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Do Pokemon in the Anime/Show/Games Eat Each Other?


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In real life, animals consume each other for food. Prey have evolved to better hide from their predators and predators have evolved to find their prey more easily. Some have sharper teeth for cutting, others wait for others to do their jobs for them (scavengers), and some are covered in toxins to deter consumption.

The Pokedex is not the most reliable source out there. However, due to a few bad apples, we shouldn't dismiss all the entries. Not to mention that certain Pokemon just scream out the fact that they are made for ripping and shredding their prey apart. They need energy to survive and I highly doubt they go to a Pokemon Center for Pokeblocks, Poffins, Berries, or whatever else we think they eat.

Some questions are but not limited to:

Which Pokedex entries can we chalk up as valid, what Pokemon eat each other, what have some Pokemon gained as characteristics to deter predators, how have species evolved to beat each other (think Miami Heatmor and Kevin Durant), etc. How has Magikarp survived for so long without dying out since it's such an easy food source?

All this and more in this discussion thread!.

Let's start with an easy topic, Heatmor and Durant.

Take Heatmor's Pokemon Y Pokedex entry: It draws in air through its tail, transforms it into fire, and uses it like a tongue. It melts Durant and eats them.

Now, a gander at Durant's Pokemon Y Pokedex entry: They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel armor to protect themselves from Heatmor.

As we can see, Durants have evolved steel casing on their bodies to prevent easy consumption by Heatmors, and Heatmors in turn have evolved hotter flames to burn through the casing.

Who has the advantage here? Which species do we expect will beat out the other? Who's the communities favorite to survive? How do these biological changes affect their communities?

I'll be responding as much as I can to those who post.

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It is implied that they do both in the anime and in the games.

In the anime, the pokemon-eating mentions and pictures are mostly in the earlier seasons,so you could attribute it to the anime being still new and with no clear sights on progression. However, despite Ash and James mentioning magikarp or krabby delicacies (with pics), you can seldom spot real life animal food on the table such as lobsters or sea food and whatnot.

In the games, you have many dex entries which state a Pokemon eats/hunts another. As we all know, most dex entries up till SunMoon have been baseless pieces of text. One might call them not credible. But given that in SunMoon, dex entries and lore are coming to life more and more, I'd say they were always intended to be credible, and yet exaggerated.

It doesn't stop with dex entries for the games, though. Various NPCs (mostly in gen 1-2 games) mention pokemon meals and there are ofc the slowpoke tails that are sold as a delicacy.

In the Sinnoh library, you find various books with Sinnoh lore, one of which reads:


Pick clean the bones of Pokémon caught in the sea or stream. Thank them for the meals they provide, and pick their bones clean. When the bones are as clean as can be, set them free in the water from which they came. The Pokémon will return, fully fleshed, and it begins anew. "

This strongly implies that once upon a time, humans did indeed eat (and also marry, as stated in another book) Pokemon. You could view it as primitive unadvanced humanity resorting to eating Pokemon for lack of other food sources, maybe they don't do it anymore, maybe they do.

The thing with the anime (or the pokemon world in general) is that Masuda once said in an interview that we should see the Pokemon world as Earth, and yet not Earth. They live in a universe where things work in ways that we can't yet comprehend because the people in the Pokemon world have technology, resources and customs that aren't present in our Earth. Thus, the meat you see characters eat on the table (chicken legs, burgers , sausages etc) can be artificially created food that the Pokemon world is capabe of making with the advancement they have. It can also be real life animal meat or Pokemon meat. All in all, Masuda claims that you should leave that question to your imagination and gives no definite answer.

As a whole, I personally believe both humans and pokemon eat other pokemon, however it is at best implied and will never be shown on screen

Regarding Durant and Heatmor- Note that Heatmor the ant-predator is also a fire type which melts Steel, and Durant is conveniently both a bug and a Steel type. Coincidence? I think not.

