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[CoM completed] The full Eeveelution Adventures in Reborn Hardcore


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But, Shiny...

Whaddya want, voice in my head?

You didn't even finished your Ice Monotype... Is it abandoned?

Sure not, but I'll put this in hiatus. This challenge sounds more interesting, and I want to experiment another format.

Come on, since you've seen this video, you only focusing about using Eevees. Aren't you ashamed to be manipulated so easily?

... No. Should I? Eevees are strong, good-looking and highly adaptational.

But your favorite Pokemon is Luca..

I know! But what could I do with only one Lucario? Even more, in Hardcore Reborn? At least, I have 9 family members to use with Eeveelutions.

Fair enough.

Now let me be, I have videos to make.


Welcome into this new adventure... Well I haven't thought of a proper name, so it will simply be :

The Full Eeveelution Adventures in Pokemon Reborn Hardcore

(Yes, I managed to put all the colors in this title)

This time, I will do this more simply : instead of putting tons of text and images (which took some time) , I will record all the important battles against every boss of the game and post them on Youtube.

I want to thank Despair Syndrome , for providing me the Original Eevee. Without this one, the adventure wouldn't have even started.

This Post will show you the list of the main bosses in this game, even though I might add some in my videos.

electrode.gifJulia (Exploded!)

cradily.gif Florina (Outlasted!)
crobat.gifCorey (Cured... Somewhat.)

haunter.gifThe Not-Corey (Purified!)
volbeat.gifShelly (Exterminated!)
chandelure.gif Shade (Ghost-busted!)
medicham-mega.gif Kiki (Beaten!)
garchomp.gifSolaris (Executed!)
dragalge.gifAya (Wasted!)
froslass.gifSerra (Defrosted!)
clefable.gif Noel (Outwitted!)
arceus.gifEl (Unmasked!)
gardevoir-mega.gifRadomus (Outplayed!)
umbreon.gifLuna (Dispelled!)
conkeldurr.gifSamson (Overpowered!)
ninetales.gifCharlotte (Extinguished!)
garchomp-mega.gifM3G4 T3RR4 (Quaked!)

altaria-mega.gifSeel Ciel (Crashed!)

And of course, everything wouldn't start without the first video. Here it is.

If you have some advices about video making (since I'm such a noob about this), don"t hesitate to share these with me.

Thanks for watching.

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That is one broken ass Sylveon. 31 IVs in each stat. geez.

Well, courtesy of my donator. But somehow, I really think I will need this, due to this version being Hardcore.

It's time for 3 more videos, guys. I'm still practicing but I think the quality is a bit better. Enjoy these.

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It's time, boys and girls! I made a few boss battles I want to share with you with my videos!

Well, I'm really playing with these annotations, for sure, but I want to develop more ways to communicate my thoughts with you.

Have a good watching!

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I don't know what's worse: seeing that whole item glitch thing (no idea why it does that) or having to relive through that whole Dewott event. Good job so far on your playthrough, but I have to say one thing: Jesus that Sylveon is OP.

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I don't know what's worse: seeing that whole item glitch thing (no idea why it does that) or having to relive through that whole Dewott event. Good job so far on your playthrough, but I have to say one thing: Jesus that Sylveon is OP.

Yeah, this bug was quite disturbing... And yeah, Sylveon is quite OP, but it also depends how you use such power. I wouldn't have beaten the first PULSE Tangrowth by brute strength, for exemple.

Anyways, it's time for more videos, guys and girls!

Here they are, have a nice viewing.

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Even when she was down to her last two she still put a number on your team. This is kind of why the level limiter was implimented since Trauncy screws hard with the game. Hardcore unfortunately shines light in areas Reborn was able to cover up due to the higher demand in resources in difficulty. I think Marcello fixed many of the bugs though (and believe me I have plenty of my own I have to deal with). I don't consider the magic bounce glitch an issue as A) what caused it has theoretically been fixed for E16 and B.) There's only one Magic Bounce mon at this point in time legally though it's really not that good or useful.

But Shelly is to Hardcore as Aya was to Reborn at one point being a wall halting progress until you learn to overcome her. This is a prime example of how I shut people completely up since I got complaints like crazy she was way too easy because you could light her field on fire. I grew a heart and made that version optional due to it destroying and even slaughtering people and even threw in a singles version that's a bit more offensive focused.

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Perhaps I read to fast or overlooked it but I'm unsure and curious as to why you are only using three currently, so why is that?

