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[Spoilers] Pokemon Sun and Moon Demo Datamine Discussion


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There was some thought put into the level curve, with the exp share there's a few periods where you're overleveled but the boss fights at the very least had thought put into them.

For example: Totem Vikavolt is holding an Occa Berry. At that point in the game you have access to a Fire-Z Move but most won't be that powerful meaning it can eat one up, bring in a Chargabug partner and be an interesting challenge to face. The E4 is back to 5 Pokemon and you're just about even with them level wise. Difficulty wise, they seem to be just fine and the AI seems to be improved from video's I've seen. Movesets could be better but it's still a Pokemon game.

There's a decent amount of things to do in the post-game, more than XY and the plot is actually rather interesting. There's 1 Post-game feature I'm really interested in, and it's actually super cool. Granted it suffers the curse from being the first game in a generation but it's still a pretty good game. Big improvement over XY IMO.

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After looking at all the stats and story and whatnot, I'm pretty disappointed with this generation. There's quite a few things that upset me, but there are two major themes that stand out as really disappointing: Confusing design and New Paint Syndrome.

The New Paint Syndrome is prevalent in multiple aspects from what I have seen so far. Why did the developers add dozens of "new unique abilities" when they are the exact same as previous abilities? Hell, Bruxish and Tsareena have the same ability under different names, for whatever reason! And why did they advertise these games as different from previous games in terms of plot progression? All the play-throughs so far pretty much follow the same gym leader -> evil team bs -> elite four -> postgame formula that every game has had before it. The only thing really different is just the Hawaii theme and maybe one or two missing leaders. Even more frustrating than that, is the introduction of alolan forms. This is the literal definition of putting new paint on something old, as most of these pokemon have been revealed to still be pretty much crap (save a few outliers like alolan ninetales) and have been only included to satisfy some stupid nostalgia boner.

As for the confusing design, my complaints go more towards the competitive aspect, but this point can be applied to pretty much the whole game. Who is this game designed for? Is it for casual players who haven't played in awhile? I'm pretty sure all those extra features such as online mode, bottle caps for EVs, changing IVs, Rotom Pokedex, Z-moves and Mega Evolution are going to be pretty confusing and may even discourage newer people from playing anything outside of the main plot. However, it may also inspire new competitive players, which then goes to the opposite side of the spectrum: is this game for competitive players? The new features are definitely nice and help reduce the tedium from training mons, but then what is up with the recent changes and new pokemon? Why is almost every pokemon in Alola slow? Well, i guess maybe the logical conclusion is Gamefreak wants to tone down previous generations' power creep and not add to it. This does seem pretty evident in their addition of abilities, moves, and nerfs that counter the current meta (like priority blocking, weakening eviolite, changing previous pokemons' stats/abilities). But Gamefreak seems to be missing the point with their nerfs, or at the very least seem to be seeing things in a generation VII vacuum while only applying band-aid fixes to past generations. Most of the new pokemon's stat spreads are confusing and don't fill any useful niche. And how about Megas? Its really weird: Gamefreak knows how lopsided Megas are in terms of balance for VGC and singles, and they even acknowledge it by trying to counter a bit of their prevalance (z-moves, ability changes, etc.), but they're not doing enough to make a noticeable difference.

Oh, and this is a weird segue since I can't seem to stop this rant just yet, but why are people so adamant about having hundreds of new pokemon each generation? Are people really thrilled about having to catch billions of pokemon of which 70% are useless battlewise and are forgettable design-wise? Like who uses Lumineon or has it as their avatar for anything? Or how about Wormadam, or male Combees? I'd rather Gamefreak just make like 50 new pokemon at most for each generation and work more on fleshing out their lore and fighting capability. I thought they were on the right track this generation, but i guess I'll just have to play through the game and forget about most of these new guys.

