd say that right now...you sound just as utterly spineless as you looked while you were taking potshots at me, why am I not surprised? "You fucking coward, it's your own damn fault for starting something you couldn't finish," Her eye's flashed with the radiance of embers as she muttered the words, more than loud enough for the boy to easily catch it. The fires reluctantly receded as she finally pushed herself back up... as much as she wanted nothing more in the world than to turn him into a pile of kindling, the shit she knew she'd get for going after him any further wasn't worth it. She'd already been kicked out once, no point fucking this up too. She did not deny the tumultuous inferno she felt within her core though, only tapered it's wrath, but she could feel it resist more and more with every second, "but fine... if this is how easily you back down when things get tough, then you aren't worth my damn time anyway..."
With that said, she took a moment to actually look at the rest of the field, ignoring the throbbing pain shooting up and down her leg and into her groan. A tendon had definitely been hit... on the bright side though, it was probably only a partial sever...and most of the bleeding had clotted under the heat of her lumen. Could've been worse, it could've left her unable to stand at all.
From what she could see, It seemed two of the others were locked in some sort of stand off with no real victor, and the annoying kid with diarrhea of the god damn mouth seemed to have wrecked the idiot who'd come flying at her. As interesting as it was that he'd managed to do jack shit to anyone though, not even he seemed like he intended to do much else beyond just standing around now. Figures... it was over already. Sure as hell hadn't feel like five minutes. Already, she could feel it flaring up again as she surveyed the pitiful clearing...
"Pathetic," she snarled across the field, irises still alight as she glared from one fallen fighter to the next. Embers flickered about her form with every venom-laced word "all that bravado and ego I saw from some of you while you walked over here, and yet the only ones actually left standing now are me and this little pink haired shit?" her sight finally settled on none other than Haruki, seeming to almost stare through him, "I'm surprised you could actually shut your damn mouth long enough to raise your fists... let alone take down someone twice your size. Hell, it would almost be impressive, if you weren't so damn annoying."

The post as it currently stands.

The things I must do to keep the blood shed going... *sigh* Fuck it though, murdoc, you ready?

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  On 10/17/2016 at 5:52 PM, Sutoratosu said:

Remember what we were talking about how Electricity fucks up your nerves by causing them to all fire at once, and that turning yourself to metal makes it worse? It was a pretty big discussion, you got that shit hammering you down right now too...

  On 10/17/2016 at 5:58 PM, Adamance Ascendant said:

@k_h you'd be less "in some pain" and more "spasming and trying not to go into cardiac arrest"

So you want to play like that, huh?

So b-

Hello, what's this?

  On 10/17/2016 at 7:13 PM, Sutoratosu said:

The things I must do to keep the blood shed going... *sigh* Fuck it though, murdoc, you ready?

Careful what you wish for...

In any case, look at what Amano's post concerning the Electrical Pulse says. We conferred via PM, and agreed that causing Jev to be completely unable to fight was maybe a bit too strong, so the aforementioned post and the post concerning Jev's reaction were altered.

Edited by K_H
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I mean, extended fights aren't really possible anyway right now because most of us? We're kids. Mostly without combat experience. They don't really have much stamina, any substantially large pain thresholds or at this point Lumen energy, logically speaking. It's down to Shiri but y'all probably should have pussied out a while ago.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 7:42 PM, Dobby The Elf said:

I mean, extended fights aren't really possible anyway right now because most of us? We're kids. Mostly without combat experience. They don't really have much stamina, any substantially large pain thresholds or at this point Lumen energy, logically speaking. It's down to Shiri but y'all probably should have pussied out a while ago.

Well I mean... that's kinda along the same lines of what I tried to tell her when she made that status telling us to duke it out more, dobby, but...

Honestly I was more than fine with letting it end where it was and leaving it at that... it's not like anyone except Haruki really has that much juice left anyway, given he's barely done fuckall in this battle except played with glare once or twice, plus Rame burns through the stuff alot quicker when she's pissed, so... beyond sparking this continuation, my hands will become relatively tied after this...or at least, more tied than a limp-inducing leg injury and launching myself forward with jets of pure flame like my name was Azula already made them.

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I wasn't arguing. And since my dad's a particle physicist, you'd think that I know a thing or two about electricity as well.

Edited by K_H
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Let's just chalk up the mistakes to my ineptitude and how the physics in the world we're playing in are different from those of our own, as evidenced by the existence of Lumen.


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Well, after Haruki FIRES HIS LAZER.... Rame will doubtlessly lose her shit and take control of the fires, try to murder him with them and... well, more or less run out of steam since she gives no fucks about monitoring her reserves or moderating attack output in these uh... mental snaps of hers. After that, I got jack shit...like I said, once this happens, my hands become tied. Haruki really can't do much to her since she's got serious thermal resistance, Rafael has pussied out because he was afraid of her melting his face off (which to be fair, she was seriously considering at that time, and still is...but that's a scenario for later), you two are locked in a stalement, and... yeah, this is basically pointless, but I don't know what else she wants us to try given the limitations she herself placed on how far we can go and the fact that we're supposed to be newbs, so...again, I shrug my shoulders in perplexion and simply go along for the ride.

I'm trying to fullfill the request she made of us, but at this point delaying the very clear and obvious end of the match is all any of us can really do given...well, the fucking context of the situation.

EDIT: Actually... hold on... I think I got a way to solve this and give her a way to skip to the next fight all at once. I gave Rame certain impulse control issues for a reason... let me pm her

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btw i didnt mean "end the fight" i just meant someone pls post because i thought everyone had died and i didnt rly want it to die srry if there was any confusion!!

i'll edit this later with the #plan

Edited by Anethia
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Alright ya'll, the plan here is pretty simple. Without spoiling anything... ah screw it, it's not much different than above. the basic gist is: I'm gonna be unveiling Rame's two fatal flaws a bit earlier than expected, and that will be the spring point by which we can bring this whole scene to a close and move on to the next round

EDIT: Pssssst... Acquie, me murdoc and shiri kinda have this whole thing already covered and plotted out so... anyone besides Shiri intervening here really hurts more than it helps by causing an even greater potential for confusion, and gunking up how we planned to fix this whole situation and transition onto the next fight...

Plus I can't be liable if valor gets burned through this course of action...cause the fucks to give meter is totally broken. Whacking her with a cane at this point is just asking to make oneself a target...

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Yeah, but whacking her with a cane at this point and in this state is just asking to make oneself the new target of the blast instead of haruki... and given Valor would have to be pretty damn close to be in range to hit her with the cane at all, yeah... see, no one is supposed to like actually die or get injured from this plan, it's all supposed to be a narrow aversion of disaster, kinda a major point I was stressing when I proposed this idea...

and well, just given the context... this kinda makes disaster a whole lot more likely to occur.

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Eh, he probably could, but still, it does make things a bit more messier than they need to be considering we wanted to get this done quickly and without a whole lot of outside back and forth with other folks jumping in:

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Jev can be considered unable to fight at this point.

Self-healing takes so much of his lumen that he can only do it about once per fight in your typical fight at the moment. It's more of a last-resort thing than anything else, since he's rendered only able to transform once if he's at full lumen at his current stage of training.

Edited by K_H
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