I was honestly a bit shocked to see how fast you made it to Bugsy. Do you think the battle would have gone differently if it was in the rain or nah?

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Even when she was down to her last two she still put a number on your team. This is kind of why the level limiter was implimented since Trauncy screws hard with the game. Hardcore unfortunately shines light in areas Reborn was able to cover up due to the higher demand in resources in difficulty. I think Marcello fixed many of the bugs though (and believe me I have plenty of my own I have to deal with). I don't consider the magic bounce glitch an issue as A) what caused it has theoretically been fixed for E16 and B.) There's only one Magic Bounce mon at this point in time legally though it's really not that good or useful.

But Shelly is to Hardcore as Aya was to Reborn at one point being a wall halting progress until you learn to overcome her. This is a prime example of how I shut people completely up since I got complaints like crazy she was way too easy because you could light her field on fire. I grew a heart and made that version optional due to it destroying and even slaughtering people and even threw in a singles version that's a bit more offensive focused.

I don't see about what is the other legal Pokemon with Magic Bounce is legal (Cuz I don't see where could be Natu/Xatu). Unless you're talking about Grumping and Magic Coat, which is not permanent .

And I know about the Level Limiter. I just decided to not use it at all, to feel the full difficulty of Reborn Harcore. Well, that's what I thought at the beginning, and I understand why it's present now.

And I agree that this version of Shelly is the real Wake-Up Call Battle in Hardcore. Even if I was only using 3 Pokemon.

Perhaps I read to fast or overlooked it but I'm unsure and curious as to why you are only using three currently, so why is that?

I was honestly a bit shocked to see how fast you made it to Bugsy. Do you think the battle would have gone differently if it was in the rain or nah?

Well, I made a point (on myself) to only use final forms . But now I will be able to dig for Evolutionary stones, which means Shade will be the first Leader to be fought with a full Team of Eevees. I know I would be able to do far better with 6 Members (with the other 3 being Support Eevees with Helping Hand) but I chose not to.

And you know, it took me many tries, and I forgot I had this item for this battle. Said item was finally useless because she wasn't able to inflict Stat-reducing moves thourough the duration, due to MASSIVE amount of luck. Even the Moonblast against Vespiqueen was kind of lucky.

That being said I usually don't like using items in battles, and I'm using them only if I can't do otherwise. Faith in my Pokemon before anything else, I guess. Still, Hardcore Reborn is... well... Hardcore.

But hone(y)stly, the only thing I can think about the Perma-Rain version is Armaldo and his doubled speed (plus some water moves). But I haven't tried it, and I won't yet. I'll put this on hiatus until the end of the playthrough.

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It's time, guys and girls, for the next part of this challenge. To Shade, this time.

Btw, maybe I'm exploiting this game too much...

Have a nice watching! (really need to change this catchphrase, it sound silly).

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Hello, Team Showcase! It's time for more battles!

And I finally made it to Solaris through Kiki! Enjoy the videos!

Easy battles, hard battles... In fact, it depends on soooo many factors. And I like Reborn for bringing so many of them.

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This playthrough is really well made, good job dude!

Also, fighting Shelley in the rain is optional????

Thanks. And Yep, there's the Gym guy in the gym who will ask you if you want to battle in the Rain or not. I've chosen not to, but I can show this battle one day.

Well, without further ado, I have more videos to show you, guys and girls. All the way from Solaris to Serra. And both battles for Serra!

By the way, I have a question : I can't find the Sidequest for the Spinel Department Store Ticket, since the woman never shows up. Is it pushed forwards, like the Lapis one, or is it a bug?

EDIT : No, nevermind, I found out there was a condition I've never realised since I fullfilled it all the times.

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I seriously have no idea how you hit those flare blitz's hit considering there's like a 30-45% chance of that happening in the hail let alone earth power didn't crit. But as a fun fact Serra is the first leader to use a perfect mon which is her Frolass using a 252/252/4 split which this continues to only applies to one Pokemon until Charlotte. I think the CoM is really the only thing that could handle your team just due to my intentional design.

While it crushes me a little bit seeing some of these guys get destroyed after sometimes spending up to 20 or so hours on some fights (higher difficulty requires quite a bit of time for precision), I didn't design the game for perfect or near perfect mons and instead used strategy. On a different note, it's so weird seeing the opponent heal after running no item, set mode.

