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Away with the Cherry Blossoms [story]


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Away with the Cherry Blossoms - by thedynamikone

Chapter 1 - Beginnings


Dwayne Smart, A white-american born policeman working in the Japanese Homicide Unit in Osaka, Japan, Is an ordinary detective with a big secret. His partner, Yozuna Hitashi is a detective of 20 years, And is a Martial Art's Expert. Together they are the most feared duo in the whole of Osaka. But not all is as it seems from the outside. You see, In this city, Crime pays the bills, A once quiet city has been ravaged by hooligan's and crime has taken over the peace and tranquility that once reigned over this beautiful landscape. To Begin this story we must first take you back 7 years, To Los Angeles, California, The birth city of our protagonist. Where he once lived a very ordinary life!

7 Years Earlier - Los Angeles, CA

16th October, 2009 - 05:00am

Dwayne wakes up To his alarm going off at 5am, He reaches over to press the snooze button, But hears a quiet grumbling coming from behind him, "Don't put it on snooze again" his wife said, "you know what will happen, you always sleep in and you've been late twice this month!". Dwayne grunts and presses the snooze button anyway, unaware of the impact that decision will have on the rest of his life.



"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" Dwayne shouts to his wife as he glances at his alarm clock to check the time, But there is no answer. He looks to his side and the bed is empty.Confused, he gets out of bed and walks into the kitchen, he shouts his wife again, but there is still no answer. The Alarm continues to go off in the background, "Is this a war drill?" he ask's himself. He turns on the TV to see a thews anchor saying America is under attack from a foreign threat. His fears for his wife continue to grow. He gets his cell phone out and presses speed dial 1. The call cut's off instantly and he stares at the "Call Failed" notification on his screen. He presses speed dial to call his office, but again, It is immediately cut off. "Forget this" he says, He walks to the front door of his house, opens it, and is greeted by clouds of smog and ashes being carried through the breeze. There are no people in sight, The entire landscape is desolate and empty of human life. He looks to his right to see the Hollywood sign has had three letter's destroyed as he does so, a fourth falls over and whips up a dust cloud. In sheer disbelief, He turns around and goes back inside slowly and confused leaving the door open. He tries to flick through the channels on the TV while trying to ring his wife again, But there is only one channel on Air, It's the emergency news broadcast commissioned by the president in the event of a national tragedy. Stating repeatedly those harrowing words, "America At War". He tries repeatedly to contact his wife but there is still no answer. "i need to go down to the precinct" he says to himself. He goes back into the bedroom and opens his wardrobe, His wife's wedding dress is hanging next to his police uniform. He breathes a sigh of anxiousness for his missing wife and begins to get dressed, Once he puts his uniform on he feels something in the front right pocket of his trousers. It's a note! He takes it out and opens it, It reads "Hello Mr Policeman, We have your wife, If you want to see her alive again you will follow our instructions exactly" at which point the Alarm stops sounding leaving a ringing noise in his ears, With the note is a list of demands:



1. We want all $1,500,000 in your joint savings account.

2. We want an unmarked vehicle, with no tracker

3. We want Several Assault rifles and a couple thousand in ammo for each one, and several bullet proof vest's


It reads underneath "America is it War, We will not tolerate these demands not being met, If you ever want to see your wife again, Drop the goods at the South Plaza Broadway and we will release her to you after the transaction is made" Dwayne, A seasoned police officer who is not known for negotiating with criminals, then angrily walks to the garage with the note clutched in his hand and his heart beating faster than he's ever felt before, He gets in his car and releases the lock on the garage door and it begins to open, Inside the car he sees another note, this one reads "Good man, You know what to do from here" It irritates Dwayne that whoever this criminal is, Clearly enjoys playing games with his family and his livelihood. He throws the note to the back in disgust and begins to reverse out of the garage. As he reverses onto the street, He realizes, If America is at war, it is likely he will be unable to go to the bank to get the money for the kidnappers. He thinks to himself with his head on the steering wheel, wondering how he is going to meet this demands, He realises his best option is to continue to the precinct and see if there is anyone there who can help track these criminals or can help meet the demands.

He puts the car into gear and begins to drive down the street, He turns right towards the precinct, He pays close attention the surrounding houses and vehicles that are damaged from what he presumes is some sort of Missile or Explosive, He begins to wonder what happened to his friends as well as his wife, He takes solace in the fact he knows she is still alive. Passing by a gas station the front page of a newspaper gets blown onto his windshield, He pulls the handbrake forcing the car to come to an immediate halt, He gets out and removes the newspaper page from his windshield, while doing so he takes a glance at the date, it read's "25th October, 2009" Dwayne stands shocked in disbelief, It's been over a week since he pressed the snooze button on his alarm. He doesn't believe this could be real and begins to walk over to the abandoned gas station, He picks up a full copy of the newspaper off a stand and compares the date, This one reads "27th October, 2009". "whats going on!?" he asks himself, He then realizes his wife may no longer be alive, because he doesn't know when she was taken, or what even happened to his country.

He hears a voice in the distance, "HEY THERE!" the voice shouts, Dwayne turns round, drawing his gun at the same time, He stands gun pointed in the direction the voice came from, It's a woman, She shout's "IM NOT AN ENEMY, PLEASE LOWER YOUR WEAPON" Dwayne reluctantly lowers his weapon and returns it to it's holster, The woman walks closer asking why he is still in the Red Zone, "RED ZONE?" he asks hastily, "Yes" she replies, LA is a War Zone, Why are you still here?. "who are you, And how do you know these things?" Dwayne asks her. "My name is Cheryl" she replies, and continues to say "4 weeks ago, The soviets launched nuclear attacks on America, the UK and China, The whole world was forced into hiding, Few of the governing officials from each nation remain, The Russians used sleeper agents to find the location of all Green Zones, By the time the US government realized, It was too late, There are survivors left though" she adds.

Dwayne shocked to his core asks "DID YOU SAVE MY WIFE?", "i'm sorry" she replies, "I do not know who your wife is, It's likely that she didn't survive". Dwayne hangs his head in sadness and looks back up to say "She was kidnapped, Before whatever this atrocity is that has happened, I have the demands for her release, i just need to get them and take them to the drop zone". "impossible" she adds, Dwayne looks at her with a shocked expression, he asks "why is that?" to which she replies "Because everybody in this city, except you and me, is dead". "DON'T SAY THAT!" he shouts, To which she sighs and says "Follow me, But i warn you, This may be hard for you to see and accept if you have no clue what happened to our country" Dwayne follows her reluctantly not sure if he can trust this woman or not.

Chapter 2 - Revelations - Coming Soon

Comments/Opinions Appreciated ^_^

Edited by thedynamikone
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