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Timber Let the Dogs Out: Canine-Themed Run

Timber Dragon

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I swear you're doing this on purpose now.


Dead Sirius


Sorry, Orderly John, but the fight with you and whatshisface doesn't get a video. It's too boring. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Although, I don't think this fight is all too impressive either. The most you need to know is that Stoutland and Lucario take down Chandelure, and that the battle is pretty much won when Arcanine comes onto the field.


Well, okay, Arcanine does use a move against Probopass that she pretty much never uses, because Flare Blitz is filled with fun and destruction: Reversal.


No one is on the field because Arcanine got in the last hit on Honchkrow. You can probably guess how.

Team Updates


Welp, I'm in the area so I figure I might as well go catch myself a Furfrou. I'll do it for completion's sake, but it's a shame that Fur Coat is such a useless ability--


Okay wait no hold on WHAT




sweet Arceus

Did... did anyone even notice this? I don't think anyone did, because I'm 90 percent sure that no one but me has ever had any reason to catch a Furfrou in Reborn, ever.

Well gee, I guess I know who I'm bringing into the Steelix fight.

Steelix McBigHuge and Abratwo



Ground-types are not our friend, so Will-O-Wisp with Delphox ASAP. Still not enough to prevent a OHKO, though.


Arcanine gets a lucky crit with Flare Blitz (of course), triggering the Sitrus Berry before Earthquake takes her out.


Now it's time for our new physical defensive tank to shine. If not for Furfrou's HP, attack stat, and moveset, I'd say she'd make a better Stoutland than Stoutland. Unfortunately the 5 PP for Sucker Punch and Retaliate don't do her any favors offensively, but assming the opponent is nice enough to stick with physical attacks, she's one hell of a staller.

Anyway, with Burn, Fur Coat's new effect, Cotton Guard, and Charm, Steelix's attacks barely scratch her. Furfrou stalls through the rest of the fight with Sucker Punch and burn damage.


Fun fact: I actually redid the PULSE Abra fight multiple times... because it went too well. We're talking critical hits from Arcanine here.

Yes, the miraculous time when the RNG was consistently on my side is the time I decide to restart for being too boring. Truly I am cursed either way.


Furfrou can't do much damage even with Sucker Punch, but the idea is to nail PULSE Abra while it's recharging from Hyper Beam. Unless of course it uses Dark Pulse instead like a dick.


At least Arcanine did most of the work.

Anyway, Manectric takes a Hyper Beam, which allows Houndoom to get the last hit with Flamethrower.


Hey! Soooo would you guys think you'd get more bang for your buck if I recorded videos not just of the major battles, but of the general gameplay? It wouldn't be a true Let's Play (a talker I am not) or a complete walkthrough, but just to see the everyday stuff and give some of my doggies more attention. Y'know, to make the playthrough seem like a playthrough and not just a string of random battles where we get destroyed... or do the destroying.

Meh, I'll do some recording and see what happens. Maybe the readers will bond a bit more with the pack as a whole and not just one or two of the primary asskickers (read: Arcanine).

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  • 3 weeks later...

So. Ep 16, right. Been busy with that on my normal save, but this was recorded before 16 came out and I've just been too busy/lazy to upload this. Now that the public release is out, I guess things are polished enough for me to go back to my custom runs.

I'll do my bird-themed run and Ghost monotype first, since they're already completed up to ep 16, then I'll keep going with this one in brand new updated spiffiness.



I won't tell Laura about the garden if you won't







You know what to do, Arcanine.




Heat Wave winds up missing Wigglytuff, but that's okay because 'everything else' also counts as a target. Arcanine surprisingy passes over Flare Blitz in favor of Heat Wave, so she can stay on the field a bit longer than usual. She and Wigglytuff get into a healing race, letting Noel use up his potions, until Wigglytuff finally faints from enough Heat Waves and field damage.


Unfortunately Cinccino is faster than Arcanine and KOs her with a perfect Rock Blast.




Lucario is sent into a rather hot kitchen, but Cinccino's attacks do little damage to him and he faints it with Aura Sphere. He also gets a good hit on Porygon-Z, but is KO'd from a totally-not-sexual-innuendo double-team of Tri Attack and field burn damage. Manectric takes the fall while field damage gets the last of Porygon-Z's HP.




I can usually tell if I'll beat Noel by whether or not this asshole's Flame Orb activates. It doesn't, and Swellow instead U-Turns to Girafarig. A few Flamethrowers from Delphox later, and Girafarig faints and Swellow is back.




Delphox survives a Brave Bird with 1 HP and gets a critical hit with Flamethrower. After the hell this dickbird put me through in my Reborn career, I gladly accept this hax.


Delphox's last move is to Will-O-Wisp Clefable before Houndoom takes his place. It turns out that Clefable has Magic Guard, so no burn or field damage, but it was worth a shot.




The garden bonfire activates Houndoom's Flash Fire, but only at the end of his first turn, after Clefable gets in a super effective Hidden Power. Houndoom still gets in some Flamethrowers before fainting.




I COULD'VE used Retaliate here since Houndoom fainting would've doubled its power, probably enough to KO Clefable, but you should know by now that my brain doesn't always notice these things. Furfrou instead Sucker Punches for pitiful damage. I realize my folly and have to use Furfrou's last turn to revive someone who can hit harder than a twig.

You can probably guess who I chose.











Edited by Timber Dragon
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