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A Team of Two


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Hello there,

My name is Nadrel and I'm thinking of starting a new game before ep 16 to get back into the story.

I don't really want to do a normal run so I plan on doing a two-pokemon team. I would do a single pokemon team but it would be kinda hard for duo battles and I'm not that masochist ^^

I don't want to use any legendary or pseudo-legendary but I can have more than 2 pokemon in my team for hm moves.

Here is the team I plan to use :

Ninetales (drought) : Sun beam, Calm Mind, Flamethrower, Will-o-wisp/Extrasensory/Foul play


Espeon (magic bounce) : Morning Sun, Psyshock/psychic, Psych up, Dazzling gleam/Shadow Ball


Run succeeded in normal mode. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Hardcore : All main battles won. Here











Aster and Eclipse





Fern and Blake

Solaris and Orderly


Com Leader Beaten (no item/ no switch)





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This is a pretty cool combo! I like the idea you have here. For Ninetales, I would go with Will-o-Wisp, just because of the utility that it has. Espeon has you covered on Psychic STAB, so there's no need for Extrasensory, and Foul Play can be somewhat situational. On espeon, I think Dazzling Gleam might be a better option over Shadow Ball, since without it, Dark and Dragon types give your duo problems. Aside from that, it looks good! I'll post any more suggestions if I think of them. Good luck!

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Thanks, I agree with you for the skill choice

My biggest concern is duo battles vs physical heavy opponents and versus Charlotte later in the game (If she has a hounddoom, Im kinda doomed fucked).

Otherwise, I think you can deal with most teams with calm mind and X Speed with will o wisp vs physical opponents, you just need to survive 1 turn which isn't always easy ^^

I will start this run tomorrow, I'm just waiting for a few more answers first. :)

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interesting idea and pokemon combination

i´ve done ( or lets say i tryed ) a run with 2 pokemon aswell. dialga and palkia were my choice and the early game was a walk in the park , but once i got to kiki it was all over ( i was playing reborn hardcore to make it more of a challenge, because i was using legendaries)

i think vanilla reborn is possible to finish with only 2 mons

wish you good luck, let´s see how far you can go ^^

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A concept like this hardly works out as it takes both a shit ton of luck as well as a ton of preperation ahead of time since without perfect Pokemon, the late game will just swallow you whole. Sure you might make it past Shelly, but that's where it gets into reset hell while you also have to deal with level caps due to having no Pokemon since exp spread was designed for using six Pokemon instead of 2.

There's also the rule of two hits. Basically, it requires two hits to knock out a Pokemon. 2 vs 6 kind of explains itself in which it's be 4 hits on you and 12 hits for opponents (not to mention doubles and back to back). Due to this, you'd often have to grind over the cap (which a lot of solo runners do) to about 10, 20, or even 30 levels. I'm not trying to kill your run, but I'm merely saying that this really isn't practical and it kind of grinds down to fun levels.

You also have to remember my mindset is skewed since I spend a lot of time making the challenging even more challenging so I can't even remember how difficult some of the older fights even are. Though I do know a lot about Ninetales:

While I love Ninetales, it's really meh as a Solo mon. It can take a couple special attacks and dish out decent damage as long as it uses Flamethrower, but its nearly worthless against something that resists Flamethrower. Speed and Special Defense really aren't going to get it far. Not a good partner for Espeon since both pretty much die to an earthquake due to their pitiful Defense stat. Magic Bounce while in theory is a good idea, it doesn't get too much use in game. Ninetales needs a Chlorophyll Sleep Powder Mon to do its job while Espeon needs a tanky mon to drain hits through Follow Me.

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Hey, thanks for your constructive advice

The reason i'm not using a chlorophyl grass type is that I already have a nice grass coverage with solar beam while I have nothing that could hurt an enemy fire type. Using a grass type would allow it only one attack before getting smashed by a Sun enhanced fire attack.

Karma Earthquake is a bitch, but I don't think many leaders use it, at least till pretty late in the game, and hopefully, you can boost your pokemon against other threats so that you can outspeed and one shot the earthquake users (swept through Terra with a lonesome Gardevoir this way).

Double battle is the most tricky because you need to have at least one of the two opponents who isn't too much of a threat, ideally a special attacker so that you keep him alive while he doesnt hurt you too much while you body the other ones, one after the other, you have to hope for no crits too :(

Finally, I plan of making full use of every item in the game, although i'm worried about money, and I will change the move pool of my team to prepare at best for hard battles ^^

Well, that said, it ain't gonna be easy and I will probably fail miserably as you 're probably right and I'm overoptimist, but i aint afraid of resets :P

Edit : btw What is hardcore mode? I didnt even know it existed although i'm never gonna try it (probably)

Edit 2: If i see i cannot push through w/o overgrinding i will stop this run right away as it is not fun/kinda cheating

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Hardcore is basically the mod I created with a focus on enhancing the difficulty along with projects based around the fan base discussion. It's currently located in the fan game expose.

Money should not be a problem though I suppose x items would be very pricey early on.

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Welp, this looks nice, but 'i like my pokemon reborn "nice and easy" in the normal version ^^

For now I present here and now Carbuncle and Mifurey (both with the wrong ability) who just beated Julia.

Nothing much to say, spam confusion with Carb and ember with Mifurey, this wasn't too close although it could have been if paralysis had prevented the last attack from Carbuncle


Now, I just hope I can find an ability capsule somewhere ^^

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Interesting challenge, but I kinda have to agree with Commander. Reborn isn't so forgiving that you can handle the whole game with just a team of two. It might be possible with certain Pokemon with certain setups, but I have no idea what those could be and I doubt you'll get far with the two you picked (both are special attackers and somewhat frail in physical defense). Even a full team of six mediocre Pokemon would probably serve you better than two pretty-good-but-not-THAT-great mons. Even ignoring stats, sticking with only two severely limits the strategies available to you... which is kinda necessary to survive in Reborn.

With this team you could prooooobably make it at least past Shelly without much trouble (Ninetales would have to pull all the weight while Espeon gets wrecked by Bug-types), but after that I really have no idea how this'll work out. If you can get past Kiki then I'd be pretty impressed, but the post-Agate content will probably put a stop to this if it doesn't sooner.

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Heyllooo, well I would try hardcore, if I did a no challenge run, but even that could be annoying because you would need to train a new team for every gym leader, so no. I could try it for ep 16 though, as I have about 20 iv bred, ev trained Pokemon.