Birds eat worms in their natural diet so it's valid to presume regional birds hunt regional worms

Take the gen 7 Hawaiian lore as well. Yungooses were imported to Alola in order to deal with the overpopulation of Alolan Rattata. Implied that humans wanted to murder enough Rattata to decrease their numbers. You can't see it any other way. However, both pokemon missed each other due to one being diurnal and the other nocturnal, so in the end both of them became overpopulated.

Edited by Masquerain
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Yep, i am a supporter of the rule of the jungle concept in pokemon,

The food chain should be very similar to earth's.

With certain special cases, like rock pokemon feeding on rocks and soil, ghosts on souls and even certain emotions, mechanical pokemon on electricity or any other form of matter they would convert into their energy, etcetera.

Humans are not excempt from that chain. They can be a sharpedo's meal just fine for example. And of course they eat pokemon too, as i am not a fan of vanilla animals existing in the poke-world.

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I believe Gumshoos eat Raticates, which was explained in Alolan lore, hence their transformation to Aloloan Form. Also I am sure somewhere along the line there was a Pidgey family entry or two or three that talked about them eating Exeggcute.

Interesting question though. If a Pokemon eats a Grass type, does it make it an omnivore, herbivore, or carnivore?

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  On 10/7/2016 at 9:26 PM, Masquerain said:

So what happens if you try to eat a Vaporeon? It can supposedly turn its body into water molecules :ph34r:

That happens only when it's in water! But even if it didn't, then I would just drink it instead of eating it :P

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  On 10/7/2016 at 6:36 AM, Masquerain said:

Birds eat worms in their natural diet so it's valid to presume regional birds hunt regional worms

Take the gen 7 Hawaiian lore as well. Yungooses were imported to Alola in order to deal with the overpopulation of Alolan Rattata. Implied that humans wanted to murder enough Rattata to decrease their numbers. You can't see it any other way. However, both pokemon missed each other due to one being diurnal and the other nocturnal, so in the end both of them became overpopulated.

I think you got something mixed up there. Yungooses were brought in to deal with regular Rattata, and they did, for the most part. However, the Rattata decided to become nocturnal since their predator was diurnal, and Alolan Rattata was born.

  On 10/7/2016 at 9:42 PM, pyrromanis said:

That happens only when it's in water! But even if it didn't, then I would just drink it instead of eating it :P

I assume it's flesh when it's in its battling form. The change to water molecules would cost it part of its body because some of it would be consumed.

I don't think Vaporeon can be hunted properly.

Bulbasaur's bulb is a plant bulb. However, when hit by fire, it scorches them, not burns them up like grass naturally is. I assume the body is meat, just like regular animals. Herbivores are made of meat, after all. Maybe they'd eat the body but not the bulb? Decomposition would take its effect.

As for Vanilla pokemon, Vanillish exists because of fuck if I know. I don't know how Pokemon would process a Pokemon with such complex sugars. How do regular animals respond to ice cream?

I think it's safe to conclude that Pidgeys eat Caterpies and Weedles, and that the other regional birds eat their regional worms. However, would bird Pokemon from different regions be better suited to other regions? Think, invasive species.

I question though, what came first, the Durant of the Heatmor?

Join in on the conversation people, what are your thoughts?

Edited by Migueftw
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  On 10/7/2016 at 11:03 PM, Migueftw said:

I think you got something mixed up there. Yungooses were brought in to deal with regular Rattata, and they did, for the most part. However, the Rattata decided to become nocturnal since their predator was diurnal, and Alolan Rattata was born.

I assume it's flesh when it's in its battling form. The change to water molecules would cost it part of its body because some of it would be consumed.

I don't think Vaporeon can be hunted properly.

Bulbasaur's bulb is a plant bulb. However, when hit by fire, it scorches them, not burns them up like grass naturally is. I assume the body is meat, just like regular animals. Herbivores are made of meat, after all. Maybe they'd eat the body but not the bulb? Decomposition would take its effect.