I don't think anything will give you too much trouble up ahead since your team is really good, but I'll let you be the judge of that.

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I seriously have no idea how you hit those flare blitz's hit considering there's like a 30-45% chance of that happening in the hail let alone earth power didn't crit. But as a fun fact Serra is the first leader to use a perfect mon which is her Frolass using a 252/252/4 split which this continues to only applies to one Pokemon until Charlotte. I think the CoM is really the only thing that could handle your team just due to my intentional design.

While it crushes me a little bit seeing some of these guys get destroyed after sometimes spending up to 20 or so hours on some fights (higher difficulty requires quite a bit of time for precision), I didn't design the game for perfect or near perfect mons and instead used strategy. On a different note, it's so weird seeing the opponent heal after running no item, set mode.

I don't think anything will give you too much trouble up ahead since your team is really good, but I'll let you be the judge of that.

More exactly, 43.2% of chances. But through calculations, I think that I should rather consider myself unlucky if I missed both.

CoM is really that hardcore? Well I can't wait to engage it myself with all my eevees.

And I'm sorry about crushing your work. Even if I think a game is good if it is beatable, but not without a good fight, I admit that having good mons helps a little. I say "a little", because Hardcore Reborn is still not a game you can beat without a bit of reflexion or a good time-spending for your Pokemons.

And even with that, there are still foes I might fear in the near future. Let's say an eventual Pre-Nerf Charlotte, for exemple.

Well, enough of an old man's rambling, I have more fights for you.

Well, that's all for now! See you next time!

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Yeah, yeah I forgot to do some text edits. The reason Noel was a double (he still has his singles) is due to a mode called Nostalgia mode (which Cain also has a Nostalgia Mode fight) since that was intended to be a full on mode, I through in a couple bonus fights though I made them all toggable just because...and the gym guy for Noel can be seen just in the upper right corner. This will be fixed for the E16 release as Nostalgia mode will be axed and replaced with the alternate gym fights only like you're showing. Needs a little programming but it'll stop this confusion (though some fights such as Cain's swamp are gonna be removed).

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Yeah, yeah I forgot to do some text edits. The reason Noel was a double (he still has his singles) is due to a mode called Nostalgia mode (which Cain also has a Nostalgia Mode fight) since that was intended to be a full on mode, I through in a couple bonus fights though I made them all toggable just because...and the gym guy for Noel can be seen just in the upper right corner. This will be fixed for the E16 release as Nostalgia mode will be axed and replaced with the alternate gym fights only like you're showing. Needs a little programming but it'll stop this confusion (though some fights such as Cain's swamp are gonna be removed).

Wow, and he REALLY was there, I didn't even see him when I recorded and treated the video. My bad.

Makes me feel like I've missed something.

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Fresh fights of the Day (or Night, depends where on Earth you are)! They are fresh from the film editor, and for you to watch!

For you today : Optional bosses, Mini-bosses, 3 leaders, and some of the most serious fights since the beginning of this run.


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You know what's funny, the gym leader rankings are so over the charts with Reborn as some people find Julia hard while others such as myself find her to be one of the easiest. I know Serra is the lowest ranked gym leader right below Ciel (who actually rose up in ranks a little bit), but the top 3 I believe are Radomus, Shelly, and Corey (Mist Field) not in any particular order.

Anyways, I'm gonna warn you now that it might be better to play Hardcore 2.3 from here on out instead of CoM 1.51 because of one fight before Terra might be different depending on which fight you ended with when facing Radomus (if it was doubles then there's no problem here). The bigger issue is the Ciel loop due to a glitch that I decided not to fix and upload since well...E16 is like right within reach so I've been prepping for that for the past few weeks. I will be uploading a map fix soon though if you want to wait on that. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday.

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You know what's funny, the gym leader rankings are so over the charts with Reborn as some people find Julia hard while others such as myself find her to be one of the easiest. I know Serra is the lowest ranked gym leader right below Ciel (who actually rose up in ranks a little bit), but the top 3 I believe are Radomus, Shelly, and Corey (Mist Field) not in any particular order.

Anyways, I'm gonna warn you now that it might be better to play Hardcore 2.3 from here on out instead of CoM 1.51 because of one fight before Terra might be different depending on which fight you ended with when facing Radomus (if it was doubles then there's no problem here). The bigger issue is the Ciel loop due to a glitch that I decided not to fix and upload since well...E16 is like right within reach so I've been prepping for that for the past few weeks. I will be uploading a map fix soon though if you want to wait on that. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday.

