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Ground and steel pokemon early in game?



So, sadly, I am stuck in Corey's fight. Using the advantage of fire is risky for my team, since my only fire type Pokemons are fight type as well. Even if I use defog at the beginning to get rid of the field effect, they just keep tearing through my team, which makes me wonder...

Are there any ground type or steel type pokemon before that point in game? I've been struggling sice the beginning due to a lack of these types, which made some combats really hard.

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There's Klink in the underground railnet, near Obsidia ward and there's Phanpy and Diggersby in the cementery of Beryl. You can also look the pokemon location guides http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407 and http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18129 because it's likely that I've forgotten some pokemon.

Edited by Lugruf
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Assuming you didn't pick an Empoleon, Swampert, or Torterra as your starter or get a Steel or Ground type out of the mystery egg then your options are pretty limited. Steel types available to you at the moment are Wormadam-T and Forretress, both of which aren't bad per say but they're not great either. They'd get the job done if you really need a Steel type. Ground types look a bit better with Wormadam-S, Donphan, Diggersby, and Camerupt all obtainable by this point.

Locations for them should be in here.

Edit: Got ninja'd pretty hard and I forgot you can go down that little staircase from Obsidia to grab a Klink. I still wouldn't use it over the other two Steel types though, Klink looks pretty mediocre.

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Hey, I just realized something that could help every one who has this problem: You can get a Nidoking before that point. First, you get the Nidoran of the casino (only 3000 points), then you raise it one level (to level 21) and he will evolve. Then you give him the moon stone you should have (I don't remember exactly where I got it, I think it was in the obsidia slums) and now you have a poison/ground type to rekt Corey.

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In the cemetary left of the gym you should be able to find some phanphys. They evolve at 26 iirc and get magnitude and knock off. Psychic types might also help you, and if you have a poison type in your pc or team to soak up tspikes that would help a lot.

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you can use headbutt on the shakeable trees to get a Burmy, evolve a female one inside a building and it will become bug/steel, or getting a pineco with the same method and evolving it

as for ground, you can fish a barboach in patches of clean water.

Edited by iskelion
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i dont remember entirely, but i think they become accessible after corey, so wont help you much.

also, at the patches at the left of corey's gym you can get phanpy

woobats are psychic (strong vs poison) and easy to catch

what i did to beat corey is use a koffing with selfdestruct, which ignites the gas and changes the field, after that, some moves like mudslap are buffed by the new field.

i will explore a bit if there is something accessible to you.

i don't quite remember, is lapis ward available to you at this point, or which wards can you go to ?

Edited by iskelion
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Lapis opens up pretty dramatically after Corey.

I think you can also get an Onix from the Hiker in Peridot who is in search of a home.

The Espurr in the hidden house in Peridot is also a good way to beat Corey.

Other options include Ampharos, Nidoking, Donphan, Diggersby, Camerupt, Eelektross, Swoobat and Exploud

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