As for Vanilla pokemon, Vanillish exists because of fuck if I know. I don't know how Pokemon would process a Pokemon with such complex sugars. How do regular animals respond to ice cream?

I think it's safe to conclude that Pidgeys eat Caterpies and Weedles, and that the other regional birds eat their regional worms. However, would bird Pokemon from different regions be better suited to other regions? Think, invasive species.

I question though, what came first, the Durant of the Heatmor?

Join in on the conversation people, what are your thoughts?

Well, regular Rattata were in Alola so in a way, they were Alolan Rattata :ph34r: . But yeah, it's still another indication of the fact Pokemon do eat each other and that humans do indeed resort to murder if they find it necessary.

I think all Pokemon are meat, regardless if they're a grass or water type, so long as the species they're based off of are meat. I mean, dinos and lizards and whatnot may have been herbivores but they were still meat and the prey of carnivorous dinos/lizards. I don't know where things like Suck/Throw came from or why they're born from eggs wearing martial arts outfits, but, not all Pokemon are animals so there's that I guess. Do you think Vanillish line tastes like Icecream or like ice?

I think we already have cases of regional birds being found in multiple regions, mostly regions with appropriate climate for said birds. I think vullaby/ mandibuzz would also do well in the Hoenn desert. Given the nature of vultures in real life, you could also presume that Mandibuzz also feed on the remains of things that couldn't survive the desert

I suppose both came around the same time since both Durant and Heatmor belong to Unova. They are also found in the same locations in Gen 5 games

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These are my conclusions from a few dex entries

Slowpoke is said to be a good fisher. When a shelder takes the bait it evolves into slowbro, the newly evolved is now forced to hunt in the more tradiational way. So the slowpoke users the tail to catch food and pkmn take the bait, we can thus safely assume that slowpoke eats pokemon. The shelder eats the scraps that are left .On top of that is the shelder addicted to the taste of slowpoke tail. So shelder eats pkmn as well.

Chansey have interesting entries as well. Chansey eggs are highly nutricous and are very desired. Chansey distributes these eggs to people or pkmn. Blissey has similar entries.

Then we have paras and parasect, in this case parasects eat the paras from the inside out.

Cherubi has a nutrious sack that is desired by starly.

Mandibuzz targets weakend pkmn and carries them to the nest, the bones are used for the vullaby or decoration.

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  On 10/8/2016 at 8:19 AM, Masquerain said:

Well, regular Rattata were in Alola so in a way, they were Alolan Rattata :ph34r: .

Damn you....

  On 10/8/2016 at 8:19 AM, Masquerain said:

I think all Pokemon are meat, regardless if they're a grass or water type, so long as the species they're based off of are meat. I mean, dinos and lizards and whatnot may have been herbivores but they were still meat and the prey of carnivorous dinos/lizards. I don't know where things like Suck/Throw came from or why they're born from eggs wearing martial arts outfits, but, not all Pokemon are animals so there's that I guess. Do you think Vanillish line tastes like Icecream or like ice?

Suck/Throw? No clue about which Pokemon you're talking about, I need clarification, sorry ;-; I assume that if it's called Vannilish, it would taste as Vanilla icecream. Looking at all the Pokedex entries for the Vanillite evolution line, it mentions nothing about taste, sadly. There's nothing that gives away the fact it tastes like vanilla, meaning it was named mostly because it looked like vanilla. Disheartening, to say the very least.

  On 10/8/2016 at 11:49 AM, Gardevoir4president said:

They also have sex with each other but if they showed that it would not be a family rating lmao

That is a given, I'm assuming. They don't show it but I'm fairly sure if you poke around that you'd find that other people have depicted it, for the most part.

Female Praying Mantises (whats the plural here? Manti? Mantises????) eat their partner's head after sex. I don't think we have a Pokemon based off of a praying mantis.

