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Today (Well, tomorrow EST) is a special day, as another of our fellow Rebornians grows older. As a fellow friend of mine working on his own game (How's it going, by the way?), I couldn't be any more proud of you as you grow a year older. You were even one of the people who helped me get out of my shell on Reborn by just having me around for the project, and I couldn't be any more thankful for that. Happy Birthday, Jacobliterator, and I hope you have many more wonderful years to come!


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Well I'll say first up that Revolution has hit some snags. Some in the game, some irl. Nevertheless, I am not giving up on it ever. EVER. Anyway, thanks guys, I really appreciate this!

P.S. Thanks for the awesome picture! Dunno where you found it, but its awesome huh huh yeah!

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Thank the almighty wonders of Deviantart, homie! Glad to hear the news, too! Probably better that way before Sun and Moon come out, too. Nintendo's been really cranky about fangames lately, so it's fine to have snags along the way. After all, practice makes perfect, right, fam?

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