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FE:Fates Cornquest


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Welcome to Fire Emblem Fates: Cornquest!

This will be a run of the game done using only Corrins recruited from Reborn users castles. It will be done on Lunatic mode with 0 grinding and no My Castle bonuses. This thread will be where I document the journey. Let's begin.

The Beginning

Pyrr goes back home to his "father" King Garon. Thinking this is a good idea for some reason, he has 0 doubts Garon will willingly accept him back into Nohr with 0 troubles. Now what if I told you the opposite happens? Would you be surprised? You shouldn't be if you've played this game at all. So with his fathers disapproval and threats of elimination, irrelevant royal #1 steps in to try and save Pyrr. A huge mistake has been made. Garon contacts the great Anklekos asking him for guidance. Due to how... amazing this game is, Pyrr is saved by his Mary Sue abilities. He is tasked with quelling a rebellion in the Ice Tribe Village in order to prove his allegiance to Nohr. Little does Garon know this is all part of Pyrr's plan to stop the war and it will lead to his own death. With that, Pyrr sets off, having to go through the Forest of Forgettable enemies first.

Pyrr arrives in the forest only to encounter forgettable enemies. Who would've thought!?! He tries his umm... "best" to stop them, but due to plot, he falls. Suddenly, irrelevant servant #1 comes to his rescue. Why though? It doesn't matter because Pyrr is suddenly able to stop time for an infinite period in order to plan out how he'll win his first battle against a horde of Forgettables. Realizing how fucked he is, he uses his space-time powers to call upon the services of a noble Corn who goes by the name, Aldric. Aldric agrees to help Pyrr on his journey, and with that, the first battle begins.

Chapter 7: Facing Some Faceless

Aldric when paired up alongside Pyrr is capable of two shotting Faceless's, thus ignoring all of the scary debuffs and what not. However, lacking in vulneraries is a situation one wouldn't want to be in, and it just so happens that no one brought any. Fuck. Aldric is able to KO 4 Facless before the "story" rears its head in again. More irrelevant characters join the party only to never fight once as they run behind Aldric and Pyrr. Aldric and Pyrr KO all remaining Faceless in the middle and have now created a chokepoint on the bridge. Pyrr is paired with Kellam (Who tf is Kellam?) and Aldric with Stylus. The two are able to hold the line with the help of Harolds awful aim and Sonic 06's healing powers. With the Forest of Forgettable Faceless Faces Forgotten, our heroes move on to stop a rebellion. Meanwhile, obviously evil evil guy spills the beans to the 4th wall and then leaves. What does it mean?

Pyrr soon realizes he's not going to be able to succeed on this journey with just two people. Thus, he sets out to find the strongest Corns in all of space and time. Meanwhile, nothing happens in the outside world. It just kind of sits there, frozen, waiting for Pyrr to come back. And so he does, this time with some new, faithful companions.

Paralogue 1: Facing Some Faceless With Brand New Faces

Pyrr decides that instead of stopping the rebellion like he's supposed to be doing, he will go off into some lonesome, desecrated mountain village to loot it of its precious, "EXP." He uses this "EXP" to train some of his new recruits. Mael, a fighter who is feared amongst all Corns for his great strength. He's quite capable of hitting anything for loads of damage, but don't expect him to be tanking many hits. Next is Sheep, a Corn who set out to be the strongest Monk to ever live. Despite how strong he will become, he's left to do healing for now due to his own plot limitations. Alongside these Corns is Ikaru, a feared squid mage capable of inking fire and lightning. His face shows just how interested he is in this quest... that being not very. Flying in from over the mountains is Krim, a fearsome wyvern rider with a scary axe (almost as scary as Mael's). Krim has found success in channeling his magic potential, but this unfortunately will not be helping him much to start.

Alongside them is Hunter, who is likely the most capable Corn around... for now at least. Hunter acts as the groups tank and guardian angel, being surprisingly fast for a Knight who can cover just as much, if not more ground than any other Corn in the pack. Joining from the shadows is Inno the Outlaw. He isn't the strongest Corn around, but proves he has just as much, if not more use than anyone else. He covers ground quickly and is the only one capable of opening doors and chests for now. Finally, the last Corn recruited is Commander, a frightening Corn piloting the Blood Falcon from F-Zero. With high resistance and a two range weapon, Commander works as the groups anti-mage fighter. Unfortunately, in nearly any other situation, Commander falls flat on his face and proves he is not capable of tanking physical hits.