Then there's Wailord and Skitty... Oh boy...

  On 10/8/2016 at 12:46 PM, FairFamily said:

These are my conclusions from a few dex entries

Slowpoke is said to be a good fisher. When a shelder takes the bait it evolves into slowbro, the newly evolved is now forced to hunt in the more tradiational way. So the slowpoke users the tail to catch food and pkmn take the bait, we can thus safely assume that slowpoke eats pokemon.

Slowpoke ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I question what pokemon would be dumb enough to let slowpoke eat it. Or maybe Slowpoke isn't slow for eating. I do accept your assumption.

Speaking of slowpoke, SLOWPOKE TAILS. God dammit, they cost so much. Remember that Rocket Grunt after the flying type gym in Johto? He tried to sell it for a million pokedollars, I think. Apparently they're a delicacy. I'm assuming slowpokes are good at regeneration so they can survive when a predator would attack and rip off one of their limbs, point being their tail. Or maybe their regeneration is only for their tail because they use it for fishing and their prey would cut off the tail when caught? Something along those lines

  On 10/8/2016 at 12:46 PM, FairFamily said:

Chansey have interesting entries as well. Chansey eggs are highly nutricous and are very desired. Chansey distributes these eggs to people or pkmn. Blissey has similar entries.

I'm assuming the fact that the egg is sweet and full of nutrients the reason why people and pokemon alike would crave it. Although, I highly doubt the egg is alive in any way, or connected to Chansey/Blissey.

  On 10/8/2016 at 12:46 PM, FairFamily said:

Then we have paras and parasect, in this case parasects eat the paras from the inside out.

I think you have your facts mixed up here. Paras and Parasect are both controlled by the fungus. Parasect is completely gone, while Paras is barely surviving. Once Paras evolves, the fungus completely controls the newly evolved Parasect, as shown by its emotionless pupils. I'm not sure where you got the idea that Parasects would eat Parases. Is there a source?

  On 10/8/2016 at 12:46 PM, FairFamily said:

Cherubi has a nutrious sack that is desired by starly.

I question how a Cherubi would fight off a Starly. Maybe it has a mutual relation with another Pokemon for protection in exchange for letting it sip its bulb just so it doesn't die to Starly.

  On 10/8/2016 at 12:46 PM, FairFamily said:

Mandibuzz targets weakend pkmn and carries them to the nest, the bones are used for the vullaby or decoration.

Mandibuzz is a vulture Pokemon, so I'm not surprised. Mandibuzz has to kill the Pokemon to receive bones. It's not bartering with Cubones and Marowaks for them. Covering yourself with your kills... Brutal, at the very least.

  On 10/8/2016 at 8:19 AM, Masquerain said:

I think we already have cases of regional birds being found in multiple regions, mostly regions with appropriate climate for said birds. I think vullaby/ mandibuzz would also do well in the Hoenn desert. Given the nature of vultures in real life, you could also presume that Mandibuzz also feed on the remains of things that couldn't survive the desert

Yes. What Pokemon naturally habit Hoenn's desert? Could we consider Mandibuzz an invasive species? Or could it be helpful with decomposition?

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I ain't really big on which birds are invasive or not but I reckon Mandibuzz isn't one of those. Vultures just lay in wait for their prey to die. It's like some creepy dood is watching you struggle to survive and just laughs at you instead of helping :o so rude. But anyway, I presume it'd help with decomposition or so. There are things like Sandshrew, Trapinch, Baltoy and Cacnea. We can assume Sandshrew and Trapinch provide meat

I meant Sawk and Throh (but I call 'em suck and throw, I dislike them). I presume those are not meat, akin to rocks and whatnot

Bananas grow on Tropius and people harvest and eat those. Snover share the berries growing on them with others

We can assume Pokemon provide various means of nutrition, be it with their meat, something that grows on them or something they just ..have

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  On 10/8/2016 at 4:17 PM, Masquerain said:

I meant Sawk and Throh (but I call 'em suck and throw, I dislike them). I presume those are not meat, akin to rocks and whatnot

Ohhhhh. Fucking 'ell, not those two buggers. Thanks for the clarification though. Actually, in the Pokemon anime, generation 5, remember that fat ginger kid? He had a Sawk and Bianca loved its muscles. In battle, it used bulk up, and it started flexing. I don't rocks can grow bigger and look surprisingly like muscles.