TL;DR: The Devs don't seem to have any clue as to how to balance their game when initially it seemed like they were trying to appeal more to competitive players. And the advertisements for this game (reveal trailers, demo, corocoro leaks, etc.) make it out to be a fresh take on the Pokemon series, when all it is is just the same game with a Hawaiian skin.

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Did anybody else know that gengar got hit with the nerf bat so hard that I can barely recognize him anymore? he got cursed body now instead of levitate AND his destiny bond has a chance to fail like protect if you try to use it right after already using it once.

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Changes that made me go WTF?

  1. Gengar loses Levitate and gets Cursed Body. Why the fuck did they destroy such a longlasting pokemon if they were going for nostalgia? Unless they pushed Levitate as the Hidden Ability and just added Cursed Body, they are ruining the pokemon's viability.
  2. Pelipper gets Drizzle. Need I say more?
  3. Gale Wings. Guess which pokemon gets the short end of the stick? Because being given a 126 base speed and chance of priority was too much.
  4. Thunder Wave reduced Acc to 90%. Why? People are against hax and you are giving windows of opportunity for more hax?
  5. Diamond Storm getting additional effects. Granted, Diancie never got much use of the +1 in Def, but isn't +2 in SpD too much?
  6. Possible uber-nerf of Unaware.
  7. Burn nerf will make Guts users all more usable yet destroys the point of the residual damage. If it can be covered with lefties, why bother?
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you forgot about some new information

1. Dark void is being reduced to 50 acc

2. destiny bond will work like protect, it cant be consecutively used

3. dodrio got buffed in speed, attack (majorly). it now has access to more moves (sd, all kick moves,etc)

4. parental bond now does on 1/3 on the second it(also mega kankaskhan got reduced a little in damage)

5. flygon got buffed in stats (not much) also it now gets dragon dance <- loving this (about time)

6. burn damage now does only 6% instead of 12%

7. paralysis only reduced damage by 1/3 now its no longer by half

8. Beartic got buffed. it now has base 130 attack and a new ability called slush rush which boosts its speed in a hailstorm

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you forgot about some new information

1. Dark void is being reduced to 50 acc

2. destiny bond will work like protect, it cant be consecutively used

3. dodrio got buffed in speed, attack (majorly). it now has access to more moves (sd, all kick moves,etc)

4. parental bond now does on 1/3 on the second it(also mega kankaskhan got reduced a little in damage)

5. flygon got buffed in stats (not much) also it now gets dragon dance <- loving this (about time)

6. burn damage now does only 6% instead of 12%

7. paralysis only reduced damage by 1/3 now its no longer by half

8. Beartic got buffed. it now has base 130 attack and a new ability called slush rush which boosts its speed in a hailstorm

rip darkrai's tier

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And a quick question about Primarina's hidden ability

I already heard about it, it's like Pixilate but with sound moves rather than normal type moves, and makes things water instead of fairy. But does it give the 1.3x plus STAB like Pixilate does? That makes the difference between awesome and completely useless.

It doesn't give sound-based moves a 1.3x boost, but since all sound-based moves bypass substitutes, having a 90 BP STAB Move with perfect accuracy that can't be blocked by substitutes isn't all that bad. I wouldn't say it's useless.