With his army of Corns growing stronger by the minute, Pyrr meets a timely sight. More Faceless. Amongst them is a slightly less forgettable unit: Monster Mozume. Too bad she won't be seeing any usage here. The army goes to work, racking up loads of exp and learning new skills along the way, mostly ranging from +Stat skills, but there are some interesting ones. Sheep acquires Miracle and Rally Luck and Mael gets Gamble. Unlike Harold, Mael actually has a chance of hitting stuff even when he has Gamble. Ikaru learns Heartseeker and KO's boss Faceless due to having a two range weapon. Having grown his army massively, Pyrr returns back to the plot and time resumes...

Chapter 8: Nice Ice Maybe?

With time moving once more, Pyrr and crew advance to the next trial at hand: Quelling the Ice Tribe's rebellion. Will they have what it takes to do so? Probably. I mean, at this point, everyone's got their good skills and classes and it would be pretty hard to lose. Fun little thing I found while doing this chapter, if you get your Corrin up to 9 move, you can get to the very village above you before the enemy does. This means it is actually possible to complete this chapter with all 5 villages visited. How you'd go about achieving this is your own deal, but I thought I would mention it since Commander's class gave me the idea. Anyway.

Pyrr gets really cold and die. Just kidding. I wish he did though. That way I wouldn't have to sit through this games story again. Anyway, he wakes up because plot and isn't hurt or dead at all because plot and Maid is evil because plot, will the game ever give us any backstory or detail or anything about this new world? No. It won't. Battle time.

I made sure to actually get people some vulneraries this time. Characters brought to the map are as follows: Maelstrom, Hunter, Commander, Sheep, Inno and Pyrr. Right off the bat, I have pyrr visit the first village. Everyone else moves left. The village right above pyrr has been taken by the enemy and the reinforcements are pretty crazy. About 7 enemies from one village I think it was. Anyway, everyone is kind of moving about, two retainers who have no relevance to the plot whatsoever show up, and immediately become pair up bots. OwOain to Commander and Kinky bitch to Inno (I'm really enjoying renaming every character tbh). The squad continues to move left, KO'ing 3 dark mages and 2 fighters and approaching Flora. Pyrr, meanwhile is trying to catch back up to the group, but is being pursued by countless units. We need to find a solution, and fast. We're in luck though, as we have a plot device right here to help us. Dragon Veins.

This is the first time I've ever actually found use for this dragon vein, but it ended up doing extremely well. Pyrr was able to cut off all guys chasing him and the group was free to go about its business, pushing forward, killing Ash (sick burn kid) and setting up for the freezing of the lake once more. By this point, the top left village had nearly been hit by the soldier, but thanks to Commander getting Sheep there quick enough, Sheep is able to freeze said soldier. We hit the two left villages and watch as the top one is seized from us. It's fine though. Due to how we separated some units using the lake, we are able to pick them off one by one safely using Commander to kill mages and a combo of everyone else to kill the fighters. I went about killing everything so I could get the extra EXP too so that was nice. By this point, everyone in our band of six here had gotten their two class skills, except me, I still needed strong riposte, but who cares about that. It's time for the boss.

Kilma is a very scary foe to face. He is a Sorcerer packing a strong Nosferatu and Vantage. Commander is able to take him out easily, but it takes some healing from Sheep to keep him in there. Luckily, he goes down easy and the mission ends.

Despite visibly killing and hurting these people in the battle animations, Pyrr tells his two plot healers to heal everyone, somehow. Kilma does not understand this behavior as he's never come into contact with a Mary Sue before. Befuddled by everything, Kilma loses all of his brain cells and accepts Pyrrs words as the truth. Also for some reason we let my mixtape join Pyrr's army again despite betraying it and trying to kill us. Why, I will never know. With this, the rebellion ends, but it's clear this is only the beginning. After all, we still haven't reached waifu bait or China. That's how you know this game is going to be... hella long and painful.

The next mission proves to be quite the complex one to go about, however. For this reason, Pyrr sets off in search of more Corns worthy of aiding him in his adventure. Will he prevail in finding a strong partner, or will his search prove fruitless?

Chapter 9: Fart Drag-on-Hall

Hey look, a filler chapter in Fates. Who would've thought. Ok, ok the chapter does serve at least on- two(?) purposes. It gives you Nicks and Assura. Thanks to my limitations however, I don't have to worry about ever using these glass cannons, thank god. Now, with that slight intro out of the way, let's get into how this actually came to be.