  On 10/8/2016 at 4:17 PM, Masquerain said:

Bananas grow on Tropius and people harvest and eat those. Snover share the berries growing on them with others

We can assume Pokemon provide various means of nutrition, be it with their meat, something that grows on them or something they just ..have

I assume Pokemon like Tropius and Snover have food on them so they can use it for escape. Predator comes around and trying to get some Snover so Snover drops them berries to flee. Predator gets berries and shit and Snover lives to see another day.

What would hunt a Snover though? Weaviles?

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  On 10/8/2016 at 4:33 PM, Migueftw said:

Ohhhhh. Fucking 'ell, not those two buggers. Thanks for the clarification though. Actually, in the Pokemon anime, generation 5, remember that fat ginger kid? He had a Sawk and Bianca loved its muscles. In battle, it used bulk up, and it started flexing. I don't rocks can grow bigger and look surprisingly like muscles.

I assume Pokemon like Tropius and Snover have food on them so they can use it for escape. Predator comes around and trying to get some Snover so Snover drops them berries to flee. Predator gets berries and shit and Snover lives to see another day.

What would hunt a Snover though? Weaviles?

Well, their skin looks rocky , never knew its actually ..flesh. That's weird to imagine. Bianca is weird tho :|

What would predators want with fruit though? I dare say they're after the meat more than anything else :o Are Snover even meat? They look like.... nothing much. Weavile's animal species feasts on eggs so I'm not sure they'd directly hunt for meat. Rather they'd prey on unguarded egg nests

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Let me stop you there because you took the train a bit far. I believe pokemon feed off of each other, however not every pokemon interaction is a dietary one, or results in one-sided carnage.

The situation with Bulbasaur could be symbiotic. In the anime we are shown a Heracross feeding from the bulb, and the Bulbasaur showing discomfort. However that does not mean the Heracross was eating the Bulba in front of its trainer, no matter how metal that would be. Similar to how bees in the real world help plants procreate through epiconiasis, the Heracross could be doing the same, whilst providing a nutritious meal for itself. Same could go with Cherubi and Staraptor.

As for Chansey, eggs are animal period, not necessarily babies. So if an un-fertilized Chansey egg is produced, it can be sold and eaten. Yes, in a different situation the egg could be fertilized and the world would suffer from yet another pink fat blob, so there is some sort of non-vegetarian meal there. It does not initiate a prey-predator link however, which means that it could be in a way also symbiotic, as excess eggs can be used to feed the general population.

Now, Vanillite and sons. Supposedly the pokemon has nothing to do with Ice-cream and simply is a cone of ice that's come alive. It's developed in high peaks of mountains and is camouflaging itself as a stalactite. Simply when people discovered it, they had already been eating ice cream, saw the resemblance and decided to name it accordingly. Nothing weird there, except you might be eating soggy meat flavored ice cream. I won't judge.

As far as A-Rattata are concerned, they did not decide to go nocturnal. That's not how evolution works. What's more logical is that the species already was nocturnal (given Kanto did not have day-night cycles) or at least parts of the general Rattata population were. This means that in the latter case, Rattata and A-Rattata prefer to move around different times in a day, whilst still belonging to the same species, due to their being simply different subcategories of the same species, similar to how "races" would work in the pokemon world. With the introduction of mangustas (Yungoose), the diurnal population diminished while the nocturnal one thrived. Given it was already overpopulating, it managed to recover the losses and increase in numbers once again.