Well, that said, meet Seifer, my first Tm slave :


Just beated Florinia w/o much problems, the cradily was kinda hard but she had use her super-potions before and once burned it didn't hurt Carbuncle too much when he went for the kill.

I found my first ability capsule too, thought i would use magic bounce to reflect the spikes but it seems like it doesn't work :/. Now I still need an ability capsule for drought but Magic bounce not working on hazards might make some fights quite hard, I hope it still works on other abilities though.

Now a day later, Pulse Tangrowth(s) were a breeze, particularly in the double battle.


As for Corey I had to try a 2-3 times because of Rng/carelessness(?) but it was quite a funny battle, Espeon bounced the venom drench on skrelp making him a non-threat, thanks to that, I was able to boost him with 2 X spec and 1 X Speed, he then changed to croagunk, which allowed me to heal while he sucker punched, the rest of the team was a clean sweep.

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Run from Shelly to Noel.



The shelly fight wasn't too hard, what happened was that she focused Carbuncle with bug attacks while Mifurey OS'd a big part of her team. Carbuncle used morning sun to survive, I planned of using psych up on a tailglow, but it didnt' happen.

At the end of the fight only Ninetales was still alive and his Special Attack was so low i had to count on the burn to kill her last pokemon, no need for any retry, it was an easy fight. Only one super potion used.

After this fight, Espeon learnt Psychic, which I replaced by Psyshock, I have now all the abilities described in the first post.



Start with Espeon (lvl 39), OS Gengar with psyshock, change with Ninetales vs Banette, Calm Mind once, while he shadow sneak, Flame thrower till he doesnt have any hyper potions, he sends doublade, Os with flame thrower, 2H Ko on Rotom (I think), change on espeon to fight Chandelure, heal Ninetales while Espeon dies, 6 time calm mind to 2HKo with solar beam.

Cost 1 try, 3 super potions

I ain't afraid of Ghosts !!!

On another note, I'm starting to need a ton of common candies to stay under leveled :/

Zel + pulse Muk


Ninetales vs glaceon, 6 times calm mind with 2 x speed (cause of icy wind), still needs 2 flamethrower to destroy Pulse Muk, the rest is swept.

Cost 2 X Speed, 1 try



Infernape OS by Espeon, charizard 2H Koed by Espeon, sent nine tales vs delphox to set up calm mind, Mystical fire stopped me but i managed to make him use a hyper potion, sent back Espeon, which doesnt work very good with only dazzling gleam and psyshock, I alternate psyshock and morning sun to finally get him, I switch to ninetales and set up calm mind against magmortar who thunderbolts me, I then fuck up vs blaziken because I forgot he had speed boost and thought he had flashfire, so I used solar beam, he outsped me the next turn and killed me.

Next try, same tactic, Delphox used shadow ball after mystical fire this time for some reason but one crit and everything was ok, no mistakes, clean fight, Os with flame thrower on blaziken, gg ez. (I know, there was a Typhlosion after but he was irrelevant)

Cost 4 Superpotions, 2 paralize heal, 2 tries.



Machamp OS with psyshock, gallade 2HKO with dazzling gleam after two hyper potions, prediction of a sucker punch on toxicroak which uses poison jab and crit (RIP), set up with Mifurey and calm mind after will o wisp, a held pecha berry cured the poison jab once, but not twice, toxicroak died from the burn. Hitmonlee high jump kick killed me :(. Rip try again

Same tactic, outplayed toxicroak, burnt hitmonlee, healed team but no calm mind, 2 shot lucario with flame thrower while he used aura sphere, Medicham terminates Mifurey with drain punch, Espeon Goes for the kill and crits, Kiki is kill.

Cost 4 super potions. 2 tries.

Aster and Eclipse


3 Calm mind psych up on burnt solrock, heal then sweep.

Cost 5 super potions, 1 try

Taka isn't worth describing, His klefki, allows you to calm mind x 6 and sweep


After 10 tries Solaris is finally gone.


This method consists in abusing the poor AI, by putting an air balloon on your pokemon, Garchomp will still use earthquake on you. It will always do so vs Ninetales because she is weak to ground, however,even with 6 calm mind, Ninetales lacked the power to kill Garchomp through 3 full restore before he uses up all his earthquake pps.

So, I tried with Espeon and 4 (or 5?) Xspec and Garchomp got 2shotted with Dazzling gleam. Still had to try 3 times before Garchomp prioritized Earthquake on Espeon.

It's a salty win as it seems like bug abusing, but a win is a win.

Fought Cain and Fern but there is little use talking about small fry.


Now about Aya, I forgot to buy potions and I'm kinda short, but let's hope for the best. Carbuncle holds a pecha berry and Mifurey holds a heat rock.


First round : Nidoqueen used stealth rock, which kills Mifurey, Carbuncle dies to drapion.

Second Round : Focus on Nidoqueen to kill her, Tentacruel is left alive, Ninetales uses calm mind while Espeon focus on surviving with morning sun and a pecha berry, Espeon psych up 2 calm mind and starts the sweep as Ninetales dies, The sweep ends with Espeon under 20% Hp because of poison.

Cost : 1 super-potion and a pecha berry

Now it's time to take on Yureyu. We leave the brave doctor alone because it's time to try something else, and also Heather, as a Dragon trainer should be resistant to electricity.

The Next fight is Sirius !


I've actually never fought this battle, so this is kindof a surprise.


So let's go right to it

Round 1 : Big failure Mifurey sets up while Cain tanks (read gets crushed), but a crit high jump kick + a shadow ball kill Mifurey, try again

Round 2 : Start Carbuncle, Psyshock gets Chandelure to half, Nidoking shadow ball kills him. Carbuncle gets hitmonhop, but gets killed by manectric thunder fang + sucker punch. Mifurey misses a will o wisp on seviper, Nidoking dies, Seviper gets burnt, uses rest, Manectric doesn't hurt to much, so time to set up. Crit by Manectric, I'm ded. Try again.

