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2 and a half years.


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4th of March, 2014. That's when I stumbled across the Reborn forums. I'd already downloaded and played the game via Pokecommunity. Honestly didn't think I'd say around here for too long. Maybe bout a week or so. I already knew where I could find the game anyways. Just needed to ask a few questions.

And yet, I did. Quite honestly it was one of the best things I've ever done. I don't know what it was about the community, whether it was the fact that I could actually talk to others about the game or something else that kept me around, but it did. It was quite surprising, but it happened and I'm very happy it did. After all, it made me end up growing and maturing a lot, and I've met people that are absolutely amazing.

One thing I realised while reflecting on the past two years is how immature I was, which is to be expected. I've made a lot of mistakes, some beneficial in the long run, others quite detrimental.

One of which is putting my age down as 14 when I joined. It's something I never really paid attention to, just putting it down as a side note, during a time when I was still unsure of whether I was going to stay. I came here on the 4th of March, 2014. 2 years, 6 months and 16 days ago. When I joined, I was 12 years old.

Why you might ask? Well as I said, until recently, I didn't really pay attention to that little detail I put in, acting as I would normally and being myself. Only recently did I really notice how wrong it was for me to lie about such a simple detail, after all, this community is built upon mutual trust. So, yeah, I'm done with not being entirely honest about something as simple as that. Was it a dumb thing to do in the first place? Definitely. It's something I really regret and I should've come out with much sooner.

So here's a small reintroduction, I guess. I'm Azery. I'm 14 years old, turning 15 in November. I live in North London, England. I enjoy long walks on the beach and destroying the world...wait....what? Jokes aside, I enjoy playing video games though my current collection is kinda mediocre, something I’m planning to fix, Swimming and playing Basketball, on the rare opportunities that I get to do so. My favourite Pokemon is Absol. I generally lurk on the forums nowadays, being much more active on the server. Other little facts about me include: I try to meme a lot, though compared to SOME PEOPLE, I don't overdo it. RPing is something I indulge in every once in a while, though my activity is eh at best.

And I'll even have this thing triple up as an appreciation thread. It's what I was going to use my 2 and 1/2 anniversary thread for anyways. I'll try to keep this somewhat short, to prevent it from turning into a slightly over dramatised text wall, though I’m not the best at this kind of stuff.

Bibs/Pineapple/Morshu/Nice Day/Any of your other 1000 alts:

Fuck you and your filthy ass memes tbh. I've known you for about 2 years now and hoo boy, what a 2 years those have been. The weird thing is that i'm not even sure how we met. I think the first time I started speaking to you on a semi-frequent basis was when we started mucking about in hackmons. Suddenly a year later you’re one of the best friends I have on here. Never regretting that, by the way. Stay cool my dude.


I honestly don't know what to describe you as. Eccentric would be a vast understatement, and somewhat of an injustice. Doesn't change the fact that you're a really cool person however. We didn't start off on the right foot, then again, I didn't do that with anyone round here...but yeah, don't change man, you're fine the way you are. maybe become less of a scrub v pls.


I rarely talk seriously with you, at all. I don't know if it's because of how chill you are but it always seem to happen. Idk if you mind, but it never seems like you do. Regardless of that, you're a super cool person. Banter for days and that's not even getting started on your constant meming. I remember when I could actually dunk you in a proper tier like last year or some shit like that LOL. Time has passed. Suddenly I'm the punching bag. GG my dude.


I.....I really hate how you'll probably never read this, for multiple reasons. I really hate how things ended with Se7en, it's quite honestly something I'd definitely change if I could. That doesn't seem like much of an option now, however. If you ever do though, know that you're a really amazing person. Well spoken, you know what you're talking about most of the time and because of that, I'm usually very interested in seeing you post on any kind of topic really. Godspeed mate.


I don't know what's so interesting about you, but there's something though I can't exactly pinpoint it. Is it the high quality of your writing, the wit, your antics or something else? Heck if I know, but I do know that you're, like most of the other people on this list, an extremely cool person. I never really get the chance to talk to you all that much, probably attributed to you being somewhat of lurker while we don't share too many interests.


I envy your skills in spriting honestly. I'm half decent but my lack of constant practice and alright at best shading is probably only a few of my problems at it. That aside, talking to you constantly while we were working on Se7en is some of the most fun I've had on here. We had quite a few crazy ideas, didn't we? It's nice to know you guys are working on something new though, hope it works out great for you guys.


Another person I feel will likely never see this. You're a really cool dude, your artwork is amazing, especially the attention to detail you have, which was lost a bit in the vectors tbh but I’ve got no right to be nitpicking when I’m nowhere near as good as you are. Either way, working on Se7en with you was great my dude. Hope that everything works out fine for you in life, best of luck man.


It wouldn’t be fair if I put the other members of Se7en on here and not you, now would it? You’re great man, your a really good writer and talking to you is really fun, considering having a conversation with you about anything really is very easy, even if you’re a bit touchy about certain subjects, but everyone is touchy about something I guess. Either way you’re a wonderful person and you deserve nothing but the best.