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  On 10/8/2016 at 9:48 PM, NickCrash said:

The situation with Bulbasaur could be symbiotic. In the anime we are shown a Heracross feeding from the bulb, and the Bulbasaur showing discomfort. However that does not mean the Heracross was eating the Bulba in front of its trainer, no matter how metal that would be. Similar to how bees in the real world help plants procreate through epiconiasis, the Heracross could be doing the same, whilst providing a nutritious meal for itself. Same could go with Cherubi and Staraptor.

Hold on there. The word, 'epiconiasis,' that you used is incorrect. I tried to google it to see if it would correct to something different, but got epic onsies instead... Auto-correct gives me the word Episcopalians. I need clarification please.

Also, how would that Bulbasaur and Heracross symbiotic relation work? Heracross gets a meal, sure, but it's not "spreading" its seed, as Bulbasaur isn't actually a plant. I assume they're mating regularly as animals. Cherubi and Staraptor are not mutual in any way, shape, or form, from what I'm reading from its Pokedex entries.

From its Black and White entry: The small ball is not only full of nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly try to peck it off.

From its HeartGold and SoulSilver entry: It evolves by sucking the energy out of the small ball where it had been storing nutrients.

From its X and Omega Ruby entry: Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution.

Based on these entries, Cherubi has absolutely no reason to give up its nutrients, as it needs them for evolution. It can't be a mutual relationship, unless you assume that the Starly essentially threaten Cherubi with death unless it gives up the nutrients, in which case it's not a mutual relationship, its commensalism.

  On 10/8/2016 at 9:48 PM, NickCrash said:

As for Chansey, eggs are animal period, not necessarily babies. So if an un-fertilized Chansey egg is produced, it can be sold and eaten. Yes, in a different situation the egg could be fertilized and the world would suffer from yet another pink fat blob, so there is some sort of non-vegetarian meal there. It does not initiate a prey-predator link however, which means that it could be in a way also symbiotic, as excess eggs can be used to feed the general population.

I see no problem with that you've said.

  On 10/8/2016 at 9:48 PM, NickCrash said:

Now, Vanillite and sons. Supposedly the pokemon has nothing to do with Ice-cream and simply is a cone of ice that's come alive. It's developed in high peaks of mountains and is camouflaging itself as a stalactite. Simply when people discovered it, they had already been eating ice cream, saw the resemblance and decided to name it accordingly. Nothing weird there, except you might be eating soggy meat flavored ice cream. I won't judge.

Yes, I assumed as much. From what I've gathered, that's a plausible explanation. Nothing points towards it actually being Vanilla. Disappointing :(

  On 10/8/2016 at 9:48 PM, NickCrash said:

As far as A-Rattata are concerned, they did not decide to go nocturnal. That's not how evolution works. What's more logical is that the species already was nocturnal (given Kanto did not have day-night cycles) or at least parts of the general Rattata population were. This means that in the latter case, Rattata and A-Rattata prefer to move around different times in a day, whilst still belonging to the same species, due to their being simply different subcategories of the same species, similar to how "races" would work in the pokemon world. With the introduction of mangustas (Yungoose), the diurnal population diminished while the nocturnal one thrived. Given it was already overpopulating, it managed to recover the losses and increase in numbers once again.

Take a gander at this entry (important parts are highlighted with purple) from the official Pokemon Sun and Moon website: http://www.pokemon-sunmoon.com/en-us/pokemon/alolan-rattata/

Alolan Rattata’s form changed as a result of their battle for territory with Yungoos.

Unlike ordinary Rattata, urban areas are Alolan Rattata’s main habitat. They are nocturnal and live in nests of several dozen. Alolan Raticate serve as their bosses.

As a countermeasure to the exploding Rattata population in the Alola region, Yungoos were imported and released. To better avoid Yungoos, Rattata changed their preferred environments and circadian rhythms. These adaptations to their new environment led to a changed form.