Round 3 : Carbuncle gets Os by Chandelure, Nidoking thrash into ghost (wtf). Sends Mifurey, Solar beam + shadow ball terminates Chandelure. I forgot to buy potions, and I cant heal Mifurey, I'm dead. Damn this one may be kinda hard

Round 4 : Chandelure Psychic Nidoking and gets psyshocked, finished next turn with anothe psyshock + shadow ball over a hyper potion, Espeon gets sucker punched while attacking manectric, but heals himself with morning sun, Cain's Samurott deals some damage. Espeon continues to heal while hitmonhop sucker punches the void and samurott deals pain. Hitmon hop dead, it's now time to deal damage, OS on Seviper (I like this), honch crow appears, I'm pretty sure that if I heal Espeon, i will die from the combined attacks of my foes, so I kill Honchcrow with dazzling gleam and die from Manectric. Samurott kills Manectrike next turn, Sirius only has one left, Probopass which gets killed quite easily with flame thrower(although rock slide hurt).

Cost : 4 tries, 0 item (forgot to resupply anyway :/) First pretty hard fight in a while.

Does it change anything scenaristically to fight sirius rather than heather?

Sometimes later, we arrive at Serra's gym.

Bennet is a small fry, not worth mentionning and I understand nothing to this gym's puzzle... but whatever...

After a few common candies, it is time to fight Serra



Round 1 : Mifurey gets 2 calm minds on Cryogonal and the sweep begins, Aurorus makes it hail, still dies pretty easily to flamethrower but Mifurey is in the red and hail is bad so we change to Espeon who gets 1 attack on froslass before dying, final fight between Froslass and Mifurey now. Which is pretty anticlimatic as serra heals and Froslass gets Os.

Cost: 0, 1 try

However I still had to try anothe time as my computer crashed before I saved :/

Still pretty easy (though Rngod was not with me this time)


In a certain house by the lake, we fight our dear doctor again.


Round 1 : Extremely lucky with Carbuncle with 2 crits on his 2 main threats and sweep with calm mind on lanturn for the rest. Nothing to say there.

Cost : 0 item, 1 try

By the way, say hi to Aerith


She is my new Flash slave :)

A bit later, far underground, we meet a big steel snake



Round 1 : 1 will o wisp and 2 flame thrower and it was done

Cost : 1 try, 0 items, however the road through meteor base made me die twice and I used a ton of items.

A few minutes later, we fight the pulse abra which actually costs me a revive :(



Round 1 : set up vs jigglypuff then sweep, I'm kinda tired of this tactic...

Cost : 1 try, 1 paralyse heal, 1 x Speed

On the way North, we meet the small fry again, he burnt too fast to be a threat

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... Huh, well look at that, you're actually handling yourself pretty well here. :) Calm Mind OP, and Will-O-Wisp is very effective in countering your duo's lower physical defenses. And you even got past Garchomp! ... after ten tries, but still. Yeah, the Air Balloon trick is a pretty common strategy to get around Earthquake -- hooray for AI exploits.

and also Heather, as a Dragon trainer should be resistant to electricity.

True facts. I mean, look at Saphira -- she's gunning for Sigmund's blood. Speaking of which, I'm not 100 percent clear on the story branches at Yureyu. I know that Sirius still takes Anna's amulet whether you fight him or Sigmund (if you fight Sigmund, then you just skip Sirius's battle, but the scene mostly plays out the same I think), and that whoever you don't fight at Yureyu will later be fought at Tanzan Cove, and I thiiiiink maybe that will also effect who gets captured and how, which will obviously affect some dialogue.

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Heeeeey, I've been using Calm Mind since I captured my first Ralts on Ruby version years ago, I'm a calm mind professional :P (/jk)

But honestly, when fighting the Ai, Bulk up and Calm Mind may be the best common buff moves (as you can use x speed over it)

For Garchomp, I was kinda fixed on using ninetales, which wasn't the best idea ^^'

In Tanzan cove, I had the choice between stopping Sirius or Sigmund and I stopped Sigmund. However I remembered having to fight 2 orderlies before fighting Sigmund in my first game, that wasn't the case here. Plus Shelly and Charlotte were captured instead of Laura so you must be right about the branches.

On another note, none of the two has perfect evs (as i haven't ev berries yet) but Carbuncle is specialized in speed and attk sp, and Mifurey is mostly defense and a mix of everything else, I don't really know if I will give him Hp, AttSp, Defsp or speed as his second main stat.

I'm now on my way to save Gossip Gardevoir from the clutches of the evil L

I kinda remember some kindof Dittorceus, this might prove challenging ^^








Oh my, here he is. But nobody ain't not afraid of fighting a not-Arceus Arceus... On theses wise words the fight begins

Run from Arceus to Ciel



Round 1 : Judgement isn't very effective on Mifurey? well this fight seems quite easy, he only does about 1/4 of my hp every attack. Wait... Why am I dead? Seriously I'm going to read this field effect cause this was quite strange.




Round 4 : I still don't know why, but sometimes judgement is supereffective and sometimes it is not very effective but here is how the fight went. Mifurey first, X speed to outspeed Arceus(NOT), he misses a focus blast, 3 times will o wisp to get rid of his full heals, then twice calm mind to up our resistance to his attacks, 1 moomoo milk to save our life, 2 flame throwers to end him. The whole fight I was hoping that the judgement would stay not very effective, but if someone could explain why it changes, i would be grateful ^^

Cost : 1 moomoo milk and 1 X speed, 4 tries

Time to go play chess with Radomus



Decided to try this battle without calm mind, this proved quite challenging.

Round 1 : Actually won this one by using will o wisp on physical threats (Gallade and Metal dude) while I ganged up on the other, Slowking still managed to kill espeon, and the fight ended with Ninetales (10% hp) vs Gardevoir. I actually won this one because Gardevoir attacked my tm slave instead of Mifurey. As it wasn't a real victory, I tried again.








Round 4 : Same tactic as first round except reuniclus uses focus blast instead of psychic, this allows me to keep Ninetales healthy, the following turns, I healed ninetales during Espeon's turn and attacked with her. Came the turn of Slowking who used nasty plot, which I psyched up next turn while surviving with a sliver of health. I healed and finished him next turn, which left only burnt Metal dude and Gardevoir to beat, Gardevoir went down immediatly and Metalosse next turn.

Cost 5 Moomoo milk (darn) and 4 tries, I don't think I will try the rest of the game w/o calm mind, this team was built on its usage after all.

Btw, I still tried with calm mind after that and it was surprisingly hard, knock off on physical threats and rock type psychic moves made this complicated, in the end, I still had to try 3 times and use 3 moomoo milks. Probably one of the hardest battles yet.

I'm actually lost in 7th street right now with no idea what to do.