I don’t know what it is about you but I feel like I can endlessly shittalk with you and you wouldn’t mind. Which is good, because that’s basically 50% of the things I do on Reborn nowadays. You’re a great person, a sense of humour that’s absolutely atrocious you may have but even with that I honestly have very few bad things to say about you as a person. You’re endearing in your own way, I guess. By the way:+Quіnn: you want to get dunked azery - +Quіnn: cuz i cant dunk you.

Git gud.


I’ve got no idea how we started talking, though it’s started to be a lot more infrequent as of recent since AR is uh kinda ded atm. In that short 3~ month timespan I’ve learned 3 key things about you. 1. You’re lewd as all hell. 2. You’ve got a slight case of bald. 3. You’re a really cool person. No matter what I seem to be talking to you about, you’re usually super chill about it. It’s something I really admire.

That’s about it, I guess. I’ve been trying to rewrite the appreciation section for the last 10 days and it got wiped a few days ago because forums are shit…also since, I’m kinda bad at expressing my thoughts about people effectively and this is only about half of the amount of people I wanted to have on here. I might or might not add more people here later on, we’ll see.

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azery buddy chum pal amigo bro matey bud mate...friend. what an evolution have you gone through since you joined reborn, dude. ive said it multiple times before, and ill keep saying it, I havent seen anyone evolve as much through my almost three years on reborn as you. thats positive, by the way.

yeah, you were a bit of an immature guy back then. but looking back to that now...comparing that to who you are now... honestly, even today I stumbled upon one of your posts on forum of which I thought 'what the fuck, when did azery become more mature than me'.

despite all that, im glad I got to talk to you. ive got a lot of respect for you for still being here despite all the shit you got back then, and youre honestly one of my closest friends on here as well.

also, I love dunking you in hackmons, because you know you cant beat me.

stay cool, bud.

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I should have known from your first WDYLL post smh

fwiw, within two and a half years you've taken bounds towards being a better person, in my opinion. You're probably more mature than 75% of 14 year olds in the UK so I reckon you're better off there.

I lie about my age all the time. I was 18 years, one month, 23 hours and 14 seconds old a few days ago but really I was 18 years, one month, 23 hours and 15 seconds old. We all have our sins.

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Well, tbh, Assery Azery, this really just confirms and explains about everything I used to think of how you acted back in the day. Infact, I never really bothered to look at your age, just pegged you as an annoying kid and left it at that.

HOWEVER, that said, as Dobby mentioned... damn son, you really have changed since back then, ngl. I can honestly remember the first time I was in the same RP as you- I was pretty damn skeptical that you wouldn't just go trolling and shit, but eh... you definitely proved me wrong. And you did it over, and over again as time went on, even if you're activity on there has been spotty at times at best. Ya went from being that Annoying little shit who occasionally popped up on the radar to a pretty aight dude for the most part.

And hell... I doubt the vast majority of Reborn's active members are entirely honest about their age- I just call the relative range by what I see em doing instead of some number on the profile that can be easily manipulated, so... yeah, I really can't be too mad at you for lying about it this whole time...and there's worse shit you could've lied about anyway, like, ALOT worse shit... so no biggy, eh mate?

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Well, as I've said on the few occasions that I still run across you on Showdown, you've grown up plenty. Perhaps last time you were 14 you acted 12, but this time you're 14 and you're acting 20. So basically you grew eight years in zero, that's a pretty big achievement. Unlike a lot of people, you've learned from your mistakes, and in a way that's much better than never making them

Honestly, we've had plenty of painfully immature people run through here--and I doubt many of them can blame it on actually being young--I'm glad you're one of the ones that stuck around to grow up

With Hope,

Lexi ^^

P.S. Since I wrote in second person I didn't get to call you Azert, thus I'm doing it here

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Well Azery, obviously I haven't been here for a huge amount of time so I didn't know you back in the days of alleged immaturity, but you certainly seem sensible enough to me these days. More so than Bibs.

Happy two and a half years! Roughly. May you have plenty of cool experiences here on Reborn in the years to come.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 8:02 PM, Spade said:

i didnt read any of this but i didnt see my name #fakefriends

tbh most of the people I put on there are ones I know pretty well for the most part.

also you were calling me shit at mons a few days ago so: Spade A SUCC

jk you're a really cool guy. easy to chat shit with too but: http://prntscr.com/ckbr8n

stay cool dude.

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  On 9/20/2016 at 8:07 PM, Azeria said:

tbh most of the people I put on there are ones I know pretty well for the most part.

also you were calling me shit at mons a few days ago so: Spade A SUCC

jk you're a really cool guy. easy to chat shit with too but: http://prntscr.com/ckbr8n

stay cool dude.


hey man u really are bad at mons maybe you should take lessons ill train you

i probably should make one of these too but in my... 3-4 years? of being here i haven't been active at all, with this piddling 320 posts LOL and zumi is already a global moderator with like 948304983 posts

s been fun tho :]

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  On 9/20/2016 at 8:56 PM, Spade said:


hey man u really are bad at mons maybe you should take lessons ill train you

i probably should make one of these too but in my... 3-4 years? of being here i haven't been active at all, with this piddling 320 posts LOL and zumi is already a global moderator with like 948304983 posts

s been fun tho :]

As they say, Quality over Quantity.