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This generation is interesting for sure, some nice new abilities and even buffs to some older pokemon which I really like, the general speed tier of the mons is horrible though. Except for Lycanroc-Day which has 115 Speed and Sand Rush, like what. I am happy about the addition of Slush Rush since Ice is my #1 favorite type although I knew it was happening the moment I saw Alolan Sandslash, kinda sad that Alolan Ninetales is so bad, I was thinking of using both Sandslahs and Ninetales in my run, at least it opens up spots for other interesting mons. I really like how they added these Ghost types, Ghost has been one of my favorite types (tied with Poison and Dark and all behind Ice) but it has always felt underrepresented, there were simply not many ghost types, let alone good ones. The anchor thingy has a triple STAB combination with its ability, although I really don't get why it is Grass and not Water, makes no sense design-wise and even less seeing as we already have a Grass/Ghost in this gen. I also really like the synergy the poison type has gotten with the poison effect in Toxapex's Merciless ability and Salazzle's Corrosion allowing poisoning of steel/poison types. I kinda want to try a semistally t-spikes team with Toxapex now. On the topic of stall, that Unaware change ruined stall, it was their best defense against set-up sweepers, they're gonna get blasted away now. Semi-stall will probably still be fine, as it didn't necessarily need an Unaware wall due to often having a good revenge-killer for setup sweepers. Well those are a few of my thoughts, interesting abilities, some interesting moves (rock priority attack!!) and interesting buffs (leech life buff is a pretty huge buff for in-game for bug types; might try a hail team or mono-Ice with Beartic/A. Sandslash) and nerfs (rip Gengar).

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is this game for competitive players? The new features are definitely nice and help reduce the tedium from training mons, but then what is up with the recent changes and new pokemon? Why is almost every pokemon in Alola slow? Well, i guess maybe the logical conclusion is Gamefreak wants to tone down previous generations' power creep and not add to it. This does seem pretty evident in their addition of abilities, moves, and nerfs that counter the current meta (like priority blocking, weakening eviolite, changing previous pokemons' stats/abilities). But Gamefreak seems to be missing the point with their nerfs, or at the very least seem to be seeing things in a generation VII vacuum while only applying band-aid fixes to past generations. Most of the new pokemon's stat spreads are confusing and don't fill any useful niche. And how about Megas? Its really weird: Gamefreak knows how lopsided Megas are in terms of balance for VGC and singles, and they even acknowledge it by trying to counter a bit of their prevalance (z-moves, ability changes, etc.), but they're not doing enough to make a noticeable difference.

Competitive talk ft. me.

Mons in Alola are slow for the reason lots of other pokemon are slow. They're good. A pokemon doesn't need to be fast to be good whatsoever.

Examples Tyranitar, Sableye, Scizor, Amoonguss, Breloom, Bisharp, Azumarill, Heatran, Chansey, Ferrothorn, Tangrowth, Heracross-Mega, Magnezone, Slowbro, Hippowdon, Clefable. Yes, it is nice to be fast, but being fast only goes so far when you proceed to die to T-wave, priority, predictions, hazards, etc. If fast and hard hitting pokemon do so well, why on earth is stall so notorious? It's because stall has everything it needs to cripple the high speed gameplay people want (Burns, toxic, Knock Off, T-wave, Scald, Hazards, Taunt, Magic Bounce, Recovery, Set up moves, etc.). Not to mention these slow pokemon tend to come with extraordinary bulk, making an item like Leftovers or Rocky Helmet more useful to them than any fast mon out there. Not all slow mons are bulky though, but this where you now have to take into account movepool, ability and items. Lots of the slow mons mentioned above happen to hit like trucks because they have high offenses as well and come with the support needed to not get decimated by quick mons, for example, Breloom comes with Spore, Mach Punch, SD, Focus Punch, Rock Tomb and Bullet Seed. Doesn't sound too bad on its own. Until you factor in that this breloom carries a life orb, has technician and has a +1 priority move making it capable of taking out mons faster than it such as heatran, weavile (ice shard misses KO'ing by anywhere from 13 to 25%), Diancie-Mega at +2 attack, Kyurem-B at +2 or with rocks, and nearly anything with a chipped at amount of hp. Another notorious example is Bisharp who rocks the defiant ability, carries SD, Knock Off and Sucker Punch. The pokemon just went from slightly threatening to capable of sweeping whole teams easily, what do you do?

I'm not saying slow pokemon rule the meta, but they've always held a firm presence in the meta and they will continue to for a long time to come.

