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What's your favourite pokemon starter?

Red X

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I just started playing pokemon reborn a long time ago and I choose torchic as my starter pokemon. Is that good or not? Or maybe I should start a new game with a new starter?

Anyway let's just get into the point, actually I'm here to ask you guys something related to my question earlier. I want to ask, what is your favourite pokemon starter and the best pokemon in your team? And why did you pick them?. My favourite pokemon starter is acually a mudkip, but unfortunately the first gym in reborn is an electric-type. So I end up choosing torchic. And the best pokemon in my team is meowstic, because I think psychic-type pokemon is the best, especially gardevoir but unfortunately I didn't catch one yet.

So what's yours? Fell free to share.... :D

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A fire starter seems to be a good choice for beginners when playing Pokemon Reborn, as it will give you a type advantage in the first few gyms. So I would stick wth torchic, especially since it isn't available later in the game (so far) like some of the other starters.

My personal favorite starter is charmander. Always and forever. I sometimes switch it out with Arcanine, but it is still part of my team.

The best Pokemon in my team as a whole is hard to determine, as I make sure to pick a team of strong Pokemon with as many types as possible, but I would guess that Snorlax is my best. It works as a tank and in the later game there are many bosses which can K.O. most of your Pokemon in one hit, so it pays off to have a Pokemon which can take a few hits.

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Torchic is by far the strongest starter in the game, with access to Speed Boost and Bulk up which allows it to sweep many gyms single-handedly. Torchic is a good choice for this game, since Blaziken is by far the strongest Pokemon available as of Episode 15.

My personal favorite Starter is and always will be Chikorita. This little thing is great, and while it's not as powerful as many other Pokémon it has great support moves and can be useful in many different situation. And if you go back to EP9 and breed it to have Toxic, it turns into something truly terrifying with a moveset like Toxic/Synthesis/Leech Seed/Petal Dance. Don't underestimate this little ball of cute :3


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I've made 3 playthroughs so far, and I have to admit that my first had Blaziken. Then I went for Chesnaught because I wanted the extra challenge and it's admittedly an awesome pokemon in general, and now that I'm doing my Gen2 run, I have Feraligatr.

All starters are usable, yet some are much more powerful than others. Blaziken and Greninja seem to be the most adaptable ones so if you wish to play this in easy mode, go for them. There have been other threads about tiering the starters in Reborn, so there's no need to do this here as well.

As for the best pokemon in the team in general, I wouldn't say I have one. Usually I take time to grind up several mons I'd like to use, not only to be ready in every possible situation, but to also get a chance to use my favorites. Right now I am the proud owner of a Hitmontop, a Sneasel, (remember Gen2 run, can't evolve it), Houndoom, Espeon, Ampharos, and many others. Choose which ones you enjoy having in your team, and if you make a good strategy you will win most of the time.

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Greninja, Blaziken and Infernape are objectively the best starters (in the order) owing to their power, busted abilities and coverage.

However, there can be only one starter for those who are true of heart and with honour to uphold. The one and only Burd of Honour.


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Fire: Fenniken. I love this evolution line. I will agree that it's a bit off how Braixen and Delphox is standing on two legs despite Fenniken being on all four legs, but I love the combination of fire and psychic ~

Water: Hard choice, but I'm going with Mudkip. I love every stage of this evolution line and the combination of water and ground is beautiful.

Grass: Chikorita!! My favorite starter overall because of how adorable it is! I love its design and it has never failed me if I picked it up during any run of any Pokémon game. It holds a very special place in my heart ~

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  On 10/17/2016 at 11:27 AM, Lilleen said:

Grass: Chikorita!! My favorite starter overall because of how adorable it is! I love its design and it has never failed me if I picked it up during any run of any Pokémon game. It holds a very special place in my heart ~

Good to see that I'm not the sole member of the Chikorita fanclub!

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My favorite starter would be fennekin, fire psychic when your rivals are poison,grass and fighting? yes please. Very versitile with good offensive and support moves. It even put in work in the ghost gym. My best pkmn would probably go to my gastrodon.

Edited by FairFamily
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I have never used a fire-type starter, to be honest. I'm a sucker for Water-type starters, and grass-types to a lesser extent.

Favorite starter? Mudkip, my first ever mon, has a special place in my heart. Second place go to Chikorita because it really does look adorable!

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Typhlosion has been my favorite Pokemon for years now, and I don't see that changing any time soon. It's not great competitively, but it has a ridiculous late game, in game with the move re-learner teaching it Eruption.

I have a big soft spot for the other Johto starters as well, with Feraligatr and Meganium being my favorite Water and Grass types respectively, and Feraligatr is my 2nd favorite Pokemon.

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Torchic is itself a great starter and nearly perfect for playing reborn, evolves into the mighty Blaziken, so if you have chosen it.GREAT.And btw it would have been perfectly safe to start with Mudkip also, cause when you will reach first gym it will probably evolve into Marshtomp which is also ground in type.

Well, my all time favourite starter is Charmander, because I love Charizard.( seriously there's no other reason).But in my first run I played with Sceptile,which is also a marvalous starter(2nd best in my opinion).

Currently I'm in my third run, this time with Snivy, choose it because of its unique ability Contrary.In my present team the best mons are Serperior, Sandslash an Meowstic(F).

And don't worry you will get a Ralts late in the game.

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Snivy's evolution line, I love the sassy royal snakes. Contrary's also fun to mess around with.

In Reborn, my first playthrough I went with Fennekin and my second I went with Chespin, both of them ended up as valued members of the team. I have a bit of a soft spot for them now, too.

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I, too, ended up picking Torchic as my starter for Reborn, but ended up replacing it with Magmar back when you could get Magby early on. In general I love Treeko, but I think Charmander or Mudkip would be some of the better starters to go with.

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I think by far the two starters that are tied with each other for my favorite are Cyndaquil and Piplup, especially since flash fire and defiant two of my fav hidden abilities of the starter lines. When I first started playing Reborn, I appreciated the fact that I often ended up having to use pokemon I would have never thought twice about using. Swalot was one example of a pokemon that I would not have given too much attention too, but it worked its way to being a crucial member to my Reborn and Rejuvenation team rotations.

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I'll have to say Fennekin. Fennekin is small, cute, and furry, and Braixen looks like a cute witch (even if they're usually boys). And while I'm not a huge fan of Delphox's design, it's still a Psychic type, and that alone earns it quite a few points with me.

Fennekin having been my partner for Super Mystery Dungeon has only further increases the affection I have for it.

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I've always liked Cyndaquil because it was the first pokemon I felt connected to even though Platnium was my first pokemon game I didn't feel connected to my Chimchar but then in Soul Silver the pokemon got to walk behind you and you could talk to them and I enjoyed seeing my Cyndaquil level up evolve and get closer to me same with all of my pokemon from that game. So yeah Cyndaquil will always be my favorite starter because of that game and to this day I still name all my Cyndaquils the same thing "Volcanic"

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My favorite has changed with the passing of time and as new generations have emerged. In truth I, for the most part, respect just about all the starters though if you were to put a gun to my head I would say Greninja.
Honorable mentions go out to Sceptile for being what is essentially the less blessed grass equivalent. (Works great with Nature Power in Reborn!)

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