I'm pretty sure your 329 posts are better than over half of mine.

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Happy 2 and a Half Years Azery!

I'm a little surprised to find out that you're younger than me, but it doesn't really bother me. In my opinion, age doesn't really matter in most circumstances, more the way that one presents themselves and acts, and your age being 14 rather than 16 doesn't change anything about how I view you as a person (although your being 12 does explain your alleged immaturity make in the day).

So keep up the good work and being an awesome person! Thanks for your honesty as well :D

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I remember not liking you much the first time I was in an rp with you. I can't remember whether it was Aftermath or something else, but even though we don't talk really, I can definitely tell that you've changed since then. Glad I got to see you stick around and grow up. (Now that I think about it, we actually joined around the same time, so I've been around for most of it.) Congrats on 2 and a half, in any case!

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As someone who's probably probably worse at lying than you are - I appreciate the fact that even though many of us wouldn't have given your age a second thought that you felt you had to come forward anyway.

As one of my favorite Fates' children says all the time - "I could learn a lot from you!"

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Okay, I'll be honest with you familam, when you first joined, I knew your real age tbh. That was 2014, and Jelly and I REALLY disliked you, ngl, because of many contradictions you made. However, I later entered a hiatus in later 2014 and early 2015, only returned a litt after. I then asked for you age again, and you told me somewhere around the lines of 15? Actually, you told me that you were 16/17 this year when I asked for your age so I'M USING THIS AGAINST YOU

But anyway, I'll give my opinion on you now. You really have grown as an individual, and want to apologize for 2014, because i was in a pretty salty phase that year. Still doesn't justify that. You're definitely more mature than you were in 2014, and in two years, that's pretty impressive. I'm actually amazed because i kind of see a reflection of myself two years ago, when i was still 13, or 14? But anyway, 2 1/2 years is a long time, and I hope that you'll continue being a part of this amazing community. you better so i can still cyberbully you with my hax and hope you get emboar in ou battle factory

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  On 9/20/2016 at 11:20 PM, Pocky said:

you better so i can still cyberbully you with my hax and hope you get emboar in ou battle factory

you're chatting shit to a hax god right now

do you wanna get destroyed LOL.

Nah but seriously, you're a really cool person. I can talk shit to you all I want and you're the kinda person to actually talk shit back. That's one thing I appreciate. Another is you're good at spriting ngl. Keep being cool dude.

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I've never really known you in depth, but I do remember when you first started hanging out on Reborn, which happened to be the year that I had a second wind around here. I'll echo what Pocky said; you weren't exactly someone I liked, and around circles within the community I remember you frequently being the butt of jokes (mostly, Your Grammar At The Time).

However, you've made one of the biggest transformations I've ever seen from sheer observation alone, it's astonishing - you absolutely deserve credit for it, especially for the amount of change at such a young age. May you continue to hang around for many years more!

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I touched lol. I really do like when apparently the things I've done leave an impression on people For once I'm not going to act surprised, because now... I realize that I am a person that people do care about etc. In the Past, I'd actually believe that something like this was just some affront. Because for a long time I believed no person could actually genuinely give a shit about me.

Fortunately, I'm not that person anymore.

You're a cool dude Az and your a person who's journey at Reborn in a way... sorta hits close to me. I saw ya at your absolute worst. But, I also saw you right at the time you turned yourself around as well. You joined up in the RP forums. Due to your post preview, I had to approve those messages, and as a result I saw you grow bit by bit. It might sound... really silly in all honesty but... due to that and working with you on Se7en... I feel like I've seen a lot of your journey. I've seen what you were, and now... what you are. I remember people being wary about you joining Ymora due to that Post preview and what it might do. All I remember thinking was... "I wonder what will happen." and the more and more posts of yours I read, the happier I was that Chim gave you a chance then. You're a good dude my man.

Also, you got to see me in a very rare environment, one where I could be a lot more comfortable. Working on Se7en was workin' with a lot of folks I got along with. So, you got to see me mostly cut back and breathe. Of course I still had my boundaries etc... but you got to see me in a lot more unrestricted fashion than most people in Reborn have, or ever will. I don't know if that truly means much, but know you've seen parts of my being and character that few others will ever get to. The server itself is jsut a very uncomoftable place for me. I prefer to keep my company small and to very lose friends. So, being on there in lobby is scary as hell to me. So, a lot never see me in a place where I'm just comfortable being myself becuase a lot of folks never actually take the time to reach out and take the time to remember, I'm just human too lol.

Anywho... before I get too mushy and sappy and silly... I'mma get outta here. Hukuna Sensei, out~

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So I could say a lotta things but imma just leave it at this:

  On 9/20/2016 at 4:47 PM, Azeria said:
Eccentric would be a vast understatement, and somewhat of an injustice. Doesn't change the fact that you're a really cool person however.

oi who you calin eccentric you dackneggut >:C


Also, you smell and your smelly face and squeeky voice already told me all I needed to know back then \o Plus I always took you for 2 years younger anyway sooo

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