After stopping the rebellion, we cut over to Garondorf laughing evilly on his throne saying he'll have to give Pyrr an even worse mission. Please don't, anything but more plot, I'm begging you. EeahhGoh enters the room and tells Groan of Pyrr's achievement and lets Pyrr and the royal cucks enter the room. Groan compliments Pyrr and is actually kind of nice in his wording for once. Like, no joke, this is probably the only time Garon ever actually says something nice, even if he doesn't mean it. This cool thing is cut short by Iasshole saying that Pyrr did not accomplish the feat alone, and being the idiot he is, Pyrr confesses despite the fact that he's able to run his mouth off so fucking cleverly not even 8 chapters later when put in a situation just a bad as this one.

Iasshole says that the only punishment for defying the great Anonkos is death. Elise says that she'd rather die in Pyrr's place instead, to which he replies, "Elise! Don't say that, dear sister. I'm not worth dying for." I have to agree with this one personally and would have loved if the game just ended here. However, discount Camus steps in and says he should be punished as he's the one who sent help. Fuck. Yet for some reason, Garondorf lets this fucking slide and says, "I have no intention of harming any of my beloved children." Fucking BULLLLLLLLSHIT. You're the guy who fucking threatened to have Pyrr executed for being a spy, but defying your God? No punishment? Yeah, fuck off with this bullshit fates. I don't fucking get this game and its "plot."

Garondorf then decides to assign Pyrr a new mission. To conquer Notre Sagesse, a territory that literally holds no purpose other than being there for more filler chapters. This is also the part where Groan tells Pyrr he'll likely be fighting Hoshidans and thus we enter the crybaby "I-I'm a B-B-Bad guy at H-Heart stuff. I Chose this path." It really gets annoying seeing something like this pop up every other chapter and being used as an excuse for why Corn does what he does. We then get a filler scene where all the royals gather for the avatar circlejerk and discount camus tells Pyrr about the Rainbow Sage. He also mentions the Rainbow Sage granted him and his father power, which is something I'm going to come back to much MUCH later on in this run. The army finally arrives at Fart Drag-on-Hall where Elise suddenly becomes a history expert and tells Pyrr everything about the fort. With all of this exposition out of the way, we finally get into the actual gameplay.

So, if we're being honest here, this is probably one of the better chapters in Conquest, and is a real nice intro to the challenges to come in Lunatic. The map is filled with chokepoints, strong paired up enemies with threatening skills, normal enemies with strong skills, a stat lowering healer, three archers who are all very strong (two dealing physical damage and one dealing magic damage), and a boss who makes me scream every time I play this chapter. It's really fun, but definitely not as fun as some of the maps to come, especially the next one.

Using his time stop and universe crossing abilities, Pyrr goes off to recruit two new allies, in hopes of expanding his army enough to the point where he can easily take on any threat. He meets a young girl on horseback named Edith. She is a troubadour with some pretty good stats, and higher movement than sheep. She unfortunately doesn't have a rally skill or Miracle, but you gotta take what you can get, and you can never have a too diverse army in FE. Alongside Edith is Natalia the Ninja. She'll be working as the debuff pro of the army, helping other units pick up kills as she whittles them down and collects loot. Not to mention she'll be even better at her role once she picks up Poison Strike.

With all that out of the way let's take a look at the army going into chapter 9: Pyrr, Edith, Natalia, Hunter, Ikaru, Mael, Inno, and Aldric. We've got vulneraries to spare, weapons and skills, and healing staves. Let's get going. So the first thing you'll notice going into this map is the guards at the entrance: three spear fighters and two archers. The spear fighters are just nasty, packing seal defense, naginata buffs and B rank lances, plus some good stats to boot. Hunter and Aldric are tasked with baiting out the first two spear fighters, while also tanking hits from the archers soon after. The two deal massive damage to the spear fighters and tank blows as intended, with Aldric being left with slightly lower HP than Hunter. With everyone else already being in position beforehand, the army manages to take out all 5 of the guards in one turn leaving them free to heal up and move forward at their leisure for now. As this is happening, Assura is slowly creeping her way up towards the Dragon Vein in the back of the map.