After a good hour running around, I finally found the last guy i didn't speak to, well some things happened and we are now fighting one of the small fry trio (Fern, Cain, Bennett) in a cave far from reborn.


Frankly, I feel both Luna and Bennett were pretty irritating and immature in this scene, but whatever the kid wants to fight, so let's humour him.


Round 1 : Mifurey Go ! Shouldn't be too hard, 2 calm mind for the road while Larvesta tries to bite me, now time to sweep. Seriously... That was all? I kinda feel bad now...

Cost : 0 items, not even one whole try, worse than Kristen Steward's acting...

Well he took it well at least...

Now time to lighten up the little lady.


At first, I thought it was gonna be easy.


Round 1 : Mifurey enters the field, dark cavern is dispelled by drought, she sends Carpenter (Metal dude), he gets flamed (throwered) and goes back home, Bandersnatch? this name shakes somethink in the back of my memory... This could be bad, I change for Espeon. Indeed, it is Tyranitar but no sandstorm surprisingly, well let's see what dazzling gleam does, about 25% damage on his side for OHKO on mine. Welp, no surprise, I send back Nine tale, Solar beam doesn't even take half his health, he heals then earthquakes,which surprisingly doesn't kill me, I don't have any attacks to kill him and nothing enough powerful to heal me at full health, this is lost, try again.

Round 2 : Same start, Bandersnatch comes in again, I burn him, he stone edges crits me for about 2/3 of my life, I heal with moomoo milk and he earthquakes me for what i just healed. Mmmmh ok, I use an X def because I'm technically supposed to survive if he doesn't crit me now, his stone edge misses, I heal. Re crit Stone edge, that's irritating, I heal, he earth quake, I solar beam while she heals, she bring him back and sends March Hare, Sun falters. He confuses me, I hurt myself... twice, I heal... thrice........... I heal... Time to calm mind, i m gonna need a ton if i want to kill her tyrannitar in one shot. I spam calm mind to max, I x def, x speed, now time to kill a dinosaur. I didn't even kill a half hp Tyrannitar in 1 shot with flamethrower with damage *4 + burn, but ok, he used crunch and it didn't hurt much, I finally killed him. Humpty Dumpty is the next, then Jubjub bird and finally sheshire. The sweep is clean till umbreon who survives a flamethrower and confuses me, I hurt myself and he heals. Next turn I crit and he dies.

This fight cost me a lot and the tactic was the same as usual, but I don't think I would have been able to deal with tyranitar without abusing calm mind.

Cost : 5 moomoo milks, 2 super potions, 1 xSpeed, 2 Xdefend, 2 tries

This was hard, but less hard than Radomus

Now we are going to the circus.

The nice thing is that we can finally buy hyper potions, the less nice thing is that clowns are scary... Nearly died out there...

A bit later, we met Amaria and Titania, the latter one being surprisingly nice. Anyway, time for another leader, Samson, here we come.



First round : Carbuncle vs Haryiama, Psyshock puts him to a sliver of health, but he gets OHKO in return :(, Mifurey goes in and kills him with 3 flamethrowers thrown on hyper potions, Mienshao is next, she gets burnt, while she put Ninetales to half with acrobatics.1 poison jabs hurts slightly while I calm mind, I heal, poison gets me :(, I heal poison, then hp. he dies from the burn, Lucario is sent and i burn him, he spams extreme speed so I think I can calm mind a second time. He crits brick breaks kill me, I'm dead :/

Round 2 : I trained Carbuncle for 1 more lvl, Haryiama dies in one shot, same for mienshao, but he poisons Carb first, Hawlucha gets OS, I change to ninetales on Lucario who uses his focus sash to survive, he dies next turn, I send Carbuncle vs Blaziken, One shot, conkeldurr is the last foe, He gets to 10% with 1 psyshock but kills Carbuncle, I send Mifurey. I use will o wisp, which fails, while he heals. Will o wisp again, he puts me to 5% with 1 poison jab while being poisoned, Chess Mate.

Round 3 : I do more or less the same, but switch to Mifurey for Mienshao, I make him use both Hyper potions on him before killing him. Finally, vs Conckeldurr, I 2-shot him while sacrificing Carbuncle after one attack. Battle won. Didn't even need to set up.

Cost : 2 hyper potions, 3 tries.

Time to go fetch surf.

Oops, they fell off the cliff, well I'm sure it is the solution to all their problems. Whatever, time to climb the mountain ^^

Meet Krakoukass, my Water slave :


After climbing for a bit, we meet two old friends

Aster and Eclipse


Playing with an ally is actually a lot harder than playing alone :/

Round 1 : Mifurey doesn't kill Lunatone in 1 shot with solar beam, he gets focused and dies, Carbuncle kills Lunatone, gets focus and died, game over :(

Round 2 : Lunatone gets burnt, Dragalge kills Solrock after I Solar beam him. Rhyperior is sent dragalge dies and I heal up. Rhyperio is crushing us and I'm obliged to heal every turn, I change to Carbuncle. He changes to Gollurk in the same time :( We kill golurk and Lunatone while losing Tentacruel. They send Magmortar and rhyperior, Hat waves kills me and drapion. I heal Nine tales, Rhyperior uses Rock wrecker on me :( Next try

Round 3 : I burn both Solrock and Lunatone, while they ice wind/ light screen and rock slide. I calm mind and X defend twice, both enemies die from the burns, I'm super buffed defensively and prepared to wreck. Rhyperior is sent, bulldoze crits and i die... ...

Round 4 : same start but Aya kill Lunatone and i can only use calm mind once, I fail to kill rhyperior in 1 shot with solar beam (light screen is up), I kill him next turn and solrock dies from the burn, Milotic and Golurk are sent, I get frozen by a blizzard, Nidoqueen is sent by aya and dies. Gengar is sent and shadow balls Gollurk (YES !!!!) but it misses (NOOOOOOO!!!! HOW !!!!), Milotic confuses the frozen me ^^' and Gengar dies. Venusaur kills Gollurk. Electivire is sent and i kill him (defroze), Venusaur dies, I'm alone, Vespiquen is sent, I'm taking hits, but I kill her. Milotic remains and I solar beam her. Magmortar is sent, I heal with Moomoo milk. He focus blasts me and crit twice in a row !!!!! I use my last Ultra potions. I kill him with flame thrower. Vileplume is sent, he misses sleep powder, I kill him. Aromatisse is sent (WHEN DOES THIS END ?!!!!), he doesn't hurt and i kill him. Battle is won. Pfiou.

