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Assuming it's ZEL so it can't be anyone else? Is that the fragile hope you cling to?

My tumblr is amethystblack.tumblr.com

As for creating a Hell... Ah, I'm looking forward to that.

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Assuming it's ZEL so it can't be anyone else? Is that the fragile hope you cling to?

I'm probably more worried the fact that you're so openly announcing these kinds of things compared to most people who'd do all they can to try and hide it. It's almost as if you're diverting us from the storm above our heads. Has Meteor been pushed back into a corner or have we pushed them too far? The key lies within the heart...perhaps literally.


To be fair, I thoroughly dislike the idea of Ame being Ame, but if I wasn't pulling my hair out then it wouldn't be Reborn. There isn't a hell that Ame can create that I won't chip away at or power through.

I say bring it on Ame. :feelsgd:

Careful what you say mate. Name's Commander, I make Reborn harder using Ame's system and improving them. Believe me if the Reborn team wanted to kick your ass they could in a heartbeat. But that's boring. The best method of torture is keeping the goal just out of reach to maximize agony. ^_^

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Assuming it's ZEL so it can't be anyone else? Is that the fragile hope you cling to?

My tumblr is amethystblack.tumblr.com

As for creating a Hell... Ah, I'm looking forward to that.

If I had hope I would say Fern or Blake and make a joke about his ego counts for two.

Now I'm trying to keep the bar as low as possible without overreacting so goodbye Anna or Noel.

Edited by FairFamily
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As for creating a Hell... Ah, I'm looking forward to that.

I'm not surprised that you'd enjoy creating a hell for us. My Pokemon are at level 77. I have my rotation to cover teams comprised of any Pokemon type. Although I do wonder what kind of hell we'd have to trek through...

Careful what you say mate. Name's Commander, I make Reborn harder using Ame's system and improving them. Believe me if the Reborn team wanted to kick your ass they could in a heartbeat. But that's boring. The best method of torture is keeping the goal just out of reach to maximize agony. ^_^

Nice to meet you, Commander. I don't know who exactly works on what here but I appreciate everything you and everyone else have done so far to make this game the way it is.

I say this with the utmost respect: Bring it, mate.

I don't doubt your ability to make my life a living hell, but when I finally come out the other side after clinging on tooth and nail, I'll have the biggest smile on my face. It'll take me a damned long time though. Reborn is a tough game, after all. I do like the way you think with your torture method though. I can't wait to see what horrors you'll put us through. :wub:

Or maybe just me specifically. why not :P;)

I feel like I don't know what kind of hole I'm digging myself into... Don't kill me please, thnx

Edited by Migueftw
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tfw you're doing a fire monotype and realize Adrienn will probably have this field along with Mega Mawile

Also, I want to say this character is ZEL, but I feel that is too obvious.

Bulldoze exists, is forced upon you, and makes Mawile a non-issue. Losing STAB will be bad, but... I've got Slash and HP Poison available for xyr mons.

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I have a very very bad feeling that soon reborn is going to be feeling a lot like another day of trying to get through hell in STALKER: Misery, in which, as game title implies, is miserable.

Ame pls don't rek us we just need some time to train first.

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This is like the longest wait we've had between episodes I think she's given us more than enough time for that.

What level are our Pokemon supposed to be at? My main rotation 'mons are 77 and above. I'm currently leveling up some 'mons I think will be useful, as well as for type coverage. Whats the level cap so far at the end of episode 15? lvl 80?

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What level are our Pokemon supposed to be at? My main rotation 'mons are 77 and above. I'm currently leveling up some 'mons I think will be useful, as well as for type coverage. Whats the level cap so far at the end of episode 15? lvl 80?

I believe it's level 80. It should tell you on your trainer card in game.

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Hmmm...the way Ame phrased this is interesting. I presume that the character she initially mentioned in the previous post is one of the more major protagonists. But then when everyone started thinking outside the box and guessing villains and more minor characters, she had to clarify that more than one character would actually be killed off this episode.

So here's my verdict. One of the characters who dies will be a major protagonist. The others will be either villains or minor characters (such as the Aqua/Magma leaders).

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This game has a habit of surprising us, maybe we're forced to make a decision that can cause deaths, such as one life over multiple others, or we end up inadvertently killing someone. Thus someone dies but we're the one who causes us. Who would expect it? Anybody disagree/agree? Or did this scenario already happen before? Cory maybe?

I wonder who will die and how it would play out, but I hope I'm right.

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Personally, I think it would be best if the final battle not have any field at all. No abusing the field, it's just your mons versus the Champion's (Assuming that will be the final battle) on an even and fair playing field.

As for this field...hoo boy, Titania's looking quite scary. No weakness Scizor and...everything related to Aegislash. Also, fairy-types effectively gain immunity to Fire-types. Still, I don't think Adrienn will use this field simply because of the huge buffs Steel gets.

nah, for the champion, the field changes every time the champion changes pokemon. FINAL EXAM TIME!!!

yeah this field is gonna be insane. haze or other stat-NO moves are 100% necessary for Titania now. also ground types. chesnaught should be pretty strong too.

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nah, for the champion, the field changes every time the champion changes pokemon. FINAL EXAM TIME!!!

yeah this field is gonna be insane. haze or other stat-NO moves are 100% necessary for Titania now. also ground types. chesnaught should be pretty strong too.

Jesus, I wonder what fresh hell the champion would be. i like your idea of the battle.

What 'mon will be needed? Haze would be very useful for stopping stat increases, but what else would we use?

Smart move for this Titania fight is being wary if you decide to use dragon. With steel being super effective towards dragon, using a dragon doesn't seem like a good option, but to each their own. Fire attacks gain Dragon typing as well. Dragons better hightail it out of here. Man, definitely need to use stickyweb.

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This game has a habit of surprising us, maybe we're forced to make a decision that can cause deaths, such as one life over multiple others, or we end up inadvertently killing someone. Thus someone dies but we're the one who causes us. Who would expect it? Anybody disagree/agree? Or did this scenario already happen before? Cory maybe?

I wonder who will die and how it would play out, but I hope I'm right.

This game has done different outcomes based on decisions before. The Taka decision in the water treatment plant for example? How that plays out could be interesting.

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