The next task is taking out the paired up samurai with vantage and really high speed. Ikaru picks up a kill on the first samurai after Aldric deals massive damage to him on a counterattack. Hunter lowers the second samurais health to the point where Natalia can pick up a kill. I place Pyrr into the shrine maidens enfeeble range in order to get her to start using it up. Assura moves up some more, etc, etc. Aldric, Natalia and Edith all move upward in an attempt to get to the chest and pick off the two enemies there. Meanwhile, everyone else keeps eating the enfeeble staff until it's gone. After the top side is cleared and the enfeebles are gone, Hunter tags up with Ikaru in order to provide him with enough defense to survive the three archer onslaught. Edith comes in to help heal him as he goes and Natalia picks off the last one with the help of a dual strike. Assura uses the DV and weakens all the dicks in the middle room, putting them at 1 HP. Now comes the hard part.

Seizing the middle room is the trickiest part of the map. Strong paired up units sit there and if you are unprepared, the reinforcements (all 9 of them) will kill you. Taking this into consideration and also considering everything is at 1 hp except for one spear fighter, I make a mad dash in there through the top room and pick off three units, then give Hunter a javelin so he can KO the remaining archer and samurai that will approach. They do approach and die and then the reinforcements come. 4 spear fighters up top, 3 archers mid, 2 samurai low. Everyone up top works to pick off three spear fighters and trap the third one so he can't debuff Hunter, but also can't kill anyone else. Hunter is then placed so that the enemy archers will come running and take loads from the javelin. The samurai do as they please as they are the weakest.

The plan goes accordingly and the group picks off 4 more units, leaving one archer and one samurai. Thanks to Edith and Assura's dancing (which will only be used in this chapter sadly :[ ) everyone is healthy enough to live any blows to come. Now all that's left after healing is the boss, Haitaka. Absolute menace this guy is. He carries a Steel Nageyari, a 1-2 range lance, has 15 Str and a B rank in lances, giving him a whopping 25 Atk. Not only this, but he has strong riposte and seal defense as well, meaning if you choose to attack him, not only will you take +4 damage from the counterattack, you'll lose 6 defense and will take loads of damage on his turn. He also comes packing 16 Skl, 13 Spd, 12 Def and 7 Res with 31 HP, he does not go down easy. To make matters worse, he sits on a throne, which gives him an additional 3 defense, 30 avoid and heals 20% of his health each turn. Jesus. Easily the hardest boss for a long while to be quite honest.

How i go about beating him is quite simple actually. I set up my forces so that Natalia (paired up with Hunter for +4 defense) can live a hit and debuff Haitaka on his turn. After this, I have Natalia transfer Hunter over to Mael and the two rush in to deal some heavy damage using the javalin. Assura dances for them and they make a strategic retreat for now, having 8 shields in the shield gauge. Edith heals them up after they vulnerary so that they can get right back in to kick ass next turn. Haitaka heals, Hunter goes in again, hits him with the Javalin, gets his dual guard from Mael and Ikaru runs in with the crucial heartseeker needed to lower his avoid enough for Inno to pick up the game winning kill. We seize the throne and end this long chapter. Just you wait though, these fights will only get longer.

I feel like I'm forgetting something... Oh yeah, Nicks. I didn't need her anyway. Pyrr's army finally gets to the end of Drag-On-Hall and proceeds onward to the port, but little does he know he will face his biggest challenge yet there. Until then


This post will be updated as I continue to write these long ass posts.

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Why does this feel oddly fitting?

you were a kinky bitch the whole time

i hope when i get recruited i die immediately to a 1% crit on your fifth time runnign it and you just decide "fuck it i dont need him"

just kidding. i wish thoron was still in the game tho that is a clean sounding spell no lie. have fun in chapter 9 :] will you be doing invasions?

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you were a kinky bitch the whole time

i hope when i get recruited i die immediately to a 1% crit on your fifth time runnign it and you just decide "fuck it i dont need him"

just kidding. i wish thoron was still in the game tho that is a clean sounding spell no lie. have fun in chapter 9 :] will you be doing invasions?

Chapter 9 has been finished. Expect to see it written later.

Also, I will be doing the invasions... Most of them. Invasion 3 is fucking hard so I might not do that one.

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Chapter 9 has been finished. Expect to see it written later.

Also, I will be doing the invasions... Most of them. Invasion 3 is fucking hard so I might not do that one.

On that note, you might want to visit castles just for food to give Lilith and getting DVP so you can build up your castle. Not to mention food to cook up for single battle bonuses.

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actually i should ask: are you iron manning this or resetting when people die?

atm I'm iron manning, but come the late game chapters, I'll likely need everyone I have. Luckily, I do have a solution to the problem of losing too many units coming up soon. Don't want to say what it is, but let's just say it'll be a second chance of sorts for some people.

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