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Reborn Nuzlocke V2


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Well, seeing as how the first one was a failure, I'm gonna have me a second go at it!

Current Location: Coral Ward

Badges: 4

Deaths: 5

Shinies: 4 ((I miscounted))

Issues: None


Current Team:

Spoik - Quilava (M) Lv.40

Ability - Blaze

Flame Charge

Flame Wheel



Camilla - Gourgeist (F) Lv.40

Ability - Pickup

Shadow Sneak

Shadow Ball

Razor Leaf

Leech Seed

Selena - Meowstic (F) Lv.40

Ability - Infiltrator


Shadow Ball

Fake Out


Kaite - Growlithe (F/Shiny) Lv.40

Ability - Intimidate

Flame Burst



Morning Sun

NutterButter - Emolga (F) Lv.38

Ability - Static


Shock Wave

Electro Ball

Air Slash

ShinyExpress - Pangoro (M/Shiny) Lv.40

Ability - Scrappy

Body Slam

Karate Chop

Vital Throw

Work Up


DJ Drago - Noibat (M) Lv.36 (Daycare)

Caesar - Budew (M) Lv.5

Azalea - Zigzagoon (F) Lv.10

Pepper - Liepard (F) Lv.20

Angeline - Vanillish (F) Lv.38

Calzone - Flaafy (M) Lv.23

Aya- Litleo (F) Lv.28

ToxicCoffee - Weezing (M/Shiny) Lv.35

Sugar Low - Lilligant (F) Lv.35

The Fallen:

Polius - Trubbish (M) Lv.9

Koi - Goldeen (F) Lv.14

Tune-Up - Kricketune (M) Lv.28

Niles - Aromatisse (M) Lv.33

Son V2 - Bibarel (M) Lv.31


1. Only 1 catch per area ((Event Pokemon are allowed))

2. All Pokemon must have nicknames

3. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead

4. Shiny Clause

5. Dupes Clause

6. If I find any Revives, I may keep/use them as an "Extra Life"

7. If I lose any Pokemon to a PULSE, those Pokemon may be revived ((No Death PULSE))

8. If I fight any overleveled Pokemon ((like that Gargantuan Steelix)), I only lose 1 Pokemon. ((Overleveled = No Death))

Note: Those last 3 are rules I made up ((the last 2 go with Pokemon Reborn))



600px-Tsareena.png(I frickin LOVE Tsareena)
Edited by MistDrop
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So did the last one end in failure or was it just one of those things that you leave for too long and it doesn't feel right to continue? Either way, good luck and cyndaquil hype!

The last one did indeed end in Failure. And it sucks too. And thanks for the luck! I'm gonna need it! XD



600px-Tsareena.png(I frickin LOVE Tsareena)

Edited by MistDrop
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