Next, nerfs

You say gamefreak has missed the point, I believe that to be false, very much so and here's why. Stall has always been notorious for being an "annoying", "easy to pick up and win" playstyle, but that has very clearly changed in gen 7 with some very apparent changes you just so happened to list. The eviolite nerf causes Chansey to be ever so slightly knocked off (pffft) it's high horse in OU and puts Blissey back in as an option now just as viable as chansey. The eviolite nerf now makes it so hard hitting lower tiered mons like Sneasel, Scyther, Gurdurr, Monferno, Gabite, Machoke, etc. don't get as easy access to bulk that makes them much more stronger than they should be.

Next is priority blocking. As I mentioned before, priority has always been a huge problem for fast pokemon, and I'll go further into depth about it here. Having priority can make or break a game, because at the end of the day, it takes away the question of "who's faster?" or "Will I win the speed tie?" and allows you to outspeed and pick up a kill. Priority has become such a big threat that it's one of the biggest reasons a certain gen 6 mon got put into OU rather than a lower tier (COUGH TALONFLAME COUGH) (KLEFKI TOO COUGH). Priority allows you to pick up kills in scenarios where a slower or even faster pokemon cannot, but not only this, it also allows slower, fragile or even bulky teams to prosper through the use of status, hazards or just minuscule damage needed to let your fast pokemon get a kill. Klefki is notorious for being able to bulk loads of hits and dish out T-waves and Spikes, two things that very much so threaten a hyper offensive team, and even stall teams. And it's allowed to do this without even needing to run speed EVs, because it has Prankster. Prankster has also benefited many other pokemon. Examples include, but are not limited to: Sableye, Whimsicott, Thundurus, Murkrow, and Liepard. Giving them just the slightest amount of priority allows them to cripple nearly any fast mon much more worse than a bulky or opposing fast pokemon could. Do note that these are just the prankster users though. I'm about to delve into the offensive ones now.

Priority offense is such a vital role in winning nearly any match with a fast opponent. You pick up kills with your slow pokemon that you shouldn't usually get, you chip off the amount of damage needed for your wincon to come in and sweep, or hell, you've just set up and now that you have priority you don't have to worry about outspeeding because you'll OHKO anything in your path. Notable pokemon that benefit from offensive priority include, but are again not limited to: Lopunny-Mega, Weavile, Bisharp, Breloom, Scizor, Azumarill, Dragonite, Metagross, Pinsir-Mega, Talonflame, Diggersby and more. These pokemon can punch holes in teams even without priority, having offensive priority puts them on a on much higher level though. There's very little that can be done to prevent dying to offensive priority, you either have enough hp, have priority of your own, or have them burned. I've gone on long enough about why it's good, now it's time to talk about why the nerfs are great.

Psychic Terrain makes it so that priority cannot be used whatsoever. This means you no longer have to fear utility priority or offensive priority; your quick and/or slow pokemon are now capable of picking off the opponent without fear of being knocked out all because our opponent carried priority. It's not just psychic terrain either. Gale Wings has been nerfed to only working at 100% HP now, something most talonflames have a hard time coming across with all the rocks and recoil damage around. Grass types, fighting types and bug types can consider this a buff because now chlorophyll boosted mons, or scarfed mons of these types can pick off a talonflame lacking 100% health without the worry of being KO'd by a "surprise" Brave Bird. Finally, priority blocking abilities. Bruxish is a fine user of it considering it outspeeds some priority users and blocks out sucker punch as well. This doesn't mean it can KO these mons with priority, but it does allow it to do something, as opposed to doing nothing, and one move can make or break an entire battle in this game. Finally, what is probably one of the better mons of Alola, Tsareena. It being able to dodge talonflame 100% health priority, Sucker, Ice shard, Mach, Fake out, T-wave and more is absolutely astonishing for a grass type. Not to mention Tsareena is very much so capable of taking out most users of these moves due to its movepool and items like choice scarf. The priority nerf is a big one, and I'm glad it was made... but what good was priority in the first place when it could also lose to stall?

