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Where can I find Steel and Ground types?



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There's Klinks and Magnemites in Shade's gym, and those Magnemites can even carry Metal Coats needed to evolve Onix into Steelix (don't know what the drop rate is, though). I think those three are the only Steel-types available at that point in the game unless you picked Empoleon as your starter. Other Steel-types don't appear until you have full access to the Underground Railnet, after you beat Aya and the Yureyu Building.

Ground-types are risky with Aya since the field dampens their damage a bit and she has plenty of counters, like Tentacruel and some Ice- and Water-type moves. If you're dead-set on Ground-types, though, you have a few options:

-Phanpy in the grass next to Corey's gym (Bunnelby is there too but it's not that great...)

-Baltoy or Golett in the cave next to Corey's gym (need to bring an Ill-Fated Doll to the totem pole, and Baltoy or Golett will chosen at random)

-Trapinch if you have patience for Onyx Ward's arcade (I don't)

-Wooper and Palpitoad in Azurine Island

-Numel in Pyrous Mountain (not recommended due to 4x Water-type weakness, and Aya has Tentacruel and other Water-type attacks)

Might be a few others, but I forgot. In any case, you don't absolutely NEED a Ground- or Steel-type to take down Aya, especially with the counters she has and the field effect, but they could help.

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Other ground types include Nidoking/Queen, which both get Earth Power (a ground move not nerfed by field) at 43 respectively, but be sure that the Nidorino/a has Hustle for SF Boost (Moon Stone is in slums) Psychic types are also useful, like Meowstic or Gothitelle (except for Drapion, but Nidoking/Queen or the rest of your squad can deal with that)

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