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how to beat arceus?


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Arceus isn't that strong. It can't OHKO most defensive mons and has speed-hindering nature so fast mons can land a hit at well. El does not have any potions either, only Arceus can use Recover sometimes. Well I always just somehow overpower him without strategy. With Strategy my Sylveon alone was enough to defeat him - without cheap things like Destiny Bond.

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Sash Destiny Bond and Sash Mirror Coat are the simplest ways of dealing with Dittoceus, although beating it via simple brute force is not impossible, just hard. Burn through El's Full Heals and then status it, should give you the edge.

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Oof, that was a tough fight. I had a team set up to put status effects on Arceus, but El just uses full heals. Then I went with a team that led with a fighting type (I think I had Pangoro), and just wailed on him with whatever I could. I used all my Pokemon, chipping down its health until I had my Noivern take the final blow. It was able to outspeed the Arceus, so investing in fragile pokemon that are also very quick to give you the initiative might help as well.

Edited by WanderingCorvus
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There were two mons I used for my Arceus battle.

1: Impostor ditto (get from ditto sidequest in the second peridot factory

2: Metal Burst Sturdy Bastiodon

both of these got the trick done for me. but I had to train the Ditto to a respectable level to make sure it could to decent damage back to the Arceus, and I needed to EV train the Bastiodon in HP as well.

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  On 10/17/2016 at 5:17 PM, MightyMax said:

hey, ive been trying to beat that ditto arceus of el for the past 5 hours. i got me a destiny bond cofagrigus but it 1 hit kos me...i tried swagger with my toxicroak but i still get 1 hit koed...so any ideas?

Put a sash on it and destiny bond. that simple

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I won after more or less 20 times, I know it isn't not much but after 2 hours with Steelix the same day it was nervecracking.

I beat Arceus with pure luck, he missed a focus blast so my Pachirisu used super fang and then my Blaziken with black belt just had to use sky uppercut.

If you don't want to change your team or grind for hours (which with level caps isn't an option) try to be creative, with pacience works :)

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perish song as its the last/only pokemon your fighting. You just need to out speed (very difficult) or slow it down (little difficult).

I recommend something holding a surviving item like focus band or focus sash, then t-wave it/perish song it. Then just survive until then.

I would suggest the t-wave first as you can spam protect to waste the turns needed for perish song to activate.

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In my first playthrough, it took me a good 30 attempts at least, and this was back in Episode 14, so the Field Effect(I forget which one it is at this point, been a while)was not in play. My overall strategy was to praise the True Lord and Savior, Garbodor. Stockpile and Toxic make for a very very grindy but doable way to beat Dittoceus into the dirt. Otherwise, as mentioned before, there's a Focus Sash to find and a plethora of Destiny Bond/Mirror Coat mons to work with. Simple and effective.

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Since i run with mono psychic type, I used Lvl 56 Prankster Meowstic-M holding Light Clay (Misty terrain + Light Screen) + Lvl 52 Filter Mr. Mime holding Sticky Barb (Trick) + Lvl 59 Contrary Malamar holding Black Belt (Superpower).

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