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Finding trash in Aevium. (The quest of a girl and her Linoone's..)


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.. would probably the title if this was a movie, but it isn't. I've made it my mission to experiment with the Pickup ability in Pokémon Rejuvenation since I have quite some time on my hands at the moment.

I'm planning to make a list of the available items for Lv. 30-70 and list them from Common to Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare. (Once I'm done, of course, so this will probably end up being progressive and over time.)

Pokémon Rejuvenation may use the same Pickup Table as Pokémon Reborn. But since I didn't find any specific information here in the sub-forum, I thought I'd just give it a try. Haah, here goes..

Edit 1: Down below is the part where I'll list any item that was found and the Linoone which held it.


Item list:

Lv. 30 - Lv. 39: Full Restore (x10), Moon Ball (x4), Gourmet Treat (x17), Moomoo Milk (x2), Hyper Potion (x3), Max Repel (x6), Dusk Ball (x4), Revive (x2)

Lv. 40 - Lv. 49: Hyper Potion (x3), Dusk Ball (x3), Moon Ball (x4), Full Restore (x2), Moomoo Milk (x3), Revive (x2), Ether (x1), Sun Stone

Lv. 50 - Lv. 59: Max Repel (x3), Heart Scale (x1), Full Restore (x1), Ether (x7), Moomoo Milk (x1), Moon Ball (x8), Hyper Potion (x2), Dusk Ball (x3), Gourmet Treat (x1)

Lv. 60 - Lv. 69: PP Up (x4), Ether (x2), Revive (x5), Dusk Ball (x8), Hyper Potion (x2), Ability Capsule (x1), Full Restore (x2)

Lv. 70 - Lv. 79: Dusk Ball (x1), Ether (x3), PP Up (x3), Hyper Potion (x4), Full Restore (x5), Max Repel (x4), Revive (x6), Ability Capsule (x1), Rare Candy (x1), Heart Scale (x2)


Findings (In order):

1. Dusk Ball (Lv. 70)

2. Ether (Lv. 70)

3. PP Up (Lv. 60)

4. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

5. Moon Ball (Lv. 30)

Edit 2: After finding the Moon Ball, it got apparent that Pokémon Rejuvenation uses another custom Pickup Table. So, guess I've got to continue what I've started, huh?

6. PP Up (Lv. 70)

7. Hyper Potion (Lv. 70)

8. Hyper Potion (Lv. 50)

9. Max Repel (Lv. 50)

10. Heart Scale (Lv. 50)

11. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

12. Revive (Lv. 70)

13. Hyper Potion (Lv. 40)

14. Full Restore (Lv. 50)

15. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

16. Dusk Ball (Lv. 40)

17. Moon Ball (Lv. 40)

18. Full Restore (Lv. 70)

19. Revive (Lv. 70)

20. Max Repel (Lv. 70)

21. Ether (Lv. 50)

22. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

23. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

24. PP Up (Lv. 70)

25. Ether (Lv. 60)

26. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 50)

27. Revive (Lv. 70)

28. Hyper Potion (Lv. 70)

Edit 3: Scraping the idea of listing how common an item is, since it would require a lot more research that I'm just not willing to waste my time on. I'm just going to attempt listing the available items. I'm starting to think it wasn't the best idea to put the list in such a format.

Edit 4: I totally screwed up and can do two hours of fighting against Breeder Denny and trying to control my short attention span again. Cool. Most fun I've ever had. Got carried away with Photoshop and closed my Chrome.

29. Revive (Lv. 60)

30. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 30)

31. Hyper Potion (Lv. 30)

32. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

33. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

34. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

35. Full Restore (Lv. 40)

36. Max Repel (Lv. 50)

37. Hyper Potion (Lv. 70)

38. Ether (Lv. 60)

39. Moon Ball (Lv. 40)

40. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

41. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

42. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

43. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

44. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

45. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

46. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

47. Full Restore (Lv. 60)

48. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

49. Dusk Ball (Lv. 40)

50. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

51. Ether (Lv. 50)

52. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

53. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

54. Ability Capsule (Lv. 70)

55. Revive (Lv. 60)

56. Moon Ball (Lv. 30)

57. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

58. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 40)

59. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

60. Dusk Ball (Lv. 50)

61. Revive (Lv. 70)

62. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

63. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

64. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

65. Full Restore (Lv. 70)

66. Hyper Potion (Lv. 60)

67. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

68. Revive (Lv. 70)

69. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 40)

70. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

71. PP Up (Lv. 60)

72. Dusk Ball (Lv. 30)

73. Revive (Lv. 70)

74. Moon Ball (Lv. 40)

75. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

76. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

77. Ether (Lv. 50)

78. Full Restore (Lv. 70)

79. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

80. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

81. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

82. Moon Ball (Lv. 30)

83. Hyper Potion (Lv. 40)

84. Revive (Lv. 60)

85. Dusk Ball (Lv. 30)

86. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

87. Ether (Lv. 50)

88. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

89. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 40)

90. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

91. Max Repel (Lv. 70)

92. Ether (Lv. 50)

93. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

94. Heart Scale (Lv. 70)

95. Full Restore (Lv. 40)

96. Moon Ball (Lv. 30)

97. Ether (Lv. 50)

98. Hyper Potion (Lv. 70)

99. Hyper Potion (Lv. 40)

100. Hyper Potion (Lv. 60)

101. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

102. Ether (Lv. 50)

103. Hyper Potion (Lv. 30)

104. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

105. Revive (Lv. 40)

106. Max Repel (Lv. 60)

107. Full Restore (Lv. 30)

108. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

109. Ether (Lv. 40)

110. Ability Capsule (Lv. 60)

111. Full Restore (Lv. 70)

112. Max Repel (Lv. 50)

113. Max Repel (Lv. 60)

114. Full Restore (Lv. 70)

115. Revive (Lv. 40)

116. Full Restore (Lv. 60)

117. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

118. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

119. Hyper Potion (Lv. 30)

120. Dusk Ball (Lv. 50)

121. Revive (Lv. 30)

122. Revive (Lv. 60)

123. Ether (Lv. 70)

124. Moon Ball (Lv. 40)

125. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

126. Dusk Ball (Lv. 30)

127. Ether (Lv. 70)

128. Hyper Potion (Lv. 50)

129. Max Repel (Lv. 70)

130. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 50)

131. Dusk Ball (Lv. 30)

132. Dusk Ball (Lv. 60)

133. Moon Ball (Lv. 50)

134. Revive (Lv. 30)

135. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

136. PP Up (Lv. 60)

137. PP Up (Lv. 70)

138. Max Repel (Lv. 60)

139. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

140. Dusk Ball (Lv. 40)

141. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

142. Heart Scale (Lv. 70)

143. PP Up (Lv. 60)

144. Moomoo Milk (Lv. 30)

145. Max Repel (Lv. 30)

146. Max Repel (Lv. 70)

147. Revive (Lv. 60)

148. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

149. Gourmet Treat (Lv. 30)

150. Dusk Ball (Lv. 50)


So, after about three hours of working on this list, I've come to the conclusion that the Pickup Table of Pokémon Rejuvenation is composed of mostly Utility and Healing Items. Held items or valueables are not present. It's worth mentioning that you get a lot of Gourmet Treats when using a Lv. 30 Pickup-Mon. I might add other level ranges later, but that should cover the relevant stuff for now. Can't believe how incredibly tired stuff like that makes. And that's what I want to do for a living later? Hell, nah. Now I might reconsider. Leftovers, please?


Edited by Lagspike
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Guest MegaMagikarp

Just to add to this, I am running a PU team and while doing exhaustive EV training I had a lv. 41 and two lv. 31 pickup slaves to catch some stuff. I also have found a rare candy by my lv. 41 and (3) blue moon ice creams.

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Just to add to this, I am running a PU team and while doing exhaustive EV training I had a lv. 41 and two lv. 31 pickup slaves to catch some stuff. I also have found a rare candy by my lv. 41 and (3) blue moon ice creams.

Did you run Version 8 when finding those things?

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Guest MegaMagikarp

Did you run Version 8 when finding those things?

Yep. Just started the game. It was really rare, tbh, and I was surprised to find three. I never found any equip items searching through my trash (COUGH COUGH SUN STONE COUGH COUGH). I kinda wish I would have documented now. Mostly ethers, hyper potions, moo moo milk, max repels, moon balls and dusk balls. A few revives here and there and tons of gourmet treats.

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Yep. Just started the game. It was really rare, tbh, and I was surprised to find three. I never found any equip items searching through my trash (COUGH COUGH SUN STONE COUGH COUGH). I kinda wish I would have documented now. Mostly ethers, hyper potions, moo moo milk, max repels, moon balls and dusk balls. A few revives here and there and tons of gourmet treats.

Alright. If you find more stuff, feel free to share. I'll edit the post when I'm less drowsy. Edited by Lagspike
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