Cost : 6? Ultra potions, 2 Moomoo milks, 2 x defend, 4 tries

That was super intense, couldn't even use Espeon though. Time for a star to leave us now :(

A few hours later in Calcenon City, it is time to defeat Charlotte


I used an ability capsule to switch drought for flash fire, to be able to fight fire with fire.

Round 1 : Carbuncle Psyshock Darmanitan who flare blitz himself and Espeon to death. Volcarona is sent. Calm mind is the way to go I think. A crit hidden power kills me...

Round 2 : Same start, no crits, Calm mind is set. Volcarona is one shotted, rotom too, Delphox too but psyshock me first doing a good part of damage. Nine tales is sent and One shot. Soalr beam battle between Typhlosion and I. Because he went up the level limit, Mifurey cant seem to get an attack, 5 turns to get the first solar beam, she heals, this is gonna be long... Finally comes the time when I only have 2 pps left and he is nearly dead. He ignored my orders, 1 pp left. Last attack, I hold breath...















Cost : 3 ultra potions and 2 tries

Charlotte beaten, nice

Now we fight Iceberg-san

Pulse Avalugg


Round 1 : Will o wisp into flamethrower -> Mifurey died as Pulse Avalugg died from the burn.

After climbing this mountain, I'm finally before blake...

The fights on my way here were hard, I lost 4 times to Aster (this guy is hardcore), and once to the other Grunts, I also used a ton of potions, I'm low on supplies but I'm hoping for the best. Not optimist though.



I intended to stop for today, to be able to take my time for this hard fight, but I'll just try one round, just to despair :/ So here I go

Round 1 : Mifurey spams calm mind while carbuncle heals himself. After a few calm mind no attack hurts Mifurey anymore, Carbuncle psych up about 4-5 calm mind. And becomes ober tanky, We leave jynx alive as he does nothing, while Carbuncle sweeps the rest an occasionnaly heals... This was the easiest fight I had against this leader which was the hardest in my 2 other games. After fighting Aster, this seemed ridiculously easy. Well that was a surprise, but I guess that's what happens when the two front pokemon are special attackers wit no super effective move.

Cost 2 Ultra potions, 3 berry ice creams, 1 try

Terra is up next, time to go shopping. I have low supplies on x defend but 4 should be enough for whatever situation. Time to go now.

In the melancholy trip, we meet one of ou ex best friend. He is so happy he tries to kill us. Say hi



Fighting psychic with psychic

Round 1 : Mifurey gets sent, she uses will o wisp, she takes an ice beam before getting killed by psystrike, nothing unexpected. Espeon is next, morning sun heals just a bit more than psystrike, the burns chip downs Mewtwo little by little. And ... he has recover, next tactic then, I use a defend X to surviv better to Psystrike, I then use an X speed to outspeed Mewtwo (for less crits) but I get frozen by ice beam, I unfreeze and gets instantly refrozen :'(. Unfreeze again but i m in the red so i heal. I use a X Spec, to increase both my attack and my sturdyness. While this happens, he goes in the red (burn) and I psyshock finish him. Victory

Cost : 2 pepper hot, 6 ultra potions, 1 X defend, 1 X speed and 1 Xspec, 1 try

A few common candies later, it's time to deal with the noisy lady.



Round 1 : Here comes Nidoking, Mifurey is first. Now either it is a physical user or a special, I will bet on a special one. Let's start with calm mind. Flame thrower on Mifurey, bet won. I raise calm Mind to 6 and uses 1 x Speed. I heal and the Sweep begins. It stops at quagsire which is pretty tanky, I change to Espeon who gets blizzarded. I get about 1/3 of his hp at every psyshock, while she blizzards me for low damage, I finally kills her on a crit. And she sends Garchomp, I make him use a hyper potion but dies afterward. This seems bad for Mifurey. Mifurey goes in and gets critted on a draco meteor, THE END.

Round 2 : Same tactic as in the first one but I use one more X defend just in case. So I don't switch vs Quagsire, I take a scald that hurs alot but I kill him with solar beam. Garchomp is sent but is put low by flame thrower while he bulldozes me. Nine tales surprisingly survives with a sliver of health and burns through her 3 hyper potion with flame thrower. The third flame thrower burns Garchomp who outspeeds kill Ninetales the next turn, but dies from the burn. Hurray for this heroic last stand \o/.

Cost : 2 ultra potions, 1 x defend, 1 xSpeed, 2 tries.

I felt kinda guilty about leaving Terra there, she saved me from the sleep ray after all and she might have had good reasons, but well living inside a computer might not be the worse thing on earth :P

Time to save the grumpy lady and the depressed lady (much lady ikr)

After spending some time with her in the sewers, I know I was wrong, the girl is not grumpy she is just annoying. She made tons of mistakes, did the worse decisions for her life and got salty at the world for her own faults. Then she decides to kill everybody cause she is angry at herself? Does she admit her mistakes? Noooo, the little lady is convinced that she is the victim out there... I wish Ame made a game branch where we just let her by herself in the sewers when she is trapped... I know this is just a game, but this character is too close to real people to not irk me. Well, except for the killing part, most of the time these kind of people just throw things at you in real life, including sharp, heavy and painful objects... Sorry, seems like she hit a nerve... Whatever...

Let's take a deep breath and burn poor little Pulse Swalot.



Round 1 : Will o wisp into calm mind into solar beam, Mifurey dies. Carbuncle goes for the kill. gg ez [I'm wrestling with some insecurity issues in my life but thank you all for playing with me.]

Some time later we fight sad Taka. But as he has a klefki as first line, the fight is pretty much set up and sweep.

Time to go destroy Amy's house.

Meteor Team

First come two grunts. Things happened, we won. kk

The green small fry and the blue dude are next

Fern and Blake :


Round 1 : Florinia ruins my sunny day with her sand storm :/ ; we fight Haxorus and Walrein, I will o wisp haxorus... Miss, but he uses superpower and his attck drops, nice. I heal cause of blizzard nad re will o wisp. Finally no more hippowdon, Time to set up. I get over the levl cap, Mifurey disobeys twice and dies ... Carbuncle is sent, gets focused and dies...