AH YES. Stall. Boy do I have to say a lot about this one. Stall is the playstyle that gets under my skin a lot as of gen 6. It's such an easy playstyle with low risk, high reward, it's come to the point where it's described as "just press buttons and you win." It's clear it isn't true, but it says a lot of the playstyle. Remember back in earlier gens where stall wasn't as easy to pull off successfully? I like to think the cause of the stall outbreak was the introduction of lots of things in gen 5. Gen 5 gave stall players a lot to work with: Prankster, regenerator, rocky helmet, and hidden abilities. It was only a matter of time before players would realize, "Wow, lots of this gen 5 stuff is bulky as hell and it beats a lot of shit." But one of the main factors of the, "It beats a lot of shit?" Scald. Scald single-handedly blew out so many mons in this generation and the following. It wasn't about clicking will-o and hoping your opponent didn't go out to something that blocked it anymore, it was about getting off a good amount of damage while also having a high chance to burn. So not only do you do damage, but you've now just crippled a physcial attacker and/or a staller with a burn. Burn out ranked leftovers recovery, it evened out leech seed recovery, it stopped sweeps dead in their tracks, and now it was attached onto a move that can deal a heavy amount of damage, and given to many, MANY different pokemon. It got to the point where if you weren't running scald on a team, you were missing out. Scald caused Surf to die in usage and contributed to the rise of many water type threats. Of course, this was just scald. There's still the previous existing factors that made stall so easy to win with as well.

Toxic, and Thunder Wave. These two moves have been a blessing to stall and allow it to do much more than it could without them. Toxic makes it so your opponent can't waste turns wearing out your recovers, otherwise they face the threat of a slow impending death that can only be negated by switching or healing them using a strategy such as A. Wish B. Heal Bell C. Healing Wish or D. Knocking out the Stall team before your team dies. Usually, these aren't enough. Stall doesn't have to worry about this too much due to the fact that when playing stall, the staller will be switching a lot to counter what you've got out on the field, and as you switch to something better suited to KO the staller, they heal and you take damage from any hazards they may have set up. Hazards, piled up on top of toxic, is just crushing. It hurts offensive mons that need all the health they can get, it whittles you down quicker and it can only be cleared with Rapid spin or Defog, there's no other option. With all these benefits and scald, why run T-wave? Simple. T-wave allows you to outspeed threats despite your low speed. It lets you heal before your opponent can hit you, it lets you KO when your opponent should be moving, it has a random chance of making the opponent do nothing. This, when put together with deadly combinations such as Serene Grace Togekiss and Jirachi, becomes a bigger threat than most other pokemon. Not only are you slow now, you can't even attack either. It's painful. Then we have the abilities that contributed to the great rise of stall.

Regenerator, Unaware, Prankster, Serene Grace, Magic Guard, Magic Bounce, Poison Heal, Iron Barbs. What a frightening list. Free HP when switching, ignoring opponents stat boosts, paralyzing/subbing/seeding/burning before your opponent can touch you, flinching them to hell, bouncing back any utility you though you had, making poison a benefit and damage on contact. It's no wonder stall kicked off so miraculously. This, alongside scald, the already great toxic and T-wave, and hazards, should easily be enough to show just how easy it was to pick up and use stall. I've spent enough time talking about how wonderful it is though, it's time to get into how the problems have been fixed.

As mentioned before, eviolite has been nerfed, kicking Chansey, the special wall, down the ladder. Already a big one seeing as it makes special attackers more viable. Nerfing Unaware. You no longer have to worry about not being able to KO Quag or Clefable, as it only applies when dealing damage now, not taking damage. A huge boost for physical and even special attackers. Nerfing paralysis. This one is huge. Paralysis has been nerfed so that your speed is now only cut in half as opposed to being cut to a quarter of your speed. This means pokemon like max speed jirachi and zard and latios and more no longer have to worry about clef's t-waves. The only way for clef to outspeed them now after a t-wave is to run speed EV investment, and that's already a huge nerf as clefables don't want speed, they want bulk. Finally, the burn nerf. Burn now only does 6% damage to all pokemon. This is absolutely stellar. It makes scald slightly less of a threat, evens out with leftovers and is now even beat out by leech seed in terms of healing. Trainers no longer have to worry about their 8 turn timer of death as it's now been nerfed to 16 turns. Being able to get more turns in is all a player needs.

