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Debate PEDs? Cancelling SNL? [A politics thread]


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People care about politics because if everyone took that mindset we'd have huge issues. One vote doesn't change the course of an election, but if everyone starts to think their vote isn't worth a lot then the whole system is screwed. Its up to individuals to get educated about these things and vote for the candidate they believe in.

Pets might give you attention but in the end they aren't the ones who are making huge decisions for you country. Politicians get to decide on taxes, wars, marriage equality, gun control, gender identity laws, appoint/ block people to the supreme court, public education and a whole host of other important things. Caring about politics means you care about those issues and your country's stance on them.

Government corruption is a thing and you can say that voting is useless, but I'd like you to see a country where voting isn't an option. Something tells me you wouldn't enjoy it all that much. People all over the world are fighting for their right to vote and if you're lucky enough to live in a country where that is a right you have, I don't think you should squander it yourself, let alone go out and actively tell other people to squander it and that they shouldn't care. Every political system has problems and politicians don't always do what their voters want, but that doesn't invalidate politics as a whole.

You don't have to care, no-one can or should try to make you become super involved, but don't go around telling people they shouldn't care. Everyone has their own interests and things they care about and if politics happens to be one of ours then that isn't your problem. Honestly there are a lot of less important things to care about than world events and the people who are in charge of some of the world's superpowers.

I'm not saying don't care about politics or don't vote, I'm saying once in a while, take a good hard look at politics and NOT take it seriously. Laugh at Mr.Wiener's stupid sexting addiction, Laugh at the fact John Boehner is an orange. Laugh at the fact trump....is trump. or we're all doomed

I get what you're saying but don't take an obviously not serious post so serious, Have a laugh and just have fun for once. Even in politics you can do that. despite the uber uber seriousness of the crazy people in suits who hold congress hostage because they can't get along. Totally didn't name my Dedenne after you either.

I was waiting for the switch on this fatalistic bait and switch but all i got was a pet advertisement

You have to go harder in the paint. End your political diss tracks with a hard sell of cocaine or don't begin them at all

"Politics is never going to change and the human race is doomed anyway, so why not speed things up a little with a few 8 balls?"

Instructions unclear, Sold cocaine in magic 8 balls and played basketball with undercover cops and missed all the shots while playing PONYTA.

I think everyone should put some thought into politics.

Not voting, and not caring only compounds the problems in the system which you speak of.

Burn down the system, Elect cute animals in suits.

I was really hoping there would be a call to get eat some Arby's. Adopting a pet is actually almost... heartfelt.

People care about politics because even if corrupt the politicians that represent you influence the direction of the country. If voters have the opportunity to put people that represent them in office then, that is where people should care and engage in the system.

I agree though, adopting a pet is probably more rewarding.... in the short term.

But pets in suits is a way better political system, you can't bribe them since they can't think for themselves. Elect your local Pug today.

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