Round 2 : More common candies, I kill the dragon and the walrein with Carbuncle, who dies to sand storm, and then, i send Mifurey. There is a Rhydon and a weavile and I only have on X defend left. I decide to keep is for next fight. I burn Rhyperior, they focus tropius without killing him. I kill Rhyperior with solar beam and weavile kills tropius. Krookodile is sent, he survives a solar beam with a sliver of health and use earthquake, i die, Try again.

Round 3 : I leave walrein alone and sweps through krookodile and Dragon dude with carbuncle, I hurt rhyperior, but die this turn. I delete Rhyperior with solar beam while walrein surfs. Roserade is sent and I calm mind. Scizor is sent I heal and he superpower crits me. I heal again. Scizor dies, so does walrein, weavile is sent crits night slashes me and i die...

Round 4 : Same tactic more or less, Killed fern's pokemon till ferrothorn was sent then I focused on defending while he swept Blake clean.

Cost : 5 Berry ice cream.

Solaris + Orderly :


Round 1 : Carbuncle deals with the ground fish and kecleon and dies to the metal mole which itself dies to Julia. Mifurey is above the levl limit (again... sigh). I try to will o wisp gyarados, but fails, Gyarados uses earthquake, which tickles, I revive carbuncle, Gyarados dies by Julia. Oooooh god a tyranitar, will o wisp works, its earthquake tickles too, however enemy elektross's discharge kills me. Carbuncle back Revive on Mifurey, heal on carbuncle, Julia is slowly killing them on her side. All 4^pokemon die next turn due to various attacks and sandstorm. Next to fight are Mandibuzz and slowbro, I revive Carbuncle. I heal Mifurey but fails to attack cause of Level cap. Julia's magnezone explodes and kills slobro, mandibuzz survives, i'm pretty low. I attack Magnezone, and i heal, my sp attk is pretty low cause of Slowbro's Snarl, Next turn Mandibuzz and ally rotom die, Scizor is sent. Magnezone explodes, Mifurey destroy Scizor. Only other victim is magnezone. Garchomp is sent (alone), I pray for a will o wisp, but he is faster. I die send Carbuncle, revive Mifurey... Ally Elektross dies to dragon rush. Combined attack from carbuncle and Heliolisk destroy Garchom. Victory

Cost : 4 cotton candies, 1 ultra potion, 4 berry ice creams, 1 try.

I don't like to use revives, but I didnt want to fight this battle again. On another note, end game Julia seems strong.

As we see Titania repeat her past mistakes, we're ready to face our last ep 15 foe. the sky leader.


When even Ame advices to set up vs one leader, you know that's gonna be good.

Fight on !!!


Round 1 : Set up on togekiss, healed the paralysis, not clean sweep, but survived to dragon pulse, acrobatics and earthquake. After last fight, this was pretty relaxed.

Cost: 3 ice creams, 1 X speed, 1 x defend, 1 try, 3 anti paralyze

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Finally, this run id finished till ep 15. It didn't feel particularly hard, but the strategy involved was kinda repetitive, still a fun run.

Here are the two main protagonists, Mifurey and Carbuncle at the end of this run.


The reason why Ninetales was so good for this run was that he is relatively tanky and has only 2 weaknesses, ground and rock which she covers with Solar Beam, water being normally effective, because of Drought. Furthermore, most pokemon using rock and ground attacks are physical attackers which is dealt with using will o wisp. The occasional special attacker is dealt with using calm mind. The role of Ninetales is to debuff the opponent with will o wisp, to set up for a sweep and to prepare the terrain for Espeon (Sunny day for morning sun, will o wisp for physical attackers and calm mind for psych up)

Carbuncle's role was to eliminate the threats that Ninetales couldn't deal with and with special tanks, magic bounce also protected against stats reductions and status moves which could be very bad for the set-ups. With one of the highest sp attack in non legendary pokemon, it could OHKO most glass cannons. Psyshock allowed him to deal physical damage if needed. His weaknesses are dark, bug and ghost. Dark was dealt with using dazzling gleam, while bug type was vulnerable to flamethrower. Ghost glass cannons were dealt with by using psyshock, while tanky ghosts were used by Ninetales to set up.


The most common strategy for this team was to kill higher offensive threats with Espeon while outspeeding them and switching to Ninetales for set up when meeting a lower threat. If an enemy is too tanky to OS, you divide his attack by 2 with a will o wisp, and either become a tank with Def X or switch to Espeon for the kill. In double battle, by focus firing main threats and burning physical threats which are too tanky to kill, you can create a situation where you can set up with ninetales while espeon heals himself and psych up the stats boostsin the end.

X def was also a very important item in the fights because, thanks to will o wisp, the enemy pokemon's attack was divided by 2. Thus, with 1 X def, you reduced the enemy damage by 3 (fom 2), with 2, by 4 and so on, till an 8-times damage reduction with 6 X-def. Making every attack tickle.

Biggest threats

Biggest threats include anything that you can't kill in 1 shot with 6 Calm mind, and anything that kills you even through a burn, climate changers are painful too.

These mainly include : Tyranitar, Volcarona, Garchomp, Chandelure, some legendaries... These are the ones I remember.

Most difficult battles were : First Sirius fight, Aster last stand, Radomus, Team Meteor group fighting in ep 15, Dittoarceus and finally, Luna.


In the end, this was a pretty fun run :) And it was interesting to hold a journal of the battles.

I will continue it in ep 16, and I might try to load previous saves to attempt beating the leaders in Hardcore mode.

Thanks to anyone reading, I hope it was at least a bit interesting for you :P

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Holymotherofgarbodor you actually did it. With two Pokemon. Holymotherofgarbodor it was possible and you definitely proved us wrong.

Looks like Ninetales and Espeon were smart choices after all. They covered each others' weaknesses, Will-O-Wisp or buffs helped with what they couldn't normally handle, and Drought + Solar Beam is a potent combo that I hadn't noticed before (mainly because I rarely use Grass-type anythings). And Calm Mind is, once again, OP.

btw, Arceus's Judgement did what it did because the Crystal Cavern randomly makes certain moves like Judgement deal random type damage. It's actually in the Field Effect manual. And now you know.

Anyway, gg

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Congratulations, Nadrel! I don't really know what to say, other than massive props to you for actually completing this challenge! I'm glad I was able to help, even if it was just a little bit. I look forward to seeing this continue in episode 16!

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Sorry for the late answer and thanks for the kind words :)

The solar beam/drought combo wasn't my idea, I was actually its victim in pokemon insurgence.