This post is already long enough, so I'll be talking about the buffs in another post. Hope you had fun reading this (if you read all of it, god bless you.) and I hope you have a wonderful time in this brand new meta.

JEsus christ that took me like, an hour.

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Oh boy where do I even begin?

Let's start with how so many mons are slow. 90 is a good speed for very fast Pokemon. We barely saw anything even reach 70 which if there weren't so many older and speedier mons, wouldn've be such a big deal. From my knowledge these new mons aren't bad, but a huge chunk really won't be factored into the higher tiers. Speed is king in the competetive world. That's still going to apply and I feel GF really hasn't defined that too well.

90% on T-wave really is not that big of a deal. Toxic is 85%, Will-O-Wisp is 75%, Powders are 75%, why Dark Void isn't 75% I have no idea, but I suppose it has to do with doubles. The damage nerf I feel really hurts the prankster mons and Mons who use these strategies, but I suppose it's a necessary evil. This does not mix well with the slowness of the mons added in as they can take a hit as they aren't glass cannons. I do not like the damage nerf at all as it makes glass canons are the more vital. We're looking at Hyperoffensive a lot more now.

Talon with the Gale Wings nerf err...I suppose that was a necessary evil, but the move is worthless now. Maybe if it were above 50% health it would've worked out a lot better, but not much can be done now. Gengar losing levitate would've worked if it weren't a glass canon. It's gonna hurt it badly and only Starmie will remain from the OG Gen I crew. Probably UU (could still be OU), but that thing will still be quite useful with Cursed Body, but players will need to be more careful when using it. Being able to disable a crucial priority move really will help it, especially with the Sucker Punch nerf.

Rocky Helm and Eviolite...No idea how I feel about those. Eviolite really does not have a use over lefties now tbh unless you're Dusclops or have more Defences than HP by a good margin. Err...I feel like this was a too soon kind of change, but we shouldn't dive down too much on that topic. Probably these items will just be used less and considering Gen IV, that might not be as big of an issue.

NGL, Alolan mons did not receive proper treatment. I wish they would've at least changed their stats up a bit instead of straight copy and pasting them onto new Pokemon. Alolan Sandslash though I see being used on Hail team and essential to Ice monos. You can call that thing crap due to its times 4 fighting weakness, but that didn't stop Weavile (and do you think that thing would take a Fire Attack all that well?) The rest are kind of throwaways for the most part.

I suppose they are finally addressing some of the problems they needed to and I'm guessing Greninja is losing protean given it was a problem as well. There is one problem: Gen IV and V still exist and those two really brought a lot to the table that I feel this new Gen won't off too much. I don't mind the gameplay changes other than Darkrai's huge nerf, but the mons really aren't that great. I don't really think a lot of them are going to work from my knowledge of stats, but who knows. A lot of interesting ideas, but in all honesty I'm not too fond off so I probably won't get back into competitive battling. And also Will-O-Wisp users burn Pokemon to nerf their attack as that can shut down some sweepers so the damage nerf is...not too bad to it.

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I've been telling y'all for ages that everything started going downhill after gen4.

At least this game is colourful, and there are some cool mechanics to discover. But competitively speaking, I'm not gonna bother with this one and give myself a headache. In fact, I'm heading back to gen4, where things made sense and teams were fun to make and battle with, at least for me.

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An interesting observation I just made is that one of the UB's, namely the green one who looks like a rolled up leaf, seems to be based on a Japanese myth about a princess called Kaguya. More specifically, the floaty thingies next to it, the conical shape and the layers it seems to have remind me a lot of it.

