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Specially defensive mon available before Corey?

Shinoda Yagami

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If you got a Drowzee egg instead of Ducklett from the egg event in the Obsidia Slums, Dorwzee has base 90 Special Defense, evolves into Hypno at 26, and has the type match-up against Corey. There's also Spoink, which has base 80 spedef, evolves at 32, and can be obtained from the Coral Ward iirc. Spoink/Grumpig also have good type match up against Corey.

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While not directly solving the issue, Meowstic can learn Light Screen at level 13 to reduce special attack by half and also a good psychic type which you can run as Support Screen (male) or offensive Spesial Attacker (female) in the future.

Ah I completely forgot about my espurr lol thanks, I'll train it up and it should see through this gym. I think mine is a male one too, so its great. I dont really have an egg yet, I forgot where Im supposed to get one lol, I still have a lot of event mons unclaimed so I'll do them as well.

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