While I think that the difficulty of every run heavily depends of your knowledge of the game and what Pokemon you use (and their level of training), I agree that some of the Leaders settings are, and WILL, be more difficult than others. Like you said, Shelly is the best exemple of this, and for this Eevee Run, I consider her the hardest, for now, even with only 3 team members (and the fact that I didn't realize I could have Vaporeon prior to this fight).

This, plus the fact that I want to use as few items as possible. And even more since I saw what are the fighting conditions in the CoM.

For now, if I had to choose 3 fights who gave me hell, I will say Shelly, TR Radomus (it doesn't seem the case, but I really needed a few tries to know who to K.O first and in what order) and Charlotte, since I didn't expected that setup and had to change my plans.

But maybe my thoughts would be the same as yours if I had the opportunity to battle Corrosive Mist Corey. Unfortunately, forgetting to talk to a Policemen after dealing with a Meteor, plus Heather stucking me in a custscene ruined this.

For the bug part (not Shelly's), while my main save currently follows the TR Radomus Path, I highly consider a temporary switch from Terra to Ciel, since I already know about this strange loop. But I don't know if it will affect my project of engaging CoM and whatever could be after Ciel.

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We're almost there. This challenge is near completion! But first, let's see what I've done until M3G4 T3RR4!

You can say what you want, but Glitch World is one of my favourite environments, second to Apophyll. The place where I want to be silly on purpose!

Well, enjoy the videos, and see you next time for the finale! I must prepare myself for the longest video of this Run.

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And there it is! The completion of Pokemon Hardcore Reborn, Episode 15!

I want to add this to Commander : the patch for the Ciel glitch seems to work well. Thanks.

And the final videos (or maybe...) are here!

The end... for now! The FEA is not finished yet. there's still things to do, like the CoM.

When I can, I will give you my feedback of this challenge, and more!

See you next time!

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Finally : the End! Under these lines is the proof I've succeded in challenging the Chamber of Memories!


Few, what an adventure, guys! Finishing Hardcore Reborn until the very end with these Eeveelutions was the real deal, especially with all these strong trainers at the end of the CoM, but I'm happy to finally reach the end!
I owe you my feedback about this challenge? Now you'll have it! Let me give these you, on spoilers to make it less like a boulder.
First, in Pokedex order, my Ranking about thoses little creatures who helped me reach my goal!