Concerning Judgement, it seems like I misread the field manual and didn't see this, so thanks alot for your answer. Btw, I've actually started reading your ghost run, and it is very nice, a lot more developed than my run, and overall a very enjoyable read.

(Btw, sorry for the many mistakes, English isn't my native language and my corrector is set in another language, I will spend a bit of time to edit my mistakes later)

Hardcore Boss run (finished)



Round 1 : Ninetales wastes the super potions on magnemite. Next, Espeon is sent vs Emolga and beats him while healing paralyse and hp. Most of the others are beaten by Espeon with confusion, but I can't beat Charged Electrode. Try again.

Round 2 : I lvled up to lvl 19, same tactic, Espeon learns Psybeam at the end of the fight and manages to beat Electrode with 3 hp left. gg wp.



Round 1 : Set up with Ninetales against Cacturne with a few spec X. Made her use her super potions against Cacturne. Ember + choc ice cream till Cradily. Will o wisp then ember for a few turns, Ninetales is ko, send Espeon, 2 psybeam to end the fight.

Cost : 3 X spec, 1 X def, 2 choc ice creams, 1 try


Round 1-2 : Poison makes it hard to set up, going for the os kills with psybeam/dazzling gleam and one Spec X, mostly works but some cannot be one shot and the damage from poison accumulates.

Round 3 : Lvled up to lvl 34 to be able to one shot those I couldn't, still can't Os Nidoqueen. I change Espeon for Ninetales vs Skuntank, I heal Espeon, burn skuntank and do a bit of damage with ember. Ninetales gets koed, Espeon goes back, uses a Spec X, finishes skuntank and get to Crobat, which goes first with Nasty plot and dies to Boosted Psybeam.

Cost : 1 Spec X, 1 berry Ice cream, 1 pecha berry, 3 tries.



Round 1 : Guard spec to prevent stats reductions and 1 sp def X on Espeon to prevent on shot from struggle bug. Calm mind to max for Ninetales, while keeping guard spec up, Espeon spams Morning sun to stay alive and bounce confusion rays with magic bounce. Once Calm mind is set on Ninetales, Psych up with Espeon and clean sweep with double 6xboosted pokemon.

Cost : 1 super potion and 1 Sp def X, 1 try.



8 tries, only succeeded after buying berry ice cream in opal ward, actually had the details of the fights, but erased them (because im an idiot).

In summary, Rotom was preventing me from doing anything with confusion and paralysis, it was impossible for me to pass him in a good state without seeting up, so I did, but critical hits, paralysis and confusion and sp def reduction made it really hard to get passed him. I finally defeated him when I started using berry ice creams rather than super potions. After defeating Rotom, the others were pretty easy.



Same as Shade, I edited over my text. However, this fight was very easy. 1 try and 1 pecha berry for a psyched up Espeon to sweep her.



Round 1 : Mega abomasnow vs ninetales, Will o wisp, just in case. He focus blast for rougjly 1/3 of my hp. I start to set up with calm mind but he outrage, I heal and Def x while he gets confused. he gets out of confusion and outrage again. I calm mind a second and a third time, hail stops and she heals. I start the sweep, I miss vs Mamoswine who earth power crits me and kill me. Try again.

Round 2 : Exactly the same situation and the same defeat, I regret not having any accuracy X...

Round 3 : Same situation, but only misses vs Frosslass which doesn't hurt much with shadow ball anyway, easy victory.

Cost : 1 berry ice cream, 1 def X, 1 speed X, 3 tries



Round 1 : Cincinno is sent rock blast flinched me (wth?!!), I died next turn

Round 2 : He tail slapped me for average damage while I burnt him, I def X next turn while he bullet seed. Once this is done, set up and sweep.

Cost : 2 Super potion, 1 Speed X and 2 def X, 2 tries



Round 1-5 : getting wrecked by rock enhanced psychic with trick room.

Round 6 : I tried so hard and went so far....

Round 7 : But in the end...

Round 8 : It doesn't even matter...

Seriously, everty time, I go a bit further, but once Carbuncle dies or trick room is set, this becomes impossible. Went to train a bit to reach lvl 59 on both.

Round 9 : Ninetales uses flamethrower on exeggutor and gets him, Reuniclus uses Focus blast and fails. I use a spec X on Espeon. Malamar is sent and killed by Espeon. Reuniclus uses psychic on Espeon. Ninetales uses calm mind. Metagross is sent and instakilled by flamethrower, Espeon heals with morning sun, Reuniclus Psychic on Ninetales. Kingbro is sent. Ninetales solar beams kingbro but doesnt kill him, Espeon uses moomoo molk on Ninetales, Kingbro uses Trick room and Reuniclus fails a focus blast. Focus fire of Espeon and Ninetales to kill Kingbro, kingbro uses psychic on Espeon before that and Reuniclus uses focus blast on ninetales. Mega-gardevoir is sent. Reuniclus uses psychic on Ninetales which survives barely, Ninetales flame thrower on Gardevoir who uses psychic to finish Ninetales, Espeon finishes Gardevoir and only Reuniclus is left. 2 Sp def X and 1 Spec X later, Espeon kills Reuniclus. Victory

This was close, but it worked, needed a lot of luck and a few more levels though.

Cost : 2 moomoo milk, 2 Spec X, 2 Spec def X, 9 tries



Round 1 : It all went well till I discovered that solar beam failed when the cavern was dark, whatever let'ss try again.

Round 2 : Greninja is really easy to set up against. Just had to use several X defend to be sure to be able to resist strongly to a mega-Tyranitar stone edge, then, I needed to heal and through the crunch and the stone edges till the burn put him low enough to be able to get One shot. The rest of the team was swept, or close to.



Round 1 to x : getting one shot by either mienshao or Hariyama

Round x : I actually had to use a heart scale to relearn psychic, because psyshock wasn't powerful enough for Espeon to beat Hariyama in 1 shot, while hariyama beats me in 1 attack. So espeon uses psychic on Hariyama and beats him, I change to Ninetales on Mienshao, I burn him and miraculously survive to a poison jab without getting poisoned and I spam Defn X while healing, I add1 X speed and 2 calm mind along the way and I start cleaning up. X defend allows me to survive most hits (including an ok earthquake) but nine tales is finally defeated by hawlucha. Espeon is then sent and clean up the injured Hawlucha and blaziken. Conkeldurr survives a hit, puts Espeon in the red and is beaten second turn.