For reference, this is what the UB looks like:


For a short (and really shitty but you should get the gist of it) summary, Kaguya was found by an old bamboo cutter in a bamboo shoot. She was raised by the bamboo cutter and his wife, but grew up to be so beautiful and was admired by so many people that she was crowned as royalty, but had no memories of where she came from, or why she was on earth. Eventually she remembered, and had to travel back to the moon.

The floaty thingies look like bamboo shoots, and seem to refer to her being found inside one. The layers on the UB seem to refer to traditional Japanese clothes, and the conical shape + the tip of the thing combined with the bamboo shoot seems to remind me of a rocket- or space ship, of which the bamboo shoots seem to look like rocket engines. And to top it off, because the tale of Kaguya is heavily associated with the moon, it wouldn't be wrong to predict that this is a version exclusive UB to Pokémon Moon.

If it is tho, then I probably nailed it w/ this theory, lmao

The only thing I think that would make it a bit out of place is that it would be based on a Japanese myth, but it's a region based on Hawaii... Then again, the UB's dont particularly seem to originate from Alola to begin with, so I guess it's excusable LOL





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So I've been looking at the Z-moves and there are some pretty interesting things in there, not talking about the nukes, but the status z-moves. For example, weather setting moves like rain dance, sunny day etc give +1 speed if you use them with a z-crystal, imagine rain dance manaphy with +1 speed, +3 spatk and rain boosting water moves even more, that's terrifying. And since the crystals are tied to a type, not a move, you could use it for a nuke against slower teams as well if you don't need the speed boost. There are also a few moves that normally do nothing/not much but gives +1 to ALL stats when used with a Z-crystal. The eevee line has access to Z-celebrate with the most interesting user obviously being Espeon due to Magic Bounce and Stored Power. Also Z-Happy Hour Jirachi makes for a pretty fearsome (possibly mixed) sweeper, doesn't even die to Bisharp Sucker Punch due to the defense boost and Sucker Punch Nerf. But perhaps the most interesting is Z-Conversion Porygon-Z, changing your type to the move that your opponent is weakest against while getting +1 on all stats and having Adaptability sounds great. Firing off 160 BP Shadow Balls while outspeeding even things like Mega Manectric or Lopunny is pretty good, HP Fighting can dumpster Bisharp and Tyranitar, and they can't even OHKO you because of the Defense boost. Also, some Z-moves restore your stats, but only the debuffed ones, so you keep the boosts, one of the moves that does this is Z-Baton Pass, for example Umbreon could pass Curse boostst without the Speed drops. Oh and last but not least, Z Curse and Belly Drum restore HP to 100%, so you're guaranteed to get them off, not bad for Azumarill. Overall, I like the possibilities that some of these give, much more interesting than just a big nuke.

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On another note, this thing got an official appearance in CoroCoro. And apparently it's not an UB, as previously speculated, but an actual Pokémon!

According to Serebii, it has a connection to Solgaleo and Lunaala, although it still remains unknown what it actually has to do with them.

Judging from the artwork however, I think it may have to do with light, or rather, light AND the speed it travels at. This is hinted at the color details in its design; both in the face along with the colored light refraction beams coming from the prisms in its hands. Also, its primarily black/white design also adds to the whole light and color theme, as light, white and black all have something in common, and that is that they consist of each and every single color in existence.

Its sleek and dynamic design may accentuate that it's probably a really speedy Pokémon as well. Plus, lightspeed may be the connection between Lunaala and Solgaleo, as it may have to do with how fast light travels from the sun to the earth and the moon.


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its ability is prism armour. which reduces super effective moves. If its not an ultra beast then im guessing that its in the post game which has something to do with marshadow. As its been confirmed that its actually in the game and that data miners have confirmed that there is a big post after the main story is completed.

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