0mega, the Vaporeon
Well, honestly, despite having a nice bulk and a high attack power, he wasn't able to make the difference against strong trainers. But only in singles battle! In Doubles, it was another story! Helping his pals by boosting their (likely even more boosted) attacks and a Powerful AOE Surf was all I needed to go through most Double Battles.
If only I had him before Shelly (which I could, but not even realized), this gym could have been a piece of cake. Nevertheless, he was still the hero of a certain CoM Battle, who was Underwater AND Doubles.
Ranking : C+ (S- in doubles)
Viri, the Jolteon
The fastest of his kind was up to his reputation! Especially if he manages to get useful boosts thanks to Charged beam. And discharge was a real pleasure to have in doubles (I still had my doubts about using it on my teammates, unless they would have been K.O anyways). The real problem was his terrible bulk, but you can't have all I guess.
He was particularly decisive against Shade, both normal and CoM version, plus Ciel. The discovery of the Life Orb upped his potential to Eleven!
Rank : S-
Tartaros, the Flareon
To be honest, I thought he would be the weakest of his kind. But I thought of a build Full EV HP and with Flame charge... And it was surprisingly effective! The Prince of Flare Blitz, who was able to use them several times in a row, and achieving a speed which makes even Jolteon jealous.
And God, thanks to him, Fern would definitely shut his mouth! He has also managed to land several decisive strikes against Serra and crippled Radomus of his Trick Room setters.
The problem with him, and prevented him to reach S rank, is that he need time and opportunity to go full Speed ahead.
Rank : A+
Styx, the Espeon
Ah, Espeon! If I had to name a real hero, it would be him!
The one who hits the hardest, THE one who can boost to oblivion with well placed Calm Minds, THE one who laughs about indirect attacks by bouncing them back. And more, THE one who had the best versatility in terms of moves!
To give you an idea, boosted, he was almost able to K.O the most powerful Pokemon the CoM had to show me, while sacrifiying itself to proc a final LO HP drain. Plus, he was absolutely decisive against most leaders, always taking at least one or two foes (and in the best case, ENTIRE TEAMS)
Rank : a well deserved S+
Di'Mort, the Umbreon
Ok, this one is another story. While I can't really praise his offensive capabilities, what he excelled to was tanking and crippling all his foes.
With Assurace/Screech/Confuse ray combo, he was able to seize victory against strong opponents, while beaing resistant enough to not faint. For exemple, he was good against PULSEs and other strong individuals.
But past a certain stage of the game, he lost his importance and was quickly bested by the other Eeveelutions. Even if he was able to strike a surprizing victory with his HP Ice and the glitch Field against Terra's M-Garchomp. If only there was more of this field...
Rank : A- in early, C+ in Late
Tip, the Leafeon
A later arrival, because his requirements are also late. And even so, I had to say I expected more of him against strong Trainers.
Even if he was a key card during the Battle of Fiore, he wasn't able to fulfill his role as a fast Physical attacker, even with the addition of Sword dances. His multiples weaknesses and is not so great bulk made him faint against surprise super-effective attacks.
He was still able to ruin most Water and Rock Type Pokemon, but thats all. Fortulanely, he could have more chances to shine in the future with the water and Rock gyms.
Rank : B- (for now)
ICSW , the Glaceon
The last Eeveelution obtained. And oh God! this puzzle to obtain it was a pain, for time and my money. But late game was surprisingly where Glaceon was at his bets! Critical Frost Breaths, some good Blizzard (especially in Glitch field), shadow ball, and a surprising Mirror Coat, all his attacks were useful and helped me to achieve victory in this run!
The weak point is his speed and typing, but is still able to tank some hits. I laughed very hard when he mirrored M-Mewtwo Y back in glitch world, his predilection zone (90% accuracy Blizzard FTW)
Rank : B+ (mostly due to how late he was, but can be better in the future)
Despair, the Sylveon
And last but not least, the first and most important Pokemon, without which nothing would have even started.
The beginning with her as the only Pokemon was hard, but she bravely came through all these early threats by strong usage of her Ability and the now mythic Draining Kiss, who gave me the sustain I needed.
Ok, she had only her Fairy offensive attacks. But Light Screen and Misty Terrain proved to be very useful when I needed some time or getting rid of a painful field. Combine these with the best resilience of all my eevvelutions (thanks to her Life-Stealing) and you obtain one of my strongest members.
Rank : S

And finally, a Top10 of the fights I found the most hard and/or interesting. Against under spoiler, because CoM is also included.

1 : Shelly (I didn't checked about the Rainy variant, I will try one day)

2 : CoM Sun Guy

3 : Radomus (Doubles, Singles, was just Calm Mind and sweep)

4 : Charlotte (both Normal and CoM variants)

5 : Serra (Doubles)

6 : Solaris (I wanted only one try, and what a try it was!)

7 : Noel (I think without Staraptor paralyzed at the beginning, it could have ended badly)

8 : Julia (Ok, she souldn't be that hard, but try to beat her with one only Pokemon)

9 : Aya (where I found some ways to exploit my Eeveelution's teamwork)

10 : CoM Champion (as the final test of my team)

And there it is. This line definitely close my challenge against the Hardcore Reborn. Until the day E16 is out!

See you next time for another challenge full of surprises!

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I find it strange and humurous top ten lists are a thing now. Don't really recall them for Reborn but you never know.

Congrats on making it to the end. TBH, the CoM really is only half done as more or less the framework is complete, but not the quality test of the fights. The quality checking for high leveled trainers is honestly insane as I've only gone through Julia, Florinia (yes I know she's easy), and Aya fully. Over time those fights will get better but that's a slow process. That's about as close to difficulty I can crank the game up to without cheating the system though XCoM is going to be WAY harder given legendaries come into play.

As for the post Ciel fights aka the hellish 4, those are actually symbolic to the Reborn League's E4 in which they are allowed both a legendary and a mega. Hardcore's league plays out as tier 1 (aka the first four leaders...though Shade gets a freebie) are the only ones not allowed a mega, and the top tier are allowed the use of 1 legendary. The champion actually is allowed one mega and two legends, but our current champ follows the E4 rules. CoM allows for tier 1 leaders to use mega, but unlike the league, a Mega isn't required in a fight nor is their ace which we may see Bugsy go away for Shelly. XCoM has no restrictions other than only allowing one Mega and One legendary for the player.

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