To me, this highly points towards the fact that they did just decide to become nocturnal. Granted, you could interpret it differently, but the entry states they changed it, not that some of the population who were already nocturnal survived, etc. Since Yungoos are diurnal, they are no longer useful to fight Rattata. Also, I'm fairly certain that there are no regular Rattata in Alola, only the Alolan version.

Don't forget to join in our conversation! Anyone can say their opinion, it doesn't have to be long. ;) why not

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  On 10/15/2016 at 12:25 PM, DemICE said:

and apparently granbulls eat beautiflies according to this reliable source


I think that'd be a Snubble at best. Although dogs eating things such as butterflies isn't common, so whether or not dog Pokemon would do this is up for debate. Treating Pokemon that appear similar to their real life counterpart does help out with what activities they might do. Thus, the discussion. Although I will say that that dog looks adorable. :wub:

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But dogs also eat their own poop. Does that mean dog-based pokemon eat trubbish/ garbodor??

Jokes aside, I believe the butterfly-eating thing is not really part of a dog's diet but more like an isolated case of cluelessness (They say pugs aren't very intelligent, but I wouldn't know). I also don't think Snubbul is based off of pugs, but rather bulldogs (i.e. their name)

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  On 10/15/2016 at 5:40 PM, Masquerain said:

But dogs also eat their own poop. Does that mean dog-based pokemon eat trubbish/ garbodor??

One might say that Pokemon don't poop and that we have no proof of that, but I faintly remember a Darumaka entry stating something about its "droppings."

Omega Ruby's Darumaka Pokedex entry says the following: Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm.

This confirms that Pokemon do in fact have droppings, which is essentially their feces. Whether or not Dog Pokemon do in fact sniff/eat it is a whole other conversation. Although I will discuss it if anyone is actually curious.

  On 10/15/2016 at 5:40 PM, Masquerain said:

Jokes aside, I believe the butterfly-eating thing is not really part of a dog's diet but more like an isolated case of cluelessness (They say pugs aren't very intelligent, but I wouldn't know). I also don't think Snubbul is based off of pugs, but rather bulldogs (i.e. their name)

I agree with both your statements.

Snubbul, Pitbull, etc.

Although I do wonder, what Pokemon are the most brutal when hunting their prey?

Let's take a look at Metagross.

Pokemon Alpha Sapphire's Metagross Pokedex entry says the following: Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion. When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using the large mouth on its stomach.

Fucking Brutal...

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  On 10/17/2016 at 4:34 PM, Masquerain said:

Well holy sheet, damn Metagross, you scary. Not only does it get pancaked, but devoured mercilessly... That said, what DO Metagross prey on?

That's the important question right there!

What would a 1212.5 lbs/550 kg metal monster eat?

After doing some research, I found out where you can find a Metagross, which is Giant Chasm's rustling grass in Crater Forest in Pokemon Black and White (original and 2). What other Pokemon can you find there?

Mamoswine, Audino, and Clefable can also be found in the rustling grass patch. All 3 of these Pokemon weigh considerably less than a Metagross, meaning that even Mamoswine (641.5 lbs/291.0 kg) would get pinned down by the weight of Metagross, which is almost twice its weigh!


What else though? Let's take a gander at Yanmega, shall we?

Its Pokemon Platinum Pokedex entry states: Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed.

What this would imply is that it would essentially rip off chunks of its prey Pokemon while fighting them. Which might sound brutal-er than Metagross. Maybe even rip off the head of its prey and eat it, based on its jaw power.

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  On 10/18/2016 at 6:25 PM, DemICE said:

Teddiursa walks in the forest.

A yanmega passes by at 300km/h.

Teddiusa realises its missing the right upper elbow.

Yanmega: omnomnom

My sides are in orbit. It took me a good 5 minutes to calm down, and now that I have, I must say that Yanmega is still scary as hell. It's a ferocious predator, is it not?

What do you guys think about Yanmega?

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