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So...After having a really hard time with this game i choose to restart it.

I'm catching every pokemon that might be useful...and now, after beating Ciel...I have a problem.

What team i use?

Normally my main member are:

- Metagross (Adamant - Clear Body) LV 71

Take Down, Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch

- Gardevoir (Modest - Trace) LV 72

Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind, Double Team

- Kingdra (Modest - Sniper) LV 75

Surf, Hydro Pump, Dive, Watefall (Replaced soon with Dragon Dance e Dragon Pulse)

- Noivern (Modest - Frisk) LV 75

Flamethrower, Superfang, Hurricane, Dragon Pulse

- Torterra (Adamant - Shell Armor) LV 73

Eathquake, Wood Hammer, Curse, Leech Seed

- Camerupt (Quiet - Anger Point) LV 74

Eruption, Earthquake, Yawn, Iron Head

Obviously i have a pool of other pokemon for rotation...All of this are at level 70

Hariyama, Magnezone, Houndoom, Crobat, Walrein, Archeops

I think that i have a good team...but i really want a Fire Type to replace Camerupt, a Poison type (I don't use Crobat much...my Noivern is simply too powerful) and a suggestion for eventually other member!


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Chandelure is a pretty cool fire type, but if you don't want to use that you can go and use Arcanine assuming you didn't miss the event earlier in the game, and for a poison type, I really like Drapion, I run Sniper with Night Slash, Cross Poison, Knock Off, and Hone Claws.

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I personally use a Sheer Force Nidoking for my team. Though the only moves that you can really take advantage from that you can actually get are Poison Jab, Earth Power and Sludge Wave. It packs a pretty big punch but on the other hand will most likely get 1 or 2-shot by any super effective move.

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