Cost : 3 X defend, 1 X speed, 5-6 ultra potions.

Aster and Eclipse


Round 1 : Set up on Ninetales, pretty easy vs solrock and lunatone, start with will o wisp and 3 xDef and you re unkillable...

Cost : 2 guard spec, 2 X speed, 3 x defned, 2 Ultra potion. 1 Try



Round 1-x : Dying to a random crit or rock slide start

Round x : I just need to hope that Darmanitan doesn't use rock slide. Darmanitan uses flare blitz and beats Espeon, Typhlosion starts with eruption, ninetales uses calm mind. Darmanitan is scarfed and cant use anything else than flare blitz. He attacks once more before changing to rotom, meanwhile typhlosion spams hidden power rock and Ninetales uses 1 X speed and 1 calm mind. I use another x Speed as rotom uses hidden power for uneffective damage. Next turn, rotom volt switches for Darmanitan. Double speed boost allows us to outspeed/kill him. Mega houndoom is sent, one more calm mind while pecha berry heals poison (from sludge bomb). Houndoom uses nasty plot and we defeat him with flame thrower. Rotom is sent but doesn't die to 1 flame thrower, I calm mind once more, while she heals, then I heal and defeat rotom. Talonflame is sent and uses brave bird which in combination with hidden power puts me low, meanwhile, a flamethrower kos him. Ninetales is sent, I heal, then proceed to defeat typhlosion and him. Game won. Cost 2 Xspeed, 1 X defend, 1 pecha berry and several ultra potions.



No difference compared to softcore

Round 1 : Set up -> Milotic dragon tails, Ninetales switches back and finally dies vs magmortar. Espeon finishes the sweep.



Round 1 : Set up vs jinx and rotom, Espeon got koed by the scarfed weavile.

Round 2 : Set up with one more Speed X, Clean up

Cost : 2 ultra potions, 2 speed X, 2 tries.



Round 1 : Not the most difficult fight at first view, alternating Espeon and Ninetales against Nidoking and Escadrill to Os them, Sending Espeon first vs Hippowdon, then Ninetales when he dies (so I erase the sandstorm). Will o wisp + defens X make earthquake tickle. I set up and go straight to garchomp, who I burn. At this point, I'm waiting for the burn to get him low enough (roughly 2/3) to One shot with flamethrower but 2 crits in a row get me (actually survived a crit stone edge).

Round 2 : Roughly the same tactic, needed 2 flame thrower + the burn to deal with garchomp.

Cost : 3 ultra potions, 3 strawberry ice cream, 3 X def, 1 dire hit, 1 X speed

Fern and Blake


Round 1-2 : fell in a situation where I healed as much as I got damaged and couldn't end ferrothorn. Low supplies made it so that I couldn't stall any longer and died.

Round 3 : Destroyed Ludicolo and krookodile with Espeon. Blake sent Mamoswine which obliged me to focus him, he got Espeon but Ninetales got him. Mega-sceptile was missing his focus blasts while this was happening. Rotom was sent while Ninetales proceeded to sweep the rest of Fern's Pokemon. Blake followed. However I only have 5 berry ice cream left for the next fight.

Cost : 1 hyperpotion, 1 ultra potion, 2 berry ice cream, 1 Sp X, 1 cotton candy

Solaris and Orderly


Round 1 : Kecleon and the two first ones were dealt with by Espeon and Julia. The combination of mega Kingbro and Mega Gyarados put me down. Sent ninetales burnt Gyarados and revived Espeon, Julia destroyed gyarados while Ninetales got koed. The rest of the figh was me reviving and healing while Julia did the work, with a few exceptions. This fight felt like every pokemon of Julia was a monster. Being carried is nice sometimes.

Cost : 2 berry ice creams, 5 cotton candies, 1 Sp X.



Round 1 : Easy setup on togekiss, ohko on all except gyarados. Gyarados kills Ninetales with earthquake and Altaria kills Espeon with earthquake.

Round 2 : Equipped metronome on Ninetales so I can charge it completly to get ohko on everyone. Doesn't seem to work, but Gyarados uses Aquatail this time which doesn't kill me. Ninetales survives another boomburs by Noivern before dying to Altaria, who gets put in the red with flame thrower. Espeon comes in for the kill. Victory

Cost : 1 def x and 1 speed X, 6 ice cream and 2 ultra potions. 2 tries.

Hardcore leaders are thus done, but while some were fun, the strategy used was awfully repetitive. It consisted in abusing the advantages of items and as I only loaded previous saves, I didn't need to avoid using too many items for every fight. As such, these fights were greatly facilitated. Well, on these words...

See you in ep 16 !

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  • 2 months later...

Surprise, I'm back !!!


I wanted to wait for the hardcore CoM version at first but it seems like it will not be available for some time now, so I will get to it in normal mode.


After the difficulties I've had with my main save, I'm kinda worried but this can't be harder than the 6 first fights of the CoM, right?


After a lot of shopping, I'm fighting in Devon.






Round 1 : Carbuncle gets destroyed by Mienshao

Round 2 : Mifurei Will-o-wisps + 2x Xdef on him then sets up with calm mind. Sweeps till Emboar then gets koed. Carbuncle goes in and gets sucker punched but survives and goes for the kill


Cost : 1Xspeed, 2 X defend, 8 berry ice creams.







Round 1 : Luxray is sent, Mifurei uses Will-o-wisp. Superpower makes him super easy to set up vs him... The rest would have been close to a sweep if Mifurei didn't go over the level limit. Mega Ampharos finally defeats her after paralysing and confusing her. Carbuncle is sent for the kill and the fight is won.


Cost : 2 def X, 1 spd X, 5 berry ice creams






Round 1 : Mifurei -> Carbuncle -> Mifurei to get rid of the hail of Aurorus. Easy set up and sweep, only Umbreon resists a shot of Flamethrower x 4.


Cost : 1 Xspeed, 5 berry ice cream



With this, Devon is defeated and Lin fled like a coward. As usual the set up tactic makes it pretty easy. Nevertheless, the next leader is probably the hardest I've had to fight yet in my main file (which was in hardcore). So it's probably gonna be good (or just disappointing with an easy set up and sweep...)


So here we go







Round 1-4 : Getting crushed because this damned field doesn't allow status moves and makes fire become dragon type after a while. Will try again later.




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